We All Must Die


SOME people are very wicked. This means that they do many bad things and do not love God. Some men swear and lie and steal and also do other sinful things.

A little girl leans on the chair arm as the woman seated in the chair reads from a book.


To tell a lie is to say things that are not true, and to steal is to take something that belongs to some one else.

Now, it is very wrong to swear, lie, or steal. God does not want us to do any such things. All who do wicked things will some day be punished.

A man is in a rowing boat on a raging river; his oars have broken.

Some day we shall die, for all of us must die. If a man should be going some place through the deep snow and should get lost and the cold should freeze him, it would kill him. He would not live any longer, but would be dead.

If we love God and live for him, he will give us a home in heaven after we die; but if we are wicked, we shall be lost and punished for our wicked ways after we die.

We should think about our life here and see that we live to please God.

If we do not, when we come to die we may be like the man in the boat. At one time he could have been saved—while he was floating on the smooth waters. But he has let it go too far, and can only look forward to his doom.

Let us love God and live for him on earth, so we can live with him in heaven after we die. When Christ was here on earth he said: “I go to prepare a place for you, ... that where I am, there ye may be also.”



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