FROM THE BEST POETS SELECTED AND ARRANGED By COVENTRY PATMORE 16mo. Red Vellum. Vignette Title engraved by Marsh. Price, $1.75. LONDON MORNING POST. "It includes specimens of all the great masters in the art of Poetry, selected with the matured judgment of a man concentrated on obtaining insight into the feelings and tastes of childhood, and desirous to awaken its finest impulses, to cultivate its keenest sensibilities." CINCINNATI GAZETTE. "The University Press at Cambridge has turned out many wonderful specimens of the art, but in exquisite finish it has never equalled the evidence of its skill which now lies before us. The text, compared with the average specimens of modern books, shines out with as bright a contrast as an Elzevir by the side of one of its dingy and bleared contemporaries. In the quality of its paper, in its vignettes and head-pieces, the size of its pages, in every feature that can gratify the eye, indeed, the 'Garland' could hardly bear improvement. Similar in its general getting up to the much-admired Golden Treasury of English Songs and Lyrics, issued by the same publishers a few months since, it excels, we think, in the perfection of various minor details." NEW YORK WORLD. "It is a beautiful book,—the most beautiful in some respects that has been published for years; going over a large number of poets and wide range of themes as none but a poet could have done. A choice cabinet of precious jewels, or better still, a dainty wreath of blossoms,—'The Children's Garland.'" BOSTON TRANSCRIPT. "It is in all respects a delicious volume, and will be as great a favorite with the elder as with the younger members of every family into which it penetrates. Some of the best poems in the English language are included in the selections. Paper, printing, and binding,—indeed, all the elements entering into the mechanical execution of the book,—offer to the view nothing wherein the most fastidious eye can detect a blemish." SPRINGFIELD REPUBLICAN. "It is almost too dainty a book to be touched, and yet it is sure to be well thumbed whenever it falls into the hands of a lover of genuine poetry."