The Grammar of Photo-Engraving. B Y H. D. FARQUHAR. (Number Forty-five of the Scovill Photographic Series.) CONTAINING INSTRUCTION IN Drawing, Chemistry and Optics, as applied to Photo-Engraving. AND A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE ART OF Half-Tone, Zinc Etching, Swelled Gelatine, Lithotype and Chalk Plate Engraving, as Practiced in the United States. ILLUSTRATED. The object of this book is to present to the constantly increasing number of persons seeking after practical knowledge in the art of process engraving, a comprehensive and totally reliable text-book. The book has been written with a view to instruct the amateur as well as the professional, and the writer has always had in mind the beginner, counting no detail too trivial to be fully described. It has been written for the most part in the leisure hours, after practical service during the day in a photo-engraving establishment, so that the instruction goes directly from the shop to the pupil. It has been the author's hope, in writing this book, to so carefully describe every branch of work connected with the subject, that the beginner, who knows absolutely nothing about it, may become a practical photo-engraver from a careful reading of the work. CONTENTS:Chapter I.—Drawings for Photographic Reproduction. The Materials Required. Chapter II.—Chemicals used in Photo-Engraving. Chapter III.—Apparatus and the Workshop. Chapter IV.—Photographic Processes as Employed in Photo-Engravings. Preparation of the Chemicals. Chapter V.—Causes of Failure. Remedies. Chapter VI.—The Half-Tone Process. Screen Plates. Chapter VII.—Zinc Etching. Preparation of Chemicals Used in Zinc Etching. Chapter VIII.—Etching in Half-Tone. Chapter IX.—Blocking and Finishing. Tools and Materials. Chapter X.—Swelled Gelatine Process of Photo-Engraving. Chapter XI.—Lithotype Engraving for Color Work. Chapter XII.—Photographing on Wood and Other Processes. Price, in paper covers $2 00 For sale by all dealers in Photographic Materials, and sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the publishers, THE SCOVILL & ADAMS COMPANY, |