CHAPTER I | | | PAGE | The Etiology of Influenza. (By Francis G. Blake, M.D.; Thomas M. Rivers, M.D.; James C. Small, M.D.) | 25 | | | Discussion, 43; Conclusions, 49. | | | | CHAPTER II | | Clinical Features and Bacteriology of Influenza and Its Associated Purulent Bronchitis and Pneumonia. (By Francis G. Blake, M.D., and Thomas M. Rivers, M.D.) | 51 | | | Influenza, 52; Purulent Bronchitis, 56; Pneumonia, 59; Hemolytic Streptococcus Pneumonia Following Influenza, 70; Bacillus InfluenzÆ Pneumonia Following Influenza, 72; Summary, 73; Discussion, 76. | | | | CHAPTER III | | Secondary Infection in the Ward Treatment of Influenza and Pneumonia. (By Eugene L. Opie, M.D.; Francis G. Blake, M.D.; James C. Small, M.D.; and Thomas M. Rivers, M.D.) | 83 | | | Secondary Infection with S. Hemolyticus in Pneumonia, 84; Secondary Infection with Pneumococcus in Pneumonia, 91; Secondary Contact Infection in Influenza, 95; Methods for the Prevention of Secondary Contact Infection in Influenza and Pneumonia, 98; Summary, 106. | | | | CHAPTER IV | | The Pathology and Bacteriology of Pneumonia Following Influenza. (By E. L. Opie, M.D.; F. G. Blake, M.D.; and T. M. Rivers, M.D.) | 107 | | | Bronchitis, 142; Lobar Pneumonia, 154; Bronchopneumonia, 162; Peribronchial Hemorrhage and Pneumonia, 189; Suppurative Pneumonia with Necrosis and Abscess Formation, 199; Interstitial Suppurative Pneumonia, 209; Suppurative Pneumonia with Multiple Clustered Abscesses Caused by Staphylococci, 225; Empyema, Pericarditis and Peritonitis, 232; Bronchiectasis, 239; Unresolved Bronchopneumonia, 261. | | | | CHAPTER V | | Secondary Infection in the Ward Treatment of Measles. (By James C. Small, M.D.) | 282 | | | Hemolytic Streptococci with Measles at Camp Pike, 297; Complications of Measles, 303; The Dissemination of Hemolytic Streptococci in Wards, 315; Carriers of Hemolytic Streptococci, 321. | | | | CHAPTER VI | | The Pathology and Bacteriology of Pneumonia Following Measles. (By Eugene L. Opie, M.D.; Francis G. Blake, M.D.; James C. Small, M.D.; and Thomas M. Rivers, M.D.) | 334 | | | Changes in Bronchi, 336; Lobar Pneumonia, 337; Bronchopneumonia, 340; Suppurative Pneumonia, 347; Pneumonia Associated with Acute Infectious Diseases other than Influenza and Measles, 353. | | | | CHAPTER VII | | Summary of the Investigation and Conclusions Reached. (By Eugene L. Opie, M.D.) | 359 |