rley, MD, PP; barlic,S.

Barm, sb. bosom, S3, C2; berm, S.—AS. bearm.

Barmkyn, sb. rampart, S3; barnekin, the outermost wall of a castle, HD; barnekynch,MD.

Barmkyn-wall, sb. rampart-wall,S3.

Barn, sb. bairn, child, S, S2, H, PP; bern, S; barne, S3, P; bearnes, pl., S; bairnis, S3.—AS. bearn.

Barnage, sb. childhood, S2,MD.

Barnen, v. to burn, S, S2; see Bernen, Brennen.

Barnhede, sb. childhood, H,PP.

Barn-site, sb. sorrow felt for a child, S2, NED.—Icel. barn-sÚt.

Barn-team, sb. offspring, afamily of children, MD; barntem, S2.—AS. bearn-tÉam.

Baronage, sb. the men, vassals of a feudal chief, S; assembly of barons, S2, C3; barnage, MD.—OF. barnage, Low Lat. baronagium.

Baroun, sb. baron, lord, PP; baronys, pl. PP.—OF. baron, acc. of bers, aman, amale.

Barowe, sb. barrow-pig, MD; bareȝ, S, NED.—AS. bearh.

Barrat, sb. confusion, S3; see Baret.

Barre, sb. bar of a door, C; bar of justice, G, PP; barres, pl., ornament of a girdle, C, PP.—OF. barre.

Barste, pt. s., burst, S2, PP; see Bresten.

Baselarde, sb. dagger, MD, PP, Prompt.; Baslard, PP.—AF. baselarde. OF. basalart (cp. Low Lat. bassilardus). Probably from Late Lat. badile, abillhook; see NED.

Basnetes, sb. pl., helmets, S3; see Bacinet.

Bataille, sb. battle, S, PP; bataile, PP; batayle, S2, C, PP; batayls, pl. battalions, S3.—OF. bataille.

Bataillen, v. to embattle, fortify, MD; batailed, pt. s., PP; bataylld, pp. embattled, C.—OF. bataillier.

Baten, v. to bate, abate, grow less, S2, MD; see Abaten.

Bateren, v. to batter, beat, pat, PP.—OF. bat-, stem of batre, with freq. suffix -er.

BaÞe, adj. and conj. both, S, S2; see Bothe.

BaÞiere, sb. water-pot, S.

Batte, sb. club, staff, bat, Prompt., Voc.; battis, pl., W.—OF. batte.

Battill, adj. rich for pasture, S3, JD; battle,HD.

Baudekyn, sb. a gold-embroidered stuff named from Bagdad, MD; bawdekyn, Prompt.; baudkin, S3.—OF. baudequin; Low Lat. baldakinus, from It. Baldacco, Bagdad.

Bauderye, sb. unchastity, foul conversation, MD; pandering, CM; bawdry,S3.

Bauderyk, sb. baldric, MD; bawderyke, Prompt.; bawdryk, C, Voc.

Baudry, sb. baldric, NED.—OF. baudrei, baldrei.

Baudy, adj. dirty, C3, P, Palsg.

Bauld; see Bold.

Baundoun, sb. discretion, freewill, power, S2; baundon, CM.—OF. bandon; Low Lat. *bandonem, from bandum for bannum, public proclamation.

Bausand, adj. marked with white, NED.—OF. bausant; cp. Prov. bausan, It. balzano.

Bauson, sb. badger, MD; bawsone, Prompt.; bawsyn, Voc.; bausenez, pl. S2; baucynes, MD. See above.

Bawd, pt. s. bade, commanded, S3; see Beoden.

Bawe-lyne, sb. bowline, HD, S2; see Bowe-lyne.

Baxtere, sb. female baker, PP; see Bakestere.

Bay, sb. noise made by the united songs of birds, S3; barking of dogs, MD, HD. Phr.: to baie, at bay, S2.—Cp. OF. abaier, to bark.

Bayard, sb. a bay horse, a horse, P, CM; baiardes, pl., P. Phr.: blynde bayardes, i.e. foolish people, lit. blind horses, HD, S3, MD, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. baiardus.

Bayn, adj. ready, willing, obedient, fair, pleasant, easy, good, NED; bayne, Manip.; beyn, Prompt., S3.—Icel. beinn.

Bayne, sb. bath, S3.—OF. bain.

Bayske, adj. bitter, H, MD; bask, MD, HD, JD; beȝȝsc, MD.—Icel. beiskr.

Be-, prefix. See in many cases Bi- words.

Beade; see Bidden.

Bearnen; see Bernen.

Bearyng in hand, sb. cajolery, S3; see Beren.

Be-bedden, v. to supply with a bed,S.

Beche, sb. valley, S; bÆch, MD; bache, NED.

Be-chece, v. to choke, stifle, S, NED.

Bedde, sb. bed, PP.—AS. bedd.

Bedde-strawe, sb. bed, couch, stratum, Voc.; bedstre,W2.

Bede, sb. prayer, S, H, PP; beode, S; beyde, S3; bedes, pl. S2, S3, P; beads, C; beades, S3.—AS. (ge)bed.

Bedel, sb. messenger, herald, crier, beadle, H, P; bedeles, pl. S, H; bedelles, P.—OF. bedel; cp. AS. bydel. Cf. Budele.

Bede-man, sb. beadsman, one who prays for another, P; beodemon, S2, NED; beodeman,PP.

Beden, v. to command, to offer, S, S2, S3, C2; beode, S2; bedden, S; bidden, S; beot, pr. s. S; byt, C; bet, S; bead, pt. s., bed, S, S2; bawd, S3; bad, C2, S2; boden, pl. S; beden, S3; bode, S2; bede, pp. S2; bode, bodun, invited, W; bodyn, S2; bidde, C3.—AS. bÉodan.

Note that many of the above forms are confused with those of the verb Bidden.

Bede-sang, sb. the singing of the prayers, S, NED.

Bedred, adj. lying in bed, bedridden, CM, PP; bedreden, S2, P; bedrede, PP.—AS. bedreda and bedrida (Voc.).

Be-drenchen, v. to drench completely; be-dreynt, pt. pl., S3; pp.MD.

Bed-roll, sb. catalogue, ND. See Beyde-roule.

Bee, sb. bee, Voc.; been, pl. S3, C2, W2; beys, S3 (13. 244); bees, C2.—AS. bÉo.

Bee-; see Be-.

Beek, sb. beak, C2; bec, S; beekis, pl. PP.—OF. bec.

Beem, sb. beam, C, PP; beom, S; bem, MD.—AS. bÉam, tree, plank.

Beere, sb. bier, W, CM, MD; beer, C; bare, S, MD; beare, S3; bere, HD, MD; byears, pl. S3.—AS. bǽr; cp. OF. biere.

Beest, sb. beast, C, PP; best, PP, C, S, S2; bestes, pl. S, S2; beestes, S2.—OF. beste; Lat. bestia.

Beestli, adj. animal, W.

Beeten, v. to beat, W2, CM; beten, S, C; bet, pr. s. P; bet, imp. s. S2; beot, pt. s. P; beet, PP; bet, S3, PP; bette, P; beten, pl. S; beeten, W2; beten, pp. C2, G; bete, C2; betun, W2; y-beten, C2; y-bete, C; y-bette, P; i-beaten, S; ibete, C.—AS. bÉatan, pt. bÉot, pp. bÉaten.

Bege, sb. collar, S; see Beiȝ.

Beggen, v. to beg, PP, C2, Prompt., W (John 9.8).

Beggere, sb. beggar, C, PP, W (John 9.8).

Beggestere, sb. beggar, C, NED.

Be-grime, v. to smear, daub all over,S3.

Beild; see Belde.

Beiȝ, sb. a ring, collar, P; byȝe, PP; bege, collar, S; bie, W2; beies, pl. circlets of metal, S; biȝes, P; behes, PP.—AS. bÉah: Icel. baugr.

Bek, sb. brook, H, Voc., Prompt., MD; beckis, pl. H.—Icel. bekkr.

Bekken, v. to nod, C3; beken, Prompt.; beks, pr. s.S3.

Beknen, v. to beckon, show, S; bikenen, W2.—OMerc. bÉcnian(VP).

Bel, adj. beautiful, PP.—OF. bel.

Belamp; see Bilimpen.

Belde, sb. protection, shelter, MD, HD; beld, S2; beild, S3, JD.—AS. byldo, boldness, from beald. See Bold.

Belde, adj. big, blustering, S; see Bold.

Belden, v. to build, S3; see Bilden.

Beldinge, sb. building, S3.

Belle, sb. bell, S, C2, PP.—AS. belle.

Bellyche, adv. beautifully, S3, MD. See Bel.

Belphegor, sb. Baal Peor, H (p.376).—Lat. Belphegor (Vulg.).

Belt, pp. built, S3; see Bilden.

Bely, sb. belly, bellows, MD, P; baly, S3; below, follis, Voc.; balies, pl. S2, PP.—AS. bÆlg.

Bely-ioye, sb. belly-joy, appetite,PP.

Belȝen, v. to swell, to be angry, MD; bollȝhenn, pp. MD; i-bolȝe, S.—AS. belgan, pt. bealh, (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bemare, sb. trumpeter, S.—AS. bÉmere.

Beme, sb. trumpet, MD, Voc.; bemen, pl. S; beemes, C; beamous, S3.—OMerc. bÉme(VP).

Bemen, v. to sound a trumpet, S, NED.

Bemyng, sb. humming of bees, S3,JD.

Ben, v. to be, PP, S, S2; been, C; bien, bienn, S; buen, S2; beo, S, S2; bi, S, S2; bue, by, S2; beonne, bienne, ger. S; beoÞ, pr. s. S; beÞ, buÐ, byÐ, biÐ, S; beis, S3; bes, S2; beoÞ, pl. S; bieÞ, S; buÐ, S, S2; beth, S2, S3, C2; ben, W; bes, S2; bi, pr. s. subj. S; bie, S (s.v. Ibie); beo, pl. S; beth, imp. pl. C2, S2, S3; byeÞ, S2; ben, pp. S; been, C; bue, S2; be, S3, C; y-be, S2; iben, S; ibeon, S; ibeo, S, S2; ibe, S, S2; ibi, S.—AS. bÉon.

Benam; see Binimen.

Benche, sb. bench, Prompt., PP.—AS. benc.

Benched, pp. furnished with benches, SD; y-benched,S3.

Bend, sb. bond, MD; bendes, pl. S, G; bende, dat. S, S2, G.—AS. bend: Goth. bandi.

Benden, v. to bend, Prompt., MD; bende, pt. s. MD; bent, MD; bend, pl. S2; y-bent, pp. S3; ye-bent, S3.—AS. bendan, to fasten a band or string to a bow.

Bene, sb. a prayer, S, S2, NED; benes, pl. S2.—AS. bÉn: OTeut. bÓni-z, see Sievers, 268.

Bene, adj. pleasant, S, NED.

Benefet, sb. benefit, PP, MD; bynfet, PP; benfait, P; bienfetes, pl. P.—OF. bienfet; Lat. benefactum.

Bent, sb. coarse grass, small rushes, Manip., Voc., MD, HD.—Cp. OHG. binuz (G.binse).

Bent, sb. a moor, an open grassy place, NED, S, S3, C. See above.

Benumde; see Binimen.

Beo, BeoÞ; see Ben.

Beo-, prefix; see Bi- words.

Beode, v. to pray, S; see Bidden.

Beodele; see Budele.

Berd, sb. beard, S, S2, C; berde, P, G; berdes, pl. S3.—AS. beard.

Bere, sb. beer, Prompt.; ber, S, MD.—AS. bÉor.

Bere, sb. noise, S, S2, MD, HD; ber, S2.—AS. (ge)bǽre; see I-bere.

Bere, sb. bear, C, MD, PP; beres, pl. C2; beores, PP.—AS. bera: OHG. bero.

Bere, sb. bier, HD, MD. See Beere.

Bere, sb. barley, MD; beir, S3; beris, gen., S3.—AS. bere.

Bere-lepe, sb. basket, H; berlepe, H; barlep, basket for keeping barley in, HD. See Lepe.

Beren, v. to bear; bere, S, W; berÞ, pr. s., S2; beoreÐ, pl., S; bar, pt. s., S, S2, C2; bare, S2; ber, S2, C3; baar, W; bure, S3; beore, pl., S; boren, pp. born, S2; borun, W2; iboren, S; iborn, S; ibore, S, S2; y-boren, C2; y-born, C2; y-bore, S2, C2, Phr. bereth on hand, persuades, makes (him) believe, assures, S3; berth hir on hond, beareth false witness against her, C3.—AS. beran.

Beren, v. to cry, make a noise, MD, HD; bere, to low as a cow, PP; see Bere.

Bergh, sb. hill, PP; berghe, PP; beruh, PP; berwe, PP; berghe, dat., P.—AS. beorg; cp. OIr. bri (Windisch).

Beriall, adj. blueish-green, beryl-coloured, S3. See Beril.

Berie, sb. berry, C; bery, Prompt.; beries, pl. grapes, S, PP.—AS. berige.

Berien, v. to pierce, strike, MD; bery, to thresh, Cath.—Icel. berja, to strike; cp. Lat. ferire.

Beril, sb. beryl, MD; berel, MD.—OF. beril; Lat. beryllus; Gr. βήρυλλος.

Beringe, sb. birth, behaviour, bearing, C2, S; berynge, PP; see Beren.

Berken, v. to bark, S2, PP; berkyd, pt. s., S2.—AS. beorcan.

Berkere, sb. watch-dog, PP.

Berkyng, sb. barking, C.

Berme, sb. harm, Prompt., S; berm, C3.—AS. beorma.

Bern, sb. a man, PP, HD; berne, PP; burn, S2; burne, S2; beorn, MD; burnes, pl., S2; biernes, P.—AS. beorn.

Bern, sb. barn, C2, MD; beren, S (12.263), MD; berne, S; dat., C3, W; bernes, pl., W, W2, P.—AS. bern: ONorth. ber-ern, i.e. barley-house.

Bern; see Barn.

Bernacle, sb. a snaffle for a horse, W2; barnacle, Voc., NED.

Bernake, sb. an instrument set on the nose of unruly horses, Voc.; bernak, Prompt.—OF. bernac.

Bernake, sb. barnacle, a fabulous kind of goose, S2, MD, NED.—OF. bernaque; cp. Low Lat. bernaca.

Bernen, v. to burn, MD, S, S2; barnen, MD, S; bearnen, S; beornen, S; birnen, S; barnde, pt. s., S2; barnd, pp., S2.—AS. beornan. Cf. Brennen.

Bersten, v. to burst, S, C; see Bresten.

Berstles, sb. pl. bristles, C; see Brystylle.

Berwe; see Bergh.

Berynes; see Burinisse.

Berȝen, v. to help, deliver, preserve, NED; berwen, S; berrȝhenn, S; beregeÐ, pr. s., S; iborhen, pp., S; iboreȝe, S; iboruwen, S.—AS. beorgan.

Besaunt, sb. a gold coin named from Byzantium, W, MD; besauntes, pl., S3; besauntis, W.—OF. besant.

Besene, Besie; see Bisen.

Be-slombred, pp. dirtied, bedaubed, S3; beslombered, NED.

Besme, sb. besom, rod, Prompt.; besmes, pl., S; besyms, W; besmen, dat., S.—AS. besma.

Best, adj. and adv. superl. best, PP; beast, S; bezste,S.

Beste, sb. advantage, S.

Be-steriinge, sb. bestirring, emotion,S2.

Be-swapen, pp. convicted, S.—AS. be-swÁpen, pp. of be-swÁpan, to persuade.

Bet, adv. comp. better, S, C, C2, S2, G; bette, P. Phr., go bet, go as fast as you can, C3; betere, adj. and adv. S, S2; betre, S, S2; bettre,S.

Betaken, v. to betoken, S2; see Bi-toknen.

Beten, v. to amend, S, S2, P, S3; beete, to kindle, C; beyt, S3; bet, pr. s., S; betten, pt. pl., kindled, C3; bet, pp., S, S2; ibet, S.—AS. bÉtan, pt. bÉtte, pp. bÉted. See Bote.

Beten, v. to beat, S, C, PP; see Beeten.

Be-thenchinge, sb. thinking upon, meditation, S2. See Bi-Þenken.

Beuer, sb. beaver, S, Voc.; beuveyr, S.—AS. befer (beofer); cp. OHG. bibar.

Beyde-roule, sb. bead-roll, prayer-roll, catalogue of persons for whom prayers are to be said, S3; beadroll, bedroll, ND. See Bede.

Beye, v. to buy, CM, C3; see Biggen.

Beye, adj. both, S2; beien, S; beyne, S.—AS. begen.

Beyer, adj. gen. of both, PP; beire, PP, MD; beyre, MD.—AS. begra.

Beyn, adj. pliant, flexible, pleasant, S3, Prompt.; see Bayn.

Bi-, prefix, also be-, by-, beo-, b-.

Bi-bled, pp. covered with blood, C; bybled, MD; bebledd, S2,S3.

Bi-burien, v. to bury, MD; be-byrieden, pt. pl. S; bebyried, pp., S; bebered, S2.—AS. bi-byrgan.

Bi-cacchen, v. to catch, ensnare, MD; bi-cauhte, pt. s., MD; bi-keihte, S; bi-cought, pp.,MD.

Bi-callen, v. to accuse, summon, MD, S; becallen, MD,HD.

Bi-cause, conj. because, MD; by-cause,C.

Bicche, sb. bitch, PP; bycche,PP.

Bicched, pp. a word of doubtful meaning, applied to the basilisk, and to bones used for dice, NED, CM, C3; byched, MD; bichede, NED.

Bi-chermen, v. to scream at,S.

Bi-cherren, v. to entice, mislead, betray, S; bicharre, S; bicherd, pp., S.—AS. be-cerran.

Bi-clappen, v. to lay hold of suddenly, C3; beclappe, Palsg.

Bi-clarten, v. to defile, make dirty, S, NED.

Bi-clepien, v. to accuse, S; bicleopien, S; bicleoped, pp., S.—AS. be-cleopian.

Bi-clippen, v. to embrace, W, W2; bi-clipped, pt. s. wrapped (him) round, S3; by-clypped, pp. surrounded, S2; bi-clippid, W.—AS. bi-clippan.

Bi-clusen, v. to enclose, S.—AS. be-clÝsan.

Bi-colmen, v. to blacken with soot, S, NED (p.722a), MD. See Culme.

Bi-comen, v. to come, go to, to befall, to become, befit, suit, PP, S2, S; bycome, PP, S2; bicom, pt. s., S; bycam, PP; bicome, pp., S2; bycome, S2; becomen, S3; bicumen, S.—AS. be-cuman.

Bi-cumelich, adj. comely, becoming, MD; bicumeliche, adv. becomingly,S.

Bi-daffed, pp. befooled, C2; bedaffed, NED.

Bidden, v. to beg, pray, ask, S, S2, PP; bydde, S2; beode, S; bit, pr. s., S, P; byd, S2; bad, pt. s., S, S2, PP; bede, subj., PP; beade, S; beden, pp. S; ibeden, S.—AS. biddan.

Note that some of the above forms are due to a confusion with those of the verb Beden.

Biddere, sb. asker, PP; bidders, pl. beggars, S2,P.

Biddinge, sb. prayer, S; biddynge, begging,P.

Biden, v. to bide, remain, PP; byden, S2, PP; bod, bode, pt. s., S2; bade, S3; baid, pl. abode, lived, S3.—AS. bÍdan.

Bidene, adv. together, S; at once, S2; bedene, NED; bydene,S2.

Bi-draueled, pp. slobbered, covered with grease,P.

Bie, sb. collar, W2; see Beiȝ.

Bienfet; see Benefet.

Biennales, sb. pl. biennials, biennial commemorations of the dead,P.

Bierne, sb. man, PP, HD; see Bern.

Bi-fallen, v. to befall, C; biualle, S; biful, pt. s. befell, S; byfyl, S2; befyl, S2; byfel, byfil, C; bifil, bifel, C2; bifelde, W2; bifalle, pp. befallen, S, S2, C; bifelde, W2; biualle, S.—AS. be-feallan.

Bi-flen, v. to fly from, S.—AS. be-flÉon.

Bi-fleten, v. to flow round; biflette, pt. s., S, NED (p.721a).

Bi-foren, prep. before, S, C2; biuoren, S; byuoren, S; beforen, S; biforn, S2, C2, C3; bifore, S; bifor, S; befor, S2; beforne, S3.—AS. biforan.

Big, adj. big, C2; byg, PP; bigg, wealthy, S2, MD; bygge, pl.,PP.

Bigat; see Biȝeten.

Biggen, v. to till, dwell, build, MD, PP, S (5.1611); byggen, PP; biggand, pr.p., H.—Icel. byggja; cp. AS. bÚgian.

Biggen, v. to buy, S3, P; buggen, S, S2, PP; bygge, PP; beggen, MD; beye, C3; bij, S2; bye, S2; by, C3; bie, W2; buyeÞ, pr. s., PP; buÞ, S; bies, redeems, S2; bohte, pt. s., S; bouhte, S; boȝte, S2; bohton, pl., S; boȝte, S; bogt, pp., S; y-bouȝt, P.—AS. bycgan.

Biggere, sb. buyer, W; biere,W2.

Bi-gilen, v. to beguile, S, P; bigyle, C2,C3.

Bi-ginnen, v. to begin, S, S2; bigan, pt. s., S, C2; bigon, S; bigonne, 2pt.s., C3; bigunnen, pt. pl., S; begouth, pt. s., S2, S3; bigunnen, pp., S; begunnon, S.—AS. be-ginnan.

Bi-gon, pp. surrounded, provided, set round, MD; be-gon, filled, S2.—AS. begÁn, pp. of begÁn, to go round, surround.

Bi-greden, v. to cry out at, to lament, S; begredde, pt. pl.,MD.

Bi-gripen, v. to seize, MD; be-gripe, pp., S.—AS. be-grÍpan, to chide.

Bi-growe, pp. overgrown, S; begrowe,MD.

Bi-grucchen, v. to begrudge, murmur at, P; bygrucche,PP.

Bi-gurdel, sb. a purse, PP.—AS. bÍ-gyrdel (Matt. 10.9).

Bi-gynandly, adv. at the beginning, H. See Biginnan.

Bi-hangen, v. to deck, clothe, MD; bi-hengen, pt. pl. hung about, S.—AS. be-hÓn.

Bi-healde, v. to behold; bihalden, S2; see Bi-holden.

Bi-heden, v. to behead, MD; bi-hedide, pt. s., W; biheedid, pp., W.—AS. be-hÉafdian.

Bi-heste, sb. promise, S, S2, C2, P; byheste, S2; beheste, S2; byhest, S2; bihese, S; biheest, W; bihese, pl., S.—AS. be-hǽs.

Bi-heten, v. to promise, S, C3, W; bihote, S, S2, P; byhote, C; beohote, S2; bihat, pr. s., S; bihet, pt. s., S, S2; bihiȝte, W; behighte, S2; behihte, S2; bihight, P; biheyhte, S; bihoten, pp., S; byhote, S2; behote, S; named, S3.—AS. be-hÁtan. See NED (s.v. behight).

Bi-heue, adj. profitable, S, MD.—AS. be-hÉfe, necessary; from *bihÓf, utility (in behÓflic). See Bihouely.

Bi-hinde, prep. behind, S; adv. S2; bihynde, backwards, W2; =to come, future,C3.

Bi-holden, v. to hold, to behold, PP, C, MD; bi-healde, S; bihalden, S2; bihalt, pr. s., S; biheold, pt. s., S; beoheold, S2; bihuld, S2; biheolt, S; biholde, pp., W2, C3; beholdinge wrongly used for beholden, indebted, S3.—AS. be-healdan.

Bihote; see Biheten.

Bi-houe, sb. dat. advantage, MD; biofÞe, S2. Cf. Biheue.

Bi-houely, adj. behoveful, necessary, CM, MD; behouelich, S2.—AS. be-hÓflic.

Bi-houeÞ, pr. s. behoveth, needs, S, C2, P; behoueÞ, S2; byhoueÞ, S2; bihoues, S; byhoues, pr. pl., are obliged to, S2; behoued, pt. s., S; bihofte, W.—AS. be-hÓfian.

Bi-huden, v. to hide, MD; by-hud, imp. s., S.—AS. be-hÝdan.

Bi-iapen, v. to deceive, befool, MD; byiaped, pp., C, C3,PP.

Bijs; see Bisse.

Bikeihte; see Bicacchen.

Bikenen, v. to beckon, W2; see Beknen.

Bi-kennedd, pp. begotten, MD.

Bi-kennen, v. to commit, commend, to signify, MD; bikenned, pt. s. recommended, S2; bekenned,S2.

Biker, sb. a fight, MD, HD.

Bikeren, v. to fight, PP, HD; bekeryn, Prompt.; byckarte, pt. pl. skirmished,S3.

Bi-knowen, v. to acknowledge, know, P, C3; byknowe, C; beknowe, S2; biknew, pt. s., C; biknewe, pl., S; biknowen, pp., favourably received,P.

BilÆde, pt. s. enclosed, S; see Bi-leggen.

BilÆuen, v. to remain, S; see Bi-leuen.

Bild, sb. building, S3.

Bilden, v. to build, PP, W, CM, MD; bulden, MD; belden, MD, S3; bulde, pt. s., C, MD; bildide, W; bildiden, pt. pl., W; bilden, W2; belt, pp., S3; y-buld, S2, S3; y-beld, S3.—Probably from AS. bold, dwelling.

Bile; see Bule.

Bi-leden, v. to use, treat, MD; biledet (for biledeÞ), pr. pl., S.—AS. be-lǽdan.

Bi-lefful, adj. believing, S,MD.

Bi-leggen, v. to lay (something) on, cover, to prove, explain, MD; bileist, 2pr.s., glozest, S, MD; bilÆde, pt. s., enclosed, S.—AS. bi-lecgan, to cover.

Bi-leue, sb. belief, S, S2, PP, C3; beleaue, S; byleue, PP; belaue, S; bileaue, S; biliaue, S; beoleeue, S2, PP; bilefues, pl., S.—Cp. AS. (ge)lÉafa.

Bileue; see Biliue.

Bi-leuen, v. to believe, PP, MD, S; beleue, S; bilefeÐ, pr. pl., S; biliueÐ, S; bilefden, pt. pl.,S.

Bi-leuen, v. to leave, forsake, renounce, HD, MD; bilef, imp. s., S, MD.—Cp. AS. lǽfan, to leave.

Bi-leuen, v. to remain, be left, MD, CM, C2, S2, HD; byleue, HD; bilÆuen, S; bileaue, S; bilefue, S; bleuen, S2; blefÞ, pr. s., S2; bileued, pp. left remaining, G; byleued, G.—AS. be-lǽfan.

Bilfoder, sb. food, sustenance, S2, MD; bilfodur, NED.

Bi-liggen, v. to belong to, MD; bi-lien, pr. pl., S.—AS. bi-licgan, to lie round.

Bi-likien, v. to make pleasing, MD; bi-liked, pp. made pleasing,S.

Bi-limpen, v. to happen, to belong to, S; belimpen, S; belamp, pt. s., S.—AS. be-limpan.

Bi-linnen, v. to cease, to be silent, to make to cease, MD; by-linne, G; blinnen, S, S2, C3; blyne, S3; blynne, S2; blin, S2; blan, pt. s., MD; blane, S3.—AS. blinnan (=be + linnan, to cease, to be deprived of), pt. blann (pl. blunnon), p.blunnen.

Bi-liue, adv. quickly, S, S2; bylyue, S2; belyue, S2, S3; bliue, S, S2; blyue, S3.—AS. be lÍfe, with life.

Bi-liue, sb. food, sustenance, S (4b.102), MD; bylyue, PP; bileoue, MD; bileue, S, SD.—AS. bigleofa; cp. OHG. bilibi.

Bi-liuen, v. to live by, S.—AS. bi-libban.

Bille, sb. papal bull, petition, PP; see Bulle.

Bille, sb. bill, beak, S, C; bylle, Voc.—AS. bile.

Billen, v. to peck with the bill,S.

Billet, sb. a piece of firewood; byllets, pl., S3 (26. 785).

Bi-loken, v. to look upon, regard, MD; be-locest, 2pr.s.,S.

Bi-long on, prep. pertaining to,S.

Bi-luken, v. to enclose, lock up, imprison, include, MD; biloken, pp., S; beloken, S; bilouked, S2, MD.—AS. be-lÚcan.

Bi-lyen, v. to lie against, accuse falsely, MD; belye, P; bilowen, pp., S2, P, MD.—AS. be-lÉogan, pp. belogen.

Bi-masen, v. to confuse, SkD (s.v. maze).

Bi-menen, v. to mean, to bemoan, MD, HD; bymenen, P; bemenen, S2, P; biment, pp., S.—AS. bi-mǽnan.

Bi-mening, sb. bemoaning, S.

Bi-mong, prep. among, S, MD.

Bi-mornen, v. to mourn over, MD, W; bimurnen, S.—AS. bi-murnan.

Bi-mowe, v. to mock, W2.

Binam, Binom; pt. s. of Bi-nimen.

Binden, v. to bind, S; band, pt. s., S; bond, S2, G, C2; bunden, pl., S; bunden, pp., S; bundyn, S2; bunde, ibunde, S; bounden, S, C2; y-bounde, S2, S3, C2; y-bound, S3; ibunde, S.—AS. bindan.

Bi-nemnen, v. to declare, stipulate; by-nempt, pt. s. promised, S3.—AS. be-nemnan.

Bi-neÐe, prep. and adv. beneath, S2; byneÞe, C; bineÞen, S.—AS. be-neoÐan.

Bi-nimen, v. to take from, MD; bynymen, S; benymen, S2; bineome, pr. s. subj. deprive, S; binam, pt. s., P; binom, S2; benam, S; bynome, pp., P; benumde, S3.—AS. be-niman.

Binne, sb. bin, chest, MD; bynne, C, Voc.—AS. binn, manger.

Binne, adv. and prep. within, S; bynne, S2; bine, S.—AS. binnan (for be-innan).

Bi-queste, sb. bequest, P, MD.—Aderiv. of cweÐan, see NED.

Bi-quethen, v. to bequeath, MD, CM, PP; byquethen, C, G; bi-queth, pt. s., S2; biquath, PP, G.—AS. bi-cwÉÐan.

Bi-quide, sb. bequest, 82; bequide, MD.—Cp. AS. cwide, awill.

Birafte; see Bireuen.

Bird, pt. s. impers. (it) behoved, S2; birrde, S; see Bureth.

Bird, sb. a young bird, MD; see Brid.

Birded, pt. pl. laid snares for birds,S3.

Bire, sb. dat. force, impetus, W; see Bur.

Bi-reden, v. reflex. to take counsel, MD; by-rad, pp. determined, resolved,S2.

Bi-reinen, v. to rain upon, bedew, MD; be-rayne, pr. pl. berain, S3; birine, subj. S; beraynde, pt. pl.S3.

Bi-reusien, v. to lament, regret, MD, S; bireused, pp. S.—AS. be-hrÉowsian, to feel remorse.

Bireusunge, sb. contrition,S.

Bi-reuen, v. to bereave, C3, P; birafte, pt. s. C2; bireued, pp., S; byreued, G; byraft, C.—AS. bi-rÉafian, to depriveof.

Bi-rinnen, v. to run with moisture, MD; bi-runne, pp. bedewed with tears, S.—AS. bi-rinnan, to run as a liquid, bi-runnen, pp. Birle, sb. cup-bearer, MD, HD.—AS. byrle, byrele.

Birlen, v. to pour out drink, to give to drink, MD, JD, H, HD; bryllyn, Prompt.—AS. byrlian; cp. Icel. byrla.

Birlynge, sb. a giving to drink; pouring out liquor,H.

Bi-rolled, pp. rolled about,S2.

Birth, sb. birth, offspring, natural disposition, nation, MD; burÞ, MD; birÞes, pl. nations, S2, MD.—Icel. burÐr; cp. Goth. ga-baurths, birth, native country.

Birth-tonge, sb. native tongue; burÞ-tonge,S2.

Bisay; see Bisen.

Bi-sched, pp. besprinkled, W2.

Bi-schetten, v. to shut up; bessette, S2; bischetten, pt. pl., PP; bishetten, P; bishette, pp.,PP.

Bi-schinen, v. to shine upon, MD; byschyne, pp. shone upon,S2.

Bischop, sb. bishop, S, PP; bisscopp, the Jewish high priest, S; bischopis, pl. chief priests, W; bissopes, S2.—AS. biscop; Lat. episcopus.

Bi-schrewen, v. to corrupt, to curse, MD; byschrewed, pp. cursed,P.

Bi-schrichen, v. to shriek at,S.

Bi-schunien, v. to shun, MD; bisunien,S.

Bise, sb. the north-wind, S.—OF. bise; cp. OHG. bÍsa.

Bi-sechen, v. to beseech, S; biseke, C2; beseken, C, S; besech, imp. s., S; bisohte, pt. s. S; besoght, S2; bisoȝte, S2; bisouȝten, pl. pl.,S2.

Bi-segen, v. to besiege, MD; bi-segiden, pt. pl., W2; bi-seged, pp.,C2.

Bi-semen, v. to beseem, to appear, MD; bi-semeÞ, pr. s., him bisemeÞ, he appears, S; bisemyde, pt. s., beseemed, fitted, W; ibsemed, pp. made seemly, plausible, S (16. 842).

Bi-sen, v. to look, to behold, consider, to arrange, appoint, to manage, MD, S; besie, S; biseo, S2; bisiÐ, pr. s., S; bise, imp., W; byse, S2; biseh, pt. s., S; bisay, S2; beseyn, pp. arranged; beseyne, decked; besene, equipped, S3; biseye, as in phr. yuel biseye, ill to look at, C2, richely biseye, splendid in appearance, C2.—AS. bisÉon, to look about.

Bisenen, v. to give an example, MD; bisend, pp. likened, signified, S2.—AS. bysnian. See Bisne.

Bisening, sb. example, S.—AS. bys-nung.

Bi-setten, v. to fill, occupy, to surround, beset, to set, place, to employ, MD, C, P; bisettiden, pt. pl., W.—AS. bi-settan.

Bisi, adj. busy, S; see Busy.

Bisily, adv. busily, C2; bisili, W; bisiliche,S.

Bi-sitten, v. to sit close to, to press hard, MD, P; be-sÆt, pt. s. besieged, S; be-sÆtte, S.—AS. be-sittan.

Bi-slabered, pp. beslobbered,P.

Bi-smeoruwed, pp. besmeared,S.

Bi-smer, sb. scorn, reproach, P; bisemar, S; busemare, S2; bismare, HD; bissemare, CM; bismeres, pl., PP; bismares, PP.—AS. bi-smer, insult; cp. OHG. bismer, ridicule (Otfrid).

Bi-smitten, v. to dirty, MD; bismitted, pp. dirtied, S; besmet,MD.

Bi-smotered, pp. spotted, smutted,C.

Bisne, sb. example, parable, S, MD.—AS. bysn; Goth. busns (in anabusns); from biudan; see Douse, p.60.

Bi-soken, sb. request, petition, MD; bisokne, NED; bi-socne, dat., MD; bisocnen, dat. pl.,S.

Bi-soȝte, pt. s. of Bi-sechen.

Bi-speken, v. to speak to, to speak, blame, to decide, resolve, MD; byspack, pt. s., G; bespayke, S3; bispeke, pp. S.—AS. be-sprecan.

Bi-spel, sb. parable, S.—AS. bigspell, example, proverb, parable.

Bi-speten, v. to spit upon, W; bispatten, pt. pl., W; bispat, pp.,W.

Bi-sprengen, v. to besprinkle, MD; bi-spreynde, pt. s. W; besprent, pp. bedewed, S3; bysprent, S3; besprint, S3; bispreynt, W2.—AS. be-sprengan.

Bisse, sb. a stuff of fine texture, MD; bis, MD; bys, S2; bies, bijs, fine linen, W; bijs (=byssus = Heb. shÉsh, fine linen, also Egyptian cotton), W2.—OF. bisse; Lat. byssus; Gr. βύσσος; Heb. bÚts, fine Egyptian cotton.

Bissyn, sb. fine linen (= byssinum), W.—Lat. byssinum, agarment made of byssus.

Bi-stad, pp. placed, circumstanced, bestead, hard bestead, sorely imperilled, overcome, MD, S2, C3; bystad, G; bistadde, CM; bistaÐed, MD; bistaÐet, S; bisteaÐet, S. Probably from Icel. staÐr, place, see NED.

Bi-standen, v. to surround, to be busy about, to attack, MD; bi-stod, pt. s., S; bistode, S2; bistonden, pp., S.—AS. be-standan.

Bi-steken, v. to shut out, MD; pp.,S.

Bi-striden, v. to bestride, S; bistrood, pt. s., C2; bystrood,G.

Bi-sunien, v. to shun, S; see Bi-schunien.

Bi-swiken, v. to betray, deceive, S, S2; beswike, S; besuiken, S.—AS. be-swÍcan.

Bi-swinken, v. to obtain by work, to, earn by labour, MD; biswynke, P.—AS., be-swincan.

Bisy, adj. busy, C2, P; see Busy.

Bisyhed, sb. busyhood, MD; bysyhede,S2.

Bisynesse, sb. business, W2; see Busynesse.

Bi-taken, v. to commit, entrust, S, C2, W, NED; betake, PP; beotake, PP; bytake, PP; bitaak, W; bitak, imp. s., S; bitok, pt. s., S2; bitook, C3; bytokist, 2pt.s., W; betoke, 1pt.s., S; bitoken, pl., W; bitakun, pp. W; bitake,S2.

Bi-techen, v. to entrust, assign, S; beteche, HD; byteche, PP; biteache, S; bitache, imp. s., S; bitÆhte, pt. s.; bitahte; bitagte; bitaucte, S; bitaughte, G; bytaȝt, S2; bitÆht, pp.; bitaht; biteiht; bitagt; beteht, S.—AS. be-tǽcan, pt. betǽhte, pp. betǽht.

Bitel, adj. sharp, biting, MD.

Bitel-browed, adj. with shaggy, prominent eye-brows, S2, P; bytelbrowed,PP.

Bi-tellen, v. to clear, justify, to express, show, to claim, to set free, to persuade, deceive, MD, S; bitald, pp., H, MD.—AS. be-tellan.

Biten, v. to bite, PP; byte, PP; bot, pt. s., S2, PP; bote, P.—AS. bÍtan, pt. bÁt (pl. biton), pp. biten.

Bi-teon, v. to draw over, to cover, to employ, NED; biten, MD; bitowen, pp., S; bitoȝen, NED; bitogen, MD.—AS. be-tÉon.

Bi-Þenken, v. to think, bethink, S, W; biÞenchen, S; biÞohte, pt. s., S; biÞoȝte, planned, S2; biÞouhte, S; beÞout, S2; biÞoht, pp. repented, S; biÞouht, S; bythought, called to mind, C.—AS. bi-Þencan.

Bi-tiden, v. to happen, betide, MD; bityde, C2, C3; beotyde, PP; bitit, pr. s., PP; bitid, S; bitide, pt. s., S2; betydde, PP; bitid, pp., S; betight, pp., S3; NED.

Bi-tilden, v. to cover; bi-tild, pp., S.—AS. be-teldan. See Ouer-tild.

Bi-time, adv. betimes, S, S2; bityme, PP; bitimes,C3.

Bi-toknen, v. to betoken, C2; bitocknen, S; bytoknen, PP; betoknen, S, PP; betaken, S2; bitacnedd, pp.,S.

Bi-trayen, v. to betray, PP, C2; bitraide, pt. s., S. From OF. traÏr: It. tradire; Lat. tradere.

Bitter, adj. bitter, MD; bittur, PP; bittere, adv. bitterly, P.—AS. bitor.

Bitter, sb. bitterness, S2,P.

Bittur-browed, adj. having prominent brows, PP. See Bitel-browed.

Bituhhe, prep. between, S; see Bi-twiȝe.

Bi-turnen, v. to turn; biturnde hom, pt. pl., turned themselves about,S2.

Bi-twenen, prep., between; bitwine, bitwen, betwenen, betuene, S.—AS. be-twÉonan.

Bi-twix, prep. betwixt, S2, C2; bitwixe, C2; bitwixen, C2; betwyx, betwux, S; bitwex, S; bythuixte, S2.—AS. be-tweox.

Bi-twiȝe, prep. between, MD; betwe, S2; bituhhe, S.—AS. be-twih, be-twuh.

Bityl, sb. beetle, NED.—AS. bitula.

Biuien, v. to tremble, NED; biueÐ, pr. s., S.—AS. bifian (beofian); OHG. bibēn, see NED.

Bi-wailen, v. to bewail, lament, C2; biwaille, MD; biweile, MD, W; biwailled, pp.,C2.

Bi-welden, v. refl. to wield oneself, i.e. to have full and free use of one’s limbs, MD; bywelde, S3; bewelde, Palsg.; beweld, to wield,HD.

Bi-wenden, to turn, MD; biwente, pt. s., turned round,S.

Bi-wepen, v. to beweep, S, W.—AS. be-wÉpan.

Bi-werien, v. to defend, S.—AS. be-werian.

Bi-winden, v. to wind about, S; bewinden, to enwrap, cover, S; bewunden, pp., S.—AS. be-windan.

Bi-winnen, v. to obtain, MD; biwon, pt. s.,S.

Bi-witen, v. to guard, MD; bywite, S; biwiste, pt. s., MD; biwisten, pl.,S.

Bi-wlappe, v. to wrap round,W2.

Bi-wreyen, v. to accuse, to reveal, disclose, C2, C3; bywreye, C; biwreie, S; bewreye, C, S2; bewraye, NED.

Biȝes, sb. pl. collars, P; see Beiȝ.

Bi-ȝete, sb. profit, S, S2; offspring,P.

Bi-ȝetel, adj. profitable, S.

Bi-ȝeten, v. to obtain, possess, beget, S; biȝiten, S; bigat, pt. s. S; bigÆt, S; begÆt, S; bygeten, pp. S2; biȝetenn, biyete, biȝite, biȝute, bigotten, biȝoten, S.—AS. bi-gitan (bigietan).

Bi-ȝonde, prep. beyond, S, S2, PP; biȝende, W; biȝunde, P; biyond, S2; beionde, S; biȝendis,W.

Blaberen, v. to blabber, to talk idly, HD, Prompt.; blaberde, pt. s.,PP.

Bladder, sb. bladder, MD; bladdre, C3; bledder, S3; bleder, Voc.—AS. blǽdre, OMerc. blÉdre (OET.)

Blak, adj. pale, MD; blake, wan, Palsg. Phr.: blak and blo, pale and livid, MD, NED (s.v. black, 13).—AS. blÁc. Cf. Bleike.

Blak, adj. black, MD.—AS. blÆc.

Blake, sb. smut, black, S; blackness,S2.

Blake-beryed, sb. blackberrying, i.e., wandering hither and thither purposely,C3.

Blanchet, sb. a white powder used as a cosmetic, S.—OF. blanchet.

Blanc-mangere, sb. a kind of cheese-cake, PP; blammanger,PP.

Blane (for blan), pt. s. of Bi-linnen.

Blank, adj. white, S3.—OF. blanc.

Blase, sb. blaze, flame, PP.—AS. blÆse.

Blasen, v. to blaze, flare, PP; blasie, pr. s. subj., S; blesand, pr.p.,S3.

Blasen, v. to blow (with trumpet), to proclaim, publish, NED, CM. Cp. OHG. blÁsan.

Blasen, v. in heraldry to blaze arms, i.e. to describe them, MD, S3, Prompt., Palsg.; blaze, Cotg. (s.v. blasonner).

Blasfeme, adj. and sb. blasphemous, blasphemer, MD, W.—Lat. blasphemus; Gr. βλάσφημος.

Blaundissen, v. to flatter, H; blaundiss, pr. s., H; bloundisand, pr.p., H.—OF. blandir (pr. p.blandisant).

Blawen; see Blowen.

Bledder; see Bladder.

Blee, sb. colour, complexion, MD, HD; ble, MD, JD; bleo, S, S2; blie, JD.—AS. blÉo.

BlefÐ; see Bileuen.

Bleike, adj. pale, S, NED; bleyke, Prompt.; blayke, NED; bleyk, S3; bleke, wan, Palsg. Phr.: blaike and blo, pale and livid, NED (s.v. black, 13).—Icel. bleikr. Cf. Blak.

Blenchen, v. to flinch, turn aside, S, P; bleynte, pt. s., C; bleinte, NED.—AS. blencan, to deceive.

Blenden, v. to mix together, MD; blende, pp., S2.—Cp. Icel. blanda.

Blenden, v. to blind, deceive, MD, PP; blent, pr. s., C3; blente, pt. s., PP; blent, pp. blinded, C3, HD.—AS. blendan.

Blenk, sb. a gleam, blink, glance, S3; blenkis, pl., NED; blinkes,MD.

Blenken, v. to glitter, to glance, NED; blynke, to open the eyes, S2; blenkit, pt. s., looked, S2; blencheden, pl.,MD.

Blere, adj. blear, dim, NED.

Bleren, v. to make dim, to be blear-eyed, MD, S2, P; blered, pp. dimmed, S2, C3,P.

Blesen, v. to blaze, S3; see Blasen.

Blessen, v. to bless, PP, S; blesseth hir, pr. s., crosses herself, C3; blesced, pp. S; bletcÆd, consecrated, S; y-blessed, S3, C3, P; i-blessed, S; iblescede, S; iblesset, S2.—AS. blÉtsian, blÉdsian ONorth. blÓedsian (NED); from blÓd, blood.

Blete, adj. bare, exposed, miserable, S, MD; blait, JD; blout, JD.—AS. blÉat, wretched, miserable; cp. Icel. blautr, Du. bloot G. bloss.

Bleten, v. to bleat, Prompt.; blÆten, S.—AS. blǽtan.

Bleuen; see Bileuen.

Blewe, adj. blue, livid, C2, PP; black, MD; blew, MD.—OF. bleu. See Blo.

Blewe, sb. blue, MD; bluȝ,S2.

Bleynte; see Blenchen.

Blinnen, v. to cease, S, S2, C3; see Bi-linnen.

Blis, sb. bliss, S.—AS. bliss (=blÍÐs), see Sievers, 202(7). See BliÞe.

Blissien, v. to rejoice, be glad, to gladden, MD; blissin, S, S2.—AS. blissian (=blÍÐsian). See above.

BliÞe, adj. blithe, cheerful, S, S2; blyÞe, S2, C2.—AS. blÍÐe.

BliÐe-liche, adv. gladly, S; bluÐeliche, S; bloÐeliche, S; bliÞeliȝ, S; bleÞely, S2.—AS. blÍÐelice.

Bliue, adv. quickly, S, S2; see Biliue.

Blo, adj. livid, S2, PP; black, MD.—Icel. blÁ(r). See Blewe.

Blod, sb. blood, S, S2, PP; blode, dat., S2.—AS. blÓd.

Blode, sb. a blood-relation, aperson, living being, MD, CM; blod,MD.

Blok, adj. pale, NED. Phr. blok and blo, NED. See Blak.

Blo-man, sb. negro, MD; blamon, MD; blewe-men, pl., MD.—Cp. Icel. blÁ-maÐr, negro. See Blo.

Blome, sb. flower, S2, MD.—Icel. blÓm, flower, blossom.

Blosme, sb. blossom, S, PP, Prompt., CM; blostme, S; blosmen, pl., S2; bloosmes, S3.—AS. blÓstma.

Blosmen, v. to blossom, W2, Prompt.; blosmed, pt. pl., P.—AS. blÓstmian.

Bloundisen, v. to flatter, H; see Blaundissen.

Bloundisynge, sb. blandishing,H.

Blowen, v. to blow, PP; blawe, S; blou, imp. s., S; bloaweÐ, pr. s., S; bleu, pt. s., S; bleowen, pl., S; blawen, pp., S2; blowe, C3.—AS. blÁwan, pt. blÉow, pp. blÁwen.

Blowen, v. to blow, to bloom, MD; i-blowe, pp. S.—AS. blÓwan, pt. blÉow, pp. geblÓwen.

Blubren, v. to bubble, MD; blubrande, pr.p.,S2.

Blustren, v. to rush about aimlessly, NED; blustreden, pt. pl.,P.

Bluȝ, sb. blue, S2; see Blewe.

Blyn-hede, sb. blindness, H.

Blynke; see Blenken.

Bo-; see Bou-, Bu-.

Bobbe, sb. a knock, jerk, jog, S3; bobbes, pl.,S3.

Bobben, v. to knock, strike,MD.

Bocche, sb. tumour, boil, PP; botche, W2, Prompt.; boche, CM; boce, CM.—AF. boche, OF. boce, bump.

Bocher, sb. butcher, S2, S3, P, C.—OF. boucher.

Bocherie, sb. shambles, W, Prompt.—OF. boucherie.

Bod, sb. abiding, waiting, delay,S2.

Bod, pt. s. waited, S2; bode, waited for, S2; see Biden.

Bode, sb. message, command, S, PP; bodes, pl., S, S2.—AS. (ge)bod, command.

Boden; see Beden.

Bode-word, sb. command, S; bodworde, message,S2.

Bodien, v. to announce, S; bodeden, pt. pl., S.—AS. bodian.

Body, sb. body, person, PP; bodie, S; bodi, S, PP; bodiȝ, S. Phr.: my ioly body, my jolly self, C2.—AS. bodig.

Body-half, sb. the front part (of a dress),PP.

Boile; see Bule.

Boistous, adj. boisterous, noisy, S3; boustious, S3; bustuus, busteous, S3; buystous,W.

Boistously, adv. loudly, C2.

Bok, sb. book, S, S2, PP; boc, S, S2; boke, P.—AS. bÓc; cp. OHG. buoh (Tatian).

Bokele, sb. buckle, MD; bokle, MD.—OF. bocle.

Bokeler, sb. buckler, shield, C, G; bocler, Palsg.—OF. bocler.

Boket, sb. bucket, C; bokett, Prompt.

Bold, adj. fierce, bold, daring, PP, S; bauld, bawld, S3; belde, big, blustering, S; bald, S2; balder, comp., P.—AS. beald; OHG. bald (Otfrid).

Boldeliche, adv. boldly, S; baldly, S2; boldely,C2.

Bolden, v. to make bold, encourage, MD; bolded, pt. s., P; balde, S.—AS. bealdian.

Bole, sb. a kind of clay, C3. Comb.: bole armoniak, Armenian clay, C3, NED (s.v. ammoniac).—Lat. bolus; Gr. βῶλος, clod.

Bole, sb. bull, S, C, C3; bule, S; bulez, pl., S2; bolis, W; boolis, W.—Icel. boli.

Bolle, sb. bowl, S, S2, C3, P; arounded seed-vessel, NED (s.v. boll), HD; boll, rounded top (of barley), S3.—AS. bolla.

Bollen, v. to swell, S2, PP; bolled, pp., S2,PP.

Bollen, pp. swollen, NED; bollen, W; bolne, S3; bowlne,S3.

Bollyng, sb. swelling, P.

Bolnen, v. to swell, S2, P, H; bolned, pt. s., S2; bolnyde, W2; bolnyd,W.

Bolnyng, sb. swelling, H, W.

Bolt, sb. arrow, S; bolte, Prompt.—AS. bolt (Voc.).

Bolȝen, v. to puff up, MD; boluweÐ, pr. s., S.—AS. belgan, pt. bealg (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bon, sb. bone, PP., S2; boon, W2; ban, S; banes, pl., S, S2; bon, S; boonys, W2; bannes, S2. Phr.: to make bones, to hesitate, S3.—AS. bÁn.

Bon, pp. prepared, S2; see Boun.

Bonayre, adj. kind, gentle, MD; bonere, MD; bonair, adv., MD; bonure, S2. See Debonnaire.

Bonayrelyche, adv. reverently,S2.

Bonchen, v. to strike, bump, S2, P; see Bunchen.

Bond; see Binden.

Bonde, sb. a peasant serf, slave, NED, S2; pl., PP.—AS. bonda, bunda, ahouseholder; Icel. bÓndi, for bÚandi, atiller of the soil.

Bonde-man, sb. tiller of the soil, NED; bondman, P; bondemen, pl., S2, P, G,PP.

Bone, sb. pain, poison, PP; see Bane.

Bone, sb. prayer, petition, S, S2, C3, G, PP; bon, S2; boone, C, G; bonen, pl., S.—Icel. bÓn. Cf. Bene.

Bonen, adj. made of bone, S2.

Bonet, sb. additional sail, PP, Cath.—OF. bonet, bonnet.

Bonk, sb. bank, shore, S2, S3; see Bank.

Boo-; see Bo-.

Boor, sb. boar, C, W2; bare, S2; bore, S, PP; bor, S2, PP; bores, pl., P.—AS. bÁr.

Boot, sb. boat, S2, W, CM; bot, PP.—AS. bÁt.

Boras, sb. borax, C, C3.—OF. boras: It. borace; Arab. bōraq.

Bord, sb. board, table, S, S2, C, NED; borde, S; boord, W; bordes, pl., S.—AS. bord, plank. Cf. Bred.

Borgounen, v. to bud, S2; see Burjounen.

Borne; see Burne.

Bornen, v. to burnish, S3; see Burnen.

Borwe, sb. pledge, surety, W2, C, C2, G; borgh, H; borghe, P; borewe, S2; borwes, pl., sponsors, S2; pledges, P.—AS. borh.

Borwen, v. to deliver, to borrow, MD, PP, C2, G; borewe, W2; borowe, NED; borwede, pt. s., PP.—AS. borgian.

Borwynge, sb. borrowing, Prompt.; borewyng,S2.

Boske; see Busch.

Bosken; see Busken.

Bost, sb. boast, noise, MD, C3, PP; boost, C2; boste, PP; bostus, pl.,H.

Bosten, v. to boast, PP; booste, NED.

Bosum, sb. bosom, S, W (John 13. 23); bosem, MD.—AS. bÓsm.

Bote, prep. and conj. without, except, unless, but, S, S2, PP; bot, CM, S2; bute, S; butt, S; boute, S, S2; buten, S; buton, S; Comb.: bote-ȝef, except that, unless, S2, C.—AS. be-Úton (bÚton).

Bote, sb. remedy, succour, amendment, S, S2, C2, G, P; boote, S3, C, G. Phr.: to bote, to advantage, in addition, NED.—AS. bÓt; cp. Goth. bota.

Botelees, adj. without remedy, PP; bootelesse, useless, S3; botles,S2.

Botelere, sb. butler, Voc.; botiler, C; butler,S.

Botelle, sb. bottle, MD; botel, CM.—OF. boutelle, also botel.

Boterace, sb. buttress; boteras, Prompt.; butterace, SkD (p.789); butteras, pl., SkD; buttrace, SkD; butteraces, SkD.—ME. boterace for OF. bouterets, i.e. (pillars) bearing a thrust, pl. of bouteret.

Boterace, v. to buttress; butteras, Palsg.; boteraced, pp.,PP.

Bothe, adj. both, PP, S; baÞe, S, S2; beoÐe, S; beÐe, S; buoÐe, S2.—Icel. bÁÐi, both (neut.).

Botme, sb. bottom, C, C3, Prompt.; boÞom, avale, S2, NED; boÞem, S2.—AS. botm.

Botme-les, adj. bottomless,CM.

Botnen, v., to heal, to recover, MD; botened, pp. bettered, P. See Bote.

Botun, sb. button, bud, Prompt., Voc.; bothom, MD, CM; buttonys, pl., S3.—OF. bouton, button, bud (Cotg.).

Bouel, sb. bowel, MD; bouele, S2.—OF. boel (and boele); Lat. botellus.

Bouge, sb. a leathern bottle or wallet, uter, W2 (Ps. 77. 13); bowge, W2, Prompt.—OF. bouge, budget, leather-case; Low Lat. bulga, leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf. Waterbulge.

Cross-reference could not be identified. In sources other than the Dictionary, the most common term is “water bouget”.

Bouhte; see Biggen.

Bouk, sb. the belly, trunk, body, C, JD; buc, S.—AS. bÚc: Icel. bÚkr.

Boun, pp. prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; bon, ready, S2; bun, S2; bown, P, H.—Icel. bÚinn, prepared, pp. of bÚa, to get ready, to till; cp. AS. ge-bÚn, pp. of gebÚan; cp. E. bound (said of a ship.)

Bounden, pp. bound, S, C2; see Binden.

Bounen, v. to get ready, to go, also to make ready, NED; bowneth, pr. s., NED; bownd, pt. s., prepared himself, got ready,S3.

Bour, sb. bower, chamber, womens’ chamber, C, G; bur, dat., S; boure, S, S2, P; bowre, P; bourez, pl. sleeping-places, S2.—AS. bÚr, adwelling.

Bourde, sb. jest, PP, C3, G; bourd, S2, S3; bord, NED.—OF. bourde.

Bourden, v. to jest, C3, PP; borde, NED.—OF. bourder.

Bourding, sb. jesting, 83.

Bourdon, sb. pilgrim’s staff, CM, HD; bordun, S2, PP; burdon, S, HD; burdoun, P, MD; bordon, MD, PP; bordoun, HD.—OF. bourdon (Cotg.); Low Lat. burdonem; see Burdon.

Boustious, adj. noisy, S3; see Boistous.

Bouȝ, sb. bough, PP; boh, S; bogh, S2; bowh, PP; boȝe, dat., S; boges, pl., S; buges, S; bughes, S2; bewis, S3; bewys, S3; bowes, PP, S3; boowes, C; boȝe, dat., S.—AS. bÓg, bÓh, Icel. bÓgr, shoulder, bow of a ship; cp. Gr. πᾶχυς.

Bowe, sb. bow, W2, PP; bouwe, W2; bowes, pl., PP; boys, S3.—AS. boga.

Bowe-lyne, sb. bowline, MD; bawelyne,S2.

Bowen, v. to bow, bend, submit, to direct one’s course, turn away, PP, S2, C2, W; bouwe, W2, PP; boghen, S2, H; buwen, S; buȝen, S; buhen, S; bugen, S; beien, S; bowande, pr.p. obedient, S2; bues, pr. s., S2.—AS. bÚgan.

Boydekyn, sb. poniard, bodkin, NED, Prompt.; bodekyn, Prompt.; boydekins, pl.,C2.

Boyste, sb. box, PP, Prompt., Cath.; boyst, MD; boist, C3.—OF. boiste (F.boÎte).

Boȝte; see Biggen.

Brac, sb. a, crashing sound, fragor; brace, outcry, S.—Icel. brak; cp. AS. (ge)brÆc.

Brace, sb. couple of hounds, Prompt.—OF. brace, the two arms, agrasp; Lat. brachia,pl.

Bracer, sb. a guard for the left arm in archery, C; braser, Voc. See Ascham, Toxophilus, ed. Arber, p.108.

Brade, sb. roast flesh, S; brede, S.—AS. brǽde.

Bradit; see Brayden.

Brak; see Breken.

Brand, sb. brand, firebrand, sword, MD; brond, brand, S2, C; brondes, pl., S; brands, i.e. fire-side, S2; brondis, torches, W.—AS. brand (brond).

Brant, adj. steep, high, MD, HD; brent, JD; brentest, superl., S2.—AS. brant (bront); cp. Swed. brant, Icel. brattr.

Bras, sb. brass, C2; bres, S; breas, S.—AS. brÆs.

Brasten; see Bresten.

Bratful; see Bretful.

BraÐ, sb. violence, MD; braÞÞe, dat., S.—Cp. Icel. brÁÐ. See BroÐ.

Braun, sb. brawn, CM; boar’s flesh, PP; brawnes, pl., muscles, C2.—OF. braon, Prov. bradon (brazon); Low Lat. bradonem; see Ducange.

Brayde, sb. a quick movement, astart, awhile, moment, MD, CM; braid, S3; braydes, pl. grimaces, S2; breides, cunning tricks, MD. Phr.: at a brayde, in a moment, S2.—Icel. bragÐ, quick movement.

Brayden, v. to draw, pull, to draw away quickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move quickly, hasten (intr.), to wake up, MD, Prompt., S2, CM; breyde, CM, C2; breide, W2; breyde, pt. s., PP, CM, C2, C3; brayde, MD; bradit, S3; broiden, pp., MD; broydyn, laqueatus, Prompt.; brayden, MD; browden, MD, JD; browded, C, HD; brouded, C2; broyded, WW; brayded, MD.—AS. bregdan, pt. brÆgd (pl. brugdon), pp. brogden.

Brea-; see Bre-.

Breas, sb. brass, S; see Bras.

Bred, sb. bread, S, PP; breed, C2, W2; brÆd, S; bread, S; brad, S; brede, S2; breade, dat., S.—ONorth. brÉad.

Bred, sb. board, tablet, MD, S (s.v. wax); brede, Prompt.—AS. bred.

Bred-ale, sb. bride-feast, S; see Bryd-ale.

Brede, sb. bride, PP; see Bryde.

Brede, sb. roast-flesh, S; see Brade.

Brede, sb. breadth, S, S2, S3, C2, H; breede, C, W2. Phr.: on breid, on breadth, abroad, S3; did on breid, did abroad, unfolded, S3.—AS. brǽdu.

Breden, v. to spread, S, Prompt.—AS. brǽdan.

Breden, v. to roast, MD; bret, pr. s., S.—AS. brǽdan.

Breden, v. to breed, to produce, to be produced, MD, PP; bredden, pt. pl., PP; i-bred, pp., S.—AS. brÉdan, to nourish. See Brode.

Bred-gume; see Brydegome.

Bred-wrigte, sb. bread-wright, baker, S. See Bred.

Breech, sb. pl. breeches, drawers, C2, C3; brech, S; breche, PP; brek, Voc.—AS. brÉc, pl. of brÓc; cp. Icel. brÆkr, pl. of brÓk.

Breed; see Bred.

Breels, sb. pl. wretches, HD, MD (p.343).

Breggid, pt. s. shortened, W; see Abregge.

Breken, v. to break, S, S2, PP; breoken, S; brecÐ, pr. s., S; brac, pt. s., S; brek, S; brec, S2; brak, S2, PP; breken, pl., S; y-broke, pp., S2; ibroke, S2.—AS. brecan, pt. brÆc (pl. brǽcon), pp. brocen.

Brek-gurdel, sb. a breech-girdle, MD; brekgyrdylle, lumbare, Voc.; brechgerdel, MD; breigirdel, MD; brigirdil, MD; brygyrdyll, Prompt.; breigerdlis, pl., purses, PP. See Breech.

Breme, sb. bream, Prompt.; brem, C.—OF. bresme (F.brÈme); OHG. brahsema.

Breme, adj. fierce, angry, S, S2, S3, H, PP; brem, S2; breme, adv., S2; breeme, C.—AS. brÉme famous, noble.

Bremely, adv. fiercely, furiously, loudly, S2; bremly,S2.

Bremstoon; see Brynston.

Bren, sb. bran, S2, C, P.—OF. bren (F.bran).

Brene; see Brune.

Brenke; see Brink.

Brennen, v. to burn, S2, S3, C, C2, PP, W; bren, S2; brinnen, S, S2; brende, pt. s., S, S2, C2; brent, S2; brendon, pl., S; brenneden, W; brende, brenned, brend, S2; brende, C; brenten, W2; brend, pp., S, S2, C; brent, C2, S3, W; y-brend, C3; y-brent, C.—Icel. brenna; cp. Goth. brinnan, Cf. Bernen.

Brenningly, adv. ardently, fiercely,C.

Brent, adj. steep, high, S2, JD; see Brant.

Breo-; see Bre-.

Brerd, sb. brim, margin, surface, top, S3, MD; brurd, MD; brerde, MD.—AS. brerd, brim, top of a vessel, shore; cp. OHG. brort, also Icel. broddr, the front.

Brerd-ful, adv. brimful, MD; brurdful, S2. Cf. Bretful.

Brere, sb. briar, S3, W2; brer, S3; breres, pl., S, S3, C; breris, W.—AS. brÉr, also brǽre, pl. (OET).

Bres; see Bras.

Bresil, adj. brittle, H; see Brisel.

Brest, sb. breast, C; breost, MD; breast, voice, S3; breste, PP; bryst, MD.—AS. brÉost.

Bresten, v. to burst, S2, C2, W, MD; brasten, S3, MD; bersten, S, C; brast, pt. s., C3, PP; barste, P; braste, pl., C3, S2; brest, S3; brusten, pp., damaged, hurt severely, S2, MD.—Icel. bresta, pt. brast, pp. brostinn; cp. AS. berstan.

Bretful, adj. brimful, S3, C, PP, HD; bratful, S2, PP; bredful, PP. Cp. Swed. brÄddful. See Brerdful.

BreÐ, sb. breath, vapour, voice, word, MD, PP, CM; breÐe, dat., S.—AS. brǽÐ.

Brethe, sb. anger, wrath, H; breth, H.—Icel. brÆÐi, anger, from brÁÐr, hasty. See BroÐ.

Brethir; see BroÐer.

Breuet, sb. brief, letter of indulgence, P; breuettes, pl., P.—Late Lat. brevetum.

Brewen, v. to brew, MD; brew, pt. s. contrived, C2, PP; breuh, S2, PP.—AS. brÉowan, pt. brÉaw, pp. browen.

Brewestere, brewster, P; breusters, pl. ale-wives, female-brewers, S2,PP.

Breyden; see Brayden.

Brid, sb. a young bird, PP, C2, C3, W; bridd, S; bridde, PP; bred, PP; bredde, PP; berd, MD; bird, MD; briddes, pl., S2, C; bryddez, S2; briddis, W, H; birds, S3 (26. 1150).—AS. bridd.

Brigge, sb. bridge, PP, S, CM; brugge, PP; bregge, MD; brygge, PP; brig, S2.—AS. brycg; cp. Icel. bryggja.

Briggen, v. to bridge, S.

Brike, sb. calamity, C2; see Bryk.

Bringen, v. to bring, S; brohte, pt. s., S; brochte, S; brouȝte, S2; brouhte, S; broȝte, S, S2; broght, pl., S2; broht, pp. S2; broght, S2; brouȝt, S2; ibrȝt, S2; y-broȝt, S2; y-brought, C; ibroht, S; ibrouht, S2; ibrocht,S.

Brink, sb. brink, margin, MD; brenke, dat., W; brynke, MD.—Cp. Swed. brink, Icel. brekka.

Brinnen; see Brennen.

Brisel, adj. brittle, H; bresil, H; brissal, JD. See below.

Brisen, v. to crush, MD; brisse, MD; bresen, MD; brisid, pp.,W.

Brisokis, sb. pl. wild cabbage,H.

Britel, adj. brittle, fragile, MD; britil, S2, W; brutel, MD; brutil, CM; brotel, MD.—From base of AS. bruton, pt. pl. of brÉotan, to break.

Britnen, v. to break, break up, MD; bruttenet, pp. destroyed, slain, S2; bretynyd, HD.—AS. brytnian, to distribute, dispense.

Britoner, sb. a man of Brittany, aFrenchman, P; Brytonere, P; see Brutiner.

Briȝt, adj. bright, S, PP; bricht, S; brict, S; briht, S; brigt, S; bryht, S2; bryȝt, S2; brihtre, comp., S; briȝter, S; brictest, superl., S.—AS. beorht.

Briȝte, adv. brightly, MD; bryghte,C2.

Briȝtnesse, sb. brightness, W2; brichtnesse, S; brihtnesse, S; brictnesse, S.—AS. beorhtnes.

Brocage, a treaty by an agent, PP; brokages, pl., P.—OF. brocage, ‘exprime l’idÉe de ruse et de perfidie’ (Godefroy).

Broche, sb. brooch, match, spear, spit, MD; brouch, S2; broch, C; broches, pl., C2, PP.—OF. broche.

Brochen, v. to spur, pierce through, put on the spit, broach a cask, MD; brochede, pt. s., S2, PP.—OF. brocher, Prov. brocar.

Brocket, sb. a stag in its second or third year, HD, MD, Cotg.; broket, MD; brokkettis, pl., S3.—Cp. OF. brocart (Cotg.).

Brocour, sb. broker, P; brokour, P.—AF. abrocour; Low Lat. abrocatorem (Ducange), from abrocare, to broach a cask, from broca. See Broche.

Brod, adj. broad, S, S2, PP; brood, C; braid, S3; brode, C, PP; brade, S, S2, H; broddeste, superl., W2.—AS. brÁd.

Brode, adv. broadly, wide awake, C3; widely, PP; broode, broadly, plainly,C.

Brode, sb. brood, S, Prompt.—Cp. OHG. bruot (Weigand).

Broiden; see Brayden.

Brok, sb. brock, badger, Prompt.; broc, W; brockes, pl., P; brokkys, PP.—AS. broc; OIr. brocc.

Brok, sb. brook, PP; broke, P.—AS. brÓc.

Brol, sb. a brat, child, MD, S3, PP; brolle, P; brawl, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. brollus, ‘miserculus’ (Prompt., p.50).

Brond; see Brand.

BroÐ, adj. violent, MD; braÞ, MD; braith, JD.—Icel. brÁÐr. Cf. BraÐ.

BroÞeful, adj. violent, MD; braithful,JD.

Brothel, sb. a wretch, PP, MD, HD; brothell, Palsg.

BroÞeliche, adv. violently, MD; broÞely, hastily, quickly, S2; braithly,JD.

BroÐer, sb. brother, PP; gen. s., C2; broÐere, pl., S; breÐere, S; brethir, S3; breÐre, S; briÐere, S; bretheren, C2, PP.—AS. brÓÐor.

BroÐer-hed, sb. brotherhood, MD; bretherhede, C; britherhed, W; britherhod,W.

BroÐer-rede, sb. fraternity, MD (p.354).—AS. brÓÐorrǽden.

Brouded, pp. braided, C2; see Brayden.

Broudster, sb. embroiderer,JD.

Broudyng, sb. embroidery; browdyng, C,CM.

Brouken, v. to use, enjoy, eat, PP, C, G; bruken, S; breken, S; brooke, to endure, S3; bruc, imp. s. use, S; ibroken, pp., S.—AS. brÚcan, pt. brÉac (pl. brucon), pp. brocen.

Broun, adj. brown, C, PP; brun, sb. brown horn, S.—AS. brÚn.

Bru-; see Bry-, Bri-, Brou-.

Brugge; see Brigge.

Bruk, sb. locust (= bruchus), W2, H; bruyk, H.—Gr. βροῦχος, βροῦκος.

Brune, sb. burning, S, MD; brene, S2.—AS. bryne.

Brunie, sb. corslet, coat of mail, S; brinie, MD; brini, HD, MD; burne, MD; bryniges, pl., S; brenyes, HD.—Icel. brynja: Goth. brunjo; cp. AS. byrne.

Brurd; see Brerd.

Brusten; see Bresten.

Brut, sb. Briton; Bruttes, pl.,S.

Brutayne, sb. Brittany, S2.

Brutil; see Britel.

Brutiner, sb. a man of Brittany, aFrenchman, aswaggerer, PP; Brytonere, P; Britoner,P.

Brutnen, v. to hew in pieces, MD; bruttenet, pp. slain, S2; see Britnen.

Bryche, adj. reduced, poor, S2.—AS. bryce, frail.

Bryd-ale, sb. marriage-feast, MD; bridale, P, W; bredale, S; bruydale, P; brudale, S.—AS. brÝd-ealo, abride-ale, bride-feast.

Bryde, sb. bride, domiduca, Voc., PP; brede, PP; bruyd, CM; brud, MD, S; brid, MD.—AS. brÝd: OS. brÚd; cp. OHG. brÚt (Otfrid).

Bryde-gome, sb. bridegroom, MD; bredgume, S; brudgume, MD.—AS. brÝdguma (brÉdguma); cp. OHG. brÚtigomo (Otfrid).

Bryk, sb. misery, calamity, MD; brike, C2; bruche, injury, MD.—AS. bryce.

Bryllyn; see Birlen.

Brymme, sb. margin, shore, S, MD.—AS. brim, surf, the sea; cp. Icel. brim.

Bryn-ston, sb. sulphur, Voc., PP, S2; brymston, W2; bremstoon, C, PP; brimstoon, C3; brunstan, H.—Cp. Icel. brennisteinn.

Brystylle, sb. bristle, Prompt., Voc.; berstles, pl., C.—From AS. byrst: OHG. burst.

Bryttlynge, sb. breaking up, S3. See Britel.

Bu-; see Bou-, Bo-.

Budele, sb. beadle, officer, PP; budeles, pl., S; beodeles, S2.—AS. bydel; cp. OHG. butil. Cf. Bedel.

Bue, BuÐ; see Ben.

Bulde, pt. s. built, C; see Bilden.

Buggen, v. to buy, S, S2, PP; see Biggen.

Bugle, sb. wild ox, S2, Prompt.; bugill, S3; bowgle, S3; bugle, buffalo-horn, bugle, MD.—OF. bugle; Lat. buculum (acc.).

Builen, v. to boil, S2; buylith, pr. s., W2; buylyng, pr.p., PP; buyliden, pt. pl., W2.—OF. buillir; Lat. bullire.

Bule, sb. boil, PP; bilis, pl., W; byles, PP; boilus, PP.—AS. bÝle; cp. G. beule (Weigand).

Bule; see Bole.

Bulle, sb. bull, papal rescript, P; bille, PP; petition, PP; bylle, PP.—Lat. bulla, boss, stud, hence Late Lat. bulla, seal, document with seal; see Ducange.

Bulten, v. to boult, sift, C, Prompt.; boulte, Palsg.; bultedd, pp., S.—OF. buleter, bureter, to sift through coarse cloth, from bure, coarse cloth; Late Lat. burra; see Ducange (s.v. buratare).

Bult-pele, sb. a sifter, Voc.

Bumbase, v. to quilt with bombast, i.e. cotton wadding, Florio (p.234a); bumbast, pr. pl., S3.—From Milanese bombÁs; Low Lat. bombacem, cotton; from Gr. βόμβυξ.

Bummen, v. to taste, take a draught, MD; bummede, pt. s. tasted, S2,P.

Bun, pp. prepared, S2, MD; see Boun.

Bunchen, v. to strike, MD, Prompt.; bonchede, pt. s., S2; bonched,P.

Bunden; see Binden.

Bur, sb. wind, storm, force, impetus, MD; bir, MD; birr, HD; hire, dat., W, MD; birre, W; byrre, HD.—Icel. byrr, wind, storm.

Bur, sb. the broad ring of iron behind the place for the hand on a tilting-spear, S3; burr,HD.

Burde, sb. maiden, virgin, lady, S, S2, PP; birde, P; berde, PP; buirde, PP; buyrde, S2, PP; see Bryde.

Burden, sb. burden, Manip.; see BurÐene.

Burdenous, adj. burdensome,S3.

Burdon, sb. mule; burdones, pl., MD; burdowns, MD.—Lat. burdonem (Vulg.).

Burdoun, sb. droning sound, bass, MD, C.—OF. bourdon, adrone, the humming of bees, the drone of a bag-pipe (Cotg.).

Bureth, v. it behoves, MD; birrÞ, pr. s., S; burth, MD; birs, MD; bers, MD; birrde, pt. s., S; bird, S2, MD; burd, MD.—AS. ge-byrian; cp. OHG. gi-burren, to happen (Otfrid).

Burgage, sb. an estate held of a lord of a borough; burgages, pl., P; borgages, PP.—Low Lat. burgagium; OF. bourgage (Cotg.).

Burgeis, sb. burgess, MD; burgeys, C, CM; burgeis, pl., S2, P; burgeyses, P.—OF. burgeis; Low Lat. burgensis.

Burgh, sb. borough, town, fortress, shelter, MD; burghe, PP, CM; borghe, PP; borw, PP; borugh, PP; borowe, PP; borh, S; burch, S; burh, S; bureh, MD, S; biri, MD, S; berie, S; borwȝ, S2; borwes, pl., PP, MD.—AS. burh; gen. byrig.

Buriel, sb. tomb, S2; buryel, S2; biriel, W; biryel, S2; buriels, pl. the Catacombs, C3; biriels, W2; birielis, W.—AS. byrgels.

Burien, v. to bury, MD, S, PP; birien, MD, W2; berien, C3; bery, MD, C3; byrien, S; i-burred, pp., S2.—AS. byrigan.

Burien, sb. grave, MD; berien, S.—AS. byrgen.

Burinisse, sb. burial-place, MD; berynes, H.—AS. byrignes.

Burjoun, sb. burgeon, bud, MD; burioyn, H; burgon, HD; burgionys, pl., S3; burioyns, H.—OF. borjon, in Cotg. bourgeon.

Burjounen, v. to bud, MD; buriowne, W2; burgionys, pr. s., S3; borgouneȝ, pr. pl., S2; burioneÞ, PP; burionand, pr.p., H; buriownynge,W.

Burn, sb. man, S2, HD; burne, S2; see Bern.

Burne, sb. spring of water, MD, S; bourne, S2; borne, S2; burn, stream, S2.—AS. burna.

Burnen, v. to burnish, MD; burned, pp., C; borned, S3.—OF. brunir, to burnish, polish, to make brown (Cotg.). See SkD. p.789.

Burnet, adj. brown, S3.—OF. brunet, brownish (Cotg.).

Burnet, sb. cloth of brown colour, CM, MD.—OF. brunette (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. brunetum.

BurÐene, sb. burden, MD; birthin, W; birthun, W2; burden, Manip.—AS. byrÐen.

Busch, sb. bush, wood, W, W2, MD; buysch, W; busk, the head or tuft of a stalk of wheat, S; bush, S2, MD; boske, S2; boskez, pl.,S2.

Buschement, sb. ambush, MD; busshement, S3. Cp. OF. en-buschement, an ambuscade NED, (s.v. ambushmenf).

Busken, v. to prepare oneself, to get ready, to go, to hasten, to prepare, dress, MD, H, S2, P; buschen, S2; bosken, S2. Icel. bÚask (reflex.), to get oneself ready.

Buskinge, sb. equipment, dress, MD, S3; bosking,MD.

Busteous, adj. noisy, S3; buystous, W; see Boistous.

Busy, adj. busy, MD; bisi, S, W2; bisie, S; bisy, C2, P; besy, C.—AS. bysig.

Busyen, v. to busy, occupare, MD; bisien, C3, S2,W.

Busynesse, sb. business, activity, care, industry, MD, C, C3; bisinesse, C3; besynesse, S3; besynes, H; bisynesses, pl.,W2.

BuÞ; see Ben.

BuÞ; see Biggen.

Buuen, prep. and adv. above, S; buue, S; boue, MD; bufon, S.—AS. be-ufan.

Buxum, adj. obedient, ready, willing, courteous, PP; boxum, S2, PP; buxom, CM; buhsum, S. See Bowen.

Buxumliche, adv. obediently, PP; boxumly, S2; buxomly,C2.

Buxumnesse, sb. obedience, PP; buxomnes, P; boxumnes,S2.

By-, prefix. See Bi- words.

By, Bi, prep. by, at, according to, S, S2, with regard to, PP, S, S2, S3; bie, S; be S, S2. Phr.: by and by, adv. immediately, S3; in order, separately, C, Prompt.,MD.

By, v. to dwell, build, C2; see Biggen.

Bye, v. to buy, S2; by, C3; see Biggen.

Byggyng, sb. building, S2.

Byȝe; see Beiȝ.


Dele, sb. dale, S; see Dale.

Delen, v. to deal, S2, G; see Deelen.

Delfin, sb. dolphin, Voc.; delfyne, Prompt.; delfyn, SkD; delfyns, pl., MD; delphyns, S2.—Lat. delphinus; Gr. δελφιν- (stem of δελφίς).

Delful, adj. doleful, S2; see Dolefulle.

Delfulli, adv. dolefully, MD; see Dolfully.

Delices, sb. pl. delights, H, C3, W2; delicis, W, H.—OF. delices; Lat. delicias.

Delit, sb. delight, MD; delyt, S3, C2, C3.—OF. delit, deleit.

Delitable, adj. delightful, PP, S3, W2, H; delytable, S2, C2; dilitable, S2.—AF. delitable; Lat. delectabilem.

Delite, v. to delight, Cath., PP, W2; delyting, pr.p., C2.—AF. deliter; Lat. delectare.

Delitingis, sb. pl. delights,W2.

Deliuer, adj. quick, active, MD; delyuere, C.—OF. delivre, quick, literally ‘freed.’

Deliueren, v. to set free, MD; deliuery, S2; delyuery, PP.—AF. deliverer; Late Lat. deliberare; Lat. de + liberare.

Deliuerly, adv. quickly, nimbly, S2; delyuerly, S2,C.

Deluen, v. to delve, dig, S, C2, P, W; dalf, pt. s., MD, W; dalfe, W; doluen, pl., MD, P; delueden (weak pt.), W2; dolue, subj., S2; i-doluen, pp., S; y-dolue, S2; doluen, buried, S, P; i-doluen, S2.—AS. delfan, pt. dealf (pl. dulfon), pp. dolfen.

Deluers, sb. pl. diggers, S2; delueres,P.

Deme, sb. judge, S.—AS. dÉma.

Demen, v. to give doom, to judge, decree, S, S2, S3, C2; deeme, S2; demde, pt. s., S; i-demed, pp., S; y-demed, S; y-demd, S2; i-demd, S; demet, S; dempt, S.—AS. dÉman: OS. dÓmian, Goth. domjan. See Doom.

Demenen, v. to manage, to behave (refl.), MD; demenyng, pr.p. shewing, S3.—OF. demener, to carry on, make; demener joie, to rejoice, also demener dol, to grieve, Bartsch; cp. Cotg., and the phrase demener dolor in Roland.

Demere, sb. judge, S; demare, S.—AS. dÉmere.

Demeyne, sb. power, possession, C2; demayn, MD; demeigne, MD.—OF. demeine, property, that which belongs to a lord; Lat. dominicum, from dominus; see Roland.

Dene, sb. a title of respect, S3; see Dan.

Dene, sb. din, noise, PP, MD; see Dyn.

Deneis, sb. pl. Danes, S2.—OF. Deneis; Low Lat. Denensis, aDane, see Brachet, lvii.

Denie, v. to din; see Dinnen.

Denne, sb. den, MD; den, S; dennes, pl., S2, W, H; dennys, H.—AS. denn.

Dennen, v. to dwell; dennede, pt. s.,S.

Denounce, v. to command, W (=Lat. denunciare).—OF. denoncer, to declare.

Dent, sb. blow, S, S2, PP, CM; dynt, S3; dint, S, S2; dunt, S, S2.—AS. dynt.

Deofell, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Deol, sb. grief, S, S2; see Dole.

Deop, adj. deep, S; see Deep.

Deopliche, adv. deeply, S.

Deopnesse, sb. deepness, S; see Depnesse.

Deore, v. to last, S2; see Duren.

Deore, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Deore-wurÐe, adj. precious, S; see DerewurÐe.

Deorling, sb. darling, S; see Derling.

Deorne, adj. secret, dark, S; see Derne.

Deouele, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Dep, adj. deep, S; see Deep.

Departen, v. to separate, divide, PP, S3, C3, W, W2; to become separated, S2; depart, pp., S3.—AF. departir; OF. despartir; It. dispartire (Florio).

Departere, sb. a divider, W.

Departyng, sb. division, W; departyngis, pl.,W2.

Depaynt, pp. painted, S3; depeynted, C; depaynted, S3; depeynt, pt. pl., S3.—OF. depeindre (pp. depeint).

Depayntar, sb. painter, S3.

Depe, sb. depth, S2, C3.—AS. dÝpe.

Depen, v. to dip, S2.

Deplike, adv. deeply, MD; deopliche, S.—AS. dÉoplice.

Depnesse, sb. deepness, depth, MD; depnes, S2; deopnesse, S.—AS. dÉopnes.

Depraue, v. to slander, depreciate, W2, PP.—Lat. deprauare, to distort.

Depuren, v. to purify, S3, MD.—OF. depurer; Late Lat. depurare.

Der, sb. wild animal, S; see Deer.

Derby;—phr.: father Derbies bands, handcuffs, S3; Darbies bands, DG; darbies,DG.

Dere, sb. harm, injury, MD; darr, MD; der, S3.—AS. daru.

Dere, v. to harm, S, S2, C2; derien, S, MD; deir, S3; ders, pr. pl., S2.—AS. derian; cp. OHG. derien (derren) in Otfrid.

Dere, adj. and adv. dear, S, PP; diere, S; duere, S2; dÆre, S; dure, MD; deore, S; der, S2; deir, MD; derre, comp., C; derrest, superl., P.—AS. dÉore, dÝre: OS. diuri, costly, loved.

Dereliche, adv. dearly, MD; derelych, S2; derli, S2.—AS. dÉorlice.

Dere-wurÐe, adj. precious, S; dereworth, W; dierewurth, S; derworÞe, S2, P; deorewurÐe, S.—AS. dÉorwurÐe.

DerewurÐlice, adv. respectfully,S.

Dereynen, v. to answer to an accusation, to maintain a right in a judicial contest, CM, S2; dereyni, S2; derreyne, C; darreyne, C; dereyned, pp., S2.—AF. dereiner, OF. desresnier; Late Lat. disrationare (also derationare); see Ducange.

Derf, adj. brave, powerful, difficult, hard, MD; derfe, pl., MD; derue, MD, S; derfre, comp., S; derure, S.—Cp. OS. derbi.

Derf, sb. affliction, hardship, S.—AS. (ge)deorf.

Derfliche, adv. severely, cruelly,S.

Derk, adj. dark, MD, S2, PP; deork, MD; dorc, S; darc, S; dirk, MD; durk, MD; derke, dat., S.—AS. deorc.

Derken, v. to make dark, to become dark, MD, S3; dirken, MD; darken,S2.

Derkful, adj. dark, W.

Derkhed, sb. darkness, MD.

Derknesse, sb. darkness, MD,W.

Derling, sb. darling, S, W2; durlyng, S, MD; deorling, S; derlyngis, pl., chosen ones, W, W2.—AS. dÉorling. See Dere.

Derne, adj. secret, dark, S, S2, P, H; deorne, S; dÆrne, MD; durne, MD; dern, S2.—AS. derne; cp. OS. derni and MHG. tarn in tarn-kappe, the mantle of darkness, Grimm, p.870.

Dernel, sb. a kind of weed, rye-grass, lollium, Prompt.; dernell, Palsg.; darnel, S3,MD.

Derring-doe, sb. daring enterprise, ND, S3. See Dar.

Dert, sb. dirt, S3; see Drit.

DerÐe, sb. dearth, S, P. See Dere.

Derue, adj. bold, S; derure, comp. more severe, S; see Derf.

Deruen, v. to afflict, S. See Derf, sb.

Des-; see Dis-.

Desaly, Desselic, adv. foolishly, S2; see Dusiliche.

Desarayen, v. reflex. to fall into disorder, S2.—OF. desarroyer.

Desauauntage, sb. disadvantage, S2; disauauntage, MD; disadvauntages, pl., MD.—OF. desavantage.

Descenden, v. to go down, SkD.—AF. descendre; Lat. descendere.

Descensorie, sb. vessel used for extracting oil per descensum,C3.

Descriuen, v. to describe, MD; descryue, S3; descryfe, S2; discryue, S2, S3, C2; discreue, S2; discriued, pp., S2; discryued, W.—OF. descrivre (pr. p.descrivant; Lat. describere.

Deserited; see Disheriten.

Desert, sb. merit, C2.—AF. and OF. deserte, see Ducange (s.v. deservire).

Deserven, v. to merit, MD; disserued, pp., well served, W.—AF. deservir; Late Lat. deservire.

Desi, adj. foolish, MD; see Dusi.

Despeir, sb. despair, MD.—AF. despeir.

Despeiren, v. to despair, MD; despeired, pp., C2.—OF. desperer, Lat. desperare.

Desperate, adj. outrageous, S3.—Lat. desperatus.

Despisabil, adj. despicable, H; dispisable,W2.

Despit, sb. contempt, injury, S2, C3; despyt, C2; despite, WW; dispit, W.—AF. despit; Lat. despectum (acc.).

De-spiteful, adj. full of contempt,WW.

Despitous, adj. ignominious, MD, C; dispitous, contemptuous, S3; despitus,H.

Despitously, adv. contemptuously, spitefully, S2, C2, C3; dispitously,C.

Despoilen, v. to despoil, to strip, MD; dispoilen, C2; dispoyled, pp., S3.—OF. despoiller; Lat. despoliare.

Dest, 2 pr. s. doest, S; see Don.

Destrer, sb. a courser, war-horse, MD; dextrer, C2.—AF. destrer; Late Lat. dextrarium (from Lat. dextra, the right hand), the horse led by the squire on the right of his own horse.

Destroyen, v. to destroy, MD; destruien, MD, C; destrue, S2; distruen, S2; destrie, MD, W, W2; dysstrye, S2; distruyede, pt. s., W; distried, pp., W, W2.—AF. destruire. (pr. p.destruyant); Lat. destruere.

Destroyere, sb. destroyer, Prompt., MD; distrier,W.

DeÐ, pr. s. doeth, S, S2; see Don.

DeÐ, sb. death, S; see DeeÞ.

DeÐ-vuel, sb. death-evil, S2.

Dette, sb. debt, C2; dett, adj. due, H.—AF. dette; Lat. debita.

Deue, adj. pl. deaf, C3; see Deef.

Deuh; see Dew.

Deuel, sb. devil, S, S2, W2; deofel, MD; deofell, S; diuel, S; dyeuel, S2; dewill, S3; dewle, Prompt.; dwylle, MD; deouele, S; diefles, gen., S; dieule, dat., S; deofles, pl., MD; defless, S; deoules, S; deoflen, S; deflen, S; deoflene, gen. pl., S.—AS. dÉofol; Lat. diabolus (Vulg.); Gr. διάβολος; cf. OHG. diufal (Otfrid).

Deuin, sb. prophesying, divinity, theology, MD; diuyn,S2.

Deuine, sb. theologian, augur, soothsayer, MD; dyuynes, pl., MD.—OF. devin; Lat. diuinum.

Deuinen, v. to foretell, guess, suspect, MD; deuyne,PP.

Deuinourr, sb. interpreter, explainer, theologian, MD, PP; dyuynour,PP.

Deuise, sb. tale, narrative, S3; deuys, order,C.

Deuisen, v. to divide, arrange, order, decide, tell, relate, MD, S2; deuyse, C2, C3; deuice, MD, S2; diuise, S2.—AF. deviser, It. divisare; formed from Lat. diuidere (pp. diuisus).

Deuisynge, sb. narration, S2.

Deuoid, pp. as adj. destitute of, SkD.

Deuoiden, v. to quit, leave, also to annihilate, exterminate, MD; deuoyden, S2.—OF. desvoidier, desvuidier.

Devoir, sb. duty, knightly duty, PP, C2; deuoyr, S3; devor, ND, PP; deuer, PP, CM.—OF. devoir (sb. orig. v.); Lat. debere.

Deuouren, v. to devour, MD; devoir, S3.—AF. devourer; Lat. deuorare.

Dew, sb. dew, PP; dÆw, MD; daw, S; deu, S; deuh, PP; deawes, pl., S2.—AS. dÉaw.

Dewill, sb. devil, S3; see Deuel.

Dewite, sb. duty, S3; see Duete.

Dewle, sb. grief, S3; see Dole.

Dextrer, sb. a war-horse, C2; see Destrer.

Deye, sb. a female servant, esp. one who looks after the cows and dairy, androchia, Voc., Prompt., C; deye, acow-boy, androchius, MD, Cath.—Icel. deigja, see CV; cp. AF. deye.

Deyen, v. to die, S2, PP; deȝen, MD, S2; deghe, S2; deie, S; dey, S3; dye, PP; diȝe, PP; dyȝe, S2, PP; de, S3; deide, pt. s., S, S2; deiȝede, MD; deyde, C2; deid, S2; deit, S3; dede, pl., S3; deyed, pp., C2.—Icel. deyja: OS. dÓian.

Deyen, v. to dye, MD; dyyn, Prompt.; dyed, pt. s., C2.—AS. dÉagian, from dÉah. See Deh.

Deyere, sb. dyer, C.

Deyl, sb. deal, share, S2; see Deel.

Deynen, v. to deign, to appear good, to please, MD, CM, S2; deignen, MD; daynede, pt. s., S2; dÆyned him, (refl.) C2.—AF. deigner; Lat. dignare.

Deynous, adj. proud, disdainful, MD, CM, Cath. (p.95, n.).

Deyntee, sb. worth, pleasure, liking, S2, C2, C3; deynte, S2; deinte, MD; deyntees, pl., S2, C2, C3.—OF. daintie, deintet, Prov. din-tat; Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Dayntethis.

Deyntee, adj. dainty, C2, C3.

Deynteuous, adj. choice, dainty,C2.

Deys, sb. daÏs, high table in hall, C, C2, PP; deyes, PP; deis, PP; dese, PP; deyse, PP; dees, MD; des, MD; day, canopy, JD.—OF. deis (AF. dois); Lat. discum (acc.), see Brachet, p.lxv. Cf. Disshe.

Deȝter, sb. pl. daughters, S2; see Dohter.

Di-; see De-, Dis-.

Dia, sb. A term set before medicinal confections or electuaries that were devised by the Greeks, Cotg.; dya, HD; dyas, pl. remedies, medicines, PP.—Gr. διὰ. See Dia-penidion.

Diadlich, adj. mortal, S; see Deedli.

Diamant, sb. diamond, PP, Cath.; dyamand, MD; dyamaunt, C.—OF. diamant, adiamond, the loadstone (Cotg.). See Adamant.

Dia-penidion, sb. a kind of sweet stuff like barley-sugar used to relieve coughs, PP; diapenydion, PP; diopendion, S2.—OF. diapenidion, It. diapenÍdio, cp. diapiÉde, ‘a diapedon or confection made of Penids’ (Florio). See Dia and Penid.

Diaper, sb. a kind of figured cloth; dyaper, MD; diapery, MD.—OF. diaspre, diaspe, diapered cloth; Lat. iaspidem, jasper; from Gr. ἴασπις, probably of Semitic origin; see Diez, p.119.

Diaper, v. to variegate, adorn with figures and colours, ND; diapred, pp., ND; dyapred,C.

Diath, sb. death, S; see DeeÞ.

Dicht, pp. prepared, S2; see Dihten.

Diciples, sb. pl. disciples, S; see Disciple.

Dide, pt. s. did, caused, put, S; see Don.

Diefles, sb. gen. devil’s, S; see Deuel.

Dier, sb. wild animal, beast; diere, dat., S; see Deer.

Dier-chin, sb. deer-kind, beasts,S.

Diere, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Diere-wurÐ, adj. precious, S; see DerewurÐe.

Diete, sb. diet, food, MD, C; dyetis, pl., PP.—OF. diete; Late Lat. dieta, Lat. diÆta; Gr. δίαιτα.

Dieten, v. to diet; diȝete, pr. subj. S2,PP.

DieÐ, pr. s. doeth, S; see Don.

Dieule, sb. dat. devil, S; see Deuel.

Diffacen, v. to deface, MD; deface, to obliterate, C2; defaste, pp., S3.—OF. deffacer.

Dif-faden, v. to fade away, MD; defade, to cause to fade, S3; defadide, pp.,HD.

Diffame, sb. dishonour, disgrace, MD, S3, C2; defame, C3.—OF. diffame.

Diffamen, v. to spread abroad a rumour, also to slander, MD, S2; defame, C2; diffameden, pt. pl., W; defamed, pp., W, C3.—AF. diffamer, to slander; Lat. diffamare, to spread abroad a report.

Digne, adj. worthy, proud, MD, C, C2, C3, S2, S3; dygne, S2. Phr.: digne as dich-water, i.e. making people keep their distance, S3.—OF. digne; Lat. dignum.

Dignelich, adv. worthily, P; dyngneliche,S2.

Dignete, sb. worth, dignity, high office, MD; dignitee, C2; dingnetes, pl., S2.—AF. dignete; Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Deyntee.

Dihten, v. to order, rule, prepare, adorn, MD, S2; diȝten, MD; diȝtti, S2; diht, pr. s., S; dightes, S2; dihte, pt. s., S; diȝte, S2; diht, pp., S2; diȝt, MD, S2; dight, MD, S3; ydiȝt, S2, S3; dyȝt, S2; dicht, S2; ydyȝt, S3; dygth, H.—AS. dihtan; Lat. dictare.

Dilatacioun, sb. extension, diffuseness, S2, C3.—Lat. dilatationem.

Dilitable, adj. delightful, S2; see Delitable.

Dim, adj. dim, MD; dym, C; dymme, MD; dimme, pl., S.—AS. dim.

Dimliche, adv. dimly, softly (of sound), MD; dimluker, comp.,S.

Dimnes, sb. dimness, S2.

Dinnen, v. to din, MD; dunien, MD; denie, S; dinede, pt. s., MD; donyd, MD; dynnit, MD.—AS. dynian; cp. Icel. dynja. See Dyn.

Dint, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.

Dinten, v. to strike, S.

Diopendion, sb. a kind of barley-sugar, S2; see Dia-penidion.

Dirige, sb. the name of an anthem in the office for the dead beginning with the words from Ps. 5. 8, ‘Dirige, Dominus meus,’ MD, S3; dyrge, MD; dorge,MD.

Dis-; see Des-.

Disburse, v. to pay out of a purse, Sh.; deburs, S3.—OF. desbourser.

Dischargen, v. to unload, MD; deschargen, MD; dischargiden, pt. pl., W.—AF. descharger.

Dischevele, pp. with hair in disorder, MD, C.—OF. deschevelÉ, pp. of descheveler, to dischevel (Cotg.).

Disciple, sb. disciple, W (John 20.2); disciplis, pl., PP, W; diciples, S; deciples, S; decipelis, S2.—AF. disciple; Lat. discipulum (acc.).

Disciplesse, sb. a woman-disciple,W.

Discipline, sb. chastisement, MD; disceplines, pl. flagellations, S.—OF. discipline (Cotg.); Church Lat. disciplina (Ducange).

Disclaundre, v. to slander, S2,C3.

Printed between Disciple and Disciplesse, with expected cross-reference to Sclaundre missing.

Disclaundre, sb. evil fame, S2, PP; desclandre, MD; dislander, ND. See Sclaundre.

Disclose, v. to disclose, S3; desclosen, S2.—OF. desclore (subj. -close); Lat. disclaudere.

Discomfiten, v. to defeat, to put to the rout, MD; dyscowmfytyn, Prompt.; disconfet, pt. s., MD; disconfite, MD; pp., MD; discumfyst, S3; dysconfited, S3.—OF. desconfire (pp. desconfit); Lat. dis + conficere.

Discomfiture, sb. defeat, MD; disconfiture, C.—AF. descumfiture, desconfiture.

Disconfort, sb. discomfort, C; discomfort,W.

Disconforten, v. to trouble, discomfort, C; disconfort, S3; discomforten, MD.—OF. desconforter.

Discoueren, v. to discover, uncover, MD, C3; diskeuer, MD; discure, S3.—OF. descovrir, descuvrir.

Disdeyn, sb. disdain, C2; desdayn, CM; desdeyn, C; dedeyn, MD, W, H; dedeyne, HD.—AF. dedeigne, OF. desdein.

Disdeyne, v. to disdain, C2; desdainen, MD.—AF. desdeigner, It. disdegnare.

Disese, sb. lack of ease, MD, S2, C2, C3, W; desese, S3.—OF. desaise.

Diseseful, adj. troublesome,W2.

Disesid, pp. troubled, W.

Disgysen, v. to disguise, MD; degisen, PP, MD; degyset, pp., S2; disguised, S3.—AF. degiser, degyser, OF. desguiser. Cf. Degyse.

Disheriten, v. to disinherit, S2; deseritede, pt. s., S2; deserited, pp., S2; disheryt, C.—AF. desheriter, OF. deseriter.

Disjoint, sb. perplexity, MD; disjoynt, C.—OF. desjoinct, pp. of desjoindre; Lat. disjungere.

Dismayen, v. to dismay, G; desmayen, MD.—OF. *desmayer; cp. Sp. desmayar, also (with different prefix), OF. esmaier, Prov. esmagar, It. smagare.

Disour, sb. professional story-teller, minstrel, MD; disoures, pl., P.—OF. disour, diseor: Sp. dicedor, It. dicitore, from Lat. dicere.

Disparage, sb. a want of parity or equality, especially in birth or station, disparagement, disgrace, C2. See Parage.

Disparagen, v. to disparage, disgrace; desparaged, pp., MD.—AF. desparager.

Disparplen, v. to become scattered, also to scatter, W; desparplen, MD, S2; dysparplyn, Prompt.; sparplyn, Prompt.; disperpelde, pt. s., H; deperpeyld, H; disparpoilid, pp., S2; disparplid, disparplit, W.—OF. deparpillier, Ps. 21. 14 (cp. It. sparpagliare, Florio); from OF. *parpille, butterfly; Lat. papilio, see Brachet (s.v. Éparpiller), and Diez, p.236.

Dispence, sb. expenditure, C, C2, S3; despense, C2, MD; dispenses, pl., S3.—OF. despense.

Dispenden, v. to spend, S3, C2, H; despenden, C2, MD; dispent, pp., S3.—AF. despendre; Late Lat. dispendere, to weigh out.

Dispendour, sb. steward, W; dispendere,W.

Dispers, pp. dispersed, S3, MD.—Lat. dispersus.

Displesance, sb. annoyance, C3.—OF. desplaisance.

Disport, sb. pleasure, recreation, S2, S3, C2, C3; desport, C3, MD.—AF. desport, mirth; cp. OF. deport (Bartsch).

Disporten, v. to cheer, amuse, MD.—OF. se desporter, se deporter; cp. It. diportare (compounded with Lat. de-).

Disposed, pp.; in phr.: wel disposed, in good health,C3.

Disputen, v. to dispute, MD; desputen, MD.—AF. desputer; Lat. disputare.

Disputeson, sb. disputation, MD; disputisoun, C; desputisoun, MD.—OF. desputeson; Lat. disputationem (for -eson = -tionem, see Ps. Introd. xxx).

Disseit; see Deceit.

Disseueren, v. to separate, C3.—AF. deseverer; Lat. dis + separare.

Disshe, sb. dish, PP; disch, S; dysche, discus, Voc.; dysshe, discus, Prompt.; dishe, disc, quoit, MD; disse, S; dysshes, pl., S2.—AS. disc; Lat. discus; Gr. δίσκος, quoit. Cf. Deys.

Dissheres, sb. a female dish-seller,P.

Dissimulen, v. to pretend a thing is not so, MD, C3; dissymilide, pt. s., W2.—Lat. dissimulare.

Dissimulinge, sb. dissembling, C2,C3.

Distaf, sb. distaff, C2; dystaf, Voc.; dysestafe, Voc.

Distinguen, v. to distinguish, MD; destingeÞ, pr. pl., MD; distyngis, imp. pl., H; distingwed, pp., MD; distyngid, H.—OF. distinguer.

Distrier, sb. destroyer, W; see Destroyere.

Distraught, pp. distracted, tormented, S3; distrauhte, MD; destrat, SkD.—OF. destrait (F.distrait); Lat. distractum, pp. of distrahere.

Distresse, sb. distress, misery, S2; destresse, MD.—AF. destresse, destresce; Late Lat. *districtitia from Lat. districtus, pp. of distringere, to pull asunder, to punish.

Distreynen, v. to vex, S3; destreyne, C; distrayne, S3.—AF. destreindre (pr. p.destreignant); Lat. distringere.

Disturben, v. to disturb; destourbe, C3; distourbe, MD; desturbi, MD.—AF. desturber; Lat. disturbare.

Disturblen, v. to disturb, trouble, MD, W, W2; disturblid, pp., S2, W, W2. Cp. OF. tourbler, torbler (F.troubler); Late Lat. *turbulare, from Lat. turbare.

Disturblyng, sb. disturbance, W,W2.

Diten, v. to indict for trespass, Prompt.—OF. dicter; Lat. dictare. Cf. Dihten.

Diuel, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Diueren, v. to tremble, S, MD.

Diuise, v. to tell of, describe, S2; see Deuisen.

Diuulgate, pp. divulged; dy-wlgat, S3.—Lat. diuulgatus.

Diuyn; see Deuin.

Diyngis, sb. pl. dyes, colours, W2; see Deyen.

Diȝe, to die; see Deyen.

Diȝel, adj. secret, MD; diȝele, dat., S.—AS. dÍgol, dÉgol, dÉogol, dÉagol; cp. OHG. tougali (Tatian), also with different suffix, dougan (Otfrid).

Diȝte, pt. s. ordained, S2; diȝt, pp. prepared, S2; see Dihten.

Doale, sb. dole, portion, S3; see Dool.

Docken, v. to cut away the tail, decaudare, MD; to cut short, C; dokkyn, Prompt. See Dok.

Dodden, v. to crop, lop branches, MD, Prompt.; i-dodded, pp., S; doddyd (as trees), Prompt.

Doddit, adj. without horns, JD; doddy, JD; doddie, sb. cow without horns,JD.

Dogge, sb. dog, MD, S2, Voc., Prompt., W2 (Ps. 21. 21), PP, C2.—AS. docga.

Dohter, sb. daughter, S; doȝter, S, S2; douȝter, P, W2; dowter, S; douhtres, pl., S; douȝtres, P; douȝtris, W2; doutres, S; deȝter, S2; doȝtren, S2; doughtren, C; dehtren, dat., S.—AS. dohtor (dehter, dat. s.); cp. Goth. dauhtar; see Sievers,93.

Dok, sb. a tail, MD, JD.—ONorse dockr; seeMD.

Doke, sb. duck, S2, Voc., PP, C; douke, PP; docke, Prompt.; duke, Voc.; duk,PP.

Dole, sb. grief, P, CM; deol, S, MD, S2; duel, MD; doel, P; diol, MD; dol, MD; dool, S2, CM; dul, MD; del, MD, S2; dewle, S3; dule, S3.—OF. doel, duel, deol, dol, del; Late Lat. *dolium, from dol-, stem of Lat. dolere, to grieve; see Constans, supplement, p.23.

Dolefulle, adj. doleful, MD; delful, S2,MD.

Dolfin, sb. dolphin, MD; doulphyn, Palsg.—OF. doulphin (Palsg.), daulphin (Cotg.), Prov. dalfin; Lat. delphinum. Cp. Delfin.

Dolfully, adv. dolefully, G; delfulli,MD.

Doluen, pt. pl. dug, P; pp. buried, S, P; see Deluen.

Dom, sb. judgment, S, S2, W; dome, S2, G; see Doom.

Domage, sb. damage, loss, S3; see Damage.

Domb, adj. dumb, MD, C3; doumb, MD; dum, Prompt.; dom, MD; dumbe, Manip.; doumbe, S, S2; dome, S3.—AS. dumb; cp. Goth. dumbs, OHG. dumb, foolish (Otfrid).

Dome, sb. doom, S2; domes, pl., S2, G; see Doom.

Domes-day, sb. dooms-day, P; domesdai, S; domesdei, S.—AS. dÓmes-dÆg.

Domes-man, sb. judge, S, W, W2; domysmen, pl.H.

Domlen, v. to be dull; domland, pr.p. clouding over,S2.

Dom-place, sb. judgment-hall,W.

Don, v. to do, put, make, cause, S; do, S, S2; donne, ger., S, S2; done, S2, MD; doand, pr.p., S2; doande, CM; doing, S3; doÐ, imp. pl. S; dest, 2pr.s., S; deÐ, pr. s., S, S2; dieÐ, S; deaÐ, S; doÐ, S, S2; doÐ, pl., S, S2; done, S2; dude, pt. s., S2; dide, S; dede, S, S2; ded, S2; duden, pl., S; deden, S; dyden, S; dude, S2; ydoon, pp., C2; idon, S, S2; idone, S; ido, S, S2; ydon, S2; ydo, S2; don, S2; doon, MD; do, S2, MD.—AS. dÓn, pt. s. dyde, pp. ge-dÓn.

Donet, sb. grammar, primer, elementary instruction, PP, S2.—From Donatus, the grammarian; see Cotg. (s.v. donat).

Dong, pt. s. beat, MD; dongen, pp., S2, H; see Dyngen.

Donjoun, sb. the highest tower of a castle, also the dungeon or underground prison, MD; dongeon, P; dongoun, MD; dungun, S2.—AF. dongoun, OF. dongon, donjon: Prov. dompnhon; Late Lat. domnionem, atower that dominates (Ducange), dominionem, lordship, from Lat. dominium.

Donk, adj. moist, S3, JD; danke, MD.—Cp. Icel. dÖkkr, obscure (stem *danku).

Donken, v. to moisten, MD, S2.

Don-ward, adv. downward, S2; see Dounward.

Doo, sb. doe, Voc., Palsg., W2; do, MD; da, MD; days, pl., S3.—AS. .

Dool, sb. dole, share, portion, MD; dole, MD; doale, S3.—AS. dÁl (see OET).

Doom, sb. doom, judgment, sentence, W; dom, S, W, S2; dome, S2; domes, pl., S2, G.—AS. dÓm: Goth. doms.

Dorc, adj. dark, S; see Derk.

Dore, sb. door, MD, S2, C3; dur, MD, S3; dure, S.—AS. duru; cp. Gr. θύρα; see Brugmann, §51.

Dore-tre, sb. bar of a door,P.

Dore-ward, sb. porter, door-keeper, S2; durewart,S.

Dorren, pr. pl. dare, MD; doren, W; dorste, pt. subj. pl., S, S2, C2; see Dar.

Dortour, sb. dormitory, MD, S3, CM; dorture, Voc.; dorter, Voc.—OF. dortour, dortoir; Lat. dormitorium.

Dosc, adj. dusk, S; deosc,MD.

Doseyn, num. dozen, C; see Dozein.

Dotard, sb. dotard, MD, Sh.

Dote, sb. fool, S, MD; dotest, adj. superl., very foolish,S2.

Dotel, sb. fool, MD; dottel, Manip.

Doten, v. to dote, to be foolish, childish, MD, S2,C2.

Doucte, pt. s. had value, S; see Duȝen.

Doughtren, sb. pl. daughters, C; see Dohter.

Doughty, adj. brave, C2, G; see Duȝti.

Douhtres, sb. pl. daughters, S; see Dohter.

Doumbe, adj. dumb, S, S2; see Dumb.

Doun, sb. a down, hill, MD; dun, MD; doune, S2; dune, dat., MD; downes, pl., MD; dounes, S2; dun, adv., down, S; don, S2; doun, S2, W.—AS. dÚn.

Doun-right, adv. right down,S2.

Doun-ward, adv. downward, MD; donward, S2; dunward,S.

Doute, sb. fear, doubt, MD, S2, C2, G; dute, MD, S, S2; dout, S2.—OF. dute, doute, doubte.

Doute-lees, adv. doubtless, S2,C2.

Douten, v. to fear, to doubt, MD, S3; duten, MD, S; dowte, S3; dowt, imp. s., G; doutede, pt. s., S; doutiden, pl., G.—AF. duter, OF. douter; Lat. dubitare.

Douthe; see DuheÐe.

Douȝter, sb. daughter, P, W2; doutres, pl., S; see Dohter.

Douene, sb. f. dove, S2; doune, S2; downe, S2. See Dowue.

Dowaire, sb. dower, C2; dower, C2.—AF. douayre (and dowere); Late Lat. dotarium.

Dowen, v. to endow, MD.—OF. douer, doer; Lat. dotare.

Dowen; see Duȝen.

DoweÞe, sb. army, host, S. Phr.: doweÞes louerd, Lord of Hosts, S; see DuheÐe.

Dowter, sb. daughter, S; see Dohter.

Dowue, sb. dove, MD, C3, W; douve, MD; dow, S3.—Icel. dÚfa; cp. OS. dÚba, Goth. dubo. Cf. Douene.

Doȝter, sb. daughter, S, S2; see Dohter.

Dozein, adj. dozen, S2; doseyn, C.—AF. dozeine, from doze, twelve; Lat. duodecim.

Drad, pp. dreaded, C2; dradde, pt. pl., S; see Dreden.

DrÆm, sb. joyful sound, S; see Dreem.

Draf, pt. s. drove, S2; see Driuen.

Draf, sb. draff, husks, dregs, MD, C3, PP, Cath.; draff, JD; draffe, PP; draft, W2.—Icel. draf.

Dragen, v. to draw, S; drah, imp. s., S, S2; drahen, pp., S; see Drawen.

Dragge, sb. a comfit or digestive sweetmeat, dragetum, Prompt., Voc.; dragges, pl., C.—AF. dragge, OF. dragÉe (Cotg.), Prov. dragea, It. treggÉa, an adaptation of Late Gr. τραγήματα, sweetmeats; see Diez, p.326, Ducange (s.v. tragemata).

Drah, pt. s. suffered, S; see Dreȝen.

Drapen, pt. pl. slew, S; see Drepen.

Drast, sb. dregs, W2; drastys, pl. feces, Voc.; drestys, Prompt.—OMerc. derste, PS. 39, 3(VP).

Drasty, adj. trashy, worthless, MD, C2; dresti, Prompt.; dresty, Palsg.

Drawen, v. to draw, S, S2, CM; draȝen, S, S2; dragen, S; dreaien, S; dreihen, S; drah, imp. s., S, S2; drawand, pr.p., S2; droh, pt. s., S; droȝ, S, S2; drou, S, S2; drow, S2, C2; drouȝ, S2; drouh, S2; dreuch, S2; drough, S2; droȝen, pl., S; drowen, W; droȝe, S; drowe, S2; dragen, pp., S; drahen, S; ydrawe, C2.—AS. dragan, pt. drÓh (pl. drÓgon), pp. dragen.

Dre, v. to suffer, S2, S3; see Dreȝen.

Drecchen, v. to vex, torment, also to tarry, MD, S, S3, C; drechen, S, S2; draihte, pt. s., MD; drechede, MD; draiht, pp., MD; drecched, MD.—AS. dreccan, pt. drehte, pp. dreht.

Drede, sb. dread, MD, S, S2, C2, W2; dreid, S3; dred,S.

Dreden, v. to dread, S, S2, C2; dredand, pr.p., S2; dradde, pt. s., MD, C2; dredde, MD, C2, W; dredden, pl., MD, W; dradde, S; drad, pp., C2.—AS. (on)-drǽdan, pt. dreord, drǽdde, see Sievers, 394, 395.

Dredful, adj. dreadful, MD; timid, C; dredfule, dat.,S.

Drednes, sb. dread, MD; drednesse, S; dridnes,S2.

Dreem, sb. a joyful sound, dream, MD; dream, S; drÆm, S; dreme, dat., S; drem, MD, S; dremes, pl., S.—AS. drÉam, joyful sound, Icel. draumr, dream; cp. OS. drÓm, joy, also dream.

Drehen, v. to suffer, S; see Dreȝen.

Dreid, sb. dread, S3; see Drede.

Dreihen, v. to draw, S; see Drawen.

Drem, sb. dream, S; see Dreem.

Dremels, sb. dream, PP.

Dremen, v. to make a joyful sound, to dream, S; dreamen, S; drempte, pt. s., S; dremden, pl., S.—AS. drÉman, to rejoice: OS. drÓmian; cp. Icel. dreyma, to dream.

Drench, sb. drink, S, MD.

Drenchen, v. to drown, S, S2, C3, W; drinchen, S; dreinchen, S; dreynt, pp., W, C, C2; drent, S3; drenched, C3; drenchid, W.—AS. drencan; cp. Icel. drekkja.

Drenchyng, sb. drowning, S2.

Dreng, sb. servant, retainer, MD; dring, S; drenches, pl., MD; dringches, S.—Icel. drengr, brave man, also bachelor; hence AS. dreng.

Drepen, v. to slay, S, S2; drap, pt. s., MD; drapen, pl., S; drape, MD.—AS. drepan, pt. drÆp (pl. drǽpon), pp. drepen.

Drere, sb. grief, S3, ND.

Dreriment, sb. sadness, ND; dreeriment,S3.

Drery, adj. sad, dreary, C2; dreriȝ, MD; drury, MD.—AS. drÉorig.

Dreryhead, sb. sorrow, ND.

Dressen, v. to make straight, direct, reach, prepare, dress, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; y-dressed, pp., C2.—OF. dresser, drescier; Late Lat. *dirictiare (It. dirizzare); from Lat. directus, pp. of dirigere. Cp. Late Lat. drictum (Ducange).

Dressyngis, sb. pl. directions (=Lat. directiones),W2.

Dreuen, v. to trouble, afflict, MD; dreued, pt. s., S2; drefedd, pp., MD; dreofedd, MD; i-dreaued, S.—AS. drÉfan: OS. drÓbian; cp. OHG. druaben (Otfrid), truoben (Tatian), G. trÜben. See Drouy.

Drewery, sb. darling, P; see Druerie.

Dreye, adj. dry, C, C2; see Drye.

Dreȝ, adj. continuous, great, powerful, MD; dryȝ, patient, S2.—Icel. drjÚgr.

Dreȝen, v. to endure, suffer, continue, MD; dregen, S; dreȝhenn, S; drehen, S; dreye, S; drye, CM; dreghe, H; driȝen, S, MD; dryȝe, S2; drie, S, PP; dree, JD; dre, S2, S3; drah, pt. s., S; dreg, MD; dryȝed, continued, S2; druhen, pl., MD; drogen, pp., MD.—AS. drÉogan, pt. drÉah (pl. drugon), pp. drogen.

Dreȝ-ly, adv. continuously, earnestly, S2, MD; dryȝly, patiently,S2.

Dridnes, sb. dread, S2; see Drednes.

Drihten, sb. Lord (only used for God, Christ), S; dryhtin, S; dryhten, S; drigten, S; drigtin, S; drightin, S2; dryhte, S; drihte, S; dryȝte, PP; driȝte, S, PP; dryȝtyn, S2.—AS. dryhten: OS. drohtin; cp. Icel. drÓttinn and OHG. truhtin (Tatian). From AS. dryht, men, warriors, retainers: OS. druht; cp. OHG. truht and Icel. drÓtt.

Driht-ful, adj. noble, S.

Dring, sb. servant, S; dringches, pl., S; see Dreng.

Drink, sb. drink, MD; drinch, S; drinnch, S; drinc,S2.

Drinken, v. to drink, S; drincken, S; dring, imp. s., S; dranc, pt. s., S; dronc, S; dronk, S; drunken, pl., S; dronken, C2; drongken, S; dranc, S2; i-drunke, pp., S; dronke, C2. Phr.: drinc-hail, drink, hale! S.—AS. drincan, pt. dranc (pl. druncon), pp. druncen.

Drinkere, sb. drinker, MD; drinckares, pl.,S.

Drit, sb. dirt, MD, W, W2; dert,S3.

Drit-cherl, sb. dirt-churl (term of abuse),S.

Driuen, v. to drive, rush, pass, go, S; dryuen, S; drif, S2; draf, pt. s., MD, S2; drof, S, S2; droof, MD, W, W2; drofe, S2; driuen, pl., S, MD; dryuen MD; driueden, W2; driuen, pp., MD; driue, C2; dryuun, W2.—AS. drÍfan, pt. drÁf (pl. drifon), pp. drifen.

Driȝen, v. to suffer, S; see Dreȝen.

Driȝte; see Drihten.

Drof, pt. s. drove, S, S2; droof, W, W2; see Driuen.

Drof-lic, adj. painful, MD. Cf. Drouy.

Drogen; see Dreȝen.

Drogges, sb. pl. drugs, PP; droggis, S3; see Drye.

Droh, pt. s. drew, S; see Drawen.

Dronk, pt. s. drank, MD; drone, S; dronke, pp., C2; see Drinken.

Dronkelewe, adj. given to drink, C3; see Drunkelew.

Dronkenesse, sb. drunkenness,C3.

Drought, sb. drought, MD, C (p.1); droughte, C2; drouhÞe, S2; drugte, S; drythe, S2.—AS. drugoÐe. See Drye.

Drounen, v. to be drowned, to drown, MD; drune, MD; drund, pt. pl., S2. Cf. Drunknen.

Droupen, v. to droop, vultum dejicere, MD, Palsg.; drowpen, C.—Icel. drÚpa.

Droupnen, v. to be cast down, MD; drupnin,S.

Drouen, v. to trouble, MD; druuy, H; droues, pr. pl., MD; droued, pp., MD; drouyd, H; druuyd, H. Cf. Dreuen.

Drouing, sb. trouble, S2, MD; druuynge,H.

Drouy, adj. turbid, troubled, CM, S2; droui, MD.—Cp. AS. drÓf, OS. drÓbi, OHG. truobi, G. trÜbe.

Droȝ, pt. s. drew, S, S2; drou, S, S2; drow, S2, C2; drouȝ, S2; drouh, S2; drough, C2; see Drawen.

Drubild, adj. disturbed, H.

Drublen, v. to disturb water, to trouble; drubblyn, Prompt.; drobyl, MD. Cf. Drouen.

Drubly, adj. turbid, H; drobly, Prompt.

Drublynesse, sb. turbulencia, Prompt.

Drublynge, sb. disturbance,H.

Druerie, sb. love, affection, also the object of affection, also a jewel, PP, MD, C2 (s.v. love); drurye, MD; drurie, S2, PP; druery, HD; druwery, PP; drewrye, MD; drewery, P; drowryis, pl., HD; druries, HD.—AF. druerie; Prov. drudaria, from OHG. drÚt, dear, beloved (Otfrid). See NQ. (6.4. 270).

Druggar-beste, sb. the animal that has to pull forcibly,S3.

Druggen, v. to pull with force, CM, C.—Cp. E. drudge.

Druiȝest, 2 pr. s. art dry, S2; see Drye.

Drund, pt. pl. drowned, S2; see Drounen.

Drunk, sb. draught, MD; drunc, S; drunch, S.—Cp. Icel. drykkr.

Drunkelew, adj. given to drinking, W, Prompt.; dronkelewe, C3, PP; dronkeleuh, PP; dronkenlewe, PP; drunkenlewe, MD. See -lewe.

Drunken, sb. drinking, S, MD.

Drunkennesse, sb. drunkenness, MD; dronkenesse, C3,PP.

Drunknen, v. to be drowned, to cause to drown, MD; drunkenes, pr. s., S2; dronkenes, S2.—AS. druncnian, to be drowned, to be drunk. Cf. Drounen.

Drupnin, v. to be cast down, S; see Droupnen.

Drurie; see Druerie.

Druuy, v. to trouble, H; see Drouen.

Druuynge, sb. trouble, H.

Drye, adj. dry, MD, PP; druye, MD, S2; drue, MD; dru, S; driȝe, MD; drie, MD; dreye, C2, C. Phr.: drui fot, dry foot, S.—AS. dryge; cp. Du. droog.

Drye, v. to dry, to be dry, MD, G; druiȝest, 2pr.s., S2.—AS. drygan.

Drye, v. to suffer, CM; Dryȝed, pt. s. continued, S2; see Dreȝen.

Drythe; see Drought.

Dryȝ, adj. patient, S2. Cf. Dreȝen.

Dryȝly, adv. patiently, S2.

Dryȝte, Dryȝtyn; see Drihten.

Dubben, v. (1) to dress, arm for battle, (2) to dub a knight by the stroke with the flat of the sword, MD, S, PP; dubbed, pp., S, S2, PP; dobbed, PP; doubed, PP.—AF. dubber, to dress; cp. Icel. dubba, to arm, dress, also to dub, AS. dubban, to dub a knight, in Chron. ann. 1085; cp. OF. aduber, adouber, to arm (Roland).

Dubbing, sb. decoration, adornment, S; the conferring of knighthood,S.

Dubonure, adj. mild, gentle, S2; see Debonaire.

Dude, pt. s. did, S2; duden, pl., S; see Don.

Duelle, v. to stay, S, W2; see Dwellen.

Duere, adj. dear, S2; see Dere.

Duete, sb. duty, MD; dewtee, MD; dwete, CM; dewite, S3.—AF. duete, debt, obligation, from OF. dËu, owed; Lat. debitum, pp. of debere.

Duhen, v. to get on well, S; see Duȝen.

DuheÐe, sb. body of retainers, people, might, worth, dignity, S; doweÞe, S; douÞe, S2.—AS. duguÐ, worth, help, body of men, host.

Duk, sb. leader, prince, duke, MD; duc, S2; duyk, W, W2; douc, MD; duykis, pl., W2.—AF. duc; Lat. ducem.

Dulce, adj. sweet, S3.—Lat. dulcem.

Dule, sb. grief, S3; see Dole.

Dully, adj. dull, S3, DG; dolly, JD; dowie,JD.

Dumel, sb. a stupid man, Manip.; dummel, adumb man, Manip.; dumble, HD. See Domb.

Dun; see Doun.

Dun, Dunne, adj. dun, dull brown, MD, Manip.; donne, MD.—AS. dunn; OIr. donn, dond (Windisch).

Dun, sb. a dun horse; Proverb: Dun is in the myre,C3.

Dunchen, v. to batter, S, Prompt.; dunch, to push, JD.—Cp. Dan. dunke, to thump.

Dune, sb. din; see Dyn.

Dungon, sb. dungeon, S2; see Donjoun.

Dunt, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.

Dun-ward, adv. downward, S; see Doun.

Dup, adj. deep, MD; see Deep.

Duppen, v. to dip, S2, MD; dippen, MD.—AS. dyppan, for *dup-ian, see SkD (p.800), Sievers, 400.

Durance, sb. endurance, S3; imprisonment,Sh.

Dure, adj. dear, MD; see Dere.

Dure, sb. door, S; dur, S3; see Dore.

Duren, v. to last, C2, S2, S3, H; dury, MD; duyre, MD; deore, S2; duyryng, pr.p., S2; durede, pt. s., S2.—AF. durer; Lat. durare, from durus, hard, unyielding.

Duresse, sb. hardship, severity, MD, S3; duresce, MD.—AF. duresse, duresce; Lat. duritia, from durus.

Durlyng, sb. darling, S; see Derling.

Durren, pr. pl. dare, MD; durre, S; duren, S; see Dar.

Dusi, adj. foolish, S, MD; dysy, MD; desi, MD.—AS. dysig.

Dusiliche, adv. foolishly, MD; desaly, dizzily, S2; desselic,S2.

Dusken, v. to grow dark, C.

Dusten, v. to throw, toss, S; duste, pt. s., MD; deste, fell headlong,MD.

Dutchkin, adj. German-like,S3.

Dute, sb. doubt, fear, S, S2; see Doute.

Dutten, v. to shut, close, MD; dittenn, MD; dutande, pr.p., S2; dutt, pp., MD; dit, MD.—AS. dyttan; see OET (p.573).

Duyk, sb. leader, prince, W, W2; see Duk.

Duȝen, v. to get on well, to be fitting, to be worth, to avail, valere, MD; duhen, S; dowen, MD; deah, pr. s., MD; deh, MD; deih, S; dugen, pl., MD; doucte, pt. s., S; dought, MD; dowed, S2.—AS. dÚgan, pret. pres. dÉag (dÉah, dÉg), pl. dugon, pt. dohte; cp. OHG. tugan.

DuȝeÐe, sb. nobles, S, MD; see DuheÐe.

Duȝti, adj. fit, excellent, brave, doughty, MD; doughty, C2, G; douȝtiore, comp., S2.—AS. dyhtig, strong.

Dwal, adj. foolish, dull, erring, apostate, MD, SkD (p.801); dwales, sb. pl. fools, S.—Cp. Goth. dwals, foolish.

Dwale, sb. error, MD; duale, MD; dwole, MD, S (16. 1777.).—ONorth. duala, error (Mt. 24. 24); cp. AS. dwola.

Dwellen, v. (1) to err, wander, (2) to loiter, stay, dwell, MD, G; duelle, S, W2; dwelland, pr.p., S2.—AS. dwelian, to err, also to make to err, to deceive; also dwellan, to deceive, to hinder, delay, also to remain, dwell; cp. Icel. dvelja, to tarry.

Dweole, sb. error, MD; dwele, MD; dwelle, MD.—AS. (ge)dweola.

DweoluhÐe, sb. error, foolishness,S.

Dwergh, sb. dwarf, MD; dwerk, MD; dwerf, MD; dwarfe, MD; dwerÞ (for dwerȝ), S2.—AS. dweorh; cp. Icel. dvergr.

Dwilde, sb. error, S, MD.—AS. dwild. See Dwellen.

Dwindle, v. to waste away, Sh.

Dwinen, v. to vanish away, to waste away, MD, HD; dwynyn, Prompt.; dwynen, S2; dwynede, pt. s. (weak), MD.—AS. dwÍnan, pt. dwÁn (pl. dwinon), pp. dwinen.

Dwole; see Dwale.

Dyad, adj. dead, S2; see Deed.

Dyed, pt. s. coloured, C2; see Deyen.

Dyeuel, sb. devil, S2; see Deuel.

Dyk, Dyke, sb. dike, ditch, S3; dic, S; dich, MD; diche, MD; pl., S; dichen, S.—AS. dÍc.

Dyken, v. to make a ditch, to dig, S2; idyket, pp.,S2.

Dyker, sb. ditcher, S2, P; dikere,P.

Dyn, sb. din, H, MD; dynne, H; dene, MD; dyne, PP; dine, MD; dune, MD.—AS. dyne, dyn.

Dyngen, v. to beat, PP, H; dang, pt. s., MD, 83; dong, MD; dange, pl., S3; dongen, pp., S2; dongyn, H; dongene,HD.

Dyngis, sb. pl. blows, H.

Dyngynge, sb. beating, H.

Dys, sb. pl. dice, C, P; see Dee.

Dys-playere, sb. dice-player,P.

Dyttay, sb. indictment, S3.—AF. dite; Lat. dictatum.

Dyvers, adj. pl. divers, MD; diverse, MD.—AF. divers (pl. diverses); Lat. diuersum.

Dyuerseli, adv. in diverse directions,W2.

Dyversen, v. to make difference, to diversify, also to be different, MD, Prompt.; dyuersith, pr. s., W; diuerside, pt. s., W.—OF. diverser.

Dyversitee, sb. divers colours,W2.

Dyuynistre, sb. a divine, C.—Late Lat. *divinista. See Deuine.

Dyȝe, v. to die, S2; see Deyen.

Dyȝt; see Dihten.

Boun, pp. prepared to go, ready to start, S3, CM, PP; bon, ready, S2; bun, S2; bown, P, H.—Icel. bÚinn, prepared, pp. of bÚa, to get ready, to till; cp. AS. ge-bÚn, pp. of gebÚan; cp. E. bound (said of a ship.)

Bounden, pp. bound, S, C2; see Binden.

Bounen, v. to get ready, to go, also to make ready, NED; bowneth, pr. s., NED; bownd, pt. s., prepared himself, got ready,S3.

Bour, sb. bower, chamber, womens’ chamber, C, G; bur, dat., S; boure, S, S2, P; bowre, P; bourez, pl. sleeping-places, S2.—AS. bÚr, adwelling.

Bourde, sb. jest, PP, C3, G; bourd, S2, S3; bord, NED.—OF. bourde.

Bourden, v. to jest, C3, PP; borde, NED.—OF. bourder.

Bourding, sb. jesting, 83.

Bourdon, sb. pilgrim’s staff, CM, HD; bordun, S2, PP; burdon, S, HD; burdoun, P, MD; bordon, MD, PP; bordoun, HD.—OF. bourdon (Cotg.); Low Lat. burdonem; see Burdon.

Boustious, adj. noisy, S3; see Boistous.

Bouȝ, sb. bough, PP; boh, S; bogh, S2; bowh, PP; boȝe, dat., S; boges, pl., S; buges, S; bughes, S2; bewis, S3; bewys, S3; bowes, PP, S3; boowes, C; boȝe, dat., S.—AS. bÓg, bÓh, Icel. bÓgr, shoulder, bow of a ship; cp. Gr. πᾶχυς.

Bowe, sb. bow, W2, PP; bouwe, W2; bowes, pl., PP; boys, S3.—AS. boga.

Bowe-lyne, sb. bowline, MD; bawelyne,S2.

Bowen, v. to bow, bend, submit, to direct one’s course, turn away, PP, S2, C2, W; bouwe, W2, PP; boghen, S2, H; buwen, S; buȝen, S; buhen, S; bugen, S; beien, S; bowande, pr.p. obedient, S2; bues, pr. s., S2.—AS. bÚgan.

Boydekyn, sb. poniard, bodkin, NED, Prompt.; bodekyn, Prompt.; boydekins, pl.,C2.

Boyste, sb. box, PP, Prompt., Cath.; boyst, MD; boist, C3.—OF. boiste (F.boÎte).

Boȝte; see Biggen.

Brac, sb. a, crashing sound, fragor; brace, outcry, S.—Icel. brak; cp. AS. (ge)brÆc.

Brace, sb. couple of hounds, Prompt.—OF. brace, the two arms, agrasp; Lat. brachia,pl.

Bracer, sb. a guard for the left arm in archery, C; braser, Voc. See Ascham, Toxophilus, ed. Arber, p.108.

Brade, sb. roast flesh, S; brede, S.—AS. brǽde.

Bradit; see Brayden.

Brak; see Breken.

Brand, sb. brand, firebrand, sword, MD; brond, brand, S2, C; brondes, pl., S; brands, i.e. fire-side, S2; brondis, torches, W.—AS. brand (brond).

Brant, adj. steep, high, MD, HD; brent, JD; brentest, superl., S2.—AS. brant (bront); cp. Swed. brant, Icel. brattr.

Bras, sb. brass, C2; bres, S; breas, S.—AS. brÆs.

Brasten; see Bresten.

Bratful; see Bretful.

BraÐ, sb. violence, MD; braÞÞe, dat., S.—Cp. Icel. brÁÐ. See BroÐ.

Braun, sb. brawn, CM; boar’s flesh, PP; brawnes, pl., muscles, C2.—OF. braon, Prov. bradon (brazon); Low Lat. bradonem; see Ducange.

Brayde, sb. a quick movement, astart, awhile, moment, MD, CM; braid, S3; braydes, pl. grimaces, S2; breides, cunning tricks, MD. Phr.: at a brayde, in a moment, S2.—Icel. bragÐ, quick movement.

Brayden, v. to draw, pull, to draw away quickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move quickly, hasten (intr.), to wake up, MD, Prompt., S2, CM; breyde, CM, C2; breide, W2; breyde, pt. s., PP, CM, C2, C3; brayde, MD; bradit, S3; broiden, pp., MD; broydyn, laqueatus, Prompt.; brayden, MD; browden, MD, JD; browded, C, HD; brouded, C2; broyded, WW; brayded, MD.—AS. bregdan, pt. brÆgd (pl. brugdon), pp. brogden.

Brea-; see Bre-.

Breas, sb. brass, S; see Bras.

Bred, sb. bread, S, PP; breed, C2, W2; brÆd, S; bread, S; brad, S; brede, S2; breade, dat., S.—ONorth. brÉad.

Bred, sb. board, tablet, MD, S (s.v. wax); brede, Prompt.—AS. bred.

Bred-ale, sb. bride-feast, S; see Bryd-ale.

Brede, sb. bride, PP; see Bryde.

Brede, sb. roast-flesh, S; see Brade.

Brede, sb. breadth, S, S2, S3, C2, H; breede, C, W2. Phr.: on breid, on breadth, abroad, S3; did on breid, did abroad, unfolded, S3.—AS. brǽdu.

Breden, v. to spread, S, Prompt.—AS. brǽdan.

Breden, v. to roast, MD; bret, pr. s., S.—AS. brǽdan.

Breden, v. to breed, to produce, to be produced, MD, PP; bredden, pt. pl., PP; i-bred, pp., S.—AS. brÉdan, to nourish. See Brode.

Bred-gume; see Brydegome.

Bred-wrigte, sb. bread-wright, baker, S. See Bred.

Breech, sb. pl. breeches, drawers, C2, C3; brech, S; breche, PP; brek, Voc.—AS. brÉc, pl. of brÓc; cp. Icel. brÆkr, pl. of brÓk.

Breed; see Bred.

Breels, sb. pl. wretches, HD, MD (p.343).

Breggid, pt. s. shortened, W; see Abregge.

Breken, v. to break, S, S2, PP; breoken, S; brecÐ, pr. s., S; brac, pt. s., S; brek, S; brec, S2; brak, S2, PP; breken, pl., S; y-broke, pp., S2; ibroke, S2.—AS. brecan, pt. brÆc (pl. brǽcon), pp. brocen.

Brek-gurdel, sb. a breech-girdle, MD; brekgyrdylle, lumbare, Voc.; brechgerdel, MD; breigirdel, MD; brigirdil, MD; brygyrdyll, Prompt.; breigerdlis, pl., purses, PP. See Breech.

Breme, sb. bream, Prompt.; brem, C.—OF. bresme (F.brÈme); OHG. brahsema.

Breme, adj. fierce, angry, S, S2, S3, H, PP; brem, S2; breme, adv., S2; breeme, C.—AS. brÉme famous, noble.

Bremely, adv. fiercely, furiously, loudly, S2; bremly,S2.

Bremstoon; see Brynston.

Bren, sb. bran, S2, C, P.—OF. bren (F.bran).

Brene; see Brune.

Brenke; see Brink.

Brennen, v. to burn, S2, S3, C, C2, PP, W; bren, S2; brinnen, S, S2; brende, pt. s., S, S2, C2; brent, S2; brendon, pl., S; brenneden, W; brende, brenned, brend, S2; brende, C; brenten, W2; brend, pp., S, S2, C; brent, C2, S3, W; y-brend, C3; y-brent, C.—Icel. brenna; cp. Goth. brinnan, Cf. Bernen.

Brenningly, adv. ardently, fiercely,C.

Brent, adj. steep, high, S2, JD; see Brant.

Breo-; see Bre-.

Brerd, sb. brim, margin, surface, top, S3, MD; brurd, MD; brerde, MD.—AS. brerd, brim, top of a vessel, shore; cp. OHG. brort, also Icel. broddr, the front.

Brerd-ful, adv. brimful, MD; brurdful, S2. Cf. Bretful.

Brere, sb. briar, S3, W2; brer, S3; breres, pl., S, S3, C; breris, W.—AS. brÉr, also brǽre, pl. (OET).

Bres; see Bras.

Bresil, adj. brittle, H; see Brisel.

Brest, sb. breast, C; breost, MD; breast, voice, S3; breste, PP; bryst, MD.—AS. brÉost.

Bresten, v. to burst, S2, C2, W, MD; brasten, S3, MD; bersten, S, C; brast, pt. s., C3, PP; barste, P; braste, pl., C3, S2; brest, S3; brusten, pp., damaged, hurt severely, S2, MD.—Icel. bresta, pt. brast, pp. brostinn; cp. AS. berstan.

Bretful, adj. brimful, S3, C, PP, HD; bratful, S2, PP; bredful, PP. Cp. Swed. brÄddful. See Brerdful.

BreÐ, sb. breath, vapour, voice, word, MD, PP, CM; breÐe, dat., S.—AS. brǽÐ.

Brethe, sb. anger, wrath, H; breth, H.—Icel. brÆÐi, anger, from brÁÐr, hasty. See BroÐ.

Brethir; see BroÐer.

Breuet, sb. brief, letter of indulgence, P; breuettes, pl., P.—Late Lat. brevetum.

Brewen, v. to brew, MD; brew, pt. s. contrived, C2, PP; breuh, S2, PP.—AS. brÉowan, pt. brÉaw, pp. browen.

Brewestere, brewster, P; breusters, pl. ale-wives, female-brewers, S2,PP.

Breyden; see Brayden.

Brid, sb. a young bird, PP, C2, C3, W; bridd, S; bridde, PP; bred, PP; bredde, PP; berd, MD; bird, MD; briddes, pl., S2, C; bryddez, S2; briddis, W, H; birds, S3 (26. 1150).—AS. bridd.

Brigge, sb. bridge, PP, S, CM; brugge, PP; bregge, MD; brygge, PP; brig, S2.—AS. brycg; cp. Icel. bryggja.

Briggen, v. to bridge, S.

Brike, sb. calamity, C2; see Bryk.

Bringen, v. to bring, S; brohte, pt. s., S; brochte, S; brouȝte, S2; brouhte, S; broȝte, S, S2; broght, pl., S2; broht, pp. S2; broght, S2; brouȝt, S2; ibrȝt, S2; y-broȝt, S2; y-brought, C; ibroht, S; ibrouht, S2; ibrocht,S.

Brink, sb. brink, margin, MD; brenke, dat., W; brynke, MD.—Cp. Swed. brink, Icel. brekka.

Brinnen; see Brennen.

Brisel, adj. brittle, H; bresil, H; brissal, JD. See below.

Brisen, v. to crush, MD; brisse, MD; bresen, MD; brisid, pp.,W.

Brisokis, sb. pl. wild cabbage,H.

Britel, adj. brittle, fragile, MD; britil, S2, W; brutel, MD; brutil, CM; brotel, MD.—From base of AS. bruton, pt. pl. of brÉotan, to break.

Britnen, v. to break, break up, MD; bruttenet, pp. destroyed, slain, S2; bretynyd, HD.—AS. brytnian, to distribute, dispense.

Britoner, sb. a man of Brittany, aFrenchman, P; Brytonere, P; see Brutiner.

Briȝt, adj. bright, S, PP; bricht, S; brict, S; briht, S; brigt, S; bryht, S2; bryȝt, S2; brihtre, comp., S; briȝter, S; brictest, superl., S.—AS. beorht.

Briȝte, adv. brightly, MD; bryghte,C2.

Briȝtnesse, sb. brightness, W2; brichtnesse, S; brihtnesse, S; brictnesse, S.—AS. beorhtnes.

Brocage, a treaty by an agent, PP; brokages, pl., P.—OF. brocage, ‘exprime l’idÉe de ruse et de perfidie’ (Godefroy).

Broche, sb. brooch, match, spear, spit, MD; brouch, S2; broch, C; broches, pl., C2, PP.—OF. broche.

Brochen, v. to spur, pierce through, put on the spit, broach a cask, MD; brochede, pt. s., S2, PP.—OF. brocher, Prov. brocar.

Brocket, sb. a stag in its second or third year, HD, MD, Cotg.; broket, MD; brokkettis, pl., S3.—Cp. OF. brocart (Cotg.).

Brocour, sb. broker, P; brokour, P.—AF. abrocour; Low Lat. abrocatorem (Ducange), from abrocare, to broach a cask, from broca. See Broche.

Brod, adj. broad, S, S2, PP; brood, C; braid, S3; brode, C, PP; brade, S, S2, H; broddeste, superl., W2.—AS. brÁd.

Brode, adv. broadly, wide awake, C3; widely, PP; broode, broadly, plainly,C.

Brode, sb. brood, S, Prompt.—Cp. OHG. bruot (Weigand).

Broiden; see Brayden.

Brok, sb. brock, badger, Prompt.; broc, W; brockes, pl., P; brokkys, PP.—AS. broc; OIr. brocc.

Brok, sb. brook, PP; broke, P.—AS. brÓc.

Brol, sb. a brat, child, MD, S3, PP; brolle, P; brawl, ND.—Cp. Low Lat. brollus, ‘miserculus’ (Prompt., p.50).

Brond; see Brand.

BroÐ, adj. violent, MD; braÞ, MD; braith, JD.—Icel. brÁÐr. Cf. BraÐ.

BroÞeful, adj. violent, MD; braithful,JD.

Brothel, sb. a wretch, PP, MD, HD; brothell, Palsg.

BroÞeliche, adv. violently, MD; broÞely, hastily, quickly, S2; braithly,JD.

BroÐer, sb. brother, PP; gen. s., C2; broÐere, pl., S; breÐere, S; brethir, S3; breÐre, S; briÐere, S; bretheren, C2, PP.—AS. brÓÐor.

BroÐer-hed, sb. brotherhood, MD; bretherhede, C; britherhed, W; britherhod,W.

BroÐer-rede, sb. fraternity, MD (p.354).—AS. brÓÐorrǽden.

Brouded, pp. braided, C2; see Brayden.

Broudster, sb. embroiderer,JD.

Broudyng, sb. embroidery; browdyng, C,CM.

Brouken, v. to use, enjoy, eat, PP, C, G; bruken, S; breken, S; brooke, to endure, S3; bruc, imp. s. use, S; ibroken, pp., S.—AS. brÚcan, pt. brÉac (pl. brucon), pp. brocen.

Broun, adj. brown, C, PP; brun, sb. brown horn, S.—AS. brÚn.

Bru-; see Bry-, Bri-, Brou-.

Brugge; see Brigge.

Bruk, sb. locust (= bruchus), W2, H; bruyk, H.—Gr. βροῦχος, βροῦκος.

Brune, sb. burning, S, MD; brene, S2.—AS. bryne.

Brunie, sb. corslet, coat of mail, S; brinie, MD; brini, HD, MD; burne, MD; bryniges, pl., S; brenyes, HD.—Icel. brynja: Goth. brunjo; cp. AS. byrne.

Brurd; see Brerd.

Brusten; see Bresten.

Brut, sb. Briton; Bruttes, pl.,S.

Brutayne, sb. Brittany, S2.

Brutil; see Britel.

Brutiner, sb. a man of Brittany, aFrenchman, aswaggerer, PP; Brytonere, P; Britoner,P.

Brutnen, v. to hew in pieces, MD; bruttenet, pp. slain, S2; see Britnen.

Bryche, adj. reduced, poor, S2.—AS. bryce, frail.

Bryd-ale, sb. marriage-feast, MD; bridale, P, W; bredale, S; bruydale, P; brudale, S.—AS. brÝd-ealo, abride-ale, bride-feast.

Bryde, sb. bride, domiduca, Voc., PP; brede, PP; bruyd, CM; brud, MD, S; brid, MD.—AS. brÝd: OS. brÚd; cp. OHG. brÚt (Otfrid).

Bryde-gome, sb. bridegroom, MD; bredgume, S; brudgume, MD.—AS. brÝdguma (brÉdguma); cp. OHG. brÚtigomo (Otfrid).

Bryk, sb. misery, calamity, MD; brike, C2; bruche, injury, MD.—AS. bryce.

Bryllyn; see Birlen.

Brymme, sb. margin, shore, S, MD.—AS. brim, surf, the sea; cp. Icel. brim.

Bryn-ston, sb. sulphur, Voc., PP, S2; brymston, W2; bremstoon, C, PP; brimstoon, C3; brunstan, H.—Cp. Icel. brennisteinn.

Brystylle, sb. bristle, Prompt., Voc.; berstles, pl., C.—From AS. byrst: OHG. burst.

Bryttlynge, sb. breaking up, S3. See Britel.

Bu-; see Bou-, Bo-.

Budele, sb. beadle, officer, PP; budeles, pl., S; beodeles, S2.—AS. bydel; cp. OHG. butil. Cf. Bedel.

Bue, BuÐ; see Ben.

Bulde, pt. s. built, C; see Bilden.

Buggen, v. to buy, S, S2, PP; see Biggen.

Bugle, sb. wild ox, S2, Prompt.; bugill, S3; bowgle, S3; bugle, buffalo-horn, bugle, MD.—OF. bugle; Lat. buculum (acc.).

Builen, v. to boil, S2; buylith, pr. s., W2; buylyng, pr.p., PP; buyliden, pt. pl., W2.—OF. buillir; Lat. bullire.

Bule, sb. boil, PP; bilis, pl., W; byles, PP; boilus, PP.—AS. bÝle; cp. G. beule (Weigand).

Bule; see Bole.

Bulle, sb. bull, papal rescript, P; bille, PP; petition, PP; bylle, PP.—Lat. bulla, boss, stud, hence Late Lat. bulla, seal, document with seal; see Ducange.

Bulten, v. to boult, sift, C, Prompt.; boulte, Palsg.; bultedd, pp., S.—OF. buleter, bureter, to sift through coarse cloth, from bure, coarse cloth; Late Lat. burra; see Ducange (s.v. buratare).

Bult-pele, sb. a sifter, Voc.

Bumbase, v. to quilt with bombast, i.e. cotton wadding, Florio (p.234a); bumbast, pr. pl., S3.—From Milanese bombÁs; Low Lat. bombacem, cotton; from Gr. βόμβυξ.

Bummen, v. to taste, take a draught, MD; bummede, pt. s. tasted, S2,P.

Bun, pp. prepared, S2, MD; see Boun.

Bunchen, v. to strike, MD, Prompt.; bonchede, pt. s., S2; bonched,P.

Bunden; see Binden.

Bur, sb. wind, storm, force, impetus, MD; bir, MD; birr, HD; hire, dat., W, MD; birre, W; byrre, HD.—Icel. byrr, wind, storm.

Bur, sb. the broad ring of iron behind the place for the hand on a tilting-spear, S3; burr,HD.

Burde, sb. maiden, virgin, lady, S, S2, PP; birde, P; berde, PP; buirde, PP; buyrde, S2, PP; see Bryde.

Burden, sb. burden, Manip.; see BurÐene.

Burdenous, adj. burdensome,S3.

Burdon, sb. mule; burdones, pl., MD; burdowns, MD.—Lat. burdonem (Vulg.).

Burdoun, sb. droning sound, bass, MD, C.—OF. bourdon, adrone, the humming of bees, the drone of a bag-pipe (Cotg.).

Bureth, v. it behoves, MD; birrÞ, pr. s., S; burth, MD; birs, MD; bers, MD; birrde, pt. s., S; bird, S2, MD; burd, MD.—AS. ge-byrian; cp. OHG. gi-burren, to happen (Otfrid).

Burgage, sb. an estate held of a lord of a borough; burgages, pl., P; borgages, PP.—Low Lat. burgagium; OF. bourgage (Cotg.).

Burgeis, sb. burgess, MD; burgeys, C, CM; burgeis, pl., S2, P; burgeyses, P.—OF. burgeis; Low Lat. burgensis.

Burgh, sb. borough, town, fortress, shelter, MD; burghe, PP, CM; borghe, PP; borw, PP; borugh, PP; borowe, PP; borh, S; burch, S; burh, S; bureh, MD, S; biri, MD, S; berie, S; borwȝ, S2; borwes, pl., PP, MD.—AS. burh; gen. byrig.

Buriel, sb. tomb, S2; buryel, S2; biriel, W; biryel, S2; buriels, pl. the Catacombs, C3; biriels, W2; birielis, W.—AS. byrgels.

Burien, v. to bury, MD, S, PP; birien, MD, W2; berien, C3; bery, MD, C3; byrien, S; i-burred, pp., S2.—AS. byrigan.

Burien, sb. grave, MD; berien, S.—AS. byrgen.

Burinisse, sb. burial-place, MD; berynes, H.—AS. byrignes.

Burjoun, sb. burgeon, bud, MD; burioyn, H; burgon, HD; burgionys, pl., S3; burioyns, H.—OF. borjon, in Cotg. bourgeon.

Burjounen, v. to bud, MD; buriowne, W2; burgionys, pr. s., S3; borgouneȝ, pr. pl., S2; burioneÞ, PP; burionand, pr.p., H; buriownynge,W.

Burn, sb. man, S2, HD; burne, S2; see Bern.

Burne, sb. spring of water, MD, S; bourne, S2; borne, S2; burn, stream, S2.—AS. burna.

Burnen, v. to burnish, MD; burned, pp., C; borned, S3.—OF. brunir, to burnish, polish, to make brown (Cotg.). See SkD. p.789.

Burnet, adj. brown, S3.—OF. brunet, brownish (Cotg.).

Burnet, sb. cloth of brown colour, CM, MD.—OF. brunette (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. brunetum.

BurÐene, sb. burden, MD; birthin, W; birthun, W2; burden, Manip.—AS. byrÐen.

Busch, sb. bush, wood, W, W2, MD; buysch, W; busk, the head or tuft of a stalk of wheat, S; bush, S2, MD; boske, S2; boskez, pl.,S2.

Buschement, sb. ambush, MD; busshement, S3. Cp. OF. en-buschement, an ambuscade NED, (s.v. ambushmenf).

Busken, v. to prepare oneself, to get ready, to go, to hasten, to prepare, dress, MD, H, S2, P; buschen, S2; bosken, S2. Icel. bÚask (reflex.), to get oneself ready.

Buskinge, sb. equipment, dress, MD, S3; bosking,MD.

Busteous, adj. noisy, S3; buystous, W; see Boistous.

Busy, adj. busy, MD; bisi, S, W2; bisie, S; bisy, C2, P; besy, C.—AS. bysig.

Busyen, v. to busy, occupare, MD; bisien, C3, S2,W.

Busynesse, sb. business, activity, care, industry, MD, C, C3; bisinesse, C3; besynesse, S3; besynes, H; bisynesses, pl.,W2.

BuÞ; see Ben.

BuÞ; see Biggen.

Buuen, prep. and adv. above, S; buue, S; boue, MD; bufon, S.—AS. be-ufan.

Buxum, adj. obedient, ready, willing, courteous, PP; boxum, S2, PP; buxom, CM; buhsum, S. See Bowen.

Buxumliche, adv. obediently, PP; boxumly, S2; buxomly,C2.

Buxumnesse, sb. obedience, PP; buxomnes, P; boxumnes,S2.

By-, prefix. See Bi- words.

By, Bi, prep. by, at, according to, S, S2, with regard to, PP, S, S2, S3; bie, S; be S, S2. Phr.: by and by, adv. immediately, S3; in order, separately, C, Prompt.,MD.

By, v. to dwell, build, C2; see Biggen.

Bye, v. to buy, S2; by, C3; see Biggen.

Byggyng, sb. building, S2.

Byȝe; see Beiȝ.



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