CANADA JAY Called also: Whiskey Jack; Moose-bird; Meat-bird


Anyone who has camped in the northern United States and over the Canadian border knows that the crow and blue jay have a rogue for {158} a cousin in this sleek, bold thief, the Canada jay. He is a fluffy, big, gray bird, without a crest, with a white throat and forehead and black patch at the back of his neck. This rascal will walk alone or with his gang into your tent, steal your candles, matches, venison, and collar-buttons before your eyes, or help himself to the fish bait while he perches on your canoe, or laugh at you with an impudent ca-ca-ca from the mountain ash tree where he and his friends are feasting on the berries; then glide to the ground to slyly pick a trap set for mink or marten. Fortunate the trapper who, on his return, does not find either bait gone, or game damaged.

Fearless, amazingly hardy (having been hatched in zero weather), mischievous and clever to a maddening degree, this jay, like his cousins, compels admiration, although we know all three to be rogues.

Blue jay on her nest.

Five little teasers get no dinner from Mamma blue jay.

Not afraid of the camera: baby blue jay out for their first airing.{159}


Crested Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher



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