In issuing the Travelling Edition of "Normandy Picturesque," the publishers deem it right to state that the body of the work is identical with the Christmas Edition; but that the Appendix contains additional information for the use of travellers, some of which is not to be found in any Guide, or Handbook, to France. The descriptions of places and buildings in Normandy call for little or no alteration in the present edition, excepting in the case of one town, concerning which the Author makes the following note:— "The traveller who may arrive at Pont Audemer this year, with 'Normandy Picturesque' in his hand, will find matters strangely altered since these notes were written; he will find that a railway has been driven into the middle of the town, that many old houses have disappeared, that the inhabitants have left off their white caps, and have given up their hearts to modern ways. "Such changes have come rapidly upon Pont Audemer, but we must not, in consequence, alter our description of it; for the old houses and the old customs are dear memories, and the more worth recording because the reality has faded before our eyes." London, May, 1870. CONTENTS. | | | page | chap. | I. | —On the Wing | 1 | " | II. | —Pont Audemer | 13 | " | III. | —Lisieux | 35 | " | IV. | —Caen—Dives | 51 | " | V. | —Bayeux | 83 | " | VI. | —St. Lo—Coutances—Granville | 109 | " | VII. | —Avranches—Mont St. Michael | 135 | " | VIII. | —Vire—Mortain—Falaise | 162 | " | IX. | —Rouen | 185 | " | X. | —The Valley of the Seine | 217 | " | XI. | —Architecture and Costume | 243 | " | XII. | —The Watering Places of Normandy | 265 | | | Appendix | 282 | LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Joan of Arc's house at Rouen By S. Prout. Frontispiece chap. | | | page | II. | —Market-place at Pont Audemer | S. P. Hall | | | (From a sketch by A. E. Browne.) | | 14 | " | A Sketch at Pont Audemer | M. Tibialong | 18 | " | Old Houses at Pont Audemer | A. E. Browne | 29 | III. | —Wood-carving at Lisieux | A. E. Browne | 40 | IV. | —Church of St. Pierre, Caen | M. Clerget | 54 | " | A Sketch, at Caen | M. Tibialong | 64 | " | Old Woman of Caen | M. Tirard | 69 | V. | —Bayeux Cathedral | H. Blackburn | 83 | " | Corner of House at Bayeux | A. E. Browne | 86 | " | Ancient Tablet in Cathedral | H. Blackburn | 90 | " | Facsimile of Bayeux Tapestry | A. Severn | 103 | VI. | —A Sketch, at Cherbourg | M. Tibialong | 110 | " | Exterior Pulpit at St. Lo | | | | (From a Photograph) | | 116 | " | A 'Toiler of the Sea' | S. P. Hall | 132 | " | Mont St. Michael | H. Blackburn | 135 | VII. | —Church near Avranches | H. Blackburn | 144 | " | Ancient Cross | H. Blackburn | 147 | VIII. | —Clock Tower at Vire | H. Blackburn | 171 | IX. | —Rouen Cathedral | M. Clerget | 194 | X. | —Market-women—Lower Normandy | S. P. Hall | | | (From a sketch by A. E. Browne.) | | 217 | XI. | —Modern houses at Houlgate | H. Blackburn | 253 | " | 'The Wrestlers' | Gustave DorÉ | 257 | Transcriber's Note: It is regretted that the illustrations in this book did not reproduce as well as hoped.