Photo-engravings by C. J. Peters & Son: Boston. Press-work by the Everett Press: Boston PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEMENTS SUBSCRIPTIONS: Yearly subscription, commencing with any number of the 1906 volume, $1.50, payable in advance, postpaid to any address in the United States or Canada. To foreign countries in the Postal Union, $2.00. As each yearly volume of the magazine commences with the January number, and as indexes and bindings are prepared for complete volumes, intending subscribers are advised to date their subscriptions from January. Single numbers of the 1906 volume, 15 cents each. Single numbers dated prior to January, 1906, 20 cents each. EXPIRATION OF SUBSCRIPTIONS: The date when a subscription expires is printed on the address label of each magazine. The change of this date becomes a receipt for remittance. No other receipt is sent unless requested. REMITTANCES: Remittances may be made by Post-office money-order, bank cheque, express order, or in postage stamps. Currency sent by mail usually comes safely, but should be securely wrapped, and is at the risk of the sender. CHANGES OF ADDRESS: When a change of address is desired both the old and the new addresses should be given, and notice of the change should reach this office not later than the twentieth of the month to affect the succeeding issue. The publishers cannot be responsible for copies lost through failure to notify them of such changes. BOUND VOLUMES AND BINDINGS: Volume 1, containing Parts 1 to 12 inclusive, Volume 2, containing Parts 13 to 24 inclusive, Volume 3, containing Parts 25 to 36 inclusive, Volume 4, containing Parts 37 to 48 inclusive. Volume 5, containing Parts 49 to 60 inclusive, and Volume 6, containing Parts 61 to 72 inclusive, bound in brown buckram with gilt stamps and gilt top, $3.75 each, postpaid; bound in green half-morocco, gilt top, $4.25 each, postpaid, Subscribers' copies of Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, or Volume 6 will be bound to order in buckram, with gilt stamps and gilt top, for $1.50 each; or in half-morocco, gilt top, for $2.00 each. Indexes and half-titles for binding Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 supplied on application. BATES & GUILD COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1.AD§.7.06. Entered at the Boston Post-office as Second-class Mail Matter. Copyright, 1906, by Bates & Guild Company, Boston Masters in Art Among the artists to be considered during the current, 1906, Volume may be mentioned, Ghirlandajo, Bouguereau, and Goya. The numbers of 'Masters in Art' which have already appeared in 1906 are:
VOL. 2.
VOL. 3.
VOL. 4.
VOL. 5.
VOL. 6.
ALL THE ABOVE NAMED ISSUES ARE CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK Prices on and after January 1, 1906: Single numbers of back volumes, 20 cents each. Single numbers of the current 1906 volume, 15 cents each. Bound volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, containing the parts listed above, bound in brown buckram, with gilt stamps and gilt top, $3.75 each; in green half-morocco, gilt stamps and gilt top, $4.25 each. The Temple Temple This facsimile reproduction of the water-color by Hubert G. Ripley was made for a special feature of The Architectural Review. It is 7¼ x 9¾, and will be appreciated by every one interested in Greek architecture. We had one hundred extra reproductions made and offer them to Masters in Art subscribers for 50 cents each, postpaid. The above illustration gives no idea of the fine color effect of the print, which the artist has approved as being a perfect reproduction of the original painting. We cannot too strongly recommend our readers to secure a print for framing. BATES & GUILD CO. RED CEDAR CHESTS RED CEDAR CHESTS Protect your furs and fine clothing during the early Spring and Summer from moths and insects. Use a Piedmont Red Cedar Chest—dust and moth proof. A beautiful Wedding or Birthday present. Shipped from factory to your home on approval, freight prepaid. Write for booklet and factory prices. PIEDMONT FURNITURE CO., Dept. 5, Statesville, N. C. Seashore Lake and Mountain Seashore Lake Illustrated descriptive pamphlets (containing complete maps) have been issued under the following titles and will be mailed upon receipt of 2¢ in stamps for each book. All Along Shore · Among the Mountains · Lakes and Streams · To the Fish and Game Country of New England Canada and the Maritime Provinces · Merrimack Valley · Lake Sunapee · Vacation Days In Southern New Hampshire Lake Memphremagog Portfolios Mountains of New England Resorts For The Vacationist Illustrated FREE Vacation Excursion Rates and Tours FREE COLORED BIRD'S EYE VIEW from MT. WASHINGTON 20 POST CARDS of NEW ENGLAND SCENERY on BOSTON and MAINE sent on receipt of 30 cents in stamps For All Publications Apply To In answering advertisements, please mention Masters in Art Ingres MASTERS IN ART Ingres FRENCH SCHOOL MASTERS IN ART PLATE II INGRES PORTRAIT OF MADAME DE SENONNES MUSEUM, NANTES PHOTOGRAPH BY BRAUN, CLÉMENT & CIE MASTERS IN ART PLATE III INGRES MONSIEUR LEBLANC (DRAWING) BONNAT COLLECTION, BAYONNE PHOTOGRAPH BY A. GIRAUDON MASTERS IN ART PLATE IV INGRES MADAME DESTOUCHE (DRAWING) LOUVRE, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH BY A. GIRAUDON MASTERS IN ART PLATE V INGRES THE STAMATY FAMILY (DRAWING) BONNAT COLLECTION, BAYONNE MASTERS IN ART PLATE VI INGRES LA SOURCE LOUVRE, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH BY BRAUN, CLÉMENT & CIE MASTERS IN ART PLATE VII INGRES PORTRAIT OF MONSIEUR BERTIN LOUVRE, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH BY BRAUN, CLÉMENT & CIE MASTERS IN ART PLATE VIII INGRES THE VOW OF LOUIS XIII CATHEDRAL, MONTAUBAN PHOTOGRAPH BY BRAUN, CLÉMENT & CIE MASTERS IN ART PLATE IX INGRES PORTRAIT OF MADAME DEVAUÇAY CONDÉ MUSEUM, CHANTILLY PHOTOGRAPH BY BRAUN, CLÉMENT & CIE MASTERS IN ART PLATE X INGRES THE APOTHEOSIS OF HOMER LOUVRE, PARIS PHOTOGRAPH BY BRAUN, CLÉMENT & CIE PORTRAIT OF INGRES BY HIMSELF UFFIZI GALLERY, FLORENCE This portrait was painted when Ingres was seventy-five. He has been described at that time as strong and vigorous, short of stature, thick-set, and ill-proportioned. His complexion was sallow, his cheek-bones prominent, his eyes dark and keen, his eyebrows slight and contracted in a frown, his nose seemingly short because of the great length of his upper lip. His hair was short and stiff, and worn parted like a woman's. His appearance, it was said, suggested a retired man of business, or a curate in citizen's clothes, rather than an artist with whom the love of beauty amounted to a passion. |