
Taken from Maclaren's "Physical Education." Showing effect of four months and twelve days' exercise, under his system, on fifteen youths ranging from 16 to 19 years of age.

Return of Course of Gymnastic Training at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, from Feb. 10th, 1863, to June 22d, 1863.

Age. Height. Weight. Chest. Forearm. Upper arm. Height. Weight. Chest. Forearm. Upper arm.
Yrs. Ft. In. St. Lbs. In. In. In. In. Lbs. In. In. In.
1 18 5 11/4 7 8 291/2 91/2 83/4
5 21/4 7 8 30 91/2 91/2 1 " 1/2 " 3/4
2 19 5 81/2 9 51/2 28 11 101/4
5 83/4 9 11 311/2 11 113/8 1/4 51/2 31/2 " 11/8
3 17 5 53/4 9 1 261/2 81/2
5 61/8 9 1 291/2 103/8 10 3/8 " 3 " 11/2
4 18 5 81/4 10 0 33 103/4 101/4
5 81/2 10 3 35 103/4 111/2 1/4 3 2 " 11/4
5 18 6 01/2 10 13 32 101/2 91/4
6 11/4 11 2 34 101/2 107/8 3/4 3 2 " 15/8
6 17 5 31/2 8 1 31 101/8 97/8
5 41/2 8 7 33 101/8 11 1 6 2 " 11/8
7 18 5 51/4 7 13 26 91/4 77/8
5 53/4 8 2 29 91/2 91/2 1/2 3 3 1/4 15/8
8 16 5 63/4 8 3 281/2 9 81/2
5 71/4 8 4 31 91/8 91/2 1/2 1 21/2 1/8 1
9 17 5 83/8 11 3 31 111/4 101/4
5 91/8 11 3 33 111/4 111/8 3/4 " 2 " 7/8
10 18 5 113/8 11 8 30 101/4 101/2
5 113/8 11 8 33 103/4 11 " " 3 1/2 1/2
11 19 5 73/4 10 2 33 101/2 101/4
5 85/8 10 2 341/2 101/2 107/8 7/8 " 11/2 " 5/8
12 18 5 101/2 10 11 32 101/2 10
5 117/8 10 11 331/2 101/2 11 13/8 " 11/2 " 1
13 19 5 77/8 11 13 33 111/2 12
5 95/8 11 13 351/2 111/2 121/2 13/4 " 21/2 " 1/2
14 17 5 63/4 9 13 29 105/8 81/4
5 75/8 10 3 32 105/8 91/2 7/8 4 3 " 1/4
15 19 5 101/8 10 1 271/2 105/8 93/8
5 117/8 10 9 323/4 105/8 107/8 13/4 8 51/4 " 11/2


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