A - Amida, 69
- Animals, emblems in, 51, 299
- Animals, fabulous, 51
- Apple-green, 179, 272
- Arita ware, 352
- Armorial china, 48
- Artemesia, 301
- Aubergine, 106, 280
- Awata ware, 361
- Azalea, 302
B - Bamboo, 301
- Bamboo drum, an emblem, 341
- Banko ware, 377
- Base, 17
- Bat, 327, 329
- Beaker, 17
- Biscuit, 17, 209
- Bizen ware, 367
- Black-mirror, 106, 169
- Black under green, 106, 216
- Blanc de chine, 46, 137, 150
- Blue, 107, 114, 160, 169, 183, 251
- Blue and red, 125, 194
- Blue and white, 107, 114, 137, 183
- Blue, mazarine, 251
- Blue, powdered, 115, 215, 243
- Body or paste, 17
- Borders, 220
- Bottle, 17
- Brown glaze, 161, 173
- Buddha, 39
- Buddhism, 39
- Buddhist divinities, 68, 81
- Burnt-in, 17
C - CafÉ-au-lait, 173
- Carp, 275
- Celadon, 17, 33, 98, 107, 115, 124, 159, 166
- Chair de poule, 152
- Chakra, 255
- Cheou or Chow, 61, 82, 151, 329
- Chinese characters, plain, text and seal, 310, 314
- Ching-hwa, 98, 101
- Christians in China, 93, 98
- Chrysanthemum, 302
- Clair-de-lune, 113, 123, 162
- Clobbered ware, 201
- Coffee-colour glaze, 161
- Colours, glazes, &c., 18, 155, 169, 213
- Colours, order of discovery, 45
- Colours, three, five, 18
- Conch shell, 325
- Confucianism, 37, 256
- Copper-red, vert de cuivre, 46
- Coral red ground, 113, 126, 259
- Corean lion, 55, 85
- Crackle, 163, 177
D - Date marks, 309, 314
- Date marks, how to read, 311
- Deer, 123, 299
- Deer, mille cerfs, 123
- Diapers, 129
- Dog of FÔ, Corean lion, 55, 85, 150, 355
- Double circle or rings, 108
- Dragons, 53, 263, 355
- Dresden Collection, 347
- Dynasties, early, 91, 97, 105
- Dynasty, Ming, 95
- Dynasty, Tsing, 103
E - East India Company, 287
- Egg-shell, 18, 127, 232, 267, 268
- Eight immortals, 78, 82, 339
- Elizabeth, Queen, 100
- Emblematic designs, 299, 325
- Emblematic gestures, 69
- Emblems in animals, 299
- Emblems in birds, 86
- Emblems in flowers, 301
- Emblems in trees, 300
- Enamel, 18, 33
- Enamels, coloured, 141, 143, 213, 271
F - Familles (Families)—
Jaune—Yellow, 47, 252 Noire—Black, 47, 106, 169, 216 Rose—Rose, 48, 111, 122, 127, 143, 243, 264 Verte—Green, 47, 106, 116, 143, 228 - Feuille morte, 155, 173
- Fong Hoang, 56, 355
- Fox, 300
- Fenting, soft paste, 18, 31
- Figures, 18
- Fir or pine, 301
- Fish, 326
- Five-colour, 18, 78
- FlambÉ, 155, 165, 169
- Flute-emblem, 341
- Forgeries, 24, 126, 311
- Forms, 18
- Fungus, 303, 326
G - Gasnault, M., 149
- Ginger jar, oviform vase, 193
- Glaze, 18, 32
- Glazes, self-colour, 33, 153
- Glazes, simple, 153
- Glazes, variegated, 155
- Globber, 202
- Gold, reds from, 116, 264
- Gombron ware, 100
- Gourd, 301
- Grand feu, 18
- Graviata, 18, 143
- Green, delicate, 276
- Green family—Famille verte, 47, 106, 116, 143, 228
- Green, Ming, 272
H - Hard paste, 29
- Hare, 300, 326
- Hawthorn pattern, 144, 192, 227, 301
- Heen-fung, 144
- Hirado ware, 353
- History of porcelain, 89
- Hizen ware, 352
- Ho-Ho bird, 56, 354
- Honorific marks, 312
- Hundred antiques, 18
- Hung-woo, 97, 100
- Huth Collection, sale prices, 385
I - Imari ware, 142, 352
- Imbe ware, 369
- Imitations of Oriental porcelain, 293
- Immortals, 78, 82, 339
- Iron-red, rouge de fer, 116, 196, 215
J - Jacquemart, M., 149
- Jade, 102, 161
- Japanese marks, 362, 365, 381-383
- Japanese porcelain and pottery, 351
- Jesuits in China, 98
- Joo-e-head decoration, 61, 136, 240, 247
- Joo-e-head, symbol, 327
K - Kang-he, 103, 183, 214
- Kaolin, 18, 32
- Kea-king, 139
- Kea-tsing, 102
- Keen-lung, 119, 264
- Kenzan ware, 372
- Kiau, dragon, 263
- Kiln, 18, 32, 47
- King-te-chin, 92, 121, 144, 184
- Kishu ware, 375
- Korea, lion of, 55, 85
- Kouan-ti, 73
- Kutani ware, 370
- Kwang-shiu, 144
- Kwan-Yin, 58, 61, 62, 65, 150, 373
- Kylin, 54, 85, 355
- Kyoto ware, 360
L - Lange-Lysen, 190, 232
- Lang-yao, 156, 275
- Lao-tseu, 39, 58, 73, 77, 301, 339
- Leaf mark, 326
- Li, dragon, 195, 263
- "Long Elizas," 191, 232
- Longevity, god of, 151
- Lotus, 255, 303, 326
- Lowestoft, 202
- Lung, dragon, 263
M - Magnolia, 304
- Mandarin, 18, 129, 133, 283
- Mandarin china, 136, 283
- Marks—
Date, 314 Grass, 310 Hall, 321 How to read, 311, 317 Seal, 310, 315, 319 Text, 310 - Mazarine blue, 169, 243, 251
- Mice china, 18
- Mille cerfs, 41, 123
- Mille fleurs, 123
- Ming, 61, 95, 214, 273, 312
- Mirror black, 106, 161, 169
- Morte feuille, 155, 173
- Moulds, 18
- MudrÂs, hand gestures, 69
- Mythical deities, 61, 78, 82, 337
N O P - Pa-Kwa, 112, 195, 329
- Pa-sien or Pa-chen, 78, 82, 339
- Paste or Body, 19
- Peach, 301, 304, 327
- Peach bloom or peach blow, 112, 170
- Peach-tree, 301
- Pearl, 325
- Pekin ware, 19
- Peony, 305
- Pe-tun-tze, 19, 31
- Pheasant, 86
- Phoenix, 56
- Pierced or reticulated porcelain, 152, 205, 207
- Pierced patterns, 143, 209
- Pin points, 19
- Piu-hwo, Taoist god, 77
- Poutai, 151
- Powder or powdered blue, 115, 155, 215, 243, 246, 249
- Prunus blossom, 192, 227, 301
Q - Queen Elizabeth, 100
- Queen of heaven, Si-Wang-Mu, 57, 66
R - Rabbit, 300
- Red, 48, 161, 173
- Red, underglaze with blue, 126, 194
- Religion and Mythology, 35
- Reserves or compartments, 115, 220
- Reticulated porcelain, 152, 205, 207
- Rice bowls, 142
- Rose, 116, 264
- Rose family—Famille rose, 48, 111, 116, 122, 264
- Rouge de fer, iron red, 116, 196, 215, 231, 259, 261
- Ruby-backed plates, 116, 127, 267
- Ruby-backed plates, sale prices, 127
S - Sale Prices—Huth Collection, 387
- Sale Prices—Japanese, 364
- Sanda Ware, 379
- Sang de boeuf, 113, 124, 156
- Satsuma ware, 357
- Seal, 310, 316, 319
- Seven borders, 129
- Sheba ware, 379
- Shell, conch, 325
- Show, or Cheou, 61, 82, 151, 329
- Single or self-colour glazes, 153, 161
- Si-Wang-Mu, 57, 66, 301
- Slip, 19
- Soft paste, Fenting, 18, 31
- Soma ware, 378
- Splashed, tiger, 166
- Statuettes, 18, 343
- Stork, 300, 327
- Suen-tih, 97, 99, 159
- Sung dynasty, 92, 161, 179
- Swastika, 136, 256, 279, 326
- Symbolical marks, 325, 384
- Symbols or emblems, 299, 325, 327
T - Taoism, 38
- Taoist immortals, 76, 78, 82, 339
- Taou-kwang, 142
- Tests, 191, 371
- Three-colour, 18, 106
- Tiger splashed, 167
- Tortoise, 300
- Transfer printing, 137
- TruitÉ, 179
- Tsing dynasty, 103
- Tung-che, 144
U V - Vases, 19
- Vitreous enamels, 18
W - Wan Chong, 70
- Wan leih, 18, 106
- Warham, Archbishop, 98
- Wen-tchang, God of Wisdom, 74
- White, 45, 147
- Willow pattern, 19
Y - Yang and Yin, 113, 329
- Yao-pien, 19, 165
- Yeiraku ware, 372
- Yellow Family—Famille jaune, 47, 252
- Yellow glaze, 160, 173
- Yulan, 247
- Yung-ching, 109
- Yung-lo, 18, 98, 101
UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON Transcriber's Notes: 1. Illustration Table page number 79/97 has been corrected, incorrect in book. 2. Where the description of an image precedes the image, it has been moved to AFTER the image, so as to avoid confusion. |