We have made arrangements with the New York Photogravure Company by which we are enabled to offer a series of magnificent Photogravures at a very low price. The first is that which has been already published and described by us, being the "COURT OF HONOR," at the World's Fair. The companion to this is in preparation, and will shortly be ready. It represents a view of the "ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND COURT OF HONOR," looking up from the Peristyle. These two pictures form a magnificent souvenir of the World's Fair, and imperishable ones, which have not been approached in artistic or technical excellence. Each measures about 18 x 22 inches, and they are printed in the best style, on paper 24 x 32 inches. The next two pictures are photogravures from negatives made by Mr. John E. Dumont, of Rochester, and form admirable companion pictures. Their titles are, "NO DOUBT," and "IN DOUBT," and represent, in one case, a monk with a winning hand of cards, and having no doubt what his play is to be. In the other, a monk holding a hand of cards which evidently is a losing one, and, as evidently, he is in doubt as to what to play. The story of these pictures is admirably told, and with all the well known skill of Mr. Dumont. The next in the series is a "LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP," by Mr. Robert S. Redfield, of Philadelphia, and can well pass for a reproduction of a painting by Verbeck Hoven, not that it is in any sense a copy of any picture, being entirely original, but in sentiment and feeling equaling the best and most artistic work of the painter. As a companion to this, "A STORM AT BRIGHTON" is published. This was one of the prize pictures at the recent exhibition of the joint Societies of Amateur Photographers of Boston, Philadelphia and New York. It is exceedingly effective as a study of cloud and motion of water, and forms an admirably suggestive study for artists. It is from a negative by Mr. Ernest Edwards, President of the New York Photogravure Company. The well-known picture of "Flirtation" has also been engraved for this series, and will be very popular. This picture (it will be remembered) appeared in the American "Annual of Photography" for 1892. With the exception of the two first, all these pictures measure about 16 x 12 inches for size of work, and are printed on etching paper, 22 x 28 inches. The uniform price of all is $2.00 each. For sale by all dealers. Other subjects will follow, from time to time. These Photogravures will be sent, post-paid, by mail, carefully THE SCOVILL & ADAMS COMPANY. |