Quad, adj. and sb. evil, bad, the Evil One, MD, C2; qued, MD, PP; cwed, MD; quet, MD; kueade, dat., S2; queade, S2; quede, S2.—AS. cwead; cf. Du. kwaad.
Quad, pt. s. quoth, S; see QueÐen.
Quaile, v. to wither, to die, S3 (28a. 91), SkD, ND. Sh.; to overpower, intimidate, ND, SkD,Sh.
Quain, sb. trouble, mourning, S2.—AS. *hwÁn (see below).
Quainen, v. to lament, MD (s.v. hwenen); whene, MD.—AS. hwÁnan (in Á-hwǽnan,BT).
Quair, sb. quire, book, S3; quayre, Manip., CM; quayer, Voc.—OF. quayer (F.cahier), Prov. cazern for cadern; It. quaderno; Lat. quaternum; cp. Late Lat. quaternio a sheet folded in four (Voc.). See Quartern.
Quaken, v. to quake, tremble, S2; cwakien, S; quakede, pt. s., PP, MD; quok (strong form), PP; quook, C2, SkD; quoke, S2, H.—AS. cwacian.
Quakynge, sb. trembling, Prompt., MD; quakyng, W.—AS. cwacung.
Qual, sb. whale, MD, Cath. (n); qwal, Prompt.; qwaylle, Cath.; quale, S2; whal, W2; hwel, MD; qualle, pl., S2, Cath. (n); quhalis, S3, Cath. (n).—AS. hwÆl.
Qualm, sb. death, pestilence, S2, H; cwalm, MD; qualme, dat., C.—AS. cwealm. See Quelen.
Quarel, sb. a square-headed cross-bow bolt, quarrel, WA, SkD; quarelle, S2; quarrel, WA, ND.—AF. quarel, cross-bow bolt; Late Lat. quadrellum (ace.), aquarrel, asquare tile, dimin. of Lat. quadrus, square.
Quarere, sb. quarry, Prompt.; quareres, pl., S2.—OF. quarriere (Cotg.); Late Lat. quadraria, quarry, deriv. from quadrus. See above.
Quartern, sb. prison; cwarterne, dat., MD; quarterne, S, MD.—AS. cweartern, prison, perhaps for AS. quatern, ‘quaternio’ (OET). Cp. Fr. caserne (Sp. caserna), barracks; Lat. quaterna (see Brachet); an etym. illustrated by the Fr. sea-term casernet, log-book, aderiv. of Lat. quaternum, see Diez, p.755 (s.v. cahier).—See Quair.
Quarteroun, sb. a quarter, P, HD; quartrun,PP.
Quat, QuaÐ, pt. s. quoth, S; see QueÐen.
Quatriuials, sb. pl. the quadrivials, the quadrivium, the four higher sciences: astrology, geometry, arithmetic, music, S3 (14. 511).—From Late Lat. quadrivium, the four mathematical sciences; in Lat. aplace where four ways meet.
Quave-mire, sb. quagmire, HD; quamier,DG.
Quauen, v. to shake, S2, PP, Prompt.; quave, HD, JD,DG.
Quauynge, sb. shaking, MD.
Quayle, v. to curdle, to coagulate, Palsg., Prompt., Manip.—OF. coailler Lat. coagulare.
Quaynt, adj. prudent, wise, H; quaynte, quaint, curious, WA; see Coint.
Quayntis, sb. wisdom, prudence, H; see Cointise.
Quayre, sb. quire, book, CM see Quair.
Queade, sb. evil, iniquity, S2; see Quad.
Queale, sb. a blister, pimple, pupula, Manip.; see Whele.
Quecchen, v. to shake, MD; qvycchyn, Prompt.; quytche, Palsg.; quitch, Cotg. (s.v. oeil); cwehte, pt. s., MD; quehte, MD.—AS. cweccan.
Qued, adj. bad, S2, PP; see Quad.
Quedschipe, sb. wickedness, MD; queadschipe, S; cweadschipe,S.
Queere, sb. quire, choir, Prompt.; queer, W2; quere, W2; queir, S3.—OF. choeur (Cotg.); Lat. chorum (acc.); Gr. χορός.
Quek, adj. living, S2; see Quik.
Quelen, v. to die, MD; cwelen, MD.—AS. cwelan, pt. cwÆl (pl. cwǽlon), pp. cwolen. Cp. OHG. quelan, ‘cruciari’ (Tatian).
Quellen, v. to kill, S, S2, C3, C; quelde, pt. s., S; cwelled, pp., S.—AS. cwellan; cp. OHG. quelen ‘cruciare’ (Tatian), quellen (Otfrid).
Quellere, sb. executioner, MD.—AS. cwellere.
Queme, adj. pleasing, S, MD; qweme, convenient, WA; cweme, S; wheme, MD.—AS. (ge)cwÉme, from c(w)Óm, pt. of cuman; cp. OHG. (bi)queman, to come to, to suit, fit (Otfrid); see Kluge (s.v. bequem). See Comen.
Quemeful, adj. placable, W2.
Quemen, v. to please, S, H, PP; cwernen, S; cwemde, pt. s., S; i-quemd, pp., S; i-cwemet, S.—AS. cwÉman.
Quenchen, v. to quench, S, Prompt., S3, SkD; cwennkenn, S; queynte, pt. s., MD, S2; queynt, pp., MD, C; y-kuenct, S2; quenchid, W2.—AS. cwencan.
Quene, sb. queen, wife, woman, quean, S, C2, C3, WA; quen, S, C; cuen, S; kuen, MD; kwene, S; cwene, MD.—AS. cwÉn; cp. OHG. quena, wife (Otfrid); for root see Brugmann, §467,3.
It should be noted that E. queen is not precisely the same word as E. quean. For queen is the phonetic equivalent of AS. cwÉn, Goth. kwēns, whereas quean represents AS. cwĕne, Goth. kwĭno.
Querel, sb. a complaint, dispute, quarrel, S2, W2; querele, SkD.—AF. querele; Late Lat. *querella, for Lat. querēla.
Querne, sb. hand-mill, C2, Prompt., Palsg., MD; queerne, W.—AS. cweorn; cp. Goth. kwairnus; see Brugmann, §442.
Querrour, sb. quarry-man, CM. See Quarere.
Quest, sb. an inquiry, jury, verdict, G.—OF. queste, aquest (Cotg.). Quest is used for the proper legal term enquest; OF. enqueste.
Queste, sb. will, bequest, G; quiste, S. Acorrupt form of Quide (q.v.), influenced by the above word.
QueÐen, v. to speak, MD; cweÐen, S, MD; cwaÐ, pt. s., S; cweÐ, S; queÐ, S; quaÐ, S, S2; quoÐ, S; quat, S; quad, S; quod, S, S2, C2; koth, S3; couth, MD; cothe, MD; hwat, MD; wat, S; ko, S3; i-cwede, pp., S.—AS. cweÐan, pt. cwÆÐ (pl. cwǽdon), pp. ge-cweden.
Queynt, adj. prudent, fine, quaint, MD; queynte, S3, C2, MD; see Coint.
Queynte, pt. s. was extinguished, S2; see Quenchen.
Queyntelich, adv. skilfully, neatly, MD; queynteli, S3; see Cointeliche.
Queyntise, sb. skill, S3; see Cointise.
Quide, sb. speech, bequest, MD; cwide, S, MD.—AS. cwide; cp. OHG. quiti, ‘testimonium’ (Tatian). See QueÐen.
Quidities, sb. pl., S3.—From Late Lat. quiditas, aterm of the Schoolmen; that which relates to the essence of a thing, having reference to the question quid est, what is it? Cp. OF. quidditatif, ‘quidditative, doubtful, full of quirks, contentions, wrangling’ (Cotg.).
Quik, adj. and adv. living, quick, flowing (of water), S, S2, W; quic, S, S2; quek, S2; quyk, S3, W, W2; cwic, S; cwike, S; cwuce, S; quicke, S; quike, pl., S, S2; quyke, S, C; quycke, S3.—AS. cwic (cuc); cp. OHG. quek (Otfrid).
Quikie, v. to cause to revive, also, to be kindled, PP; quike, C3; quyke, C; cwikien, MD.—AS. cwician.
Quikliche, adv. quickly, PP; quicliche,S2.
Quiknen, v. to give life, to receive life, SkD; quykene, W,W2.
Quiste, sb. will, bequest, S; see Queste.
Quiten, v. to repay, PP; see Quyten.
Quitter, sb. filth that runs from a wound, HD: quytur, rottenness, HD; quytere, W2; quitture,DG.
Quod, pt. s. quoth, S, S2, C2; see QueÐen.
Quok, pt. s. quaked, C2; see Quaken.
Quoynte, adj. skilful, MD, HD; see Coint.
Quoynteliche, adv. skilfully, MD; see Cointeliche.
Quoyntyse, sb. quaintness of dress, PP; quointise, stratagem, S2; see Cointise.
Quyk, adj. living, moving, S3, W, W2; see Quik.
Quyk-myre, sb. quagmire, S3.
Quyknar, sb. giver of life,S3.
Quyr-boilly, sb. boiled leather, used for making defensive armour, C2.—OF. cuir bouilli (Cotg.).
Quyrry, sb. the quarry, the dog’s share in the slaughtered game, S3; quyrre, SkD (s.v. quarry, p.824); guerre, SkD.—OF. cuiree; Late Lat. coriata, from Lat. corium, hide, skin (OF. cuir).
Quyten, v. to requite, repay, settle, satisfy, S2, C2, C3, PP, W, H; quiten, S2, PP; quitte, pt. s. G; qwit, H; quyt, pp., PP; y-quit, C2.—OF. quiter; Late Lat. quietare.
Quytly, adj. quite, H; whitely,H.
Quytter, v. to twitter, S3.
Quytur, sb. rottenness, HD (p.660); see Quitter.
The subdivision of I is as in the original.
The subdivision of T, U/V, and W, and the format of their headers, is as in the original. Note that Th includes Þ.