
Taken from Maclaren's "Physical Education." Showing the result of one year's continuous practice.

The following Table shows in another form the Results of the System; not by Brief Courses or Periods of Voluntary Attendance, but by a Year's Steady Practice from Birthday to Birthday, with two Articled Pupils, the Younger being 16, the Elder 20:

Case. Date. Age. Height. Weight. Chest. Forearm. Upper arm. Height. Weight. Chest. Forearm. Upper arm.
Yrs. Ft. In. St. Lbs. In. In. In. In. Lbs. In. In. In.
A. 1861, Oct. 17. 16 5 23/4 7 10 31 8 91/4
1862, Apr. 17. " 5 4 8 12 341/2 10 111/4 11/4 16 31/2 2 2
" Oct. 17. 17 5 43/4 9 3 36 10 111/4 3/4 5 11/2 " "
Subsequent Measurement.
1863, Mar. 23. 18 5 63/8 10 10 371/2 111/4 13 15/8 21 11/2 11/4 13/4
B. 1862, Feb. 24. 20 5 81/2 10 13 34 111/4 113/4
" Aug. 24. " 5 87/8 11 4 381/2 12 123/4 3/8 5 41/2 3/4 1
1862, Feb. 24. 21 " 11 71/2 40 121/2 131/4 " 31/2 11/2 1/2 1/2
Thus in the year's work the increase was—
Height. Weight. Chest. Forearm. Upper arm.
In. Lbs. In. In. In.
With the younger 2 21 5 2 2
With the elder 3/8 81/2 6 11/4 11/2


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