THE AMERICAN ROBIN Called also: Red-breasted Thrush; Migratory Thrush; Robin Redbreast THE WOOD THRUSH Called also: Song Thrush; Wood Robin; Bell Bird THE CHICKADEE Called also: Black-capped Titmouse TUFTED TITMOUSE Called also: Peto Bird; Crested Tomtit; Crested Titmouse WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH Called also: Tree Mouse; Devil Downhead. THE BROWN THRASHER Called also: Brown Thrush; Long Thrush; YELLOW WARBLER Called also: Summer Yellowbird; Wild Canary. BLACK AND WHITE CREEPING WARBLER OVEN-BIRD Called also: The Teacher; Golden-crowned Thrush; The Accentor. MARYLAND YELLOW-THROAT Called also: Black-masked Ground Warbler THE CEDAR WAXWING Called also: Cedarbird; Cherry-bird; Bonnet bird, Silk-tail. THE SCARLET TANAGER Called also: Black-winged Redbird THE BANK SWALLOW Called also: Sand Martin; Sand Swallow THE TREE SWALLOW Called also: White-breasted Swallow CHIPPING SPARROW Called also: Chippy; Door-step Sparrow; Hair Sparrow. TREE SPARROW Called also: Winter Chippy WHITE-THROATED SPARROW Called also: Peabody-bird; Canada Sparrow JUNCO Called also: Slate-coloured Snow-bird AMERICAN GOLDFINCH Called also: Black-winged Yellow-bird; Thistle Bird; Lettuce Bird; Wild Canary. PURPLE FINCH Called also: Linnet INDIGO BUNTING Called also: Indigo-bird. TOWHEE Called also: Chewink; Ground Robin; Joree CARDINAL GROSBEAK Called also: Crested Redbird: Virginia Nightingale. BOBOLINK Called also: Reedbird; Ricebird; Ortolan; Maybird RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD Called also: Swamp Blackbird RUSTY BLACKBIRD Called also: Thrush Blackbird MEADOWLARK Called also: Old-field Lark; Meadow Starling BALTIMORE ORIOLE Called also: Firebird; Golden Robin; Hang-nest; Golden Oriole THE PURPLE AND THE BRONZED GRACKLES Called also: Crow Blackbirds CANADA JAY Called also: Whiskey Jack; Moose-bird; Meat-bird KINGBIRD Called also: Bee Martin PHOEBE Called also: Bridge Pewee; Dusky Flycatcher; Water Pewee LEAST FLYCATCHER Called also: Chebec NIGHTHAWK Called also: Bull-bat; Night-jar; Mosquito-hawk FLICKER Called also: High-hole; Clape; Golden-winged Woodpecker; Yellow-hammer; Yucker. YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO Called also: Rain Crow BELTED KINGFISHER Called also: The Halcyon TURKEY VULTURE Called also: Turkey Buzzard RED-SHOULDERED HAWK Called also: Hen Hawk; Chicken Hawk; Winter Hawk RED-TAILED HAWK Called also: Hen Hawk; Chicken Hawk; Red Hawk COOPER'S HAWK Called also: Chicken Hawk; Big Blue Darter AMERICAN SPARROW HAWK Called also: Killy Hawk; Rusty-crowned Falcon; Mouse Hawk. AMERICAN OSPREY Called also: Fish Hawk BARN OWL Called also: Monkey-faced Owl SHORT-EARED OWL Called also: Marsh Owl; Meadow Owl BARRED OWL Called also: Hoot Owl MOURNING DOVE Called also: Carolina Dove BOB-WHITE Called Also: "Quail-on-Toast"; Partridge RUFFED GROUSE Called also: Partridge WOODCOCK Called also: Blind, Wall-eyed, Mud, Bigheaded, Wood, LITTLE GREEN HERON Called also: Poke; Chuckle-head BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON Called also: Quawk; Qua Bird AMERICAN BITTERN Called also: Stake-driver; Poke; Freckled Heron; Booming Bittern; Indian Hen. HERRING GULL Called also: Winter Gull [Transcriber's notes] {cover} BIRDS |
I. | Our Robin Goodfellow and His Relations | 3 |
Robin, Bluebird, Wood Thrush, Wilson's Thrush. | ||
II. | Some Neighbourly Acrobats | 17 |
Chickadee, Nuthatches, Titmouse, Kinglets. | ||
III. | A Group of Lively Singers | 31 |
Mockingbird, Catbird, Brown Thrasher, Wrens. | ||
IV. | The Warblers | 51 |
Yellow Warbler, Black and White Creeping Warbler, Ovenbird, Maryland Yellow-throat, Yellow-breasted Chat. | ||
V. | Another Strictly American Family | 67 |
The Vireos. | ||
VI. | Birds Not of a Feather | 77 |
Butcherbirds, Cedar Waxwing, Tanagers. | ||
VII. | The Swallows | 91 |
Purple Martin, Barn Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Tree Swallow, Bank Swallow. | ||
VIII. | The Sparrow Tribe | 105 |
Purple Finch, English Sparrow, Goldfinch, Vesper Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, Chippy, Field Sparrow, Junco, Song Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Towhee, Cardinal, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting, Snowflake. | ||
{x} | ||
IX. | The Ill-assorted Blackbird Family | 135 |
Bobolink, Cowbird, Red-wing, Meadowlark, Orioles, Blackbirds. | ||
X. | Rascals We Must Admire | 151 |
Crow, Blue Jay and Canada Jay. | ||
XI. | The Flycatchers | 159 |
Kingbird, Crested Flycatcher, Phoebe, Pewee, Least Flycatcher. | ||
XII. | Some Queer Relations | 173 |
Nighthawk, Whip-poor-will, Chimney Swift, Hummingbird. | ||
XIII. | Non-union Carpenters | 187 |
Our Five Common Woodpeckers. | ||
XIV. | Cuckoo and Kingfisher | 203 |
XV. | Day and Night Allies of the Farmer | 211 |
Buzzards, Hawks, and Owls. | ||
XVI. | Whistler and Drummer | 233 |
Bob-white and Ruffed Grouse. | ||
XVII. | Birds of the Shore and Marshes | 245 |
Snipe, Sandpiper, Plover, Rails and Coots, Bitterns and Herons. | ||
XVIII. | The Fastest Flyers | 265 |
Gulls, Ducks, and Geese. | ||
Index | 275 |
[Transcriber's note: Scroll down for even pages and scroll up for odd pages.]
Red-eyed Vireo. | Frontispiece |
It is Only When he is a Baby that you Could Guess our Robin is Really a Thrush. (A. R. Dugmore) | 8 |
Young Bluebirds Taking their First Walk. (A. R. Dugmore) | 9 |
Baby Wood Thrushes—Notice the Family Resemblance Between them and the Baby Robins and Bluebirds. (A. R. Dugmore) | 12 |
A Wood Thrush Startled by the Click of the Camera. (A. R. Dugmore) | 13 |
The Chickadee at her Front Door. (A. R. Dugmore) | 22 |
Young Nuthatches Learning their First Lesson in Balancing on a Horizontal Bar. (W. E. Carlin) | 23 |
The Noisy Contents of a Soap Box: a Family of House Wrens. (A. R. Dugmore) | 30 |
The Marsh Wren's Round Cradle Swung Among the Rushes. (A. R. Dugmore) | 31 |
{xii} | |
Like "Brer Rabbit" the Catbird is Usually "Bred en Bawn in a Brier Patch." (A. R. Dugmore) | 34 |
Another Tragedy of the Nests: What Villain Ate the Catbird's Eggs? (Verne Morton) | 35 |
"Mamma!" Young Mockingbird Calling for Breakfast. (A. R. Dugmore) | 50 |
All is Well with this Yellow Warbler's Nest. (G. C. Embody) | 51 |
Dinner for One: A Black-and-white Warbler Feeding her Baby. (A. R. Dugmore) | 51 |
The Oven-bird who Calls "Teacher, Teacher, TEACHER, TEACHER, TEACHER!" (William P. Hopkins) | 58 |
Oven-bird in her Cleverly Hidden Nest—Some of the Leaves and Sticks Have Been Pulled Away From the Front to Secure her picture. (A. R. Dugmore) | 59 |
Young Oven-birds on Day of Leaving Nest. (A.R. Dugmore) | 59 |
A Red-eyed Vireo Baby in his Cradle. (A. R. Dugmore) | 76 |
Out of It. (A. R. Dugmore) | 76 |
Home of the Loggerhead Shrike with Plenty of Convenient Hooks for this Butcher Bird to Hang Meat On. (R. H. Beehe) | 77 |
The Cedar Waxwing. (W. P. Hopkins) | 84 |
{xiii} | |
The Gorgeous Scarlet Tanager, who Sang in this Tree, Was Killed by a Sling Shot. The Nest Was Deserted by his Terrified Mate. (A. R. Dugmore) | 85 |
Young Barn Swallows Cradled Under the Rafters. (A. R. Dugmore) | 96 |
Baby Barn Swallows Learning to Walk a Plank. (A. R. Dugmore) | 97 |
The Most Cheerful of Bird Neighbours: Song Sparrows. (A. R. Dugmore) | 116 |
A Baby Chippy and its Two Big Rose-breasted Grosbeak Cousins. | 116 |
A Chipping Sparrow Family: One Baby Satisfied, the Next Nearly So, the Third Still Hungry. (A. R. Dugmore) | 117 |
Cardinal. (C. W. Beebe) | 134 |
That Dusky Rascal the Cowbird. (C. W. Beebe) | 135 |
The Gorgeous Baltimore Oriole. (A. R. Dugmore) | 146 |
How do you Suppose these Young Baltimore Orioles Ever Packed themselves into this Nest? (A. R. Dugmore) | 147 |
Young Orchard Orioles. (A. R. Dugmore) | 150 |
"There Were Three Crows Sat on a Tree." (A. R. Dugmore) | 151 |
Blue Jay on her Nest. (R. H. Beebe) | 158 |
{xiv} | |
Five Little Teasers Get No Dinner from Mamma Blue Jay. (Craig S. Thomas) | 159 |
Not Afraid of the Camera: Baby Blue Jays Out for their First Airing. (Craig S. Thomas) | 159 |
The Dashing Great Crested Flycatcher. (A. R. Dugmore) | 162 |
Baby Kingbirds in an Apple Tree. (A. R. Dugmore) | 163 |
Four Crested Flycatchers, who Need to Have their Hair Brushed. (A. R. Dugmore) | 164 |
Time for these Young Phoebes to Leave the Nest. (A. R. Dugmore) | 165 |
Young Phoebes on a Bridge Trestle. (A. R. Dugmore) | 165 |
Least Flycatchers in a Rose Bush | 176 |
Nighthawk Resting in the Sunlight. (John Boyd) | 177 |
A Chimney Swift at Rest. (C. W. Beebe) | 180 |
Hummingbird Pumping Food into her Babies' Crops. (Julian Burroughs) | 181 |
Twin Ruby-throats. (Julian Burroughs) | 181 |
Our Little Friend Downy. (A. R. Dugmore) | 192 |
The Red-headed Woodpecker. (C. W. Beehe) | 193 |
The Sapsucker. (G. C. Embody) | 198 |
Baby Flickers Just Out of their Hole. (A. R. Dugmore) | 199 |
{xv} | |
The Flicker. (C. W. Beebe) | 206 |
Two Baby Cuckoos on the Rickety Bundle of Sticks that by Courtesy we Call a Nest. (Verne Morton) | 207 |
Waiting for Mamma and Fish. (A. W. Anthony) | 210 |
Young Belted Kingfisher on his Favourite Snag. (A. W. Anthony) | 210 |
Kingfisher on the Look-out for a Dinner. (A. W. Anthony) | 211 |
Turkey Buzzard: One of Nature's Best Housecleaners. (C. W. Beebe) | 226 |
The Beautiful Little Sparrow Hawk. (C. W. Beebe) | 227 |
Father and Mother Barn Owls. (Silas A. Lottridge) | 232 |
The Heavenly Twins: Young Barn Owls. (Silas A. Lottridge) | 233 |
A Little Screech Owl in the Sunlight Where Only a Photographer Could Find him. (C. W. Beehe) | 236 |
Mrs. White on her Nest while Bob Whistles to her from the Wild Strawberry Patch. (A. R. Dugmore) | 237 |
A Little Girl's Rare Pet. (C. F. Hodge) | 242 |
The Drummer Drumming. (C. F. Hodge) | 243 |
A Flock of Friendly Sandpipers and Turnstones in Wading. (Herbert K. Job) | 258 |
{xvi} | |
One Little Sandpiper. (R. H. Beebe) | 259 |
The Coot. (C. W. Beebe) | 259 |
The Little Green Heron, the Smallest and Most Abundant Member of his Tribe. (W. P. Hopkins) | 260 |
Half-grown Little Green Herons on Dress Parade. (John M. Schreck) | 261 |
Black-crowned Night Heron Rising from a Morass. (Alfred J. Might) | 268 |
Canada Geese. (Geo. D. Bartlett) | 269 |
The Feather-lined Nest of a Wild Duck | 272 |
Sea Gulls in the Wake of a Garbage Scow Cleansing New York Harbour of Floating Refuse. | 273 |
American Robin
Wood Thrush
Wilson's Thrush