- Absolute organism, the, 187.
- Achilles, 14.
- Activity, incitement to, 154.
- Adaptation, 149.
- Affinity, 97.
- Agni, the elementary, 24.
- Annihilation contrary to nature, 1, 168.
- Army organization, 159f.
- Art and organic matter, 107, 111, 119f.
- Ask and Embla, 21.
- Athens, 9.
- Bacteria, 57.
- Belief in future life, 2.
- Biology and the spiritual body, 192.
- BjÖrklund, Johan Gustaf, VII.
- Body, importance of the, 18.
- BostrÖm, Christofer Jacob, 174, 194.
- Burial ceremonies, 9, 20.
- BÜchner, 48f, 56, 62, 69, 73, 75, 83.
- Causality, 118, 119.
- Cause, sufficient, 117.
- Cells, living units, 27, 29;
- man, a community of, 30;
- a system of, 142.
- Chemical reactions, 76, 82.
- Chinese civilization, 10;
- death-cultus, 11.
- Chlorophyll, 115.
- Christianity, 16, 20.
- Church burial, 16.
- Circulation, blood, 78.
- Civilization, antiquity of Chinese, 10.
- Cohesion, 97.
- Conscience, 44.
- Consciousness, 45.
- Combustion, 92, 94ff.
- Communism, cell, 159.
- CoÖperation, innermost, 161.
- Corporeal existence, soul’s craving for, 15.
- Cosmic catastrophe, a, 103.
- Creation, orthodox theory of, 67, 173.
- Cremation, 21, 24.
- Customs, grave, 13.
- Coulanges, Fustel de, 12.
- Nordenskold, 13.
- Norse sagas, 15.
- Odin, 22.
- Omne vivum ex vivo, 59.
- Organic structure, 33, 83, 84.
- Origin of life, the, 70.
- Oxygen, 102.
- Pacific Ocean, 10.
- Parasites, 54.
- Parseeism, 15.
- Pasteur, 58.
- Permanence, law of, 89, 91.
- Personal existence after death, 6.
- Philosophy of science, the, 73.
- Polar regions, 10.
- Pre-existence, 171.
- Prehistoric beliefs, 4, 188.
- Present, the eternally, 182.
- Presentiment, 2.
- Priestley, 72.
- Primitive ideas of immortality, 10.
- Principles of life and physical force, 90, 91, 121.
- Propagation, 54, 55, 61.
- Providence, 133, 197.
- Psychical Research, society for, III.
- Psychologic order of evolution, 5.
- Purpose, organic, 149.
- Pyre, the funeral, 190.
- Reasoning, headlong, 20.
- Re-birth, 40.
- Recapitulation, 188.
- Religious instincts, 17.
- Resurrection, 15f, 150, 166, 190.
- Rydberg, Victor, 21, 172.
- Sagas, 15.
- Samoyede grave, a, 13.
- Scheele, 72.
- SchrÖder, 57.
- Schultze, 57.
- Schwann, 57.
- Science and resurrection, 16, 20, 74.
- Scylla and Charybdis of science, the, XIV.
- Sin, 198.
- Skeptical attitude, modern, 3f.
- Society, human, 32, 143,