. The Character of the Saxons and Normans contrasted 1
1069. The Harrying of the North 3
1070. The Resistance in the Fens 5
1070. The Depression of the English 7
. Norman Measures after the Conquest, and the Fusion of the Races 8
. The Statutes of William the Conqueror 11
. The Ordeal of the Glowing Iron 12
. Ordinance of William I., separating the Spiritual and Temporal Courts 13
1072. The Vindication of a Saxon Saint 14
1072. Ordinance of the Council touching the Dispute between Canterbury and York as to the Primacy 15
1074. The Revival of Monasticism 17
1074. The Conspiracy of the Earls 18
c. 1080. The Crown and the Papacy: the Conqueror’s Letter to Hildebrand 20
1083. Norman Abbots and Saxon Monks 21
1085. The Nature of Domesday Book 22
1085. The Domesday Commission 23
1085. The Form of the Domesday Inquest 24
. The Domesday Description of Shrewsbury 24
1086. The Salisbury Oath of Fealty 26
. Homage and Fealty 26
1087. The Endowment of Battle Abbey 27
. Character of William the Conqueror and of His Reign 30
. Forests and the Royal Love of Hunting 33
. The Training and Temperament of William Rufus 34
1088. The Rebellion of Bishop Odo 36
1088. Royal Procedure against a Bishop 39
1093. The Illness of William Rufus, and the Appointment of Anselm as Archbishop of Canterbury 44
1093–94. The Quarrel of William Rufus and Anselm 48
1095. The First Crusade 52
1097. The Pawning of Normandy 54
1098. The Jews under William Rufus 54
1100. The Death of William Rufus 56
. The Character of the Reign of William Rufus 57
. The Foundation of the Cistercian Order by Stephen Harding


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