| PAGE | | Cavaliers and Roundhead | Frontispiece | | Vignette | Title page | | A Breton Gate | iii | | Sketching | iv | | Carrying Corn | v | | Vignette | vi | | Old ChÂteau | vii | | Sheep sheltering from the Wind | xii | | | CHAPTER I. | | Hill and Dale | 1 | | On the Road | 5 | | | CHAPTER II. | | Caps of CÔtes-du-Nord | 6 | | Map of the Mouth of the Rance | 7 | | Peasants of CÔtes-du-Nord | 11 | | Fruit Stall at Dinan | 15 | | A Loaded Hay Cart | 16 | | On the Place, Dinan | 17 | | Outside the Walls | 18 | | Old House near Dinan | 20 | | Old Woman of Dinan | 21 | | Porte de Brest | 22 | | A Little Beggar | 23 | | “The Hour of Repose” | 24 | | Farmhouse of CÔtes-du-Nord | 25 | | Farmer meditating on his Stock | 26 | | | CHAPTER III. | | Caps of CÔtes-du-Nord | 27 | | The Buckwheat Harvest | 30 | | A Road Scraper | 31 | | Sketch of ChÂteau | 32 | | On the Sands near St. Brieuc | 33 | | Winnowing near St. Brieuc | 34 | | Mathurine | 35 | | Corner Turret at Guingamp | 38 | | Going to Market | 39 | | The Market-place, Guingamp | 40 | | Waiting-maid at HÔtel de l’Ouest | 41 | | The Ossuary at Guingamp | 42 | | By the River | 44 | | | CHAPTER IV. | | Cap of
g@html@files@53600@53600-h@53600-h-14.htm.html#Page_158" class="pginternal">158 | | Stairs leading to the Chapel of Ste. Barbe | 160 | | Gourin | 161 | | “Montez, s’il vous plait, Monsieur!” | 162 | | Bullock Cart on the Road | 163 | | Waitress at the Inn | 164 | | High Street of GuÉmÉnÉ | 165 | | A Meeting | 166 | | En Promenade | 167 | | Sunday Morning at GuÉmÉnÉ | 168 | | A Conversation | 169 | | The Bottle | 170 | | Betrothal Party | face | 170 | | | CHAPTER XII. | | At the HÔtel Pavillon d’en Haut | 171 | | The Tower on the BelvÉdÈre at Auray | 172 | | Evening on the BelvÉdÈre | 173 | | At the Pardon of Ste. Anne d’Auray | 174 | | At the Pardon of Ste. Anne d’Auray | 175 | | At the Pardon of Ste. Anne d’Auray | face | 176 | | At the Pardon of Ste. Anne d’Auray | 177 | | At the Pardon of Ste. Anne d’Auray | 180 | | Map of Carnac | 182 | | Sketch on the Fields of Carnac | 183 | | In the Kitchen of the HÔtel des Voyageurs at Carnac | 185 | | On the Road | 186 | | In the Wind | 187 | | The Great Menhir | 188 | | Scavengers | 189 | | | CHAPTER XIII. | | Caps of Morbihan | 190 | | Vannes from the River | face | 190 | | An Old Inn | 192 | | In a CafÉ | 193 | | Three Hot Men of Vannes | 194 | | Side-spring Boots | 195 | | Some Inhabitants | 198 | | A Chase | 200 | BRETON FOLK: AN ARTISTIC TOUR IN BRITTANY.