Abergele Bay, North Wales, rescue of emigrant ship, 49 Accidents on board yachts, 138 Ackers, G. H., owner of 'Dolphin,' R.Y.S., 1839, 14 Acland, Sir T. D., president of R. Western Y.C., 42; 'Ada,' 174 Adams, C. F., Boston Y.C., 275 Adams, G. C., Boston Y.C., 275 'Adda,' Captain Rogers's, 240 'Addie,' American sloop, 254 Adelaide, Australia, 314 Adelaide, Queen, patroness of R. London Y.C., 179 'AdÈle,' 174 Admiralty, warrant to members of Cumberland Fleet, 162; 'Æolus' (R.N.Y.C. yacht), 78 'Ailsa' (66 tons), 78 Ailsa, Lord, owner of 'Snarley Yow,' 56 Akaroa, N.Z., 299 'Alarm' (193 tons), R.Y.S., winner of Royal Cup in 1830, 1831, 1832, 1838, 12, 13, 326 'Alarm' (225 tons), American schooner, 253 Albemarle Sound (U.S.), 232 Albert Park Yacht Club, Melbourne, 314 'Alberta,' royal yacht, 1863, dimensions, 8; Albertson Brothers, boat-builders, Philadelphia, 253, 256 'Alcyone' (35 tons), cutter, R. Clyde Y. C., 89; 'Alexandra' (40 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17 'Alice,' American cat-boat, 252 'Aline' (210 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17 Allan, John, of Glasgow (sec. R.N.Y.C., 1825), 74, 78 'Alouette' (5 tons), 174 'Alpha' (21-footer), 269 'Alpha Beta,' 175 'Alwida' (5-rater), 63 Amateur, an, definition of, 52 'Amathea,' 91 'Ambassadress' (431 tons), 253 'Amberwitch' (52 tons), yawl, 112, 113 America Cup, really R.Y.S. Cup, 14; 'America,' Commodore J. C. Stevens's schooner, wins the cup of the R.Y.S. in 1851, 14; America, North, eastern seaboard of, 228, 235 American yachting, schooners favoured, 252; American Yacht Club, formed for steam-yacht owners, 282 'Amethyst' (20 tons), 77 'Amphitrite,' schooner, 1893, in R.T.Y.C. race of June 10, 358 'Amulet' (51 tons), R.Y.S., wins Royal Cup in 1837, 12 Anglesey, Marquis of, 10, 12, 13, 326 Anne, Cape, 229 'Annie,' Anson Livingston's sloop, 253; 'Archee' (5-rater), 63 'Ariel' (10 tons), of Beccles, a lateener, 205, 221 'Armada' (7½ tons), 81 Armitage, Dr. W. S., owner of 'Nora,' 98 Armstrong, Claudius, of Dublin (R.N.Y.C., 1824), 74 Arran, 94 'Arrow' (5 tons), 174 'Arrow,' American sloop, 256 'Arrow,' cutter, T. Chamberlayne's, 13 Arundel Yacht Club. See Royal London Yacht Club Ashbrook, Lord, R.Y.S. 1815, 10 Aspinwall, W. H. and J. L., first promoters of steam yachting in America, 280 Astley, Captain, owner of 'Mercury,' 162, 164 Astor, W. W., 284 'Atalanta,' competes for America Cup in 1881, 257, 278 'Atalanta,' Cumberland Fleet, winner of Vauxhall Cup in 1801, 164 Atkins, J., Cork Water Club, 100 Atkinson, Mr., boat-builder, of Bullock, Co. Dublin, 149 'Atlantic,' American sloop, 257 Atlantic Yacht Club, 258 Auckland Yacht Club, 290 'Aurora Borealis' (252 tons), 16 'Aurora,' Cumberland Fleet, wins the first match of club (1755), 155 Australia, 148; 'Australia' (207 tons), wins the race in 1877 from Dover to Boulogne and back, 68 'Aveyron,' 174 Aylsham, 192 'Babe' (2½-rater), 64 Baden-Powell, Mr., owner of the 'Diamond,' 52; Baden-Powell, Warrington, 180 Bagot, Lieut.-Col., owner of 'Creole,' 67-96 Bailey, the, Dublin Bay, 130, 133 Baillie, J. H., owner of the 'Kate,' 52 Baldwin, John (C.W.C.), 100 Baldwin, Robert (C.W.C.), 100 Banks Peninsula, N.Z., 292, 302 Banshee (4 tons), 82 Barrier Islands, N.Z., 289 Barrow to the Clyde, matches from, 84 Bay of Islands, N.Z., 289 Bay, St. Augustine, Florida, 233 Bayley, Mr., owner of the 'Euterpe,' 53 Beamish, Caulfield (Cork Water Club), 104 'Beatrix,' American centreboard. See 'Harpoon' 'Bedouin,' American yacht, 255 Beechy, Admiral, his picture of the 'Enid,' 115 Belfast, Earl of, owner of 'Waterwitch' (1834), 324 Belfast, regatta of R.N.Y.C. at, in 1826, 76; Bell, Captain, of the Thames Conservancy, 183 Bell, James (vice-commodore R. Clyde Y.C.), 91, 92 Bell, W. A., owner of 'Glance,' 98 'Bella' (8 tons), 81 'Belle Lurette,' the Prince of Wales's, 54 Belleville, Canada, 310 'Bellissima,' Captain Farebrother's, wins the Jubilee Cup in 1807, 164 Belmore, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 'Belvidere,' the (25 tons), R.T.Y.C., 1845, Lord Alfred Paget's, 171 Bennett, James G., part owner of 'Priscilla,' 257; Bentall, Mr., builder of 'Jullanar,' 68 Bermuda, international yacht race in 1849, 243; Bettsworth, Captain, owner of 'Spitfire,' 1823, 167, 168 Bewicke, J., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 'Bezan Jagt' (1670), Dutch, 3 'Bird of Freedom,' Mr. Popham's, 56 'Black Maria,' of Barton Broad, 205 Blake, G. L., on the Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, 49 et seq.; 'Blanche' (R.Y.S.), 290 Blatchford, Lady Isabella, sells Osborne House to the Queen, 6 Blind Bay, N.Z., 297 'Blue Bell' (25-tonner), 13 'Blue Belle' (5-rater), 63 'Blue Dragon,' Cumberland Fleet, 1787, 162 Bluff, harbour of the, N.Z., 301 Bogle, James, 77 Bolton, Mr. (commodore R.A.Y.C.), 110 Bombay, yachting at, 315; Bon Accord, Kawau, N.Z., 292 Booth, H. Gore, 77 Boston Harbour, 229 Boston Yacht Club, 258 Bourne End, Bucks, 181 Bowness, Windermere Lake, 183, 189 Boyd, Judge, owner of 'Thalia,' 1893, 350 Brassey, Lord, 16, note; Brassey, Lady, 318 'Breeze' (55 tons), 12 'Brenda' (8 tons), 82 'Brenda,' American schooner, beats the 'Pearl' in 1849, 243 Brenton Reef Cup, race for, between 'Britannia' and 'Navahoe,' 390 Brierley, Sir Oswald, his drawing of the procession of the Royal Yacht Squadron, 16 Brighton, Mr., boat-builder of Yarmouth, his craft for the Norfolk Broads, 210 et seq. 'Brilliant' (8 tons), W. Bucknall's, R.T.Y.C., 1830, 169, 327, 329 'Britannia' (220 tons), the Prince of Wales's, 17; British India Steamship Company, 288 'Britomart' (H.M.S. brig), 300 Britten, Commander R.N., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Brocklebank, Captain, owner of 'St. George,' 1823, 167 Bronskill, Mr., of Bowness, 189 Brooklyn Yacht Club, class of yachts, 258 Brown & Bell, boat-builders, New York, 243 Brown, J. F., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Brown, W. H., boat-builder, 246 Brundall, Norfolk, 210 Brunkard, Lord, 3 Brunswick, Georgia, 232 Bryant, Henry, Boston Y.C., 275 Bryant, John, Boston Y.C., 275 Buccleuch, Duke of, Patron of Royal Forth Yacht Club, 96 Buchanan, T. C., 77 Buchanon, Dan (R. Cl. Y.C.), 81 Buckenham, 222 Buckingham, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 Bulkeley, Major, R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Bullen, John (Cork Water Club, 1760), 100 Bullen, Mr., of Oulton Broad, 222; Bullen, Richard (chaplain Cork Water Club, 1720), 100 Bure, river (or North River), 192, 198, 204, 220, 225 Burgess, the coloured skipper of 'Diamond,' 318 Burgess, Edward, American boat-builder, 253; Burnham on the Crouch, 178 Burroughs's pocket-case for yacht voyages, 139 Butler, General B. F., buys 'America,' 257 'Buttercup' (10 tons), 56, 175 Byng, Admiral, rear-commodore R.P.C.Y.C., 54, 57 Byrne, Captain, his 'Cumberland' wins Jubilee Cup of Cumberland Fleet in 1800, 164 Byrne, St. Clare, designer of 'Valiant' (2,400 tons), 418 Buzzard's Bay, 230 Caicos Reefs, West Indies, 239 'Calluna,' in 1893, 349; 'Calypso,' 91 'Calypso' (109 tons), American schooner, 252 'Cambria,' 252; Camera, the, 226 Campbell, H. F., 77 Canal of the Dismal Swamp (U.S.), 232 Canfield, A. Cass, designer and owner of 'Sea Fox,' 253; Canned provisions, 142 Canterbury, New Zealand, 299 Cantley, on the Yare, 204, 213, 221, 222 Cape Maria Van Diemen, 289 Cape May cup, race for, between 'Britannia' and 'Navahoe,' 393 Cape Tribulation, 288 Cape York, Queensland, 288 Capel, Frank C., rear-commodore of R.C.Y.C., Erith, 178 Capes, William, boat-builder, Hoboken, 239; 'Cara' (28-foot boarder), in 'fitted race,' 320 Carolinas, the (U.S.), 232 'Caroline,' Cumberland Flt., 159 Carpets on board yachts, 136, 138 Carrick, J., of Greenock (R.N.Y.C., 1824), 74 Carroll, Royal Phelps, owner of 'Navahoe,' 43; Carter, John, skipper of 'Britannia,' 340, 345, 395 'Castanet,' Mollett's description of Russell Colman's, 215-217 'Castanet' (40-rater), W. R. Cookson's, 67, 352 Castle, E. W. and R., on the Thames Clubs and Windermere, 152 et seq. Catamaran introduced by N. G. Herreshoff in 1876, 270 Catwater, Plymouth, 42 Cat-yawls, introduced in 1883, 270; Cawdor, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 Cecil, Lord Francis, owner of 'Chittywee,' 55 'Cemiostama,' the, 147 Center, Edward, N.Y.Y.C., 241 Center, Robert, owner and joint designer of 'Vindex,' 256, 258 Centreboard v. keel, question of, 261, 414 'Challenge' (20 tons), 56, 119-122 'Challenge,' the (1.1-rater), 183 Charles II., his enthusiasm for yacht-building, 1; Charleston, South Carolina, 232 Chesapeake Bay, 232 'Chip' (10 tons), 174 'Chiqueta' (20-rater), 63 'Chittywee' (3 tons), 55, 56, 175 Cholmondeley, Lord Henry, commodore of the Coronation Sailing Society, 1831, 168 Christchurch, New Zealand, 291, 299 Christian, Robert, of Sligo (R.N.Y.C., 1824), 74 'Cigarette' (centreboard lugsail boat), 213 'Cintra,' Upper Thames steam yacht, 182 'Clara' (10 tons), 91; Clarence (15 tons), 77 Clarence, Duke of (afterwards William IV.), becomes patron of R.T.Y.C., 169 Clarence Yacht Club, an offshoot of the R.T.Y.C., 169 'Clarita,' American steam yacht, 1864, 280 Clark, John, commodore of R. Clyde Y.C., 92 Clayton, Colonel Fitzroy, commodore of the Upper Thames Sailing Club, 181 Clayton, J. Weston, vice-commodore of the R.C.Y.C., Erith, 178 Clontarf, 148 Club Nautique, Nice, 308 Clyde, the, yachting nursery of the North, 72; Clyde Corinthian Yacht Club match, 1893, 364 Clyde Model Yacht Club. See Royal Clyde Yacht Club Clyde Yacht Club. See Royal Clyde Yacht Club 'Clytie,' American yacht (1865), 250 Coats, J., owner of 'Madge,' 53 Cochrane, Blair, presents a Champion Cup to the R.P.C.Y.C. for ½-raters, 64 'Cock-a-Whoop' (2½-rater), 63, 177 Coffin, Captain, owner of 'Caroline,' 159 Collingwood (N.Z.), 298 Colman, Russell, his 'Castanet,' 215 'Colonia,' 1893, 400; Coltishall, 192 'Columbia' (206 tons), American schooner, 253, 258, 278 'Columbine' (90 tons), winner of Royal Cup in 1835, 12 'Columbine' (50-rater), 67; 'Comet' (5 tons), 81 'Coming,' American sloop (1868), 254 Commerell, Admiral Sir E., 318 'Condor' (190 tons), 88 Condy, Mr., of Plymouth, his pictures of 'Esmeralda,' 13; Connor, George, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Consort, Prince, lays foundation stone of Royal Victoria Yacht Club house, Ryde, March 1846, 43 'Constellation,' N.Y.Y.C., 1889, 274 'Consuelo,' American cat-yawl, characteristics, 270 Conyngham, Marquis, transfers lease of Cowes Castle to R.Y.S., 10 Cook, Captain, 288 Cook's Strait, New Zealand, 288, 296, 297, 302 Cooks, yacht-sailor, 145 Cookson, W. R., owner of 'Castanet,' 67 Cool, David, boat-builder, City Island (U.S.), 255 Cooper, W. (R.A.Y.C.), 108 'Coquette,' American schooner, 243 'Coralie' (35 tons), 85 Corinthian matches of R.A.Y.C., 118; Cork Water Club established, 5 Cork Yacht Club. See Royal Cork Yacht Club 'Cornelia' (94 tons), 242, 243 'Corona' (10-rater), 175, 212, 213 Coronation Sailing Society, origin of, 166; Corry, Thomas Charles Stewart (R.N.Y.C., 1824), 74 'Corsair,' Admiral Montagu's, 17, 333-342, 346, 350 'Corsair' (80 tons, 1832), 326; Cory, W., his 'Buttercup,' 175 'Cosette' (2½-rater), 63 Courtney, A. W., his 'Naiad,' 55 Cove of Cork, 7 Cowes, 332 Cowes Castle, club-house of R.Y.S., 9 Cox, Miss Mabel, owner of 'Kismet,' 68 Cox and King, Messrs., 426 'Craigielee,' 313 Craigmore, 78 Crampton, Mr., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Cranfield, skipper of 'Valkyrie' in America Cup races of 1893, 420 Craven, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 Crawford, Colonel, owner of 'Red Lancer,' 330 'Creole' (40-rater), 67, 71, 96, 352 Crooks, J., 77 'Cumberland,' Commodore Taylor's, 157, 158; Cumberland Fleet, founded in 1775, 152, 154; Cumberland Gardens, 1791, 157, 162; Cumberland, Henry Frederick, Duke of, gives a cup in 1775 for sailing boats on the Thames, 154, 155, 156; Currie, Sir Donald, commodore Royal Forth Y.C., 96 'Currytush' (3-tonner), 123, 175 Curtis, Sir W., R.Y.S., 1815, 10 'Curtsey' (30 feet), 60 Cushing, John P., his 'Sylph,' 238 Custance, H. Neville, hon. treas. of R.C.Y.C., Erith, 178 'Cyclone,' 175 'Cygnet' (25 tons), R.T.Y.C., 1843, 13 'Cygnet' (35 tons), 45, 49, 171, 172 'Cygnet,' American yacht, 240, 242, 243 'Cyprus' (5 tons), 60 'Cythera' (116 tons), cutter, 88 'Czarina,' steam yacht, 1877, 16 'Dacia' (5-rater), 1893, 351 'Dagmar' (36 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17 'Daisy' (19 tons), 327 Dalkey Bray, 148 'Daphne' (25 feet), 57 Dartmouth, 346 'Dauntless' (268 tons), American schooner, 252, 258 Davey, J. M., owner of 'Don Giovanni,' R.T.Y.C. 1824, 168 Davies, G. Christopher, on yachting on Norfolk Broads, 190 et seq. 'Day Dream,' American steam 'Day Dream' (89-rater), yawl, 96; 'Dawn,' yawl, 82 De Blaquiere, Lord, purchases the 'America,' 247 Deerhurst, Lord, R.Y.S. 1815, 10 'DeirdrÉ' (20-rater), 67, 350, 351, 397, 398 Delaware Bay, 232 Delaware River, 232 'Delvin' (5-tonner), 123 Denman, captain of 'Victoria and Albert,' 1855, 8 Depaw, Louis A., N.Y.Y.C., 240; Devonshere, Abraham, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Devonshere, James, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Dexter, Gordon, Boston Yacht Club, 275 Dhows, at Bombay, 316 'Diamond' (5 tons), 52 'Diamond' (Bermuda), in a 'fitted race,' 318, 322 Diaper, Tom, 345 Dickenson, W. V., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Dickie, Mr., his 'Armada,' 81 'Dilemma,' the first fin-keel yacht, 268 Dinghy Club, Bermuda, 318; 'Dione,' 174 'Dis' (10-rater), 63, 175, 176, 348 'Diskos' (21-footer), 177 'Diver' (1809), John C. Stevens's, 237 'Dolphin' (2½-rater), 64 'Don Giovanni,' R.T.Y.C., 1824, 168; Donald, E. F. (sec. R.N.Y.A.), 78 Donaldson, Peter, owner of 'Calluna,' 361 Donegall, Marquis of (first president R.N.Y.C.), 75 'Donna del Lago' (9 tons), 327 'Dora' (10-rater), 1893, 351 Dore, Captain, Cumberland Fleet, 162 'Dorothy' (21-footer), 177 'Double Trouble,' John C. Stevens's, 237 Doughty, Mr., on Friesland meres in a Norfolk wherry, 194-196 Doyle, Mr., boat-builder, of Kingstown, 149 'Dragon' (20-rater), 63, 67, 350, 397 'Dragons' of the 20's, 345 Drake's Island, 40 'Dream' (66 tons), 77 'Dream,' George L. Schuyler's, 238, 240, 242 Drury, James, his description of No. 1 Corinthian match, R.A.Y.C., 119 et seq. 'Dryad,' yawl, 174 Dublin Bay, 130, 133, 136, 137, 144 Dublin Bay Sailing Club, 18, 148 'Duchess' (3-tonner), 123 Dudley, Lord, his 'Vigorna,' 351 Dudgeon, Henry, R.A.Y.C., 119 'Dudu,' 174 Dufferin, Lord, his description of single-handed boat-sailing, 20; Duncan (of 'Madge' fame), 330 Dunedin, N.Z., 310 Dunleary (now Kingstown), 106 Dunleath, Lord (formerly H. L. Mulholland), his 'Egeria,' 16; Dunne, Mr. (R.A.Y.C.), 120 Dunoon, 77 Dunraven, Lord, his 'Valkyrie' at Nice, 306; Dunscombe, Richard (Cork Water Club), 100 Dutch yacht of 1640, illustration, 2 'Eagle,' in match with 'Caroline,' 159 Earth closets on yachts, 138 East River, 231 Eastern Yacht Club, Boston, 259 'Echo' (2½ tons), 82 'Echo' (37 tons), yawl, 112, 113 'Eclipse,' in match with 'Cumberland' 1793, 162 'Eclipse' (30 feet), 57 Edgar, Daniel, owner of American sloop 'Arrow,' 256 Edgar, William, N.Y.Y.C., 240, 242 Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard Island (U.S.), 277 Edinburgh, Duke of (patron of R.A.Y.C.), 111; 'Egeria,' schooner, 16, 115, 119 'Elaine' (10 tons), 174 'Elf' (2½-rater), 67 'Elfin' (paddle steam yacht), H.M.'s, 7, 9 Elgar, Professor, yacht designer, 426 Elizabeth Islands, 230 Elizabeth, Queen, 1 'Elma,' service boat, 59; Elsworth, Philip, yacht designer, 253, 257 'Emma' (15 tons), 77 'Emmetje, De' (103 tons), 15 'Enchantress,' Admiralty boat, 9 'Enchantress,' Amer. schooner, 249, 253 'Enid' (57 tons), 85 'Enriqueta' (20 tons), her matches with the 'Quickstep,' 58, 59 Eresby, Lord Willoughby De, R.Y.S., 1859, 15, 16 Erie Canal, 284 Erith, the Thames at, 178 'Eros' (850 tons) st. yacht, 308 'Esmeralda,' cutter, tender to 'Royal George,' 6 'Ethel' (10-rater), 63 'Euterpe' (20 tons), 53 'Eva' (21-footer), 177 'Eva' (81 tons), American schooner, 249, 252 'Excellent,' H.M.S., 59 Extracts of meat, 143 Eyton, Wynne, part owner of 'Mascotte,' 55 'Fair Geraldine' (5-rater), 63 Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Govan, Glasgow, builders of 'Giralda,' 426 'Fairy,' H.M. s.s. yacht, 6 'Fairy' (13 tons), 327 'Fairy Queen' (8 tons), 81 'Falcon' (15 tons), 77 'Falcon' (351 tons), R.Y.S., 1835, 12 Falconer, T. (R. Clyde Y.C.), 81 Famous races, 324; 'Fancy' (21-footer), 177 'Fanny' (90 tons), American sloop, dimensions, 256 Farebrother, Captain, Cumberland Fleet, his 'Bellissima' wins Jubilee Cup in 1807, 164 Farne Islands, 96 'Faugh-a-Ballagh' (2½-rater), 68 'Faustine,' American schooner, 250 'Favourite,' st. packet, 1823, 165 Fenwick, Bruce (hon. sec. R.F.Y.C.), 96 Ferguson, Richard (R. Clyde Y. C.), 79, 81 Fergusson, Sir James (formerly governor of N.Z.), 290 Fernie, Mrs. Robertson, 66 'Field,' the (March 20, 1880), on Norfolk wherries, 194; Fife, Mr., of Fairlie, on Captain John Nichols, 46; Fife, W., jun., designer of 'Ulidia,' 56, 57; Fife, Messrs., of Fairlie, their status as Clyde yacht-builders, 72; Fin-keel boats, N. G. Herreshoff's, 267; Finlay, Alex., his 'Leda,' 81 Finlay, J. Beekman, part owner of 'America,' 247 'Firefly,' 280 Firth of Thames (N.Z.), 289, 290, 294 Fish, 'Bob,' yacht designer and builder, 247; Fish, Latham A., N.Y.Y.C., 275 Fish, Robert and Isaac, yacht-builders, New York, 247 Fishing on the Norfolk Broads, 226 'Fitted races,' 318-321 FitzClarence, Lord Adolphus, captain of 'Royal George,' 6 Fitzgerald, Lord Otho, 110 Fitzhardinge, Earl, gives a cup in 1845 to the R.T.Y.C., 171 Fitzharris, Lord, R.Y.S., 10 Fitzsimons, Walter, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Fitz-Wygram, Major-General Sir F., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Fleet sailing, 109 'Fleetwing' (206 tons), 252 Flemmich, Mr., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 'Fleur-de-Lis' (5-rater), 351 'Fleur de Lys' (92 tons), American schooner, 252 'Florence' (10 tons), 174, 175 Florida, 233 'Foam,' R.Y.S., 1856, 38 Foley, Miss, owner of 'Wren,' 52 Foley, Rear-Admiral the Hon. F. A. C., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Food for yachting, 139 Forbes, Com. J. Mal., Boston Y.C., 275 Forbes, R. B., 238 Forbes family (Maine, U.S.), 230 'Foreign' boats in Norfolk waters, 217, 218 'Formosa' (104 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17, 88 Forrest & Son, Wivenhoe, builders of 'The Lady Hermione,' 26; Fortress stove, 140 Forty-rater, a, racing in, in 1892, 352 et seq. Foster, A., jun., N.Y.Y.C., 242 Foster, C. H. W., Boston Y.C., 275 Foveaux Strait (N.Z.), 301 Fox, Captain H. C., R.C.Y.C., Erith, 177 'Foxhound' (35 tons), 62 France, yachting in, 304; 'Francis' (3½ tons), 81 'Francisca,' steam yacht, 308 'Freda' (5 tons), 174 Freke, Mr., owner of the 'Freda,' 53 French, Mr. (Cork Water Club), 104 French, Pascoe, owner of 'Sheilah,' 119, 120, 121 'Friesland Meres in a Norfolk Wherry,' Doughty's, 194 Froude, Mr., his 'Oceana,' 292 Fullerton, Admiral, 9 Fulton, Mr. (R.A.Y.C.), 82, 118 Fundy, Bay of, 229 Fungoid growths in yachts, 138 'Gadfly,' 54 'Galatea,' Lieut. W. Henn's, 257; 'Galatea' (179 tons), schooner, 1834, 325 Gamble, Col., C.B., commodore of R.M.Y.C., 49 'Gardenia,' 175 Gardiner, William, designer of 'Lyris' (1891), 263, 275 Garrett, Captain, R.A., 1st vice-com. R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 54 Garth, T. C., owner of 'Hyacinth,' 67 'Gavotte' (2½-rater), 68 Geelong, yachting at, 314 'Gem,' 91 'Genesta,' Sir Richard Sutton's, 58; 'Genie' (21-footer), 177 George III., his yacht, 5 George IV., establishes Kingstown Harbour, 106; German Emperor William II., R.Y.S., sails his 'Meteor' (late 'Thistle') for the Queen's Cup in 1891, 17, 91; Germany, yachting in, 309 'Gertrude,' American sloop (1852), 249 'G.G.' (2½-rater), 64 'Ghost' (20-rater), 63 Gibson, J., R. Clyde Y.C., 79 Gilchrist, James, R. Clyde Y.C., 79, 81 Gilman, Mr., R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 64 'Gimcrack,' John C. Stevens's, 239, 240, 242, 243 'Giralda' (1,800 tons), 425, 426 Gladstone, Captain James, hon. sec. R.M.Y.C., 49 'Gladys,' 216 'Glance' (35 tons), R. Clyde Y.C., 83, 85 'Glance' (3.7-rater), R. Forth Y.C., 98 'Glasgow Herald' quoted, 79 Glasgow, Lord, R. Cl. R.C., 92 'Gleam,' American cat-boat, 252 'Gleam' (Fife of Fairlie's), 77; Glennie, A. H., rear-commodore R.P.C.Y.C., 64, 66 'Glide' (14 tons), 82 'Gloriana,' characteristics of, 264-266; 'Glycera' (5-rater), 63 'Gnome' (25-tonner), R.T.Y.C., 1843, 13 Gomes, skipper of the 'Meteor' in the Wemyss Bay regatta of July 8, 1892, 331 Gordon, Robert F., R.N.Y.C., 1824, 74 'Gossoon,' American cutter, 263, 264 Goteborg, Sweden, 309 Gould, Jay, 284 Gould, skipper of 'Varuna,' 330 Gourock, 77 Governor's Bay, Lyttelton, N.Z., 299 Governor's Pass, Great Barrier Island, N.Z., 293 'Gracie,' American yacht (1868), sail-plan, 254; Graham, Sir B. R., Bart., owner of 'Harriet,' R.W.Y.C., 42 Grant, Mr., jun., his 'Fairy Queen,' 81 Grant, R., sec. R.Y.S., 391 Grant, C. P., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Grantham, Lord, R.Y.S., 10 Granton Yacht Club. See Royal Forth Yacht Club 'Graphic cruisers' of Dublin Bay, 124; 'Grayling' (136 tons), 253 Great Barrier Reef, Australia, 288 Greenock, 77 Gretton, John, jun., his 'Lais,' 350 Grey, Sir George, his island of Kawau, N.Z., 292 'Greyhound' (4-tonner), 210; Greymouth, N.Z., 298 Greystones, 148 Grinwood, Dr., first commodore of the R.M.Y.C., 46 Grubb, Captain, owner of 'Eagle,' 159 Gubbins, Mr., owner of 'Windfall,' 330 GuÉbriant, Comte Alain de, 306 Gulf Coast, 233 Gunston, Captain, owner of 'St. George,' 161, 164 'Gwendolin' (197 tons), 119 'Halcyon' (121 tons), American schooner, 252 Haldane, Capt., R.P.C.Y.C., 66 Hall, John, of Yarmouth, owner of 'Greyhound,' 210 Halliday, Mr., his 'Helen,' 91 Hallowes, Admiral, R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 64, 68 Hamilton, Bermuda, 318 Hamilton, Canada, 310 Hamilton, James, of Holmhead (R.N.Y.C. 1826), 76, 247 Hamoaze, the, 40 Hampton Roads (U.S.), 232 Harborough, Lord, owner of the 'De Emmetje,' 1827, 15 Harlan Hollingsworth Co., boat-builders, Wilmington, Delaware, 257 'Harpoon,' American cutter, 263, 267 'Harriet' (65 tons), R.Y.S., 1834, 12 'Harriet' (96 tons), R.W.Y.C., 1835, 42 Harrington, William, Cork Water Club, 104 Harrison, commodore R.T.Y.C., 1838, 170 Hart, Robert, R. Clyde Y.C., 81 Hart & Son, of Thorpe, boat-letters, 222 Harvey, builder of 'Sea Belle' and 'Miranda,' 68 Harwich, 218 'Haswell,' American yacht, 249 Hatcher, Dan, boat-builder, 89, 113 Hatteras, Cape, 245 Hatteras Inlet (U.S.), 232 Havelock, N.Z., 297 Havre, as a yachting centre, 304; 'Hawk,' American cutter, 263 'Hawke,' Cumberland Fleet, chased into Calais by an American privateer, 159 Hayes, Capt. R.N., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Hays, William, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 'Haze' (21-footer), 177 'Heathen Chinee' (2½-rater), 63 'Hebe,' R.M.Y.C., 1845, 47 Heigham Sounds, 204 'Helen' (17 tons), loss of, 91 Helensburgh, 77; Henderson, Messrs., of Partick, builders of 'Valkyrie' and 'Britannia,' 349, 402 Heneage, G. W., owner of 'Harriet,' R.Y.S., 1834, 12 Henn, Lieut. W., his 'Galatea,' 308 Henry, Prince, of Prussia, his interest in yachting, 17; 'Heroine' (60-ton), cutter, 117 Heron, Maxwell, R.P.C.Y.C., 59 Herreshoff, Lewis, on yachting in America, 227 et seq.; Herreshoff, N. G., designs and builds the 'Shadow,' 250; Herreshoffs, Messrs., boat-builders, Bristol, Rhode Island, 249, 285, 350, 400, 401 Herrings, Dublin Bay, 144 Hewett, Robert, commodore R.C.Y.C., Erith, 178 Hewitt, Thomas, Cork Water Club, 104 Hickling Broad, 203-205, 222, 225 'Hildegarde' (205 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17 Hill, F. C., his 'Dragon,' 350 Hilliard, J. B., R. Clyde Y.C., 93 'Himalaya,' troopship, 9 'Hinda' (18 tons), 119-122 Hippesley, Sir J., R.Y.S. 1815, 10 Hoad, builder of 'Phantom,' 68 Hoare, Samuel, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Hoboken (U.S.), 236 Hobson, Captain, secures the South Island, N.Z., in 1840, for the British, 299 Hobson's Bay, Australia, 313 Hodder, William, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Hoe, the, Plymouth, 39 Hogarth, A., skipper of 'Calluna,' 396 Hokianga River (N.Z.), 296 Holditch, Captain H., sec. R.W.Y.C., 43 Holdsworth, Tom, vice-commodore R. Clyde Y.C., 79 Honduras, 245 Horn, H., on yacht racing in 1893, 349 et seq. Hossack, N. P., N.Y.Y.C., 241 Houldsworth, J., owner of 'Lufra,' 68 Houseboats, sailing, 195 Hoveton Broads, 199 Howard, J. T., designer, 176 Howth, 126, 129, 130, 134, 148 Huggins, W., marine painter, his picture of the leading craft of the R.Y.S. of 1835, 12 Hughes, W. W., owner of 'Australia,' 68, 69 'Humming Bird' (2½-rater), 63 Hunter, Mr., of Hafton, 85 Hunter's Quay, club-house of R. Clyde Y.C. at, 85 'Hunt's Yachting Magazine' on the 'Victor,' 312 Hyatt, J., owner of 'Matchless,' R.T.Y.C., 1830, 169 'Ianthe,' Amer. schooner, 250 'Ianthe,' Norfolk barge, 197, 224 'Ida' (12-rater), cutter, 98 'Idalia' (20-rater), 351 'Idler' (133 tons), American schooner, 252 Imperial German Yacht Club, 309 Inchiquin, Lord, Cork Water Club, 100, 106 'Industry,' steamer, 72 Inglis, I. A., owner of 'Darthula,' 95; Inglis, J. and A., Glasgow, builders of 'Calluna,' 350 Inman, Mr., builder of 'Australia,' 68 'Intrepid,' American yacht, 253, 258 'Iolanthe,' 98 'Irene' (40-rater), Prince Henry of Prussia's, 91, 309, 340 'Irene,' Trinity yacht, 9 'Iris,' the, description of, 126-129, 133, 134; Irish Model Yacht Club. See Royal Alfred Yacht Club Irish Yacht Clubs:—Royal York, 99-106; 'Iroquois,' American yacht, 258 'Iverna,' cutter, 49, 63, 71; Jameson, John, designer of 'Iverna,' 350 Jameson, W. G., 331, 335, 337, 364, 365, 388 'Janetta' (2½-rater), 64 Jay, John C, N.Y.Y.C., 240; Jerome, Leonard W., owner of 'Clarita,' 1864, 280 Jessop, W., owner of 'Florinda,' 68 Johnson, C., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 'Josephine' (143 tons), American schooner, 252 'Jubilee,' American yacht, 1893, 400; 'Julia,' J. M. Waterbury's sloop, 245, 246; 'Juliet' (10 tons), 174 Kaikoura (N.Z.), 299 Kaipara harbour (N.Z.), 296 'Kate' (20 feet), 56 Kauri timber for yachts, 296, 314 Kawau, island of (N.Z.), 292 Keen, Captain George, Cumberland Fleet, 1823, 166 'Keepsake' (30 feet), 57 Kelly, Mr., owner of 'Viola,' 53 'Kelpie,' American yacht, 250 'Kelpie' (1-rater), 64 Kennedy, A., R. Clyde Y.C., 79 Kennedy, Captain R., hon. Sec. R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 51 Kennedy, John, R.N.Y.C., 74 Kennedy, R., R.N.Y.C., 74 Kennedy, W., R. Clyde Y.C., 79 Kent, Duchess of, patroness of R.W.Y.C., 1833, 42 Kerr, James, 77 'Kestrel,' schooner, 1835, 13 Kiel, yachting at, 309 'Kilmeny' (30 tons), 82, 84, 112-114 King, Samuel, R.C.Y.C., 88 'King's Fisher,' Commodore Taylor's, drawing of, 151; Kingsale, Lord, C.W.C., 102 Kingston, Canada, 310 Kingstown (Dublin Co.), clubs at, 106, 107, 146 Kirby, David, boat-builder, Rye, New York, 253-257 Kirkwall, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 'Kismet' (2½-rater), wins Fernie Cup of R.P.C.Y.C., 68 'Kitten,' Upper Thames Sailing Club, 183 'Kittiwake' (½-rater), wins the Champion Cup of R.P.C.Y.C. in 1891, 64 'La Coquille' (27 tons), 240, 242, 243 Ladies on board yachts, 139 'Lady Hermione,' Lord Dufferin's, 20, 25; 'Lady Louisa' (13 tons), R.T.Y.C., 1827, 169, 327 'Lady St. Kilda,' 1835, Sir T. D. Acland's, 42 LagÉ, Contre-Amiral Baron, President of Union des Yachts FranÇais, 306 Laight, W. E., N.Y.Y.C., 242 'Lais' (40-rater), 350; Laity, Mr., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Lake Ontario, Canada, 309, 310 Lambton, H., M.P., owner of 'Cygnet,' R.Y.T.C. 1851, 171 'Lamlash' (cutter), 77 Lamont, H., rear-commodore R. Clyde Y.C., 92 Lampson, G. C., owner of 'Miranda,' 68 'Lancashire Witch,' steam yacht, 1878, 17 'Lancet' (20 tons), 242 Lang, Oliver, designer of H.M.'s 'Elfin' and 'Victoria and Albert,' 7 Langtry, R., R.N.Y.C., 1824, 74 Lapthorn, Messrs., 128, 149, 274, 398 Largs, 77, 81; 'Latona' (yawl), wins race from Dover to Boulogne and back in 1880, 69; 119 Lavallin, Philip, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Lavand, Captain, 300 Lawley Corporation, Boston, builders of 'Jubilee,' 402 Leach, Sir George, on America Cup races of 1893, 416 et seq. 'Leander' (20 tons), 62 'Leda' (6 tons), R. Cl. Y.C., 81 'Leda,' R.M.Y.C., 1845, 47 Lee-on-Solent, 60 Lenon, Major, his 'L'Erie,' 174 'Lenore,' 91 'Leopard,' steam launch, Upper Thames Sailing Club, 182, 183 'L'Erie' (10 tons), 174 'Lesbia' (37 tons), cutter, 82 'Lethe' (yawl), 71 Liffey estuary, the, 136 'Lil' (25 feet), 57 'Lily' (3½ tons), 82 Little Barrier Island (N.Z.), 292 Littledale, com. R.M.Y.C., 47, 49 Liverpool, yachting at, 47 Livingston, Anson, owner of 'Annie,' 253 'Livonia' (280 tons), 85, 252, 278 Llangattock, Lord, 13 Lockett, J. A., rear-commodore R. Clyde Y.C., 83 London Sailing Club, Hammersmith, 180 Longfield, Richard, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Loper, R. T., owner of 'Ocean Wave,' 280 'Lorna,' 337 Los Angeles Yacht Club, 234 Louise, Princess, Lady Patroness of Bermuda Dinghy Club, 318 Louisiana, 233 Loutherburg, artist, his drawing of Cowes Castle, 10 Loynes, Mr., of Wroxham, 197, 212, 222, 224 'Luath' (5-tonner), 123 'Lucanias,' 72 Lyall, R., his 'Maria,' 81 Lyle, James A., hon. sec. R.A.Y.C., 88, 109; Lyons, James, owner of the 'Breeze,' R.Y.S., 1836, 12 'Lyris,' designed by W. Gardiner (1891), 263 Lysaght, Major, 106 'Mabel,' late 'Irex' (100-rater), 67, 352, 360 McAllister, Mr., Dumbarton, 149 McCalmont, Harry, owner of 'Giralda,' 425, 426 Macartney, Mr., R.A.Y.C., 118 McCheane, Charles, hon. sec. R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 52, 55, 56 McCheane, T., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 McCracken, Henry J. (R.N.Y.C. 1824), 74 McFerran, James, his description of 'The Lady Hermione,' 20, 25 et seq. Macgregor, 'Rob Roy,' 28 McIver, Mr., his 'Brenda,' 82 MacIvor, D., owner of 'Sunshine,' 119 Macleay, A. D., owner of 'Jullanar,' 68 'Macnab' (21-footer), 177 'Madcap' (2½-rater), 63 'Madcap' (20 tons), 116 'Madeleine' (148 tons), American schooner, 252, 256, 278 'Madge' (10 tons), 53 'Madge,' influence of, on American yacht design, 259 'Maggie' (15 tons), 53, 89, 91 'Maggie' (132 tons), American schooner, 252 'Magic' (97 tons), American schooner, 252; 'Magnolia' (21-footer), 177 'Maharanee' (10 tons), 175 'Maida' (10-rater), 1893, 351 Main, John, R.P.C.Y.C., 66 Maine (U.S.), 228 Malahide, 148 'Mallory,' American yacht (1858), 249, 253 Mallory, D. D., yacht designer, Noank, Connecticut, 249, 253 Malta, 315 'March Hare' (21-footer), 177 'Maria' (5 tons), R. Lyall's, 81 'Maria,' Commodore Stevens's sloop, N.Y.Y.C., 240; 'Mannersing,' 253 'Mantura' (24-footer), 313 'Marguerite,' 263 'Maritana' (14 tons), 291 'Mascotte,' 291 'Matchless,' 327 Maxwell, J. R., 275 'Mehalah' (21-footer), 177 'Merle' (10 tons), 174 Mermaids of Dublin Bay, 108, 149 'Meteor,' German Emperor's yacht, 17, 91, 329, 331, 374 'Mildred' (10 tons), 174 'Mima' (10 tons), 291 'Mimmie' (3 tons), 123 'Mimosa,' 175 'Mina,' 258 'Mineola,' 266 'Minna,' 240 Minor Vauxhall Gardens, 164 'Mirage' (1.0), 183 'Mist,' 240 'Mohawk' (326 tons), 253, 259, 374 'Mohican,' 329 Mollett, Mr., of Brundall, 210, 213-217 'Mona' (.85), 183 Montagu, Hon. Victor, 17, 338, 339, 350 'Montauk' (193 tons), 253 Morgan, E. D., 265, 275, 402, 418 Morris, A., 77 'Morwena' (1-rater), 1893, 351 'Mosquito' (½-rater), 68 'Mosquito' (59 tons), 83 'Mosquito,' R. Northern Y.C., 1848, 45, 78, 326 Motueka (N.Z.), 298 Mount Desert Island (U.S.), 277 Mount Edgcumbe, 40 Mudhook Yacht Club, 87; Muir, Mr., owner of 'Mabel,' 67 Mulholland, H. L. See Dunleath Mum, James, R. Clyde Y.C., 79 Mumm, J. F., boat-builder, Bay Ridge, Long Island, 257 'Musume' (2½-rater), 63 'Mystery' (25 tons), R.T.Y.C., 1843, 13 'Mystery,' the (Thames open boat), 217 'Mystic,' American yacht (1856), 249 'Nadador' (2½-rater), 63 'Nadejda,' 175 'Naiad' (3-tonner), 55 'Naiad' (10 tons), 62 'Naida' (3 tons), 175 'Nancy' (1787), 162 Narragansett Bay, 228, 230, 231, 249, 276 'Narwhal' (21-footer), 177 Nash, James, C.W.C., 100 Naushon Island, Maine, 230 'Navahoe,' R. P. Carroll's, 349; Nelson (N.Z.), 297 Nettlefold, Edward, Commodore of Cumberland Fleet, 165-166 'Neva' (62 tons), 119 New Bedford (U.S.), 277 New London (U.S.), 276 New Orleans, 233 New South Wales, timber of, 313 New Thames Yacht Club, an offshoot of the R.T.Y.C., 173 New York Yacht Club. 91; New Zealand, yachting in, 287; 'Newburg,' American sloop, 249 Newenham, John, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Newenham, R., C.W.C., 100 Newenham, T., C.W.C., 100 Newman, Major H. H., 106 Nice, as a yachting centre, 306; Nichols, Captain John, on long courses, 45; Nicholson, Mr., builder of 'Florinda,' 68 'Niny,' 309 'Nora' (8-rater), 98 Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club, 217: Norfolk Broads, yachting on, 190; Norfolk wherries, 194 'Norman,' 175 'Norna,' American yacht, 258 NorrkÖping, Sweden, 309 North America, British, 275 North Island (N.Z.), 295 'North Star,' American steam yacht, 279; Norwegian prams, 147 Norwich, 192, 204, 222, 223, 225 Nottage, Capt., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Nugent, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 'Nyleptha' (21-footer), 177 'Nymph' (15 tons), 77 Oamaru harbour (N.Z.), 300 O'Bryen, Hon. James, Cork Water Club, 1720, 100 O'Bryen, Morough, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 'Ocean Monarch,' emigrant ship, rescued by 'Queen of the Ocean,' 1848, 47, 49 'Ocean Wave,' American steam yacht, 1865, 280 O'Connell, D., loss of, in the 'Peri,' 116, 117 'Œnanthe,' 175 Olsen, Niels, N.Y.Y.C., 279 O'Neal, Charles, Cork Water Club, 1720, 100 'Onkahya,' John C. Stevens's, 238; Onslow, Earl of, on yachting in New Zealand, 287 et seq. Onslow Pinnacle Rock, Bay of Islands (N.Z.), 289 Orfordness, sea disturbance off, 218 'Orion,' American yacht, 250 'Orion,' R. Northern Y.C., 78 Ornskoldskirk, Sweden, 309 Orson, Edward Forbes, of Stranraer, R. Northern Y.C., 1824, 74 'Osborne' (formerly the 'Victoria and Albert'), 6, 9 'Ottawa,' U.S.S., 247 Oulton Broad, 192, 197, 205, 219-224 'Oweene,' American cutter, 263 Oxford University Sailing Club, 182, 183 Oyster Bay, Long Island, 239 Pacific coast, 233 Paget, B., R.P.C.Y.C., 66 Paget, Lord Alfred, vice-commodore R.T.Y.C., his 'Mystery' and the 'Blue Belle,' May 23, 1843, 170; Paget, W. B., owner of the 'Columbine,' 67 Paine, General, Boston Y.C., his 46-footer, 1891, 263; Paine, J. B., designer of 'Jubilee,' 402 'Palmer' (194 tons), 252 'Pantaloon,' H.M.S., tender to 'Royal George,' 6 'Pantaloon,' R.Y.S., 1835, 12 'Papoose' (2½-rater), 68 Park, Mr., part owner of 'Ida,' 98 Parker, Ben, skipper, 330, 345 Parker, Michael, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Parkes, Mr., owner of 'Aurora,' Cumberland Fleet, 155 Parsons, Thomas, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Paterson's Inlet (N.Z.), 301 Payne, Arthur, designer of the 'Hyacinth,' 62; Payton, Mr., builder of 'Currytush,' 123 Peake, Sir Henry, designer of 'Royal George,' 1814, 5 'Pearl' (4½ tons), 81 'Pearl' (130 tons), R.Y.S., 1835, 12, 13, 243, 326 Peed, Mr., of Oulton, builder of 'Corona,' 213 Pelorus Sound (N.Z.), 296, 297 Pelt, J. G. van, owner of 'Rebecca,' 246 Pembroke, Earl of, Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club, 68 Penrose, Cooper, Cork Water Club, 104 Pepys, Samuel, quoted, 1-5 PÉrignon, M. E., vice-president U. des Y.F., 306 Persian Gulf, the, 148 Peter the Great, 5 'Petrel' (10 tons), 116 Pett, Christopher, 2 Pett, Commissioner, builds a yacht for Charles II, 2, 3 Pett, Phineas, builds a yacht for Henry of Wales in 1604, 1, 2 Petty, Sir William, his two-keeled vessel, 3 'Phantom' (10-rater), 351, 398 'Phantom' (123 tons), American schooner, 252 'Phantom' (172 tons), 69 'Phoebe,' R.M.Y.C., 1845, 47 'Phryne' (40 tons), 56 Picton, Queen Charlotte Sound (N.Z.), 297 Pigeon Bay (N.Z.), 299 'Pilgrim,' American yacht, 1893, 400; 'Pilot,' H.M.S., training brig, 40 'Pleione,' schooner, 117 'Plover,' American yacht, 249 Plymouth, 39 'Pocahontas,' Amer. sloop, 257 Polhemus, A., boat-builder, Nyack, New York, 254 Ponsonby, Lord, R.Y.S., 10 Popham, F. W. L., owner of 'White Slave,' 330 Popham, Mr., owner of 'Bird of Freedom,' 56 Port Chalmers (N.Z.), 301 Port Fitzroy, Great Barrier Island (N.Z.), 293 Port Leny (N.Z.), 299 Port Nicholson (N.Z.), 296 Portland, Duke of, owner of 'Pantaloon,' R.Y.S., 1835, 12 Pottinger, Thomas, Admiral R.N.Y.C., 1825, 74, 75 Prams, Norwegian, 147 'Preciosa' (10 tons), 174 Preservation of food on yacht voyages, 141 'Prima Donna' (25 tons), R.T.Y.C., 145, 171 'Primrose' (3 tons), 175 Prince Alfred Yacht Club, Sydney, 311 Prince, C. A., Boston Y.C., 275 'Prince of Wales,' Cumberland Fleet, 1786, 161, 162 'Princess' (40 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17 'Princess Royal,' steamer, R.M.Y.C., 1845, 47 'Priscilla,' Amer. yacht, 225, 227 Pritchett, R. T., on royal yachts and English yacht clubs, 1 et seq.; 'Providence,' Cumberland Fleet, 1797, 164 'Ptarmigan' (10-rater), 351 Puget's Sound, 233 'Puritan,' General Paine's, 255, 257, 260, 261, 263, 278, 333 Pussey & Jones, builders of 'Pilgrim,' 402 Putland, George, Commodore R. Alfred Y.C., 110, 115 Puxly, Henry, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Quail Island, Lyttelton (N.Z.), 299 Queen, Her Majesty the, purchases Osborne House, 6; 'Queen' (15 tons), 114 Queen Charlotte Sound (N.Z.), 296, 297 'Queen Mab,' 60, 71, 96, 329, 330, 333, 334, 336, 337, 340, 343, 345-347, 350 'Queen of the Ocean,' R.M.Y.C., 47, 49 Queensland, coast of, 288 Queenstown, 7 'Qui Vive,' American yacht, 250 'Quickstep,' Amer. schooner, 263 'Quickstep' (20 tons), 56; Quilter, Mr., part owner of the 'Mascotte,' 55 Racing in a 40-rater in 1892, a detailed description, 332 et seq. Raleigh, Walter, 1 'Rambler' (160 tons), 252 Rangitoto (N.Z.), 294 Ranken, A., 77 Ranworth Broad, 202 Rasch, Captain, R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Ratsey, Charles, boat-builder, 68, 149, 325, 326, 398, 402 Reade, Lieut.-Col. Arthur L., secretary of the Royal Windermere Lake Yacht Club, 189 Reany & Naeafy, builders of 'Ocean Wave,' 280 Reanyson & Archibald, boat-builders, Chester, Pennsylvania, 256 'Rebecca,' J. G. van Pelt's, 246 'Red Lancer' (5-rater), 330, 331, 351, 398 'Restless' (95 tons), American schooner, 252 'Reverie' (40-rater), 1891, lines, 70; 336, 337 'Reverie' (41 tons), Clyde Y.C., cutter, 82 Ricardo, Charles, secretary of Upper Thames Sailing Club, his account of a 'fitted race,' 320, 321 Richards, S., R.P.C.Y.C., 66 Richardson, Alex., owner of the 'Naiad,' 116; Richardson, G. W., owner of the 'Sayonara,' 53 'Richmond,' American yacht (1857), 249 Richmond, D. O., boat-builder, Mystic, Connecticut, 256 Richmond, Duke of (1771), 324 'Rival,' 91 'Rival' (3-tonner), 123 'Rivet' (17 tons), 310 'Rob Roy' (16 tons), 327 'Rob Roy,' Mr. Macgregor's, 28 Robertson, F. A., owner of 'Uranus,' 98 'Robinson' (10 tons), 174 Roche, Edmund, Cork Water Club, 100 Roche, John (C.W.C.), 104 'Rocket' (6 tons), yawl, 88 Rockland, on the Yare, 222 Rogers, Archibald, N.Y.Y.C., 275; Rogers, James, N.Y.Y.C., 240; Rogers, John (C.W.C., 1720), 100 Rogers, Robert (C.W.C., 1760), 100 Roland, Thomas (C.W.C.), 104 Rollins, George B., N.Y.Y.C., 240; Rothesay, the Royal Northern Yacht Club at, 72; Rothschild, Baron A. de, 306 Rowan, J. (R. Clyde Y.C.), 81 Rowley, A. B., owner of the 'Latona,' 69 Royal Albert Yacht Club: Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Alfred Yacht Club, Kingstown, Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Bermuda Yacht Club, 318 Royal Bombay Yacht Club, 315 Royal Canadian Yacht Club, 309 Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club, Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Clyde Yacht Club: Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Corinthian Yacht Club, Erith (the original Corinthian club), 173; Royal Cork Yacht Club: Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Cornwall Club, 18 Royal Dart Club matches, 385 Royal Dorset Club, Weymouth, receive a Queen's Cup in 1887, 18; Royal Eastern Yacht Club, 98 Royal Forth Yacht Club, establishment of, 96; 'Royal George,' royal yacht, dimensions, 5; Royal Halifax Yacht Club, 311 Royal Irish Yacht Club: Royal London Yacht Club, 18; Royal Mersey Yacht Club: Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Northern Yacht Club: Royal Nova Scotia Y.C., 311 Royal Portsmouth Corinthian Yacht Club, 49; Royal St. George's Yacht Club, Kingstown: Royal South Australian Yacht Squadron, Adelaide, 314 Royal Southampton Yacht Club, 340; Royal Southern Yacht Club: Queen's Cups received, 18; Royal Sydney Yacht Sq., 311 Royal Thames Club, 13, 18, 167-172; Royal Ulster Yacht Club: Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Ryde, 18, 43-45 Royal West of Ireland Club, Queen's Cups, 18 Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth, 18, 39-43 Royal Windermere Lake Yacht Club, founded 1860, 183; Royal Yacht Club of Victoria, Australia, 314 Royal Yacht Squadron: Royal Yorkshire Club, 18 'Ruby' (Thames boat), 218 Ruck, F., R.E., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Russell, George (R.N.Y.C., 1824), 74 Rutherford, L. M., N.Y.Y.C., 241 Ruthven, Edward S., R.N.Y.C., 1824, 74 Ryder, Admiral, R.P.C.Y.C., 50 'Sachem,' Amer. schooner, 263 'Sadie,' Amer. yacht (1867), 250 St. Augustine, Bay of (U.S.), 233 'St. George,' st. yacht, 1875, 290 'St. George,' Coronation Sailing Society dispute regarding the match of 1823, 167 'St. George' (7 tons), Cumberland Fleet, 161, 164 St. George's, Bermuda, dinghy racing at, 321-323 St. John's River (Florida), 233; St. Kilda, Australia, 314 St. Lawrence Club, Montreal, 311 St. Lawrence river, Canada, 310 St. Olave's, on the Waveney, 205 'Saivnara' (21-footer), 177 Salhouse Broads, 199 San Francisco, Bay of, 234 Sandwich, Lord, 3 Sandy Hook Lightship, 231 Sanitary precautions on yachts, 136-142 'Sanitas' for yacht sanitation, 136 Santa Barbara, 234 Santa Katalina, 234 'Santry' (25 tons), 54 'Sappho,' American schooner, 249, 253, 258, 278 'Satanella' (16 tons), 54 'Satanita,' in Jubilee Regatta of R. Mersey Y.C., 1893, 49; Savage, Mr., Cork Water Club, 104 Savannah (Georgia), 232 Savoy, Colonel, R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Sawyer, John, & Co., sailmakers, New York, 274 Saxe-Weimar, Prince Edward of, com., R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 53, 66 Schuyler, George L., N.Y.Y.C., 240; Scovell, Mr., R.A.Y.C., 110 'Sea Fox' (204 tons), American schooner, 253 'Seabelle' (142 tons), 68, 69, 344 'Seaflower,' H.M. brig, 40 'Seagull,' R.M.Y.C., 1845, 47 Seawanhaka Yacht Club, New York, 259 'Secret,' R.T.Y.C., 170 Selwyn Island (N.Z.), 293 Senior, Julian, R.P.C.Y.C., 66 'Shadow,' American sloop, built on 'compromise model,' 250; Shankill (Co. Dublin), 147 Shankill Corinthian Sailing Club, 148 Sharman-Crawford, Captain, rear-commodore R. Ulster Y.C., 108 Sharpies, Canadian, 310 Sheddon, Col., R.Y.S. 1815, 10 'Sheilah' (20 tons), 119-122 Shepherd, J., his 'Daydream,' 96 Sheppard, Mr., starts the Minor Vauxhall Gardens, 164; 'Shona' (5-tonner), 123 Signals, J. A. Lyle's book of, 109 'Silver Star' (40 tons), 56 Simonson, Jeremiah, builder of 'North Star,' 280 Simpson, Messrs., 177 Sinclair, R., 77 'Siola' (20-rater), 63 'Siren' (72 tons), 242 'Sleuthhound' (40 tons), 54, 56, 337 Small, Captain, R.C.Y.C., 81 Smith, A. Cary, joint designer of 'Vindex,' 256, 258; Smith & Dimon, boat-builders, New York, 280 Smith & Wellstood, Glasgow, 140 Smith-Barry, John, Cork Water Club, 12, 104 Smith, E., Cumberland Fleet, 164 Smith, James (first commodore R. Clyde Y.C.), 77, 79 Smith, J. W., owner of 'Secret,' R.T.Y.C., 1847, 170 Smith, Mr., first commodore of Cumberland Fleet, 156 Smith, Sir Alex. (1771), 324 Smith, T., R.T.Y.C., 169 Smyth, J., of Helensburgh, com. R. Northern Y.C., 74 'Snarley Yow' (3 tons), 56, 175 Snydam, D. L., joint owner of 'Cygnet,' 242 Snydam, John R., joint owner of 'Cygnet,' 242 SociÉtÉ des RÉgates au Havre, 306 'Sonata,' Arthur Glennie's, 54 Soper, J. M., boat designer, 70, 176, 180, 349 South California, 234 South Walsham Broad, 202 South Walsham Dyke, 203 'Speedy,' H.M.S., 61 Spencer, J., R. Clyde Y.C., 79 'Speranza' (85 tons), yawl, 119 'Spitfire,' Cumberland Fleet, dispute in match of 1823, 167; Spratt, Nelson, designer of 'Julia,' 246 'Spray' (37 tons), 240, 242, 243 Stalkart's 'Naval Architecture,' design from, 4 Start Bay Yacht Club Regatta, 1893, 386; Stawell, Sampson, Cork Water Club, 100 Steam yachting in America: Steers, George, designer of 'Gimcrack,' 239; 'Stella' (2½-rater), 62 Sterling, Colonel J., 393 Steven, Mr., his 'Comet,' 81 Stevens, Commodore John C., N.Y.Y.C., his schooner 'America' wins R.Y.S. Cup in 1851, 14, 246; Stevens, Edward, part owner of 'Maria,' 244, 245 Stevens, Edward A., part owner of 'America,' 247, 279 Stevens, Robert, part owner of 'Maria,' 244 Steward, duties of an honorary, on a yacht, 140 et seq. Stewart and Binney, designers of 'Pilgrim,' 402 Stewart's Island (N.Z.), 288, 301 Stockholm, 309 Stone, Douglas, yacht designer, 176; Story, W. C., R.P.C.Y.C., 50 Stoves for yachts, 140 'Sunbeam,' Lord Brassey's steam yacht, 16, 290 'Sunshine' (20 tons), 119-122 'Surge,' 174 Surlingham Broads, 222 Sussex, Duke of, patron of Royal Western Y.C., 1833, 42 Sutherland, James (R. Clyde Y.C.), 79; Sutton, Captain, first rear- and vice-commodore R.P.C.Y.C., 50, 54, 64, 66 Sutton, Messrs., owners of the 'Diamond,' 52 Sutton, Sir Richard, owner of 'Genesta,' 173 'Swan' (4-tonner), 212 Sweden, yachting in, 309 Swedish Yachting Club, 309 'Sweetheart,' 174 'Syanara,' American yacht (1891), 266 'Sybil' (26 tons), 62 Sycamore, skipper of 'Corsair,' 330, 342 'Sylph' (30 tons), R.N.Y.C., 77 'Sylph,' American schooner, 238 'Sylvie' (106 tons), American schooner, 252 Symonds, Sir W., designer of the old 'Victoria and Albert,' 6 'Syren' (25 feet), 59 'Talisman' (84 tons), 326 Tamesis Sailing Club, 182 'Tar Baby' (5-rater), 63 'Tara' (40 tons), 56 'Tarifa' (8-rater), 291 'Tarolenta' (204 tons), American schooner, 252 'Tartar' (30 tons), 77 Tauranga Harbour (N.Z.), 295 Taylor, Commodore Thomas, Cumberland Fleet, 1780, 152; Taylor, Mrs., 344 'Terpsichore' (38 tons), 62, 175 Texas, 233 'Thalassa' (2½-rater), 62 'Thalia,' 71, 337, 338, 340, 343, 345, 346, 350, 397 Thames, the: Thames, Harwich, and Cinque Ports courses, map of, 357 Thames Sailing Club, 182 Thames United Sailing Club, 188 Thames Valley Sailing Club, 182 Thames Yacht Club. See Royal Thames Yacht Club Thayer, Bayard, Boston Y.C., 275, 402 Thellusson, Percy, secretary R.V.Y.C., Ryde, 46 'Thetis,' 291 'Thief' (5-rater), 63 'Thistle' (afterwards 'Meteor'), 63, 91, 278, 309 Thomas, Sir G., R.Y.S. 1815, 10 Thomond, Marquis of, Cork Water Club, 10, 102 Thompson, F., owner of 'Challenge,' 119 Thompson, G. B., R.A.Y.C., 111, 116, 119 Thomson, Gordon, R.N.Y.C., 1824, 74 Thomson, Robert, R.N.Y.C. (sec. 1824, admiral 1827), 74 'Three Brothers,' 254 Thurne, river, 192, 203, 204, 225 'Thyra,' 91 'Tidal Wave' (153 tons), 252 Timaru harbour (N.Z.), 300 'Times' (August 9, 1886) cited, 159; Tinned fruits and vegetables, 142 'Titania,' American cutter, 263 Tooker, William, builder of 'Rebecca,' 246 Torbay regatta, 1893, 382; 'Torch' (15 tons), 82, 84, 174 Torres Straits, 288 'Tottie' (21-footer), 176, 177 Towers-Clark, Captain, owner of 'Varuna,' 350 Townsend, J., owner of 'Whirlwind,' 122 'Triton,' Amer. schooner, 250 'Trixie' (3-tonner), 210 'Trouble,' J. C. Stevens's, 237 'Troublesome' (2½-rater), 64 Turnley, J., R.N.Y.C., 1824, 74 Tyars, Jonathan, proprietor of Vauxhall Gardens, 161; 'Ulerin' (10 tons), 57 'Ulidia' (10 tons), 56, 57, 175, 345 'Una,' sloop, N.Y.Y.C., 241; 'Undine' (2½-rater), 68 'Undine,' American sloop (1852), 249 Union des Yachts FranÇais, 306 'Unit' (1-rater), 64 Upper Thames Sailing Club, club-house at Bourne End, 181; 'Uranus' (3.9-rater), cutter, 98 Ure, Mr., his 'Lily,' 82 Ure, R., 365 Urquhart, Major, 58 Uxbridge, Lord, R.Y.S., 1815, 10 'Valentine' (5-rater), 63 'Valiant' (2,400 tons), 418 'Valkyrie' (76 tons), 63 'Valkyrie,' Lord Dunraven's, 278, 308, 349; 'Vampire' (20 tons), 111-113 Vanderbilt, Cornelius, owner of 'North Star,' 280; Vanderbilts, the, 284 'Vanessa' (20 tons), 54 'Varuna,' 71, 329, 330, 337, 350, 360, 397 Vauxhall Cup, Cumberland Fleet, 161, 162 Vauxhall Gardens, proprietors place a wonderful car on the Thames in 1794, 163; 'Vega' (40 tons), 50 Velocity of wind, difference in the effect of, in English and American waters, 419 'Velzie' (20-rater), 63 'Vendetta' (40-rater), 360, 397 'Venelia' (3 tons), 175 'Venus,' Cumberland Fleet, 166 'Venus' (13 tons), 327 'Verena' (25 feet), 62 'Veronica' (92 tons), 62 'Vesta' (201 tons), American schooner, 253 'Victor,' 312 'Victoria,' American sloop (1856), blockade-runner, 249 Victoria, Australia, 314 'Victoria and Albert,' 1843, 6, 7; 'Vida' (23-footer), 1893, 351 'Vigilant,' 278, 333, 334, 400; 'Vigorna' (20-rater), 351, 397 'Viking,' 374 'Vindex' (44 tons), 83 'Vindex' (68 tons), first iron yacht built in America, 256, 258 'Viola' (20 tons), 53 'Virago' (6 tons), 174 'Vixen,' Cumberland Fleet, in a race in 1795, 164; 'Vixen' (19 tons), 1830, 327 'Vixen' (90 tons), American sloop, dimensions, 256 'Vol au Vent' (103 tons), 68, 69 'Volador' (21 feet), 62 Voorhis, J., designer of the 'Madeleine,' 256 Voorhis, William, owner of 'Addie,' 254 Waimea (N.Z.), 298 Waiwera (N.Z.), 292 Walcot, John, Cork Water Club, 1760, 100 Wales, Prince of, names and dates of yachts owned by him, 17; Walford, Mr., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Walker, Mr., his 'Bella,' 81 'Wanderer' (9-tonner), 210, 213 'Wanderer' (187 tons), American schooner, 249, 253, 258 'Wanderer,' steam yacht, 16 Wanhill, Mr., 172 Water Wag Association, institution of the, 147 'Water Wags' and Mermaids of Dublin Bay, 146-151 'Water Witch,' R.T.Y.C., 169 Waterbury, J. M., N.Y.Y.C., 240, 242, 245, 246 Waterhouse & Chesebro, 275 Waterman, Mr., designer of 'Mosquito,' 78 'Waterwitch' (331 tons), brig, Earl of Belfast's, 324 Watkins, A., yacht designer, 176 Watson, G. L., designer, 17, 53, 57, 176, 309, 312, 337, 340, 349, 351, 402, 418 'Wave' (25 feet), 57 'Wave,' John C. Stevens's, 238 'Wavecrest' (35 tons), yawl, 112, 113 'Waveney' (Norfolk barge), 192, 197 Webb & Allen, Messrs., American boat-builders, 238 Webb, Beavor, builder of 'Kate,' 52 'Wee Winn,' fin-keel boat, 269 Weir, David, of Partick, his 1-rater half-model, 180 Weld, Joseph, owner of 'Alarm,' R.Y.S., 1830, 12, 326 Wellington (N.Z.), First Class Championship yacht race at, 291, 296, 297 Welshe, Sir G., R.Y.S., 1815, 10 'Wendur' (43 tons), 45, 69, 334 'Wenona,' fin-keel boat, 268, 269 West, J. R., R.P.C.Y.C., 57, 66 West, T. B. C., 45, 69, 96, 334 Westport (N.Z.), 298 Wetmore & Holbrook, 238 Weymouth, 346 Whangaroa (N.Z.), 289 Wheatley, Col., R.Y.S. 1815, 10 Wherries, Norfolk, 195 'Whirlwind' (77-ton), yawl, 122 White Island (N.Z.), 295 White, J., builder of 'Latona,' 69 Wicklow, 148 'Widgeon' (24 tons), R.T.Y.C., 171 'Widgeon' (105 tons), American schooner, 252 Wildy, A. G., R.P.C.Y.C., 64 Wilkes, Hamilton, N.Y.Y.C., 240; Wilkinson, A. O., owner of 'Phantom,' 68, 69 William IV., gives a cup to R.Y.S., 11; Williams, Lawrence Faulkes, 280 Wilson, Adrian, his improvements in duck and yarn, 273 Wilson, Mr., part owner of 'Ida,' 98 Wilson & Griffen, sailmakers, 402 Wilson & Silsby, sailmakers, Boston (U.S.), 273, 274, 402 Winde & Clinckard, boat-builders, New York, 243 'Windfall,' 330 'Windsor Castle,' 1854, 7 Winsor, T. G. F., hon. sec. R.C.Y.C., Erith, 178 Winteringham, Mr., yacht-designer, New York, 275 Wood, N., his 'Corinne,' 68 Woodbastwick Broad, 199 'Woodcock' (10-rater), 351 'Wren,' Miss Foley's, 52 Wroxham, 192, 197, 198, 199, 222, 223, 225 Y.R.A. rule of measurement by length and sail-area, 93 Yacht racing in 1893, 349; 'Yarana' (72 tons), 63 Yare, river, 192, 204, 205, 221, 222 Yare Sailing Club, 217; Yarmouth, 192, 196, 198, 204, 220, 222, 223, 225 York, Duke of, Admiral of the Royal London Y.C., 179 York, Duke of, loses a sailing match to Charles II., 1661, 2 York, William (treasurer R. Clyde Y.C.), 83, 88, 92 'Yseult' (10-tonner), 330 'Yum-Yum' (30 feet), 60 'Zampa,' American yacht, 258 'Zenobia' (38 tons), Prince of Wales's, 17 'Zinita' (20-rater), 351; 'Zoe,' C. Johnson's, 50 'Zouave,' American yacht, 249 Zymine, compound, for yacht voyages, 139 Spottiswoode & Co. Printers, New-street Square, London. |