

Wha, pron. who, S2; see Who.

WhÆr, adv. where, S; see Wher.

Whal, sb. whale, W2.—AS. hwÆl (Voc.). Cf. Qual.

Whan, adv. interrog., conj. when, S2, C2; whane, S; whanne, S, W; hwanne, S; huanne, S2; hwenne, S; hwan, S; hwen, S; hwon, S; wanne, S, S2; wonne, S; wane, S, S2; wone, S; wan, S; won, S; quanne, S; quane, S; quan, S; quuan, S; quen, S2; quene, S. Comb.: whannse, whensoever, S.—AS. hwanne.

Whanene, adv. whence, S; wanene, S; wenene, S2; whÆnnenen, S; whenne, S2, C2.—AS. hwanon.

Whannes, adv. whence, S, S2; huannes, S2; whannus, W2; whennys, W; wannes, S2; whennes, C3,P.

What, pron. interrog., adj. n., and adv. what, why, wherefore, S, S3, W; whÆt, S, S2; whatt, S; whaut, S2; hwat, S; hwet, S; huet, S2; wat, S, S2; wet, S, S2; quat, S, S2. Comb.: hwat ... wat, both ... and, S; wat ... wat, S; what swa, whatsoever, S; quat so, S; quat kin, what kind, S2; quat als euer, whatsoever, S2.—AS. hwÆt.

What, conj. what time, until; wat, S.—Cf. Al-wat.

What, adj. quick, keen, sharp, strenuous, MD; whÆt, MD; hwat, MD; wat, MD; adv., S; wate, MD; whate, MD, HD; hwatliche, S; watloker, comp., S2.—AS. hwÆt: OS. hwat; cp. Icel. hvatr, OHG. was, sharp (Otfrid).

[Whate], sb. chance, luck; hwate, S, MD; wate, S; quate, HD.—AS. hwat, omen, augury, incitamentum; cp. Icel. hvÖt (hvata-). See What, adj.

Whaup, sb. the larger curlew, HD, JD; whaap, JD; whap, JD; quhaup, JD; quhaip, JD; awp, JD; awppis, pl.,S3.

Wheen, sb. a number, a quantity, JD; quhene, JD.—Cp. AS. hwÉne inst. of hwÓn, see Sievers, 237. See Woon.

Wheene, adj. pl. few, B.

Whele, sb. wheel, Voc., W2; whiel, CM; whel, C; quhele, S3; hweoles, pl., S. Comb.: quheill-rym, wheel-rim, S3.—AS. hwÉol; cp. Gr. κύκλος; see Douse, p.37.

Whele, sb. a pimple, Prompt., Voc. (790. 27); wheal, SkD; wheale, ‘pupula,’ Manip.; queale, Manip.

Whelen, v. to putrefy, Prompt.—AS. hwelian(BT).

Whelke, sb. a pimple, Voc., Prompt., MD; whelk, Sh.; whelkes, pl., CM, C, SkD (s.v. wheal).

Whelp, sb. a whelp, dog, C2, C3, Prompt.; welp, MD; quelpe, MD; quilpe, MD; qwelpe, Voc.—AS. hwelp.

Whene, v. to lament, MD.—AS. hwǽnan. See Quain.

Whennes, adv. whence, C3, P; see Whannes.

Wher, adv. interrog. and rel. where, S, C2; whare, S2; whÆr, S; hwer, S; hwar, S; huer, S2; wer, S; war, S; quar, S2 (s.v. si-quar); quhare, S3; quuor, S. Comb.: wheras, where, S3, C2; werbi, whereby, S; werefore, wherefore, S; hwerfore, S; warevore, S, S2; werinne, wherein, S2; huermyde, wherewith, S2; quor-of, whereof, S; whÆrswa, wheresoever, S; wherso, C2; hwarse, S; hwerse, S; warso, S2; whÆrsitt, S; quhair-to, wherefore, S3; whÆrwiÞÞ, wherewith, S; wareÞoru, wherethrough, S2.—AS. hwǽr.

Wher, pron. and conj. whether of the two, whether, S2, C, C2, G, PP; where, PP; whar, S; hwere, S; wer, S2; quer, S2; quhidder, S3; whether, S; hweÐer, S. Comb.: wher so, whethersoever, S; queÐer so, S.—AS. hwÆÐer. Cf. AuÞer, ÆiÐer.

Whete, sb. wheat, Voc., C3; hwete, S; wete, S; quete, S2; quet, S2.—AS. hwǽte: Goth. hwaiteis.

Whethen, adv. whence, HD, H; whythyne, HD (p.929).—Icel. hvaÐan.

Whetten, v. to sharpen, CM, Prompt., S3; whÆtte, pt. s., S, MD; wette, MD. Comb.: whet-stone, Prompt.; whestone, Prompt.; wheston, Voc.; whestones, pl., S2.—AS. hwettan: Icel. hvetja. See What, adj.

Whi, adv. interrog. why, S; wi, S; wy, S; hwi, S; qui, S2.—AS. hwÍ, inst. of hwÁ. See Who.

Whicche, a chest, trunk, box; whucche, PP; whyche, Prompt.; hoche, Prompt.—AS. hwicce; ‘Clustella, hwicce;’ Engl. Studien, xi. 65.

Which, pron. interrog. and rel., adj. which, S2; whilk, S2; whillc, S; whulche, S; hwilc, S; hwilch, S; hwich, S; hwuch, S; huych, S; huyche, S2; wulc, S; wilk, S2; wulche, S; woche, S; wuch, S2; wic, S; quilc, S; quilk, S2 (squilk) H; quhilk, S3. Comb.: wilc so, whichsoever, S; hwychso, S.—AS. hwilc (for hwÍ-lÍc).

Whider, adv. whither, PP, C2, C; whidir, SkD; whyder, PP; hwider, S; wider, S; quhethir, S2. Comb.: hwiderse, whitherso, S; whider-ward, whitherward, S2; whederward, S2; whydyrward, S2; whederwarde-so, whithersoever, S2.—AS. hwider.

While, sb. a while, duration of time, PP; whyl, C2; hwile, S; hwule, S; wile, S; wyle, S2; wule, S2; quhyle, S3; whyle, adv., for a time, sometimes, formerly, S2; wile, S; wil, S3; quile, conj., S; quhill, S2, S3; wile, S. Comb.: whyle-ere, formerly, S3; whyler, C3.—AS. hwÍl, atime, space: cp. Goth. hweila.

Whiles, adv. and conj. whiles, whilst, S2, PP; wiles, S; whyls, C3; hwils,S.

Whilk, pron. which, S2; see Which.

Whilom, adv. sometimes, formerly, C, S2, PP; whilum, PP; whylom, C2; hwilem, S; hwylem, S; wylem, S; quilum, S; quhilum, S3.—AS. hwÍlum, at times.

Whipling, sb. a murmuring, S3.

Whippe, sb. whip, scourge, SkD; quippe, Voc.; quhyp,S3.

Whippen, v. to move suddenly and quickly, SkD; whypt, pt. s.,S3.

Whit, sb. a wight, man, S3; see Wight.

Whitely, adv. quite, H; see Quytly.

Who, pron. interrog. and rel. who, any one, SD, PP; wha, S2; hwo, S; huo, S2; hwa, S; ho, S2; wo, S, S2; wa, S; quho, S3; quha, S2; ȝwo, SD; qva, SD; qvo, SD; qwo, SD. Comb.: who se, who so, S2, PP; hwo se, S; ho se, S2; ho so, P; wo so, S, S2; hwa se, S.—AS. hwÁ, hwÁ-swÁ; cp. Lat. quo-d; see Douse, p.71.

Whom, pron. interrog. and rel. dat. to whom, C2; wham, S; wam, S; hwom, S; hwam, S; quam, S.—AS. hwÁm, hwǽm (dat.).

Whon, pron. interrog. and rel. acc. (also dat.), S; whan, SD; hwan, S; wan, S, S2.—AS. hwone (acc.).

Whos, pron. interrog. and rel. gen. whose, C2, W; whas, SD, P; whes, SD; quhais, S3; quhois, S3.—AS. hwÆs (gen.).

Whough, interj. whew!, S3; wough,S3.

Whulche, pron. which, S; see Which.

Whyppyltre, sb. cornel-tree, C; see Wyppyl-tre.

Whyrle, sb. whirl, giraculum, Cath. (n). Comb.: whirl-bon, vertebra, SD; whyrlebone, Voc.; whorlebone, Cath.; whyrlewynde, turbo, Prompt.

Whyrlyn, v. to whirl, Prompt.; whirlen, C2; wyrle, S2; quhyrl, S3. Comb.: whirlinge wyndys, whirlwinds, W.—Icel. hvirfla, to whirl.

Whyte, sb. white wine, C3.

Whyte, adj. white, PP, C2; whit, S, C, PP; hwit, S; wit, S; quhite, S3; quhyt, S3; quite, S2; huyter, comp., S2; whittore, S2. Der.: whytnesse, whiteness, C3. Comb.: Witsunnedei, Whitsunday, S; Witesonetid, Whitsuntide, S2.—AS. hwÍt: cp. Goth. hweits.



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