Artistic Landscapes FROM NATURE. Representing The Four Seasons.


These plates were made from photographs taken direct from nature. They have been most beautifully reproduced by the highest grade (copper-plate) process of the New York Photogravure Company. The plates measure 6 x 8 inches, but are printed on extra heavy plate paper 11 x 14 inches in size. Each picture is printed in a tint especially appropriate for the season which it represents, and the entire set of photogravures are in every way worthy of framing.

The negatives were photographed from nature by Mr. W. I. Lincoln Adams, and they have been enthusiastically praised wherever shown.

What George Inness, America's greatest landscape painter, says of these photogravures:

"They are very charming, and should prove extremely useful in the development of the landscape art of our country."

They are sold singly or in sets.

Price, per copy $0 50
The Set of Four 1 50

Sent, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of price, by

The Montclair Photogravure Publishing Company,



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