The S. and A. Photo-Engravers' Adjustable Screen Plate Holder.


(Patent applied for.)

This Holder, as is shown in the cut above, is a great improvement over any heretofore manufactured for photo-engraving purposes. Its principal points of superiority are, briefly:

First.—The ease with which it is adjusted for different size plates and screens, by a simple sliding movement of the two inside frames to or from the centre, and thus dispensing with the expensive and troublesome use of kit frames.

Second.—The convenience by which the screen plate is accurately adjusted to the sensitized plate by means of the metallic sliding adjusters. (Heretofore it has been necessary to do the adjusting by means of inserting different thicknesses of cardboard, paper, etc.)

Third.—Different thicknesses in the screen plates are allowed for by means of a spring which always holds the plate in accurate place, no matter what its thickness may be.

Fourth.—A graduated scale on each screen adjuster makes it easy to always insure absolute accuracy in determining the distance of the screen plate from the wet plate.

Fifth.—The simplicity of construction and excellent workmanship of the entire holder, being made, as it is, in the factory of the famous American Optical Company.

And, altogether, it is an ingeniously designed and beautifully constructed holder, which will be found of indispensable aid to the practical photographer.

These holders are thicker than the ordinary plate holders, and if it is desired to use them on a camera the ground glass of which is focused for the ordinary plate holder, a new ground glass frame is necessary in order to adjust the focus. When ordering a holder to fit a camera in use, send the old holder or the old ground glass frame, so that the new ones can be made to fit the camera. Also state the size of largest and smallest screen plate to be used in holder.

It is made in various sizes. Prices as follows:

Frames only;
for Ground Glass.
8 × 10 size $15 50 $1 50
10 × 12 " 21 00 1 50
11 × 14 " 26 50 1 88
14 × 17 " 29 00 2 25
17 × 20 " 32 50 2 63
18 × 22 " 36 00 2 63
20 × 24 " 40 75 3 00

If adjustment from the outside of holder is desired, add $2.00 to above prices.

THE SCOVILL & ADAMS CO., 423 Broome St., New York City.


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