On their way home from the old house, the four girls saw Alcinda approaching. "Don't let's say anything to her about where we've been," said Esther Ann. "No, don't let's," returned Reba; "you know she didn't want to go there in the first place." "It was only because she was scared to," rejoined Esther Ann. "Well, anyhow, don't let's say anything about it," continued Reba. "Don't you say so, girls?" She looked over her shoulder at Edna and Reliance who were walking behind. "I don't see any reason why we should," said Reliance. "Of course, if she should "Oh, no, we wouldn't do that," agreed the other girls. But Alcinda had no thought of old houses or anything else at this time but her little dog, Jetty, a handsome, black Pommeranian to whom she was devoted and of whom she was very proud. "Oh, girls," she exclaimed as she came up, "have you seen or heard anything of Jetty? We haven't seen him since morning, and I am so afraid he has been stolen." "Oh, wouldn't that be dreadful?" said Edna sympathetically. "I don't see who would steal him," said Esther Ann, practically. "Everyone knows he belongs to you, and there aren't many strangers that come through the village." "There are a few. There was a tramp "But you didn't lose Jet a few days ago; it was only to-day that you missed him." "I think it's more likely he is shut up somewhere," decided Reba. "Where have you looked, Alcinda?" "Oh, pretty near everywhere I could think of, and I have asked everybody who might have seen him." "Maybe he has gone off with some other dogs," suggested Reliance. "Dogs will do that, and sometimes they don't come back for two or three days. Mr. Prendergast had a dog that did that way. He lives near where we used to, you know, and he had a collie named Rob Roy that would go off now and then, and the other dogs would bring him back after a while. He would come in looking so ashamed, while they stood off to see how he would be treated." "Jetty never did run away before," "When did you see him last and what was he doing?" asked Esther Ann. "Mother heard him barking at a wagon that was going by. He doesn't bark at everyone, but there are some people he can't bear." "What people?" inquired Esther Ann, trying to get a clue. "He doesn't like the butcher boy nor the man that drives the mill wagon, nor the man that brings the laundry. He always runs out and barks at them." "Have you asked any of them about him?" "No, not yet." "Then I'll tell you what let's do, girls," proposed Esther Ann. "Two of us can go around by the mill, two of us can go to the butcher's and Alcinda can go to the laundry place." "I speak to go to the butcher's," spoke up Esther Ann. She was always ready to arrange affairs for everyone. "Reliance, you and Edna can go to the mill; it isn't such a very great way, and Reba can go with me." The girls all accepted this arrangement and set off in the three different directions. "Do you like going to the mill?" asked Edna when she and Reliance were fairly on their way. "Oh, yes, much better than going to the butcher's. Although it is quite a little further, it is a much prettier walk. I always did like mill ponds, didn't you, Edna?" "Why, I don't know much about them, but I should think I would like them. Do we turn off here?" "It isn't so very far, is it?" "No, but it is a little further to the mill pond. I wonder if the miller is there." "Isn't he always there?" "He is always there in the morning, but not always in the afternoon. No, the mill is shut down." "How do you know?" "I don't hear it, and see there, the wheel isn't moving." "Oh!" Edna thought that Reliance was very clever to know all this before they had even reached the mill which now loomed up before them, a grey stone structure in a little nest of trees which climbed the hill behind it, and spread along the sides of the stream, flowing on to join the river. "It is very pretty here, isn't it?" said "Black Creek. The mill pond and dam and sluice and all those are higher up. Do you want to go see them?" "Why, yes, if we can't do anything about finding Jetty." "I thought we might go around by the miller's house on our way back; it isn't much further, and we could ask there." This seemed a wise thing to do, Edna thought, and she cheerfully followed Reliance to where the mill pond lay calm and smooth before them. "It must be lovely here in summer," remarked Edna enthusiastically. "It is one of the prettiest places anywhere about. We come here sometimes for our picnics, all of us school children and the teacher. Would you dare go across, Edna?" Edna looked around but saw no bridge. Reliance laughed. "There," she said, pointing to the heavy beam which stretched from shore to shore and below which the water was slowly trickling, "that's the bridge we children always use." Edna drew back in dismay. "Oh, how can you? I wouldn't dare. It is so near the water and suppose you should fall in. I would be sure to get dizzy, and over I would go." "Oh, pooh, I don't get dizzy," returned Reliance. "I will show you how easy it is," and in another minute she was standing on the beam, Edna shivering and with a queer sensation under her knees. "Oh, do come back, Reliance," she cried; "I am so afraid you will fall in." But Reliance did not hear her, or if she did hear, she paid no heed, but stood looking Edna wrung her hands. "Oh, I can't, I can't," she wept. "You must help me try to get him in. I'll come back for you." Edna shrank away from the shore, divided between her fear of crossing and her desire to help in the rescue. Reliance lost no time in reaching her. "You will have to come," she cried excitedly. "He is nearer the other side. I must go over and try to find a board or two, and you must stay on the beam and watch so as to see which way he heads. Poor little fellow, I wonder how long he has been in there. Come, Edna, you can put your arms around my waist and I will go ahead; you mustn't look at the water, but Terrible as this effort promised to be, Edna decided that she must make it if they would save Jetty, and she followed Reliance, who, encouraging, coaxing, and leading the way step by step, managed to get the child safely across. "Isn't there any other way of getting back?" quavered Edna when they were over. "I think there is a little bridge further down, but never mind that now, Edna; you stay there and watch, while I get a board and put it out toward him. I shouldn't wonder if I could find one somewhere about." Fearfully, Edna crouched on the beam, which seemed but a few inches from the water. She kept her eyes fixed on the water that she might not lose sight of the little black head now not so very far away. "Jetty, Jetty," she called, "we'll The little dog renewed his struggles and began to swim toward her, Edna continuing her encouraging talk. Presently Reliance came down the bank up which she had scrambled; she was dragging a board behind her and finding some difficulty in doing so. "Is he still there?" she panted. "Yes, and trying to swim over to me." "Don't let him, don't let him. Come over on the bank; it will be easier to get him from there. There's another board up there. I will go get it if you will hold on to this one." Edna hesitated to cross the few feet between her and the shore. "Quick, quick," insisted Reliance. "He might drift to the dam and get caught there. We must get him before he reaches it. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl." "I'll have to shove out the board so he can reach it," said Reliance excitedly. "Here, take this pole and try to keep the board from drifting toward the dam while I go get the other board." And she thrust the forked pole into Edna's hands and then sprang up the bank, while Edna crouched down, as near the water as possible, in order to make best use of her pole. It was not easy to keep the board from drifting out, but along the shallows it was Just as she was afraid it would go beyond her reach, Reliance came scrambling back, breathless from her exercise. "I had such a time," she panted. "Oh, Edna, he is really safe, and it is really poor little Jetty. How glad Alcinda will But once so near shore as the second board brought him, Jetty was not afraid to swim the remaining distance, having gathered up a little added strength, and after coaxing, ordering and cajoling, the girls were rewarded by seeing the little creature creep to the edge of the board, take to the water again and paddle ashore, crouching at their feet in an ecstasy of joy. "He is so sopping wet I am afraid he will take cold," said Reliance. "I am going to wrap him up in my sweater and carry him." "But won't you take cold," said Edna anxiously. "No, for I am too warm with struggling At first Jetty did not even have power to shake himself, but before many minutes, his dripping coat was freed of many drops of water, which freely sprinkled the girls, who laughing ran at a safe distance, and then Reliance wrapped him up in her jersey and carried him away from the scene of his late disaster. "How do you suppose he got in the water?" asked Edna as they trudged along. "I think someone threw him in." "Oh, Reliance, do you really?" "Yes, I do. We go right by the miller's house and I am going to stop there and ask them what they know about it all." "Do you think the miller did it?" "Oh, no, he wouldn't do such a wicked thing; he is a very nice man, but he might To Edna's satisfaction a small footbridge was discovered a short distance below and on this they crossed, reaching the miller's house just after. The miller himself was just going in the gate. Reliance marched up to him and without wasting words, said: "Do you know how this little dog happened to get into the mill pond?" The miller paused and looked down at the black nose peeping from its scarlet wrapping. "That little dog? I saw him around the mill this morning. A man that has been driving for me said he found it along the road. Is it your dog?" "No, it belongs to Alcinda Hewlett." "Bob Hewlett's daughter?" "Yes, her father keeps the store and is the postmaster." "How do you suppose he got so far from home?" ventured Edna. "Shouldn't wonder if he was brought in my wagon in an empty sack. Bad man, bad man, that Jeb Wilkins." "Jetty always barked at him," said Edna. "I guess that accounts for it. Jeb got mad and thought he'd pay the little creature back. Barked at him, did he? Well, I don't blame the dog. I did some pretty tall growling myself before I discharged the man. He's gone now for good, or bad, whichever you like." "Do you think he threw the dog in the water?" asked Reliance coming directly to the point. "That's just what I do think. I shouldn't wonder if he meant to steal him "Oh!" exclaimed Edna, her eyes and mouth round with surprise and disapproval. "Just what he said. Made it up out of whole cloth, of course, and meantime had taken his spite out on me and the poor little dog by throwing him overboard. How did you happen upon him?" Reliance gave an account of the rescue and received approving nods. "Smart girls, you two," he commented. "Well," said Mr. Millikin with a smile, "you did your part, and that's enough said. I was just going to unhitch, but there is my buggy all ready, and I guess the quickest way to get you back to the village is to take you there behind Dolly." "Oh, but we can walk, thank you," protested Reliance. "It's pretty much of a walk, and the sooner you get there the more pleased several people will be, I for one, because I don't want Bob Hewlett's little girl to mourn for her pet any longer than she need, and again, because I am in a way responsible for what has happened. I'll go get the buggy right off. You wait here; it won't take a minute." So presently they were driving along toward home, Reliance with a horse blanket To say that Alcinda was overjoyed at the sight of her little pet which she had given up for lost, would be speaking mildly. "I'll never forget you two girls, never," she cried. "I shall thank you forever and ever, and you, too, Mr. Millikin." "Me? I'm partly to blame, for I ought to have discharged that good-for-nothing scoundrel long ago, but he was a good driver, and I was waiting to fill his place. Well, it's all come out right, after all. I hope your little dog will be none the worse for the experience. I'll pay his doctor's bills if he gets sick." After which speech, the miller drove off, and the rescuers darted across the street to their home, where the tardiness of their appearance was entirely forgiven after they had told their story. |