Wi, adv. why, S; see Why.
Wicche, sb. sorcerer, magus, sortilegus, also witch, PP; wyche, magus, Prompt., Cath., Voc.; witch, Cath. Comb.: wicchecrafte, PP; wychecraft, Cath., Voc.; wichchecreftes, pl., S.—AS. wicca(m).
Wicht, adj. active, vigorous, S3; see Wight.
Wicke, adj. bad, false, S, S2, PP; wicce, S; wycke, S2; wikke, P, C2, C3; wike, S, S2; wic, S2; wik, S2, H. Der.: wickenesse, iniquity, SD; wickenes, S2; wiknes, S2; wickenesses, pl.,S2.
Wicked, adj. depraved, Cath.; wykkyd, Prompt.; wykkid, H (p.360); wykked, S2; wikked, C2, P; wikkedly, adv., wickedly,C2.
Wid, adj. wide, S; wide, adv., S, PP; wyde, C2, PP; wydder, comp., PP. Der.: wydene, wide, far, S2, PP. Comb.: wydewhere, far and wide, S2, PP; wydewher, C3, G.—AS. wÍd; cp. OHG. wÍt (Tatian).
Wid, prep. against, with, S2; see WiÐ.
Widewe, sb. widow, PP; wydewe, PP; widwe, C2, C3; wodewe, PP; wedous, pl., S3.—AS. widwe (weoduwe): Goth. widuwo; cp. OHG. wituwÁ (Tatian).
Wif, sb. woman, wife, S, S2, PP; wyf, C3, PP; wiues, gen., S2, C2; wiue, dat., S; wif, pl., S; wyf, G; wifes, S; wiues, S2, C2. Comb.: wyfhood, womanhood, C2; wifman, woman, S; wimman, S; wymman, S; wiman, S; womman, S, PP; wummon, S; wommanhede, womanhood, C2, C2.—AS. wÍf: OHG. wÍb (Tatian).
Wig, sb. a beast of burden, ahorse, S.—AS. wicg; cp. Icel. viggr (viggja-), also vigg, see Sievers, 247.
Wigelen, v. to reel, stagger,S.
Wight, adj. active, swift, strong, S2, PP, CM, G; wyght, S2; wiȝt, PP; wiht, PP; wyht, Prompt.; wicht, S3; wycht, S3; wict, S; vicht, S2; wyte, Prompt.; wightly, adv., H; wiȝtli, S2; wiȝtliche, S2, P; wihtliche, S2; witly, S2. Der.: wightnesse, alacrity, Cath.
Wight, sb. wight, creature, being, PP, S2, C3; wyght, PP, S2, C3; wiȝt, PP, S; wijȝt, S3; wiht, S, S2; wyht, S2; whit, S3; whiȝt, S3.—AS. wiht, see SkD.
Wiht, sb. a thing, S; wiȝt, S; whit, WW.—AS. wiht (wuht), thing, f. and n.
Wihte, sb. dat. weight, S; see Wyghte.
Wik, sb. a dwelling; wike, pl., S. Comb.: wike-tun, court; wiketunes, pl., S.—AS. wÍc; Lat. uicum (acc.).
Wike, sb. week, S, S2, GS, CM, PP; wyke, PP, C, S2; weke, PP, Cath.; woke, W, S2, PP, Prompt., Cath.; wouke, W; wowke, Cath.—AS. wice (wucu); Lat. uicem.
Wike, sb. office, service, SD; pl., S.—Cp. Goth. wiko; Lat. uicem, change, regular succession, office, service.
Wike, sb. pl. the corners of the mouth, S (4a. 49).—Cf. Icel. munnvik, pl., the corners of the mouth; see CV (s.v. munnr). The word wikes is still in use in this sense at Whitby. See Whitby Glossary (E.D.S.).
Wiken, sb. office, charge; wikenn, S (5.1113),SD.
Wikenere, sb. officer, SD.
Wiket, sb. a small gate, S, P, CM; wickett, PP; wykett, valva, gate, Cath.; little window, fenestrella, Prompt.; viket, lodium, alover-window, Cath. (n).—OF. wiket (viquet); cp. ODu. wicket.
Wikke, adj. bad, C2, C3; see Wicke.
Wikked, adj. depraved, bad, C2; see Wicked.
Wil, sb. will, joy, S; Comb.: wilful, desirous, gracious, willing, W, W2; wilfull, S3; wilfulliche, willingly, S; wilfulli, W; wilfully, C3.—AS. (ge)will. Cf. Wille.
Wild, adj. self-willed, untamed, uncultivated, desert, S; wielde, W2; wylde, sb. pl., wild animals, S2. Der.: wilderne, wilderness, SkD; wildrin, desert, belonging to a wilderness, S2; wildernesse, wilderness, SkD; wyldernys, Voc.—AS. wild.
Wile, sb. a while, S; see While.
Wilk, pron. which, S2; see Which.
Will, adj. at a loss, astray, bewildered, B, S2; wil, H; vill, B; wille, adv., S. Phr.: will of red, at a loss in counsel, B; will of wane, at a loss in thought, B; will of wan, S2; vill of vayn, S2.—Icel. villr (for wildr), wild.
Wille, 1 pr. s. will, S, S2; wel, S2; wule, S; wulle, S; wile, pr. s., S, S2; wole, S; wol, S2, C2; wult, 2pr.s., S; wolt, S, S2, C2; willen, pl., S; willeÐ, S; wulleÐ, S; wulle, S; wilen, S; wiln, G; wolleÐ, S; wole, C2; woln, C. Comb.: ichulle (ich + wulle), S; ich chulle, S; ich chule, S; wiltu (wilt + Ðu), S; wilte, S; woltow, C, PP.—AS. wille, 1 and 3pr.s., wilt, 2pr.s. See Wolde.
Wille, sb. will, joy, pleasure, S, S2, C2, PP; wylle, PP; willes, gen. as adv. willingly, S; willeliche, adv., willingly, S. Comb.: willesful, wilful, S; willesfol, S2; wylles uol, S2; wylsfully, wilfully, S2. Phr.: mid guode wylle, willingly, S2; in good wille, anxious, G.—AS. willa: Goth. wilja. Cf. Wil.
Willing, sb. desire, C2.
Wilnen, v. to desire, S, S2, S3, C, C2, W, P; wilnien, S; wylny, S2. Der.: wylnynge, desire, S2.—AS. wilnian.
Wilwe, sb. willow-tree, C, Prompt.—AS. welig (Voc.).
Wimman, sb. woman, S; see Wif.
Wimpel, sb. a nun’s veil, S; wympel, C. Comb.: wimpel-leas, wimple-less, S.—Icel. vimpill; cp. AF. guimple.
Wimplin, v. to cover with a wimple, S; y-wimpled, pp., C; i-wimplet, S; y-wympled,C.
Wimplunge, sb. wimpling, S; wimlunge, dat.,S.
Winden, v. to wind, twist, turn; wynde, PP; wand, pt. s., SD; wonden, pl., P; wounden, PP; wunden, pp., S; wounden, S; wounde, PP; y-wounden, PP.—AS. windan, pt. wand (pl. wundon), pp. wunden.
Wine, sb. friend; wines, pl., S. Comb.: wine-maies, kinsmen, S.—AS. wine, wine-mǽg.
Winne, sb. joy, S; wynne, HD (p.933); wunne, S, S2; win, S. Der.: winli, pleasant, S2; winsom, S2.—AS. wynn.
Winnen, v. to win, S, S2, C2; wynne, S2; wyn, S3; vyn, S2; wunien, S; wan, pt. s., S, S2, C2, C3, P; van, S2; wonne, pl., PP, S2; wonnen, pp., C; wonne, C; y-wonne, P; i-wonne, S2; wonen, S2; wune, S2. Der.: wynnyng, gain, W.—AS. (ge)winnan, pt. wan (pl. wunnon), pp. wunnen.
Wirken, v. to work, S2; see Werke.
Wis, adv. indeed, S; wisly, adv., certainly, surely, C, C2, C3.—AS. (ge)wiss. See I-wis.
Wissen, v. to direct, guide, S, S2, S3, CM, P; wyssen, S2; wyssye, S; wisi, S. Der.: wissunge, instruction, S; wissinge, dat., S; wissenge, S.—AS. wissian, wÍsian: OHG. wÎsjan, also uuÎsen (Otfrid).
Wiste, pt. s. knew, S, C2, G; wist, pp. known, S3, C2, G; see Witen(1).
Wistynge, sb. learning, H.
Wit, sb. wisdom, intelligence, S, C2; wyt, S; wittes, pl., senses, S, S2, C2; wites, S.—AS. (ge)witt.
Wit, prep. with, S; see WiÐ.
Wite, sb. blame, S2, H; wyte, C3. See Witen(3).Witen (1), v. to know, S, S2, W, PP; wyten, S, S2; witte. S2; witt, S3; witt, imp. s., S; wittow, witow, know thou, S2; wute, pl., S; wytene, ger., S2; witynge, pr.p., S2, W; wat, 1 and 3pr.s., S, S2, S3; wate, H; wait, S3; wot, S, S2, C2; woot, S2, W; wote, S3; woȝt, S2; wost, 2pr.s., S, C2; wostu, knowest thou, S; wostow, C2; witen, pl., S, W; wyteÐ, S2; wate, S2; wiste, pt. s., S, C2, G; wisten, pl., S, W; wist, S2, S3; wyst, S2, S3; wuste, pt. s., S, S2; wust, S2; wist, pp., S3, C2, G.—AS. witan, 2 pr. wÁst, 3pr.s., wÁt (pl. witon), pt. wiste (wisse), pp. witen.Witen (2), v. to observe, keep, guard, S, P, S2; wiste, pt. s., S; wistest, 2pt.s., S; i-wist, pp., S. See above.Witen (3), v. to impute, blame, S, S2; wyte, C2.—AS. wÍtan, to see, to blame (Grein).Witen (4), v. to depart, to disappear, to dwindle, S, H; wyte, H; wit, S2; ute, let us, S.—AS. (ge)wÍtan; see Grein. See above.
Witerliche, adv. truly, S; witerlike, S; see Witter.
WiÐ, prep. against, towards, by, with, S, S2; wid, S, S2; wit, S, S2; wiȝth, S2. Comb.: wiÐinnen, within, S; wiÐinneforÐ, inwardly, S3, W; wiÐÐan, provided that, S; wiÐÐat, S, S2; wiÐouten, without, S2, S3, W; wiÐuten, S; wiÐoutenforth, outside, S2; wiÐouteforÐ, S3, W; withoutforth, S2.—AS. wiÐ.
With-clepin, v. to recall, revocare, Prompt.
With-draȝen, v. to withdraw, S; wyÐdraȝen, S2; wiÐdroȝe, pt. s., S; withdrow,S.
WiÐer, prep. against, SD; adj., hostile, S; sb., resistance, SD. Comb.: wiÐerling, adversary, S; wiÐerward, contrary, SD; widerwardnesse, opposition, S; wiÐerwin, adversary, HD, S2.—AS. wiÐer, against.
WiÐeren, v. to resist; wiÐÐreÐÐ, pr. s., S.—AS. wiÐerian.
WiÐi, sb. a willow, a flexible twig, awithy, SD, SkD; wythy, Voc.; widdie, arope made of twigs of willows, ahalter, awhip made of twigs, JD. Comb.: wythe-bonde, boia, chain for prisoners, Prompt.; weÐe-bondes, gen., S2; wiÐ-winde, convolvulus, SD; withewyndes, gen., S2 (p.334), P.—AS. wiÐig, willow, wiÐwinde, ‘viticella,’ Voc.; cp. ODu. wedewinde.
With-seye, v. to contradict, renounce, wythsay, HD (p.935); wiÐseggen, S,S2.
WiÐ-stod, pt. s. stood beside, S2; withstode, pl., resisted,PP.
With-take, v. to reprove, H; withtoke, pt. s.,H.
With-takere, sb. reprover, H.
Witien, v. to keep, S2; wited, pt. s., S2. Der.: witunge, care-taking, S.—AS. witian, ‘providere’ (Grein).
Witing, sb. knowledge, C2. See Witen(1).
Witiȝe, sb. seer, prophet, S; witeȝe, S.—AS. wÍtiga, from wÍtan, to see; cp. OHG. wÍzago (Tatian) from wÍzan, to see (Otfrid). See Witen(3).
Witter, adj. wise, skilful, S; wyter, S2; witerliche, adv., truly, wisely, S; witerlike, S; witterly, clearly, P, HD; witerrlike, S; witterlike, S; witerli S2; witirly, H.—Icel. vitr, vitrliga.
Witti, adj. skilful, W2.—AS. wittig.
Wit-word, sb. covenant, H; witeword,S2.
Wiȝt, sb. creature, thing, S; see Wight.
Wlaffyng, sb. babbling, S2.
Wlanc, adj. proud, fine, grand, S2; wlonk, S2; wlonke, fine woman, HD.—AS. wlanc (OET).
Wlappen, v. to wrap, W, W2; lappen, W, H, Cath., SkD,HD.
Wlatien, v. to feel disgust, to abominate, W, W2, S2, HD; wlathid, pt. s. H.—AS. wlÆtian.
Wlat-some, adj. disgusting, abominable, S2, HD; wlatsom, C; wlatsum, S2; latsom, S2; wlathsum,H.
Wlatunge, sb. disgust, SD; wlathyngis, pl., abominations, H.—AS. wlÁtung, nausea (OET).
Wlech, adj. warm, S.—AS. wlÆc.
Wlite, sb. beauty, splendour, form, hue, face, S.—AS. white (OET).
Wliten, v. to see, SD; wlyteÐ, pr. pl., S2.—AS. wlÍtan; cp. Icel. lÍta.
Wlonk, adj. fine, grand, S2; see Wlank.
Wluine, sb. she-wolf, S. See Wolf.
Wo, interj., wo!, SD; way, S; wei, S; wi, S. Comb.: wo la wo, an exclamation of sorrow, S; weylaway, S2, C3; weilawei, S; wailawai, S; wayloway, G; walawai, S; wele away, S3.—AS. wÁ: Goth. wai; cp. OHG. wÊ (Otfrid), Icel. vei.—AS. wÁ lÁwÁ.
Wo, sb. also used as adj. woe, sorrowful, S, S2, C2, C3; wa, S, S2, B. Phr.: wo begon, surrounded with woe, SkD; wa worth, B; wo worthe, SD.—AS. wÉa.
Woc, adj. weak, S; wooc, SkD.—AS. wÁc. See Wayke.
Woc, pt. s. woke, S; see Waken.
Woche, pron. which, S; see Which.
Wode, sb. wood, tree, S, S2, C2, PP; wod, S2; vod, S2; wude, S. Comb.: wode-bynde, woodbine, SkD; woode-bynde, caprifolium, Prompt., C; wod-bynde, S2 (p.476); woode-lynde, linden-tree in a wood, G; wode-roue, woodruff, S2; woode-rys, brushwood, G; woode-schawe, thicket of the wood, G; wude-side, wood-side, S; vode-syde, S2; wode-wale, the name of a bird, also called wit-wall, Prompt., HD; wude-wale, S; wode-wose, asatyr, faun, SD, Voc., Prompt. (n); wode-wese, Prompt.; wod-wose, WA.—AS. wudu; cp. OIr. fid (Windisch).
Wode, sb. woad, S, Prompt.; wod, SkD; wad, gaudo Prompt.—AS. wÁd.
Wode, adj. mad, raging, S, S2, S3, C; wod, S, S2, H; wood, C2, C3, S3; woode, W; wodly, adv., madly, C. Der.: wodnes, madness, S2, H; wodenesse, S2; woodnesse, C3, W. Comb.: wodewrothe, madly angry, S3.—AS. wÓd: Goth. wods; cp. OHG. wuot.
Woden, sb. name of a Teutonic deity, S. Comb.: Wodnes-dei, Wednesday, SD; Wednes dai, SD; wendes dei, S.—AS. WÓden; cp. OHG. Wuotan, Icel. ÓÐinn.
Woh, adj. crooked, wrong; woȝe, S; woȝhe, pl., S. Adv. phr.: mid wohe, wrongfully, S; mid gret wou, S2; wiÐÐ woȝhe, S; wiÐ wou, S2; on wowe, S.—AS. wÓh, crooked.
Woh, sb. wrong, S; wouche, S3; wowe, pl., S2.—AS. wÓh, iniquity.
Woke, sb. week, W, S2; see Wike.
Wol, pr. s. will, S2; see Wille.
Wol, adv. well, very, S; see Wel.
Wolcne, sb. pl. clouds, the sky, S; see Welkene.
Wold, sb. power, meaning, force, S, S2.—AS. (ge)weald.
Wolde, sb. wold, open country, country, S, Prompt.—AS. weald, wood, forest: OS. wald.
Wolde, pt. s. was desirous, was willing, would, S, S2, C2; wulde, S; walde, S; wald, S2, B; wlde, S2; woldes, 2pt.s., S; wolden, pl., S; wolde, S, C2; wulde, S; wuld, S2; walden, S; vald, S2, B.—AS. wolde, pt. s. of willan. See Wille.
Wolf, sb. wolf, PP; wlf, S; wlfe, Voc.; wolwes, pl., S2; wulues, gen., S. Comb.: wolues-heed, wolf’s head, outlaw, G.—AS. wulf; cp. Icel. Úlfr.
Wolle, sb. wool, S, S2, C3, P. Comb.: wolle-ward, with the skin against the wool, SkD; wolward, S3; woolward, ND; wolle-websteres, wool-weavers, P.—AS. wull: Goth. wulla.
Wollen, adj. woollen, P.
Wolt, 2 pr. s. wilt, S; see Wille.
Wolx, pt. s. grew, S3; see Wexen.
Wombe, sb. venter, alvus, uterus, Prompt., S, S2, S3, C2, C3, P; wambe, S3.—AS. wamb: Goth. wamba, the belly.
Won, adj. wan, S2; see Wan.
Wonden, v. to turn aside, to fear, to hesitate, S, S2; wayndyt, pt. s., S3.—AS. wandian.
Wonder, adj. fearful, wonderful, S, S2, C2; adv., C3; wounder, S2; vounder, S2; wondir, S3, H; wunder, sb., awonder, S; wounder, S2; wunder, pl., awful wickednesses, S. Der.: wunderlice, wonderful, S; wunderliche, adv., S; wonderlyche, S2; wonderly, C; wunderlicheste, superl., S; wunderlukeste, S. Phr.: to wundre, wrong,S.
Wondrien, v. to wonder; wondrye, S2; wondre, C; wundrien, S.—AS. wundrian.
Wondringe, pres. p. wandering, S2; see Wandren.
Wone, sb. dwelling, PP, S2, S3; won, S2; woon, S3; wun, S3; woanes, pl., S; wanes, S, S2. See Wonen.
Wone, sb. custom, habit, PP, S, S2; wune, S.—AS. (ge)wuna.
Wone, sb. want, loss, misery, S; see Wane.
Wone, adj. one, S3 (7. 97); see Oon.
Woned, pp. accustomed, S, S3; see I-woned.
Wonen, v. to dwell, PP, S, S2; wonien, S, S2, PP; wunien, S; wonyand, pr.p., S2; wonnand, S2; wounnand, S3. Der.: wonynge, dwelling, PP, S; woning, C, S2; wonyinge, S2; wunienge, pl., S.—AS. wunian.
Wonen, v. to weep, lament, SD; wanen, SD. Der.: wonyng, lamentation, S.—AS. wÁnian; cp. OHG. weinÓn (Tatian).
Wonge, sb. territorium, Prompt.; wong, low land, HD; wonges, pl., meadows, S.—AS. wang, aplain, field; cp. Goth. waggs, afield, paradise.
Wonge, sb. a cheek, SD, JD; wonges, pl., S2. Comb.: wange-toothe, molar tooth, molaris, Prompt.; wongtothe, Voc.; wangtooth, C2; wank-teeth, pl., W2; wangtotht, geminus, molaris, Voc.—AS. wange (wonge); cp. OHG. wanga (Tatian).
Wonger, sb. pillow, C2, CM. See above.
Wonne, adv., conj. when, S; see Whanne.
Wonne, Wonnen, pp. of Winnen.
WonteÐ, pr. s. is lacking, S; see Wanten.
Wonung, sb. waning, S.—AS. wonung, wanung. See Wanen.
Wood, adj. mad, C2, C3, S3; see Wode.
Wooden, v. to be mad, to look madly, CM,C3.
Woon, sb. a small quantity, afew, aquantity, anumber, S2, G, PP; wone, S2; woone, Prompt.; wane, S2, S3; won, PP; quhone, B. Comb.: good woon, abundantly, G; good won, PP.—AS. hwÓn (adj. used as sb.). Cf. Wheen.
Wop, sb. crying, loud lament, S, S2.—AS. wÓp.
Wopen, pp. wept, C2; see Wepen.
Wopne, sb. urine, HD, Prompt. See Wepne.
Wopned, pp. armed, S; see Wapnen.
Worc, sb. work, S2; see Werk.
Worchen, v. to work, W, S2; see Werke.
Word, sb. beginning, CM (3. 224); see Ord.
Worde, sb. word, Prompt.; word, pl., S; weord, S; weordes, S; wordes, S.—AS. word; cp. OHG. wort (Tatian).
Wore, pt. pl. were, S2; see Was.
Woreld, sb. world, S; wordle, S2; see Werld.
Worie, adj. turbid, dirty, S; wori, S.—From AS. wÓr, aswampy place, perhaps identical with wÓs, mire, see SkD (s.v. weary). Cf. Wose.
Worm, sb. reptile, worm, snake, S, S2, C3; wurm, S; werm, S; wirm, insect, S.—AS. wyrm: OHG. wurm (Tatian); cp. Goth. waurms; see Douse, p.56.
Wormod, sb. wormwood, W; see Wermod.
Worne, pp. spent, past, lit. worn, S3; see Werien.
Worowen, v. to choke, strangle, worry, Prompt., Cath., S2, SkD; worry, HD; wyrry, S3; wirry, SkD.—AS. wyrgan, to strangle, worry (in compounds): OHG. wurgan. Cf. Warh.
Worpare, sb. thrower, S.
Worpen, v. to throw, S; see Warpen.
Worre, sb. war, S2; see Werre.
Worri, v. to make war, S2; see Werrien.
Worschipen, v. to honour, S2; worshepen, PP; wurschepen, S2. See Worth.
Wort, sb. a plant, vegetable; wortes, pl., S2, S3, C; wortis, S2, S3, W, W2.—AS. wyrt: OS. wurt; cp. Goth. waurts, root, and Lat. rādix; see Brugmann, §306, and Douse, p.56.
Worth, adj. worth, esteemed, worthy, PP; wurth, S; wurthe, S, S2. Der.: worthi, PP; wurÐy, S2; worÞly, worthy, PP, S2; worÐely, S3; wurÐliche, honourably, S; worÐliche, S; wurthmint, honour, S; wurÐscipe, worship, honour, S; worÐssipe, S2; worschupe, S2; worsipe, S; wurschipe, S.—AS. weorÐ; cp. Goth. wairths.
Worth, sb. value, worth, honour, PP; wurrÞe, dat., S.—AS. weorÐ.
Worthen, v. to become, to be, to dwell, PP, S2, S3, G; wurÐen, S; weorÐen, S2; worst, 2pr.s., PP; wurstow, thou shalt be, PP; wurstu, S; worth, pr. s., S2, PP; wurÐ, S; wrÞ, S; vorthis, S2; wurÐeÐ, S; worthe, pt. s., PP; worth, S2, PP; worthed, S3; vorthit, S2; warÐ, S; wart, S; ward, S; wÆrd, S.—AS. weorÐan, pt. s. wearÐ (pl. wurdon), pp. (ge)worden; cp. Goth. wairthan.
Wose, sb. ooze, slime, PP, Prompt.; woose, Cath. (n); wase, alga, Cath.—AS. wÁse (SkD. s.v. ooze), and wase (OET): OHG. waso; whence OF. wason, gason (F.gazon); see Kluge (s.v. wasen).
Wot, 1 and 3 pr. s. know, knows, S, S2; wost, 2pr.s. knowest, S, C2; see Witen(1).
Wouke, sb. week, W; see Wike.
Wound, sb. wound, PP, C2; wund, S.—AS. wund.
Wounden, v. to wound, S3; wowndyn, Prompt.; y-wounded, pp., S3; i-wundet, S.—AS. wundian.
Wout, sb. a vault, Voc., HD.—OF. voute (BH); Late Lat. uolta.
Wowe, sb. wall, paries, murus, Prompt., PP; woȝe, S; waghe, HD, H; waȝhe, S; wawe, S; wah, S. Comb.: waheles, wall-less, S; waȝherifft, veil of the temple, S.—AS. wÁh; cp. ODu. waeg, see SkD (s.v. wainscot, p.833); cp. also Goth. waddjus.
Wowe, sb. pl. wrongs, S2; see Woh.
Wowen, v. to incline any one to one’s own wishes, to woo, S2, C3, P, W2, S3; woȝe, S.—AS. wÓgian (SkD, s.v. woo), from wÓh. See Woh.
Wower, sb. wooer, S3; wowar, S3; wouwere, PP; woweres, pl., PP.—AS. wÓgere (Voc.).
Wox, pt. s. grew, S2; see Wexen.
Wrablis, sb. pl. warblings, S2; see Werble.
Wraht, pt. s. of Werke.
Wrak, sb. that which is driven ashore, wreck, S2, S3, C3; rac, driven vapour, rack, S2, SkD; rack, Sh.—AS. wrÆc. Cf. Wreche and Wreken.
Wranne, sb. wren, S; see Wrenne.
Wrastlen, v. to wrestle, C, S2, G, PP; wraskle, PP; wrastylle, Cath.; wraxle, Voc. Der.: wrastling, wrestling, C2, G; wrastelyng, G.—AS. wrǽstlian (oftener wrÁxlian), from wrǽstan, to wrest, from wrǽst, firm, strong. Wrǽst is for wrǽÐt, from wrÁÐ, pt. of wrÍÐan, see Sievers, 232. See Wrythen.
WraÐ, adj. wroth, S; see Wroth.
WraÐÐi, v. to get angry, S; see WreÐÐen.
Wraw, adj. perverse, angry, fierce, SD, Prompt., C3, CM, HD; wrau, SD. Cf. Wro.
Wrawid, pp. perverse, peevish,WA.
Wrawnesse, sb. fierceness, Prompt.,CM.
Wrecche, sb. also as adj. wretch, miserable, S, S2, C, PP; wreche, S, S2, CM; wrecce, S. Comb.: wreccehed, wretchedness, S; wrecchede, S2.—AS. wrecca, an outcast, exile. See Wreken.
Wrecched, adj. wretched, S, PP; wriched, S. Comb.: wrecchednesse, misery, C2, C3,PP.
Wreche, sb. vengeance, misery, S, S2, C2, C3; wrache, S; wrÆche, S; wreke, S2; wrake, S2, PP; wrac, S2; wrick, S2. Comb.: wrakful, full of vengeance, S2.—AS. wracu, vengeance, misery, also wrÆc, exile, misery. See Wreken.
Wreken, v. to urge, wreak, drive, punish, avenge, S, S2, C2, C3, PP; wrÆken, S; wrak, pt. s., G; wreken, pp., S2, PP; wreke, G, PP; wroken, PP, WA; wroke, PP, HD; i-wroken, G.—AS. wrecan, pt. wrÆc (pl. wrǽcon), pp. wrecen; cp. Goth. wrikan, to persecute.
Wreker, sb. avenger, S2.
Wrenche, sb. a twist, trick, deceit, S, S2, S3, C3; wrink, S3; wrenkis, pl., WA.—AS. wrenc (wrence).
Wrenchen, v. to turn, twist, S. Der.: wrinching, wrenching, struggling, S3.—AS. wrencan.
WrengÐe, sb. distortion, S. See Wringen.
Wrenne, sb. wren, Voc.; wranne, S.—AS. wrenna, wrǽnna.
Wreon, v. to cover; wre, CM; wreo, pr. s. subj., S.—AS. wrÉon, pt. wrÉah (pl. wrugon), pp. wrogen, see Sievers, 383. Cf. Wrihen.
Wreten, pp. of Wryten.
Wreth, sb. wrath, S2, H; wraÞÞe, PP, S. Comb.: wreÐful, wrathful, S, S2; wraÐÐelees, S2.—ONorth. wrǽÐÐo. See Wroth.
Wrethe, sb. wreath, C.—AS. wrǽÐ. See Wrythen.
WreÐÐen, v. to become angry, to make angry, S; wreaÐÐin, S; wraÐÐin, S, S2, G; wreÐen, S, S2, H. Der.: wrath-thing, provocation,W.
Wrien, v. to twist, bend, CM, SkD (s.v. wry); wrye, S3, PP.—AS. wrigian, to drive, bend.
Wrigt (in compounds), an accusation. Comb.: wrigtful, guilty, S; wrigteles, without an accusation; wrigteleslike, causelessly, S.—Cp. AS. wrÓht, an accusation, from the pt. of (ge)wrÉgan, to accuse (cp. sÉcan, pt. sÓhte).
Wrihels, sb. a covering, veil; wriheles, S; wriels, SD.—AS. wrÍgels.
Wrihen, v. to cover, S; wrie, CM; wrien, pr. pl., S.—AS. *wrÍhan, pt. wrÁh (pl. wrigon), pp. wrigen; cp. OHG. rÍhan (Tatian). Cf. Wreon.
Wrikken, v. to twist to and fro, to move about, SkD (s.v. wriggle); wrickede, pt. s.,S2.
Wringen, v. to wring, press, S, S2, C2; wrang, pt. s., S; wrong, S, S2, S3, C3; wronge, P; wrongen, pl., S2; wrong, pp., S.—AS. wringan, pt. wrang (pl. wrungon), pp. wrungen.
Writelinge, sb. trilling (of a nightingale),S.
Wro, sb. that which is crooked, acorner, HD; wroo, HD; wra, WA; wraa, WA; wray, WA, NQ (6.12. 252).—Cp. Icel. rÁ (for vrÁ). See Wraw.
Wrohte, pt. s. of Werke.
Wrong, pp., adj. and sb. twisted awry, wrong, awrong, S, PP; wrang, PP. Comb.: wrongwis, unjust, wicked, H, S; wrangwis, S2; wrangwislie, wrongly, S2; wrongwisly, PP; wrangwisnes, iniquity, S2. See Wringen.
Wroot, Wrot, pt. s. of Wryten.
Wroth, pt. s. of Wrythen.
Wroth, adj. wroth, fearful, S, C3, PP; wraÐ, S, S2, H; wroÞer, comp., PP, HD; wrothe, adv., angrily, evilly, S, G; wroÐliche, wrathfully, S2; wroÐly, S2; wroÐely, S2; wrathly, H. Comb.: wrothirhaile, calamity, WA. Phr.: to wraÐer heale, to evil fortune, bad luck, S; to wroÞer hele, PP.—AS. wrÁth.
Wryt, sb. writing, S; writ, S; writte, S2.—AS. (ge)writ.
Wryten, v. to write, C2; writen, S; wright, S3; wrot, pt. s., S, S2, PP; wroot, C2, C3; wrate, S, H; wroten, pl., W; writen, C2; wryten, pp., PP; writen, S, C2, C3; write, S; wryte, S2; wreten, S2; y-writen, S2; y-write, S2; i-wryten, S; i-writen, S.—AS. wrÍtan, pt. wrÁt (pl. wrÍton), pp. writen.
Wrythen, v. to writhe, twist, Prompt., S2; wroth, pt. s., PP; writhen, pl., W; wrythen, S; pp., PP; writhun, W; i-wriÞen, S2. Der.: wrything, turning, C2.—AS. wrÍÐan, pt. wrÁÐ (pl. wriÐon), pp. wriÐen.
Wu-; see also Wo-, Wou-.
Wuch, pron. which, S2; wulc, S; see Which.
Wude, sb. wood, tree, S; see Wode.
Wule, sb. while, S2; see While.
Wule, 1 pr. s. will, S; see Wille.
Wundi, adj. rid of, S; windi,S.
Wune, adj. accustomed, S.
Wunien, v. to dwell, S; see Wonen.
Wunne, sb. joy, S, S2; see Winne.
Wurne, v. to refuse; see Wernen.
Wurse, adj., adv. comp. worse, S; wurs, S, G; werse, S; wers, CM, S, H (p.269); wÆrse, S; wrse, S; wurse, sb., the devil, S; worse, S.—AS. wyrs.
Wursien, v. to become worse, take hurt, S; i-wursed, pp., S.—AS. wyrsian.
Wurst, adv. superl. worst, S; wurste, adj. S; werste, S; werst, W2; warst, H (p.269); werest, S; wrst, S. Worste (=Lat. nequissimi = Gr. τοῦ πονηροῦ, i.e. the devil), W.—AS. wyrst.
WurÐen, Wurstu, WurÐ; see Worthen.
WurÐien, v. to honour, S; wurrÞenn, S; wurÐeÐ, pr. s., S; wurÐeden, pt. pl., S. Der.: wurÐing, honour, S.—AS. wurÐian, weorÐian, from weorÐ. See Worth.
Wuschen, v. to wish, S2, PP; wusshen, PP; wisshen, PP.—AS. wÝscan, from wÚsc: OHG. wunsc, awish; see Sievers, 185.
Wute, imp. pl. know, S; see Witen(1).
Wy, adv. why, S; see Whi.
Wydder, v. to wither, S3; see Wederen.
Wye, sb. a man, PP; wy, S3, P; wyȝe, S2; weiȝh, S2; wiȝes, pl., S2; wies, S2.—AS. wÍga, warrior, man. See Weye.
Wygge, sb. a small cake or bun, Prompt.; wigg,HD.
Wyghte, sb. weight, HD, PP, C3; wyhte, S; wiȝte, PP; wihte, S.—AS. (ge)wiht.
Wylem, adv. formerly, S; see Whilom.
Wyn, sb. wine, S, C; wyne, dat., S. Comb.: wyn-ape, ape-wine, vin de singe, C3; win-iÆrd, vineyard, S; wynȝord, S2; win-tre, vine, S.—AS. wÍn; Lat. uinum.
Wynd, sb. wind, S; wynt, S2.—AS. wind: Goth. winds: Lat. uentus; see Curtius, No. 587.
Wyndas, sb. windlass, Prompt., C2.—Icel. vind-Áss, apole which can be wound round.
Wyndewen, v. to winnow, W2; wyndowen, S2; windwen, S; wynewen, W. Comb.: wynwe-schete, winnowing-sheet, S3.—AS. windwian (OET). See Wynd.
Wyne-grapis, sb. pl. vine-grapes, S3 (13. 99).
Wynk, sb. sleep, nap, PP; wink, PP,S2.
Wynken, v. to wink, nod, sleep, PP, Prompt.; winke, C2; vynke, S2. Der.: wynkynge, fit of sleepiness,PP.
Wyppyl-tre, sb. the cornel-tree, CM (2. 90); whyppyltre, C.—Cp. MLG. wipel-bom, the cornel-tree (Pritzel).
Wyrle, v. to whirl, S2; see Whyrlyn.
Wys, adj. wise, PP, S2; wis, S, S2; viss, S2; wisliche, adv., S. Der.: wisdom, learning, S.—AS. wÍs, Goth. weis.
Wyse, sb. mode, manner, C2, S2; wise, S, S2; wis, S; wes, S; viss, S2. Comb.: ryghtwis, righteous, PP; wrongwis, PP.—AS. wÍse.
Wyue, v. to take to wife, C2; wiuen, S; wyued, pp., married, PP.—AS. wÍfian.
Wyuere, sb. a serpent, CM.—OF. wivre, vivre (F.givre); Lat. uipera; see BH, §150.
Wywere, sb. a fishpond, Voc.; wayowre, piscina, Prompt.—OF. vivier; Lat. uiuarium; cp. OHG. wÎwÂri (Tatian), G. weiher; see Kluge.