I. America in the Old Days 1
II. Columbus and the Discovery of America 10
III. Sir Walter Raleigh and Captain John Smith 31
IV. The Story of the Pilgrims 47
V. More about the Pilgrims 60
VI. The Indians and how they lived 73
VII. The Dutch in New York; The Quakers in Pennsylvania 88
VIII. The French and Indian Wars 106
IX. Everyday Life in Colonial Times 126
X. The Beginning of the Revolution 139
XI. Lexington and Concord 158
XII. The Battle of Bunker Hill 170
XIII. The Declaration of Independence 184
XIV. The Burgoyne Campaign 198
XV. Washington and the Revolution 222
XVI. The War of the Revolution in the South 250
XVII. The Story of Arnold's Treason 271
XVIII. John Paul Jones: Our First Great Naval Hero 286
XIX. Benjamin Franklin: His Highly Useful Career 296
XX. Everyday Life One Hundred Years Ago 311
XXI. What Our Navy did in the War of 1812 323
XXII. The Settlement of the Pacific Coast 339
XXIII. Lincoln and the War for the Union 353
XXIV. More about the War for the Union 369
XXV. Our Navy in the War for the Union 387
XXVI. The War with Spain in 1898 406

Appendix. Books for Reference and Collateral Reading in the Study of American History 424

Index 436


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