The Good Shepherd


JESUS once lived on this very same earth on which we live. He walked through grain-fields. He climbed mountains. He noticed the birds and flowers, and watched the fishermen and farmers and shepherds. He used the things he saw to teach lessons to his disciples and others who came to hear him.

Jesus and three others look towards some buildings.

In the land of Palestine, where he lived, sheep-raising was very common. He said at one time: “I am the good Shepherd, and know my sheep. My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me.”

Jesus, as a shepherd, carries a lamb and is followed by two sheep.

He was trying to show the people that he was just as anxious to help people live right and to keep them from danger as the kind shepherds who watched over their flocks upon the hills of Palestine were anxious to keep their sheep from harm at all times.

Jesus speaks to a woman.


At another time Jesus spoke of the lambs and compared them to children. Jesus went into meeting-houses and taught the people. Many times he brought joy to the hearts of fathers and mothers by healing their sick children. He did good wherever he went. He was always trying to help those in trouble. He was the best and greatest man who has ever lived.

Jesus as a shepherd, carrying a lamb and followed by several sheep.

Reading and studying about him will help us to stand for the right and to do good, kind deeds.

We are his sheep if we are Christians, and the way we follow Jesus now is by reading the Bible and living a Christian life.

A young shepherd sits under a tree, playing a harp; sheep graze nearby.

Jesus gave his life for his sheep while he was here on earth. Now he is up in heaven, but he loves the people who follow him, and is still our Good Shepherd.

A woman sits at Jesus's feet; another woman sets out food and drink behind them.



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