A collection of the best stories that could be found after a careful research, by R.U. TITEWith sixteen illustrations of different types of "Tight-Wads" you have met, by CLARE A. BRIGGS,The famous cartoonist of "The Chicago Tribune." This unique volume presents the Tight-Wad in all his glory, showing him "at home," on the "street car," while "entertaining friends," when "out with the boys," and other places too numerous to mention. Mr. Briggs' illustrations prove that during his travelling experience he has encountered many descendants of the Tight-Wad family who have made a lasting impression on his mind. From title to "finis" the book abounds in wit and humor which will make you scream as loud as the eagle on the cover. Cloth binding with four color For sale at all book stores, or sent (postage paid) on receipt of price, by the publishers BREWER, BARSE & CO.300-304 WABASH AVE. :: :: :: :: CHICAGOThe Famous |