

Actual, 1
Agaric, 1
Albatross, 1
Alhambra Quilt, 1
All Wool; see Woollen, 108
All-over Leno; see Dyed Lenos, 29
Alpaca, 1
Alpaca Wool, 1
Alpacianos, 2
American Run Counts; see Woollen Yarn, 109
American Sheetings, 2
Angola, 2
Angola Yarn or Wool, 2
Angora, 2
Angora Goat, 2
Animalised Cotton, 2
Armure, 3
Artificial Silk, 3
Astrakhan, 3
Back Cloth, 3
Backed Cloth, 4
Baffetas, 4
Baize, 4
Balbriggan, 4
Bale of Cotton, 4
Baline, 4
Balzarine Brocades, Dyed, 4
Balzarines, 5
Bandanna, 5
BarrÉ, 5
Basket Cloth, 5
Batiste, 5
BayadÈre, 6
Bayetas, 6
Beavers, 6
Beaverteen, 6
Bedford Cords, 6
Beetle Finish; see Silesia, 83
Beige, 6
Bengal Stripes, 6
Bengaline, 6
Binding Cloth, 7
Bishop's Lawn; see White Lawn, 104
Bleached, 7
Bleached Domestics, 7
Bolting Cloth; see Étamine, 33
Bolton Sheeting; see Grey Sheeting, 39
Bombazine, 7
Book Muslin; see White Muslin, 105
Book-fold Muslin, 7
Botany, 7
BouclÉ, 7
Bourette, 7
Broadcloth, 8
Brocade, 8
Brocades, White; see White Brocades, 103
Brocatelle, 8
BrochÉ, 8
Broken Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
Brown Sheeting, 8
Brown Shirting, 8
Bugis, 8
"Bump" Yarns, 9
Bundle; see Cotton Yarn Measures, 17
Bunting, 9
Burlaps, 9
Butcher's Linen, 9
Butcher's Muslin; see White Muslin, 105
Cabled Yarns, 9
Cabot, 9
Cabot; see American Sheetings, 2
Calico, 9
Cambric; see White Cambric, 103
Cambrics, Dyed; see Dyed Cambrics, 26
Camel's Hair, 10
Camlets (Woollen), 10
Camlets, Dutch (Woollen), 10
Camlets, English (Woollen), 11
Caniche, 11
Canton Flannel, 11

Canvas, 11
Carbonising, 12
Carded Union Yarns; see Union Yarns, 96
Carding Wools; see Wool, 107
Casement Cloth, 12
Cashmere, 12
Cashmere Double, 12
Cashmere Wool, 12
Castor, 13
Cellular Cloth, 13
Ceylon or Ceylon Flannel, 13
Challis, 13
Chambray, 13
Charmeuse, 13
Checks, 13
Cheese Cloth, 13
Cheviot, 14
Chiffon, 14
China Grass; see Ramie, 71
Chinchilla, 14
ChinÉ, 14
Chinese Customs Definition of Nankeen; see Nankeen, 55
Chintz, 14
Classification of Samples; see Samples, 74
Clip Spots, 14
Coated Cotton Cloths, 14
Collarette, 15
Coloured, 15
Coloured Crimp Cloth, 15
Coloured Lists, 15
Coloured Sateens; see Printed Sateens, 68
Coloured Woollen and Worsted Yarns, 15
Combination Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
Combing Wool; see Wool, 107
Continuous or Pad-dyeing Process; see Dyeing, 25
Corduroy, 15
Corkscrew Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
CÔtelÉ, 16
Cotton, 16
Cotton, Animalised; see Animalised Cotton, 2
Cotton Duck, 16
Cotton Flannel, 16
Cotton Plush, 17
Cotton Velvet, Plain; see Plain Velvet (Cotton), 62
Cotton Yarn, Coarse, Medium, and Fine; see Yarn, Cotton, Grey or Bleached, 111
Cotton Yarn, Grey or Bleached; see Yarn, Cotton, Grey or Bleached, 111
Cotton Yarn Measures, 17
Counts, 17
Counts of Spun Silk; see Silk Yarns, 85
Coutil, 18
Covert, 18
Crabbing, 18
Crape Cloth, Plain, 18
Crape Weave; see Crape Cloth, Plain, 18
Crash, 19
Cravenette, 19
CrÊpe de Chine, 19
CrÊpe Meteor, 19
Crepoline, 19
CrÉpon, 19
Cretonne, 19
Cretonne, Shadow; see Shadow Cretonne, 82
Crimp Cloth, Plain, or Crimps, 20
Crinkle, or Seersucker, 20
Cross-dyed, 20
Crossover, 20
Cut; see Woollen Yarn, 109
Cut Goods, 20
Cuttling, 21
Damask, 21
DamassÉ, 21
Delaine, 21
Denim, 21
Derby Rib, 22
Descriptions of Standard Cloth; see Market Descriptions of Standard Cloth, 50
Diagonal, 22
Diaper, 22
Diced; see Diaper, 22
Dimity, 22
Discharge Printing, 22
Dobbie, or Dobby, 22
Domestics, 23
Domet, 23
Dorneck; see Diaper, 22
Double Cloth Weave, 23

Double Sole, Heel, and Toe, 23
Double Warps, 23
Drap d'ÉtÉ, 23
Dresden, 23
Drill, Pepperell; see Pepperell Drill, 60
Drills, 23
Drills, Grey; see Grey Drills, 39
Drillette, 24
Drilling; see White Drills, or Drilling, 104
Duchesse, 24
Duck, 24
Dungaree, 24
Duplex Prints, 24
Dyeing, 25
Dyed and Printed, 25
Dyed Alpacianos, 25
Dyed Balzarines, 26
Dyed Cambrics, 26
Dyed Corduroys (Cotton), 26
Dyed Cotton Lastings, 26
Dyed Cotton Spanish Stripes, 26
Dyed Crimp Cloth, 27
Dyed Drills, 27
Dyed Figured Cottons, 27
Dyed Figured Cotton Italians, 27
Dyed Figured Cotton Lastings, 27
Dyed Figured Cotton Reps, 28
Dyed Figured Ribs, 28
Dyed Fustians, 28
Dyed Imitation Turkey Reds, 28
Dyed in the Grey; see Dyed in the Piece, 29
Dyed in the Grey; see Union Cloth, 95
Dyed in the Piece, or Piece-dyed, 29
Dyed Lawns, 29
Dyed Lenos, 29
Dyed Leno Brocade, 29
Dyed Muslins, 30
Dyed Plain Cottons, 30
Dyed Plain Cottons; see White Italian, 104
Dyed Plain Cotton Italians, 30
Dyed Real Turkey Reds, 30
Dyed Reps, 31
Dyed Ribs, 31
Dyed Sheetings, 31
Dyed Shirtings, 31
Dyed T-Cloths, 32
Dyed Velvet Cords (Cotton), 32
Dyed Velveteen Cords (Cotton), 32
Elongated Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
Embossed Velvet (Cotton), 32
Embossed Velveteen (Cotton), 32
Embroideries, 33
End, 33
English Foot, 33
English System of Silk Cords; see Silk Yarns, 85
Eolienne, 33
Éponge, 33
Equestrienne Tights, 33
Étamine, 33
Extract, 33
Extracted, 33
Face-finished Cashmere; see Velour, 96
FaÇonnÉ, 33
Faille, 33
Fancies, 34
Fancy Shirtings; see White Striped Shirtings, 106
Fancy Silk Seal; see Silk Seal, 84
Fancy Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
Fast Pile; see Pile Weave, 61
Fents, 34
Figured, 34
Figured Cretonne; see Cretonne, 19
Figured Muslin, 34
Figured Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
Figure Weaving, 34
Filled Cotton Cloth, 35
Filling, 35
Filling (finishing term), 35
Flannel (Woollen), 35
Flannel, Cotton; see Cotton Flannel, 16
Flannelette, 35
Flat Underwear, 36
Fleece-lined, 36
Flocks; see Waste and Flocks, 100
FloconnÉ, 36
Florentine Drills, 36
Folded Yarn, 36
Foulard, 37

Leno Brocades, Dyed; see Dyed Leno Brocade, 29
Liberty, 47
Linen Cambric; see White Cambric, 103
Linen, Tests for; see Tests for Linen, 89
Linen Thread; see Thread, 90
Linen Yarn, 47
Lingerie, 47
Lining, 47
Linon; see White Lawn, 104
Lisle Thread, 47
List; see Selvedge, 81
Loading Worsted and Woollens, 47
Longcloth, 47
Long Ells (Woollen), 48
Long Stick, 48
Loom State; see Grey, 39
Louisine, 48
Lustre Dress Fabrics, 48
Lustre Orleans; see Orleans, 57
Maco, 49
Madapolams, 49
Madras, 49
Madras Gingham, 49
Madras Handkerchiefs, 49
Make; see Reed and Pick, 71
Maline, 49
Market Descriptions of Standard Cloth, 50
Marl, 50
Marquisette, 50
MatelassÉ, 50
Matt Weave, 50
Medium Cloth (Woollen), 50
MÉlange, 50
MÉlanges (Yarns); see Coloured Woollen and Worsted Yarns, 15
Melton, 51
Mercerised Cotton, 51
Mercerising, 51
Merino, 51
Mesh Underwear, 52
Messaline, 52
Mexican; see T-Cloth, 87
Milled Finish; see Schreiner Finish, 80
Millerayes; see Grosgrain, 40
Mixed Cloths; see Union Cloth, 95
Mixed Dyeing; see Cross-dyed, 20
Mixture Yarn, 52
Mixtures (Yarns); see Coloured Woollen and Worsted Yarns, 15
Mock Leno, 52
Mock Seam, 52
Mohair, 52
Mohair Beaver Plush, 52
Mohair Brilliantine, 52
Mohair Coney Seal, 53
Mohair Sicilian, 53
MoirÉ, 53
Moleskin, 53
Mottles, 53
Mousseline de Soie, 53
Mule-twist Yarn, 53
Mull, 54
Mungo and Shoddy, 54
Muslin; see White Muslin, 105
Nainsook, 54
Nankeen, 55
Nankeen; see Galatea, 38
Nankeen, Chinese Customs Definition of, 56
Native Cotton Cloth; see Nankeen, 55
Native Cotton Cloth; see Unclassed Native Cotton Cloth (China), 94
Net Silk Yarn; see Silk Yarns, 85
Noils, 57
Nominal; see Actual, 1
OmbrÉ, 57
Opera Hose, 57
Organzine, 57
Orleans, 57
Ottoman, 57
Outsize, 57
Oxford, 58
Oxford Shirting, 58
Padded Back Linings, 58
Pad-dyeing, 58
Panne, 59
Panung, 59
Panama Canvas, 59

Papoon, 59
Paramatta, 59
Pastel, 59
Pastille, 59
Peau de Cygne, 59
Peau de Soie, 59
PekinÉ, or Pekin Stripes, 60
Pepperell Drill, 60
Pepperell Drill; see Grey Drills, 39
Percale, 60
Percaline, 60
Persian Cord, 60
Pick, 60
Piece Goods, 60
Pile Fabrics, 60
Pile Weave, 61
PiquÉ, 61
"P.K.", 61
Plain, 62
Plain Velvet (Cotton), 62
Plain Velveteen (Cotton), 62
Plain (or Homespun) Weave, 62
Plated, 62
PlissÉ, 62
Plumetis, 63
Plumety; see Plumetis, 63
Plush, 63
Plush of Silk mixed with other Fibres, 63
Plush Velveteen, 63
PointillÉ, 63
Pompadour, 63
Poncho Cloth, 64
Pongee, 64
Pony Skin, 64
Poplin, 64
Print Cloth; see Printers, 70
Printed, 65
Printed Balzarines, 65
Printed Calico, 65
Printed Cambrics, 65
Printed Chintzes, 66
Printed Cotton Drill, 66
Printed Cotton Italians, 66
Printed Cotton Lastings, 66
Printed Crapes, 67
Printed Crimp Cloth, 67
Printed Furnitures, 67
Printed Lawns, 67
Printed Leno, 67
Printed Muslin, 68
Printed Oxford; see Oxford Shirting, 58
Printed Reps, 68
Printed Sateens, 68
Printed Satinets, 68
Printed Sheetings, 68
Printed Shirtings, 69
Printed T-Cloth, 69
Printed Turkey Reds, 69
Printed Twills, 69
Printed Velvet (Cotton), 69
Printed Velveteen (Cotton), 69
Printed Warp; see Warp Print, 99
Printers, 70
Pure Silk Plush, 70
Pure Silk Velvet, 70
Raised Back Cloths, 70
Raised Cotton Cloth, 70
Ramie, Rhea, China Grass, 71
Ratine, 71
Rattine; see Ratine, 71
Rattinet; see Ratine, 71
RayÉ, 71
Reed and Pick, 71
Regatta Twill; see Galatea, 38
Regular Twill; see Twill Weave, 93
Rembrandt Rib, 72
Remnant; see Fents, 34
Rep, 72
Resist or Reserve Printing, 72
Reversible Cretonnes, 72
Rhea; see Ramie, 71
Rib, 73
Rib Crape Effect, 73
Richelieu Rib, 73
Right and Wrong Side of Fabrics, 73
Ring-spun Yarn, 73
Robes, 74
Russian Cloth (Woollen), 74
Russian Prints, 74
Samples and their Classification, 74
Sateens, 79
Satin, 79
Satin Drill, 80
Satin Weave, 80
Satinet, or Satinette, 80
Satin faced Velvet; see Panne, 59
Schreiner Finish, 80
Scribbled, 81

Turkish Towelling, 92
Tussore, or Tussah, 92
Tweed, 92
Twill Weave, 93
Twin Needle, 94
Twists; see Coloured Woollen and Worsted Yarns, 15
Unclassed Native Cotton Cloth (China), 94
Union Broadcloth, 95
Union Cloth, 95
Union Flannel; see Woollen and Cotton Flannel, 108
Union Yarns, 96
U-Pile; see Pile Weave, 61
Velour, 96
Velveret; see Velveteen, 97
Velvet, 96
Velvet (Cotton), Printed; see Printed Velvet (Cotton), 69
Velvet Finish, 96
Velvet of Silk mixed with other Fibres, 97
Velveteen, 97
Venetian Coverts; see Covert, 18
Venetians, 97
Venetians, White; see White Venetians, 106
Vesting, 97
Victoria Lawn; see White Lawn, 104
Vigogne, 98
Vigoreux, 98
Viyella, 98
Voile, 98
Wadding Pick, 98
Wale, 98
Warp, 99
Warp Pile, 99
Warp Print, 99
Warp Ribs, 99
Warp Sateen, 99
Warp Welt, 99
Warp-faced Cloth, 109
Waste and Condenser Wefts, 100
Waste and Flocks, 100
Waste and Spun Silk Yarns; see Silk Yarns, 85
Waste Cloths, 100
Waste Sheeting; see Grey Sheeting, 39
Watered; see Watering, 100
Watering, 100
Weaving, 101
Web, 101
Weft, 101
Weft Pile, 101
Weft Ribs, 101
Weft Sateen, 102
Weft-faced Cloth, 102
Weight and Thickness of Woollen Cloths, 102
Weighting, 102
Welt, 103
Wether Wool; see Wool, 107
Whip Thread, 103
Whipcord, 103
White, 103
White Brocades, 103
White Cambric, 103
White Drills, or Drilling, 104
White Goods, 104
White Irishes, 104
White Italian, 104
White Jean, 104
White Lawn, 104
White Mercerised Sateen; see White Italian, 104
White Muslin, 105
White Sheetings, 105
White Shirtings, 105
White Spotted Shirtings, 106
White Striped Shirtings, 106
White T-Cloth, 106
White Venetians, 106
Widow's Lawn, 106
Width, 106
Window Holland, 107
Wolsey, 107
Wool, 107
Wool, Alpaca; see Alpaca Wool, 1
Wool-dyed, 108
Woollen, 108
Woollen and Cotton Flannel, 108
Woollen and Cotton Mixtures, 108
Woollen Fabric, 108

Woollen Flannel; see Flannel (Woollen), 35
Woollen Lastings, Craped, 108
Woollen Lastings, Figured, 109
Woollen Lastings, Plain, 109
Woollen Yarn, 109
Worsted Diagonal, 110
Worsted Lastings, 110
Worsted Yarn, 110
W-Pile, 110
Wright's Underwear, Imitation, 111
Yarn, Cotton, Grey or Bleached, 111
Yarn-dyed, 111
Zephyrs, 111
Zibeline, 111


The original book had a set of blank ledger pages to allow the reader to catalog his collection of fabric samples, preceded by a repeated list of the 17 main fabric groups found on pages 75-78. These pages numbered 112-170 have been omitted from the etext. The Index begins at the following page 171.

Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.

Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained. For example, all-silk, all silk; dyestuff, dye-stuff; vicuna, vicuÑa.

Pg 178, 'Scheriner Finish' replaced by 'Schreiner Finish'.


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