DO YOU not know some one who is sick? Some little boy or girl may be in bed with a fever, and would be so glad to see you come into the room with a bunch of flowers or some other little gift. How happy the sick one would be! Are you not glad to see your friends when you are sick? It makes you forget some of your pain for a time, does it not? When we give a bunch of flowers to a friend, a teacher, or some one who is sick, it is the same as saving, “I love you.” Can you not get a good book and show the sick ones some pictures, or read to them? You can read about Jesus, who had pity on all the sick and healed them. Jesus was very kind, and was glad to take away the aches and pains when the people came to him. He had great power to heal all kinds of A little girl, carrying a bunch of flowers, presses a doorbell. TAKING FLOWERS TO A SICK FRIEND He can heal us now if we trust him and He can do many things for us if we live true to him, and ask him for the things that we need as we would ask mama for a piece of bread or cake. Jesus never fails to supply our needs if we are his true children and live for him. Let us have faith in God. |