The purpose of this examination is to test (1) the candidate's knowledge and appreciation of certain specified works, and (2) his ability to write correctly. As bearing on the latter point, he is advised to go over his paper carefully before the end of the time allowed, correcting any inaccuracies, not neglecting capitals and punctuation.
Write about two hundred words on each of three topics selected by yourself from the following list (of a pair of subjects enclosed in brackets, choose but one):
{ Jessica's Escape from her Father's House.
{ Launcelot Gobbo.
Sir Roger at Church.
The Encounter of Fitz-James and Roderick Dhu.
{ Goldsmith's Life as a Student.
{ The Circumstances of the Composition, the First Performance, and the Publication
{ of She Stoops to Conquer.
{ Lynette's Behavior toward Sir Gareth.
{ The History of "the nine-years-fought-for diamonds."
Carlyle's Defense of Burns's Personal Character.
(Only candidates taking final examinations may choose the last.)
(a) Explain the significance of the italicized words and phrases: "Memorize another Golgotha"; "To alter favor ever is to fear"; "Wicked dreams abuse The curtained sleep"; "But in them nature's copy's not eterne"; "His two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail so convince."
(b) What important persons of the drama are absent from the banquet? Where is each at that time? How far do these circumstances influence any later events in the play?
(c) Give the substance of Malcolm's actions and utterances as far as they are presented on the stage.
(a) What is said respecting the parentage of Mirth and Melancholy in L'Allegro and Il Penseroso? Interpret the meaning of each of the various suggestions.
What was that snaky-headed Gorgon shield
That wise Minerva wore, unconquered virgin,
Wherewith she freezed her foes to congealed stone,
But rigid looks of chaste austerity,
And noble grace that dashed brute violence
With sudden adoration and blank awe?
Locate the above quotation as exactly as you can, and show its relation to the general subject of the poem. Explain fully the allusions in the first three lines.
(a) "First, then, I cannot admit that proposition of a ransom by auction, because it is a mere project.... Secondly, it is an experiment which must be fatal in the end to our Constitution.... Thirdly, it does not give satisfaction to the complaint of the Colonies." What was "that proposition"? Give the substance of Burke's objections under the above headings. What is the relation of this part of the speech to the whole? Was the "proposition" accepted?
(b) What connection with the main argument has Burke's discussion of slave-holding in the Colonies?
- (a) Macaulay's remarks on Comus; (b) on Addison as a critic.
Write about two hundred words on each of three topics selected by yourself from the following lists (of a pair of subjects enclosed in brackets, choose but one):
{The Banquet Scene in Macbeth.
{The Character of Antonio.
The Jessamy Bride.
{The Contrast between Gareth and Geraint.
{Tennyson's Use of Natural Scenery in The Passing of Arthur.
A comparison of the Moral of The Ancient Mariner with that of The Vision of Sir Launfal.
The finding of Eppie.
- I
- Narrate the events in Julius CÆsar that occur on the Ides of March, before the murder.
- In what book did Shakespeare find the material for Julius CÆsar? How does his conception of the character of CÆsar resemble or differ from that which you have formed in your study of CÆsar's Gallic Wars or of Roman history?
- II
Sometime let gorgeous Tragedy
In sceptred pall come sweeping by,
Presenting Thebes, or Pelops' line,
Or the tale of Troy divine,
Or what (though rare) of later age5
Ennobled hath the buskined stage.
(1) To what is Milton referring in line 3? (2) Comment on lines 5 and 6. (3) What is meant by "sceptred pall"? by "buskined stage"? (4) What similar pleasures were enjoyed by L'Allegro?
- Milton's remarks on the clergy in Lycidas.
- Into what great divisions does Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America fall? What digression from the main subject is made, and for what reasons?
- What plan had been proposed by the "Noble Lord in the Blue Ribbon"? On what grounds did Burke criticize it?
- IV
- Macaulay's remarks on the nature and influence of Addison's Spectator.
Write about two hundred words on each of three topics selected by yourself from the following list (of a pair of subjects enclosed in brackets, choose but one):
The Conversation between Lorenzo and Jessica in Act V of The Merchant of Venice.
The Effect of the Murder upon the Character of Lady Macbeth.
Sir Roger and the Widow.
The Publication of The Vicar of Wakefield.
The Personal Appearance of Silas Marner.
{ Bedivere.
{ Gareth's Combat with "The Noonday Sun."
- Describe (a) the interview between Brutus and Portia, and (b) Brutus's treatment of Lucius in his tent near Sardis. How does each of these scenes affect our estimate of the character of Brutus? What is the last we hear of Portia?
- What opportunity is provided in Comus for the introduction of instrumental music? dancing? display of scenery? Describe the concluding scene (beginning with the appearance of Sabrina) as you imagine it to have been performed at Ludlow Castle in 1634.
- What, according to Burke, are the three possible ways of dealing with the American spirit of liberty? State his reasons for rejecting the first two.
- What does Burke think should be the attitude of one nation toward another in such a crisis as the one under discussion?
- Cite any reasons that appeal to you as helping to explain the fame of Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America.
- Write an account of Johnson's early years in London.
- Macaulay says of Johnson: "No human being who has been more than seventy years in the grave is so well known to us." Discuss the grounds for this statement.