1: Sloane MSS., Brit. Mus., and model sent to, and deposited by, Petty in Wadham College. 2: Described by Lord Brassey, in his chapter on Ocean Cruising, Vol. I. 3: The first celebrated cutter by Fife of Fairlie was 'Lamlash,' 1814. 4: Public Advertiser, June 1, 1775. 5: The cup of 1775 was destroyed in a fire. Morning Herald, June 23, 1781. 6: Morning Post, July 10, 1775. 7: This cup is in the possession of the Taylor family, as are those won in 1776 and 1782. 8: Morning Post, July 26, 1782. 9: Morning Chronicle, May 5, 1781. 10: Morning Herald, June 27, 1781. 11: There is a print of the start for the 1782 match at the R.T.Y.C. 12: Times, August 9, 1886. 13: Public Advertiser, August 25, 1784. 14: Morning Post, July 5, 1786. 15: Morning Chronicle, July 19, 1786. 16: Public Advertiser, June 7, 1788. 17: Star, June 13, 1791. 18: Times, July 23, 1795. 19: Star, August 15, 1797. 20: George IV. 21: Morning Advertiser, July 18, 1823; Sporting Magazine, July, 1823; Morning Chronicle, July 19, 1823; Globe, July 18, 1823; Public Ledger, July 19, 1823. 22: Globe, August 5, 1823. 23: See Friesland Meres in a Norfolk Wherry. 24: Though the subject is so ably treated by Mr. Herreshoff in the previous chapter, the Editors, recognising the extraordinary importance of these races, have thought well to include a detailed description of events kindly furnished by a prominent English yachtsman.