

  • Phillip Lattin.
  • Mrs. Lattin.
  • The Doctor.


Scene—Same as Prologue.


(Mrs. Lattin opens her eyes slowly. The Doctor, near the bed, is seen making a gesture with his arms as if lowering a curtain. Mrs. Lattin shows bewilderment.)

Mrs. Lattin

(Dreamily.) Where am I? Florence … Greece … Egypt … where are they? I am back again. But who am I?


You are your Past.

Mrs. Lattin

I slept? But yet I lived it. I understand at last. I have found life.


You cannot die, nor can you sleep.

Mrs. Lattin

But time.…


Is the body’s measuring.

[She looks round the room, and finally into his face. He moves slowly backwards towards the door.

Mrs. Lattin

(Thinking.) It was not a dream. I was in Greece with Phocion … with Paulo in Italy … with.… Oh, it is too long ago, too far away. It’s fading. (Eagerly.) Oh, I would not forget!


The results lie in you. That is memory.

Mrs. Lattin

Each time I injured … thwarted the highest in him by my selfish love. How small my love! Oh, tell me it is not now too late.…


(By door.) There is no “too late.” What he could do without was added to him. You have taught Menophis, Phocion and Paulo to become … Phillip.

[He begins to fade.

Mrs. Lattin

(Joyfully.) I understand at last, and I am healed. I delayed Menophis. I shall inspire Phillip. I shall go with him … back to … Egypt. Phocion, Paulo, how happy they will be!


(Almost invisible.) He is coming now. I leave you.

Mrs. Lattin

But he must see you too.…


(Invisible, only a voice heard.) He cannot.

[Door opens. Phillip enters quietly. He shows surprise at finding her sitting up. Her hands are stretched out towards the door where the Doctor has vanished. As he enters, the clock strikes the last three strokes of six o’clock.


You rang. I just slipped back to see——

Mrs. Lattin

(Low.) Phocion … my faithful.…


Eh? Are you all right? I mustn’t stay. Doctor Ogilvie will be here any minute.

Mrs. Lattin

(Low.) Paulo … my dear one.… I——


(Puzzled.) You slept a moment probably. Good! (Startled by her happy expression.) You look … so much better!

Mrs. Lattin

He came. And I am healed.

[Nurse enters hurriedly.


(Whispering to Phillip so that Mrs. Lattin does not hear.) Dr. Ogilvie has just telephoned. He is detained. He cannot get here till seven o’clock.


All right. Hush!

[Exit Nurse.

Mrs. Lattin

He told me … showed me … everything.


(Humouring her.) He gave you hope—the best? I see it in your eyes.

Mrs. Lattin

It’s not—I am not—too late. That’s all.


Hush! Hush! Lie quiet a little longer. (Goes on to ask, still humouring her.) You mean the doctor says——?

Mrs. Lattin

I am so happy. I know and understand now. It’s glorious.


My darling! Gently, gently! Do not excite yourself. Lie still and sleep, if you can, again. He has given you something? Later, you shall tell me——

Mrs. Lattin

Ah, your great patient strength! It is too wonderful. And to think that my weakness helped, my selfish——!

[Sits up and peers closely at him, shading her eyes with one hand.


(Anxious, puzzled.) The lamp is in your eyes. I’ll move it. Do not stir. There, is that better?

Mrs. Lattin

Thank you, but I do not mind the light. I mind nothing. Thank you (the name comes back suddenly), Phillip. Ah, it is Phillip! I know you again—as you are—to-day!

[Passes hand over forehead. Sighs and leans back. But face happy and at peace.



Mrs. Lattin

Not Mary: Little Child.


My—Little Child. (Doubting and perplexed.)

Mrs. Lattin

Phillip, dear heart, I’ve seen—I’ve seen my past—with you.


(Soothingly.) Yes, yes. When you’re more rested you shall tell me everything. Your dreams——

Mrs. Lattin

I must speak now. I’ve seen our past.


(Bewildered.) Tell me, then, dearest, tell me. Then you must lie still——

Mrs. Lattin

(Firmly.) Life!


(Impressed.) Life!

Mrs. Lattin

I have recovered. I love you more—but differently. I can forgive myself at last.


Recovery! Forgiveness! I do not understand.

Mrs. Lattin

You have not seen. I understand for both of us.


You have had dreams that troubled you. I implore you, dearest——

Mrs. Lattin

Look in my face. There is no trouble there—but only joy and life.


Yes, yes, but—my darling, what can you mean?

Mrs. Lattin

He came—and went.


And left one word behind him only——?

Mrs. Lattin

One word—Life.


(Almost convinced.) Then——?

Mrs. Lattin

(Radiant, rising from couch.) I shall go back with you.


To Egypt!

Mrs. Lattin

I shall never delay or thwart again. Ah, so many times I have—by my selfish love—(breaks off). Your work is a mission—always. It is your soul’s career. I understand at last.


Hush, hush, Little Child! You say wild things. I could never hear of it. I know your dread, your shrinking fear of Egypt. It would make you ill again. All the doctors agreed——

Mrs. Lattin

I have no dread! My shrinking was—a memory. It was instinctive—a cowardice that shirked sweet expiation—there, where it is due. (In spite of him, she rises to her feet. Vigorous.) I am well again. I shall go back with you. Your work—my work—lies out there—in Egypt. Oh, Phillip, be glad with me, for I am forgiven, I am healed!


(Stirred.) Dear heart! Your soul is too grand for this frail, precious body. You injure yourself. Such sacrifice from you I could never, never——

[Breaks off, as he notes the radiant expression in her face. They stand close together beneath the picture.

Mrs. Lattin

(Inflexibly.) It is no sacrifice. It is love, love, love!


(Tenderly.) That deep love I never doubted. But—the ingrained dread, the fear, the shrinking that have undermined your willing strength. How can you——?

Mrs. Lattin

They are gone for ever. Phillip, how often must I tell you? I am healed. I go back with you. We go together. Our life is there, in Egypt.


(Almost convinced.) I feel some great new reality in you. You are most wonderfully changed. Some star of life is rising over us—again. (He gazes into her radiant face with a touch of respect and wonder.) If—if——

Mrs. Lattin

You must at once withdraw your resignation. There is no “too late”! (Laughs a little.) You promise me!

[Amazement in him gives place to dawning belief at last. Yet he still hesitates.


I will see the doctor myself. I promise that if he——

Mrs. Lattin

You cannot.


Cannot! (Awe.) You mean—you have had a vision?

Mrs. Lattin

He has—gone.


(Convinced.) It was a vision…?

[She turns slowly and looks up at the picture on the wall above them. He turns with her. He is speechless. He holds her very close. They stare together at the palms, the river, the stars, the temples.

Mrs. Lattin

(Softly.) Egypt—where I first delayed and thwarted him, loving him for myself alone—Egypt, beneath your risen stars, beside your rising river—I shall undo—at last.

[A new expression steals into his face. He gazes at the picture with her. He holds her still closer to him.


(Moved and wondering.) Little Child! It is very strange. Almost, it seems, some dream, some memory of long, long ago stirs in me.

[A slight pause, as they gaze side by side at the picture.

(With effort.) It is beyond me somewhere, but there is great beauty—that deep, unearthly Egyptian beauty in it. (Lowers voice.) Those palms are rustling, those stars seem to move, the Nile flows down towards the sea. Perhaps.… The Tear of Isis falls.…

Mrs. Lattin

Listen … yes…!


(Turns to her.) Something about you, something new and—and familiar almost—steals upon me. I half believe.…

Mrs. Lattin

(Whispering.) Phillip, my faithful one, I heard another name as you said that. I heard an ancient name—was it Menophis?


(Hushed voice.) I thought a name came to me too. It floated past—Nefertiti. It must have been the beating of your heart against my own.

[They stand motionless, gazing, listening.

Mrs. Lattin

Dear, ancient names. How sweet they sound!


(Smiling.) I think we are bewitched!

Mrs. Lattin

Egypt! (Pause. Adds softly.) I understand—at last.

[He draws her head back and looks tenderly into her eyes.


All but one thing.

Mrs. Lattin

Which is——?


That what you call delay has helped and taught me.

Mrs. Lattin

(Low.) Perhaps I understand that too. That which the soul can do without is added to it. (Whispers.) Is it not that?


Ah, you put it so. Perhaps you put it better. I only know that you have given me the thing I needed most—perspective, the longer sight. My vision clears. (Bends down and kisses her.) I feel new power for my work. I see it whole.

Mrs. Lattin

Then my forgiveness is complete.




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