
The examiner expects you to plan each answer before writing, to write neatly and legibly, to spell and punctuate correctly, and to be accurate and intelligent in choosing words and in framing sentences and paragraphs.


Write carefully planned compositions on three of the following subjects.

  1. The good traits in Macbeth's character.
  2. Antonio and Bassanio as gentlemen.
  3. The scenes in The Merchant of Venice which excite sympathy for Shylock.
  4. Scott's poetry.
  5. My first reading of The Lady of the Lake.
  6. The best scene in The Lady of the Lake and my reasons for liking it.
  7. "I found Him in the shining of the stars,
    I mark'd Him in the flowering of His fields,
    But in His ways with men I find Him not.
    I waged His wars, and now I pass and die."
  8. How Gareth became a knight.
  9. Godfrey Cass.
  10. My reading apart from the prescribed books.

The examiner expects answers not merely correct but also well composed. Answer all the questions.

  1. What is the plot of Comus?
  2. Are the characters in Comus as much like real persons as the characters in Shakespeare's plays? Give reasons for your answer.
  3. Relate the early life of Addison up to the time when he began to write for the Spectator.
  4. Tell what you know about Johnson's Club.


Write carefully: the quality of your English is even more important than your knowledge of the books. Plan your answers before you write them, and look them over carefully after you have written them.

Omit either 3 or 4.

  1. (Forty minutes.) Tell in the first person, as simply and as vividly as you can, the story of The Ancient Mariner.
  2. (One hour.) Explain as fully as you can the differences between the life of knights and ladies at the time of King Arthur or of Ivanhoe, and the life of people in London in the eighteenth century,—the time of Sir Roger de Coverley, of Goldsmith, and of Dr. Johnson.
  3. (Twenty minutes.) What does Macaulay mean when he says that Johnson "came up to London precisely at the time when the condition of a man of letters was most miserable and degraded"?
  4. (Twenty minutes.) Write a letter, addressed to a person with whom you are not acquainted, applying for a position and setting forth your qualifications for it.



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