Francis G. Blake, M.D.; Thomas M. Rivers, M.D.; James C. Small, M.D. The bacteriologic investigation which will be described was made at Camp Pike, Arkansas, during the period of the influenza epidemic from September 6 to December 5, 1918. The data presented are limited to observations made during life in uncomplicated cases of influenza and to control studies in normal individuals, and in cases of measles. Bacteriologic studies made at autopsy will be described in a subsequent part of this report. Because of the wide variations in opinion concerning the relationship of various bacteria to influenza that have arisen during the progress of the recent pandemic, a brief review of the salient features of the earlier literature seems advisable. In 1892 Pfeiffer None of these modifications of Pfeiffer’s original work, however, would seem to constitute any valid reason for abandoning the conception of the etiologic importance of B. influenzÆ. On the contrary, they are quite in harmony with well-established facts concerning other bacteria which cause infections of the respiratory tract. Such bacteria are frequently found in normal individuals leading a saprophytic existence, are often associated with other disease conditions, and tend to show marked variations in virulence. Since the outbreak of scattered epidemics of influenza beginning in 1915–16, which finally culminated in the pandemic of 1918–19, a vast amount of literature on the subject has appeared. No attempt has been made thoroughly to analyze this, because much of it is not available, much of it abounds in contradictions which it is difficult to harmonize at the present time, and much of it has been written on the basis of insufficient data gathered under the handicap of war conditions by men without sufficient time to undertake special investigation, or it is feared, in many instances, not sufficiently qualified by previous bacteriologic training. The sum and substance of opinion in 1918 would seem to be best summarized by quoting from the published report compiled by the British Medical Research Commission: In undertaking a study of the bacteriology of influenza, it seemed essential to bear in mind certain clinical features of the disease which will be discussed in greater detail in a subsequent paper. It suffices to say for our present purpose that it is felt that influenza in itself should be regarded as a self-limited disease of short duration (two to five days in most instances), the most prominent local manifestation of which is a rapidly progressing attack upon the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Among the cases observed during the epidemic at Camp Pike uncomplicated influenza never proved fatal and death invariably was associated with a complicating pneumonia. In a large majority of cases pneumococci, S. hemolyticus, or less frequently other bacteria in addition to B. influenzÆ were associated with the pneumonia. It is felt, therefore, that in any attempt to determine the primary cause of influenza bacteriologic studies made during life in early uncomplicated cases of the disease are of primary importance and that the bacteriology of the sputum of patients with complicating pneumonia and the bacteriology of autopsies can only properly be used as valuable supplements to data so obtained. Since cultures from the respiratory tract must often of necessity contain many bacteria which play no part in the production of influenza, it is essential to have a working knowledge of the bacteria that may be encountered by the methods employed. It is also important that such knowledge as may have been gained in interepidemic periods be amplified by study of the bacterial flora present at various periods throughout the course of an epidemic, both in normal individuals and in other disease conditions. These points have been borne in mind throughout the present Methods.—In an investigation of this nature the culture methods employed should be suitably directed to determine primarily what bacteria are present and in what relative proportion they exist. The use of culture or animal inoculation methods that are highly selective in character, enhancing the growth of certain bacteria and retarding or inhibiting the growth of others, are of great additional value, but can only properly be used secondarily in order to augment the results obtained by nonselective culture methods. As the most suitable medium for the purpose in hand plain meat infusion agar, titrating 0.1+ to 0.3+ to phenolphthalein, to which 5 per cent of sterile defibrinated horse blood was added, was used. Since growth on freshly poured plates is greatly superior to that on plates that have been stored, the agar was melted as needed, the blood being added when the medium had cooled to approximately 45° C. Cultures from the nose and throat were made by swabbing the mucous membranes with a sterile applicator, touching the applicator to a small area on the surface of a blood agar plate, and spreading the inoculum over the surface of the medium with a platinum needle, insuring as wide a separation as possible. Direct cultures of selected and washed specimens of sputum were made when possible. In many instances, of course, it was impossible to get sufficiently satisfactory specimens to permit of washing, especially when cultures were made very early in the disease. To supplement direct culture of the sputum the mouse inoculation method as employed for the determination of pneumococcus types was used. This is, of course, a highly selective method, of particular value in the detection of pneumococcus and B. influenzÆ when they are present in relatively small numbers as compared with other bacteria. Plates were examined after twenty to twenty-four In the present study, attention has been centered upon B. influenzÆ, S. hemolyticus, and the various immunologic types of pneumococci, other organisms encountered having played no significant part in the cases studied except in rare instances. B. influenzÆ was identified by its morphologic, staining and cultural characteristics and conformed to the classical description given by Pfeiffer. S. hemolyticus was identified by its morphologic, staining, and cultural characteristics on blood agar, supplemented by a confirmatory hemolytic test with washed sheep corpuscles, and bile solubility test. Pneumococci were identified by morphologic, staining and cultural characteristics, bile solubility test, and agglutination with specific antipneumococcus immune sera. Note was made in most instances of the presence of other organisms, such as members of the Gram-negative diplococcus, staphylococcus, diphtheroid and streptococcus viridans groups, but no attempt was made further to isolate or identify them. Bacillus InfluenzÆ in Cases of Influenza.—On October 10, 1918, at the height of the epidemic at Camp Pike, search for B. influenzÆ was made in a group of 23 consecutive cases of uncomplicated influenza from one to six days after the onset of the disease. From each individual simultaneous cultures on blood agar plates were made (a) from the nose, (b) from the throat, and (c) from the sputum, and the sputum from each case was injected into the peritoneal cavity of a white mouse. A similar study of 5 consecutive cases was made on November 19. The results are presented in Table II. By means of multiple cultures taken simultaneously from different portions of the respiratory tract no difficulty was encountered in demonstrating B. influenzÆ in all these cases of uncomplicated influenza. Not only was B. influenzÆ found in all cases, but often in very large numbers predominating
During the latter part of November and in early December a small secondary wave of influenza occurred at Camp Pike. In a series of 48 consecutive cases, B. influenzÆ was readily found in all by means of combined throat cultures A summary of all cultures made in cases of uncomplicated influenza is presented in Table III.
Of any single method used the intraperitoneal inoculation of a white mouse with a specimen of the patient’s sputum proved the most efficient in demonstrating the presence of B. influenzÆ. No single method served to demonstrate B. influenzÆ in all cases, but by simultaneous cultures from the nose, throat, and deeper air passages no difficulty was met in showing that B. influenzÆ was invariably present, usually in abundance somewhere in the respiratory tract during the acute stage of the disease. This result is not out of harmony with the rapidly progressive character of the attack upon the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in influenza. Of interest in this connection are certain observations which suggest that the presence of B. influenzÆ in predominant Presence of Pneumococcus in Cases of Influenza.—It seemed of some importance to determine the prevalence of pneumococcus in cases of influenza, not because of any possibility that pneumococci might bear an etiologic relationship to the disease, but more by way of comparison with the prevalence of B. influenzÆ, since both organisms are found in the mouths of normal individuals and are also frequently found together in the pneumonias that complicate influenza. The results obtained in cases of influenza early in the disease before the development of either a purulent bronchitis or of pneumonia are presented. The presence of pneumococcus was determined by the intraperitoneal inoculation of white mice with the saliva or sputum. Twenty-four cases examined on September 27 and 28 gave the results shown in Table IV. These patients had been in the hospital from two to five days at the time the determinations were made.
From November 27 to December 1, the pneumococci present in 47 consecutive cases of influenza were determined. In this group specimens of sputum were collected shortly after admission of the patients to the receiving ward of the hospital. The results are shown in Table V.
The results obtained show that pneumococci found in early uncomplicated cases of influenza, both early and late in the course of the epidemic, differ in no respect from those found in the mouths of normal individuals at any time. Similar studies of the prevalence of S. hemolyticus as determined by throat cultures in early cases of influenza are shown in Table VI. The only point of interest in these observations is the increased prevalence of S. hemolyticus in cases examined late in the epidemic of influenza as compared with that found early in the epidemic. The significance of this will be discussed in other parts of this report.
Presence of Bacillus InfluenzÆ in Normal Men.—For comparison with the results obtained in cases of influenza a fairly extensive study of the prevalence of B. influenzÆ in normal individuals has been made at various times prior to and throughout the course of the epidemic. This was deemed of special importance, since it was obvious that the results obtained by previous workers during interepidemic periods would not in all probability coincide with those obtained in the presence of a widespread epidemic of influenza where the opportunity for the dissemination of B. influenzÆ was almost unlimited. From the results obtained in the multiple cultures in cases of influenza it is obvious that only like methods can be compared. The results obtained in normal individuals have, therefore, been tabulated in groups dependent upon the culture method employed. These groups have been subdivided according to the time and the place of the study, such explanatory notes as seem necessary being added. (See Tables VII-IX.) The most striking feature of the figures presented in Table VII is the wide variation in the incidence of B. influenzÆ in different groups varying all the way from 11.1 to 68 per cent. Analysis of these differences brings out certain points of great interest. It is apparent that the percentage of cases carrying B. influenzÆ depended in large part upon the prevalence of respiratory diseases in the group from which the data were obtained. In the studies made at Camp Funston prior to the fall outbreak of influenza in epidemic proportions, it is noteworthy that “bronchitis” and pneumonia were prevalent throughout the summer in those groups showing a relatively high incidence of B. influenzÆ. At the time these studies were made the presence of influenza in these organizations was not recognized, but in view of knowledge gained throughout the course of the epidemic at Camp Pike, it seems not improbable that influenza in mild form was present throughout the summer in certain organizations at Camp Funston. This would seem more likely in view of the fact that this commission has clearly demonstrated that a considerable epidemic of influenza swept through Camp Funston in March, 1918, and was followed by recurring smaller epidemics in April and May.
It is of interest to record that the incidence of pneumococcus in these cases was approximately the same in all groups and bore no relation to the prevalence of influenza, bronchitis, or pneumonia.
The results obtained by throat culture are quite similar to those obtained by the mouse inoculation method. The entire absence of B. influenzÆ in the group of 64 throat cultures made in the draft men assembled at Hot Springs as compared with the relatively high incidence in the last two groups examined at Camp Pike is very striking. In consideration of the figures presented in Table IX it is important to remember that the group of 50 men from Hot Springs were all from isolated farm communities, had not previously been assembled and had not been in continuous contact with a widespread epidemic of influenza. On the other hand, the two groups of normal men at Camp Pike were studied immediately after the epidemic had swept through the camp and had been constantly in contact with epidemic influenza for a period of three months, 24 of the 51 actually having had the disease during this period. The fact that in the group of men from Hot Springs, B. influenzÆ was found only by the mouse inoculation method is noteworthy, since it indicates that the organism was present in relatively small numbers and could be detected only by a highly selective method.
Summary of the results obtained in normal men shows that the incidence of B. influenzÆ in normal individuals from isolated communities or in groups free from respiratory diseases prior to the occurrence of the fall epidemic Bacillus InfluenzÆ in Measles.—Since the presence of B. influenzÆ in other diseases than influenza has been advanced as an argument against its causal relationship to influenza, an extensive study of the incidence of B. influenzÆ in the throats of measles patients was made during the period of the epidemic of influenza at Camp Pike from September 10 to October 20. In all a total of 830 throat cultures in 487 cases of measles were made, many cases being cultured repeatedly at weekly intervals. The results have been condensed as far as possible and are presented in Tables X, XI, XII.
The prevalence of B. influenzÆ in cases of measles during the period of the influenza epidemic corresponded very closely with that found in normal individuals under similar circumstances. The increasing proportion of cases carrying B. influenzÆ as the epidemic of influenza advanced is further evidence of the wide dissemination of the organism during the epidemic.
It is evident from the figures presented in Table XII that a large percentage of the measles cases studied were at one time or another carriers of B. influenzÆ. In consideration of this fact, it must be borne in mind that all these cases were cultured during the period when the influenza epidemic was at its height and that many of these cases had influenza while in the hospital for measles. No data are available as to the exact number, since a definite diagnosis of influenza could hardly be made during the acute stage of measles. It is probable that approximately 25 per cent Summary.—Multiple cultures made simultaneously from the nose, throat and lower respiratory tract showed that B. influenzÆ was invariably present in all cases of influenza from the onset of the disease. Not only was B. influenzÆ present in all cases, but it was frequently present in predominant numbers, sometimes in nearly pure culture. In the majority of cases that went on to rapid recovery without the development of an extensive bronchitis or complicating pneumonia, the predominance of B. influenzÆ over other organisms rapidly diminished coincident with onset of convalescence. Many cases, however, continued to carry B. influenzÆ in large numbers in the throat throughout convalescence. No data on the possible duration of the carrier state have been obtained. By the culture methods employed no other organism has been found that would suggest any etiologic relationship to the disease. The two organisms most frequently associated with B. influenzÆ in postinfluenzal pneumonias, pneumococcus and S. hemolyticus, have not differed in their incidence in early uncomplicated cases of influenza from that found in normal individuals. The incidence of B. influenzÆ in normal men, in different groups studied, has varied between 11.1 and 88 per cent. The incidence of B. influenzÆ in cases of measles studied during the epidemic of influenza has been relatively high though never equaling that found in cases of influenza. As in normal men, the incidence in cases of measles has steadily increased during the period of the epidemic. Repeated throat cultures at weekly intervals in cases of measles have shown that approximately 80 per cent became temporary carriers of B. influenzÆ at one time or another during the period of the epidemic. Many of these cases had influenza during the time that they were in the hospital. The carrier state in cases of measles was found to bear no relation to the acute stage of the disease since the number of carriers at the time of admission to the hospital was considerably lower than that found during convalescence as determined by repeated cultures in the same cases. DiscussionThe bacteriologic studies in cases of influenza described in this report fully support Pfeiffer’s claim that B. influenzÆ is invariably present in the disease. It is particularly important to note that these results were obtained in early uncomplicated cases of influenza and are not dependent upon cultures made from cases complicated by pneumonia or obtained at autopsy. In view of this fact the tendency so apparent in much of the recent literature to relegate B. influenzÆ to a place of secondary or minor importance in the disease seems hardly justifiable. It would seem that this tendency is largely dependent upon three factors: first, the failure of many to find B. influenzÆ either during life or Since the majority of workers who are thoroughly familiar with the technic of cultivating B. influenzÆ have encountered little difficulty in finding it in a large majority of cases, it is felt that the considerable number of negative reports that have appeared can depend only upon the unfamiliarity of those who have failed to find it with the proper bacteriologic methods. This is quite apparent in many of the reports that have been published, and is not surprising in the face of the excessive demand for well-trained bacteriologists occasioned by the war. One important feature in the successful isolation of B. influenzÆ from all cases that has been brought out in the course of the work here reported, is the necessity of making simultaneous cultures from all portions of the respiratory tract, since by no single culture method was it found possible to find the organism in all cases. It has been pointed out that one of the most characteristic local phenomena of the disease is the rapidly progressing attack upon the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It seems quite possible that B. influenzÆ in predominant numbers at least may be found in many cases only at the crest of the wave, if we may speak of it as such. By way of analogy is the well-recognized fact that the successful isolation of streptococcus from cases of erysipelas often depends upon taking cultures from the margin of the advancing lesion. While definite proof is lacking for this opinion, it would seem to In consideration of the primary cause of influenza, attention has often been focused upon the many different bacteria found in autopsy cultures. The most prominent of these are the ill-defined diplostreptococci of the European writers, the various immunologic types of pneumococci, and S. hemolyticus. Other microorganisms less frequently found are staphylococci, M. catarrhalis, nonhemolytic streptococci, and B. mucosus capsulatus. It is not within the scope of this paper to discuss their relation to the various types of pneumonia found at autopsy, but their very multiplicity would seem sufficient prima facie evidence that they bear no etiologic relationship to influenza and must be regarded only as secondary invaders. If any further support for this opinion were necessary, it may be found in the studies upon the incidence of pneumococcus and S. hemolyticus in early cases of influenza described in this report. Both were found to occur in the same proportions in which they may be found in normal individuals at any time. Although Pfeiffer maintained that B. influenzÆ was found only in true epidemic influenza, the incorrectness of this contention has been thoroughly established by many reliable investigators and it has been shown beyond question that influenza bacilli may always be found in a small proportion of normal individuals and are not infrequently found in other respiratory diseases. The fairly extensive study that has been made of the incidence of B. influenzÆ in normal men and in cases of measles has clearly demonstrated that the proportion of carriers It is quite obvious that if B. influenzÆ is to be regarded as the cause of epidemic influenza, it must change quite rapidly under certain circumstances from a relatively saprophytic organism to a relatively virulent pathogenic organism, and conversely return to its avirulent state following Theoretically, under the conditions outlined above, ideal opportunities have been provided for B. influenzÆ to build up sufficient virulence to enable it to produce the pandemic of 1918–19. While it is thoroughly recognized that these It is, of course, perfectly possible on the basis of the observations presented still to regard B. influenzÆ as a secondary invader which makes its appearance in all cases of influenza simultaneously with the onset of clinical symptoms. Final proof of its causal relationship to the disease must depend upon the production of influenza by experimental inoculation. Results hitherto obtained in attempts to produce the disease experimentally have been contradictory. Pfeiffer[8] claimed to have produced a disease in monkeys in some respects resembling influenza by the intratracheal injection of freshly isolated cultures of B. influenzÆ. Wollstein,[19] in studies upon the pathogenicity of various strains, has shown that B. influenzÆ is generally pathogenic for mice and guinea-pigs without respect to source or virulence for man. Pathogenicity for rabbits and monkeys, on the other hand, was possessed only by strains that were highly virulent for man. She furthermore pointed out that for successful animal experimentation, it is imperative that inoculations be carried out immediately after the isolation of the bacilli because they rapidly lose virulence by subculture on artificial media. It is felt that failure to appreciate these facts has been responsible for the often repeated statement that B. influenzÆ is not pathogenic for animals. In a series of animal experiments carried out by this commission recorded in an appendix to this report, sixteen-hour cultures of B. influenzÆ freshly isolated from early cases of influenza were demonstrated to be pathogenic for monkeys, both by inoculation of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa and by intratracheal injection. Monkeys so inoculated developed coryza, epistaxis, tracheitis, bronchitis, and extreme prostration. Experiments with forty-eight-hour The reported failure to produce influenza in man by direct inoculation with freshly isolated cultures of B. influenzÆ in experiments conducted on volunteers by the United States Public Health Service Conclusions1. Consideration of all the evidence available makes it seem highly probable that B. influenzÆ is the specific etiologic agent of epidemic influenza, because (a) it is always present in early uncomplicated cases of influenza; (b) it is predominantly so during the acute stage of the disease in cases going on to rapid recovery without development of complications; (c) its presence in varying numbers in normal individuals and in other diseases of the respiratory tract is not valid evidence against its etiologic relationship to influenza, but on the contrary is quite in harmony with 2. Final proof of the exact relationship of B. influenzÆ to influenza must depend upon (a) more definite knowledge of the immunology both of the organism and of the disease, and (b) knowledge of the pathologic lesions of influenza and the production of these lesions in animals by inoculation with B. influenzÆ. |