
A Running Maze, 11
Bean Bag, 11
Birds Fly, 12
Button, Button, 12
Bingo, 13
Blindman's Buff, 14
Blowing The Feather, 14
Cock Fighting, 15
Catching The Mouse, 16
Drop The Handkerchief, 16
Donkey's Tail, 17
Frog In the Middle, 17
Green Gravel, 17
Hunt The Ring, 18
Hot Tamales, 19
Hunt The Slipper, 19
Hot Boiled Beans and Bacon, 20
Hide and Seek, 21
Hiss and Clap, 22
London Bridge, 22
Miss Jennia Jones, 24
Oats and Beans and Barley, 26
Puss In the Corner, 27
Rule of Contrary, 27
Soap Bubble Battle, 28
Spider Web, 29
Severed Flowers, 29


Acting Proverbs, 33
Blind Man's Wand, 34
Blind Postman, The, 34
Blowing The Candle, 35
Cat and Mouse, 35
Clairvoyant, The, 36
Cushion Dance, The, 37
Change Seats: The King's Come, 37
Duck Under The Water, 38
Gardener, The, 38
Going To Jerusalem, 39
Game of Cat, 40
Grand Mufti, 40
Here I Bake, Here I Brew, 41
Hat Game, 41
Huntsman, The, 42
He Can Do Little Who Can't Do This, 43
Hissing and Clapping, 43
Hold Fast! Let Go!, 44
Hunt The Whistle, 45
I Sell My Bat, I Sell My Ball, 45
Judge and Jury, 46
My Master Bids You Do As I Do, 46
Magic Music, 47
Malaga Raisins, 48
Our Old Grannie Doesn't Like Tea, 48
Oranges and Lemons, 49
Old Soldier, 50
Post-Office, 50
Peter Piper, 51
Sea and Her Children, The, 52
Stage Coach, The, 52
Shadow Buff, 53
Steps, 54
Spelling Game, The, 54
Simon Says, 56
Sergeant, The, 57
Sea King, The, 57
Tongue Twisters, 58
Trades, 58
Think of A Number, 59
This and That, 60
What Am I Doing, 60
Wonderment, 61
Wink, 62
Riddles, 62


Advice, 75
Adjectives, 75
Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral, 76
Acting Rhymes, 77
Bird-Catcher, The, 78
Buzz, 78
Birds, Fruits and Flowers, 79
Cities, 80
Cook Who Doesn't Like Peas, The, 80
Consequences, 81
Cross Questions and Crooked Answers, 82
Curate, The, 83
Definitions, 84
Earth, Air, Fire and Water, 84
Farmyard, The, 85
Forbidden Letter, The, 86
Forbidden Vowels, The, 86
Fortune Telling, 87
Game of Conversation, The, 89
Guilty Or Innocent, 90
Guessing Groceries, 91
Gossip, 91
How? When? Where?, 92
I Love My Love With An A, 93
It, 93
Jack's Alive, 94
Menagerie, The, 95
Minister's Cat, The, 95
Magic Writing, 96
Mimic Club, The, 97
My Lady's Toilet, 98
Partners, 98
Proverbs, 99
Questions and Answers, 101
Ruth and Jacob, 102
Rhymes, 103
Sketches, 103
Traveller's Alphabet, 103
Thought Reading, 104
The Little Dutch Band, 105
What's My Thought Like, 106


Forfeits, 107


New Year's Day, 115
Lincoln's Birthday, 122
St, Valentine's Day, 127
Washington's Birthday, 132
April Fools' Day, 142
Easter, 154
May Day, 163
Fourth of July, 169
Hallow-e'en, 174
Thanksgiving, 199
Christmas, 204


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