Chap. | PAGE | I.—His early Art Career | 1 | II.—Drawing for "London Society" | 13 | III.—In London, the Harz Mountains, etc. | 29 | IV.—Drawing for "The Daily Graphic" | 51 | V.—Drawing for "The Pictorial World" | 67 | VI.—At Farnham Royal, Bucks | 90 | VII.—"Old Christmas" | 100 | VIII.—Letters, Diagrams, etc. | 117 | IX.—Royal Academy, "Bracebridge Hall," etc. | 134 | X.—On the Riviera | 148 | XI.—"Breton Folk," etc. | 165 | XII.—At Mentone, etc. | 190 | XIII.—Conclusion | 203 | Appendix | 211 |