The candidate is advised to be careful in paragraphing, spelling, punctuation, and form of expression. Select either of the two following lists of topics, plainly indicating at the head of the paper which list is selected. Write short compositions (containing about one hundred words each) on five subjects chosen from that list. The candidate must draw all his subjects from the one list selected. First List - The Excursion to the Waterfall in The Princess.
- The Elopement of Jessica.
- Cedric's Escape from Front-de-Boeuf's Castle.
- Antony's Speech over CÆsar's Body.
- Sir Launfal and the Leper.
- Sir Andrew Freeport.
- Carlyle on the Sincerity of the Poetry of Burns.
- The Influence of Eppie upon Silas Marner.
- Carlyle on Burns as a Poet of Scottish Peasant Life.
- A brief Sketch of Goldsmith's Life.
Second List - Sir Lancelot in Gareth and Lynette.
- Sir Lavaine in Lancelot and Elaine.
- Arthur's Sword, Excalibur.
- The Elopement of Jessica.
- The Witches in Macbeth.
- Sir Andrew Freeport.
- Cedric's Escape from Front-de-Boeuf's Castle.
- The Songs in The Lady of the Lake.
- The Influence of Eppie upon Silas Marner.
- Goldsmith's Acquaintance with Dr. Johnson.
B 1 | (a) | Describe in detail the scene in which occurs the knocking at the gate of Macbeth's castle. | | (b) | How do Ross, Donalbain, and Hecate figure in the action in Macbeth? | | (c) | Trace throughout Macbeth the part of Macduff. | 2 | (a) | Justify fully the phrase "companion pieces" often applied to L'Allegro and Il Penseroso. | | (b) | Thoroughly explain the significance of the following portion of the complete title of Lycidas: "The Author ... by occasion foretells the ruin of our corrupted clergy, then in their height." | | (c) | Discuss the songs in Comus. | 3 | (a) | What, according to Macaulay, were the most important public questions with which Milton concerned himself? | | (b) | What does Macaulay say of Il Penseroso, L'Allegro, and Comus? | | (c) | Show clearly Macaulay's estimate of Richard Steele. | 4 | | What does Burke say, | | (a) | of American commerce; | | (b) | of American fisheries; | | (c) | of precedents for conciliation. |
(1906) A The candidate is advised to be careful in paragraphing, spelling, punctuation, and form of expression. Write short compositions (containing about one hundred words each) on four subjects chosen from this list. One of these must be number 1, the others must be chosen from three different works. The Idylls of the King is to be regarded as one work. - My Preparation for this Examination.
- The Discovery of the Murder of Duncan.
- The Elopement of Jessica.
- Gareth's Arrival at King Arthur's Court.
- Sir Roger and Moll White.
- Athelstane.
- Nancy Lammeter.
- Gawain's Search for the Winner of the Tournament.
- The Sleep-Walking Scene in Macbeth.
- The Stealing of Silas Marner's Gold.
B The questions should be answered in order: -
- How does Artemidorus figure in Julius CÆsar?
- How does Antony characterize Lepidus?
- Describe in detail the scene between Brutus and Portia.
- The earliest printed editions of Comus entitle the piece "A Mask presented at Ludlow Castle." Explain fully the circumstances of its presentation. What passages in the Mask itself refer to these circumstances?
- Describe in detail the method of your preparation for the examination on Milton's minor poems.
- What successive steps in Burke's argument lead to the definite resolutions which he introduces?
- What are the chief arguments by which Burke supports these resolutions?
- What does Macaulay say of Addison's Cato?
- Of Addison's poem, The Campaign?
- What information does Macaulay give concerning "Johnson's Club"?
N. B.—For IV (a) and (b) may be substituted the following: - What does Macaulay say of Milton's minor poems?
- Of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained?
(1907) B Answer all questions fully and in order: -
- Discuss the relation of Addison's literary fame to his political preferment.
- How did Johnson come to write The Lives of the Poets?
- What was the occasion, and what the nature of Lycidas?
- Describe the part played by the Attendant Spirit, from first to last, in Comus.
- Trace the successive steps by which Brutus was won to the conspiracy.
- How did Burke's plan of conciliation with the colonies differ from other plans?