Planting Seeds

Birds are singing, clear and sweet;
Flowers are springing neath our feet;
Spring at last has come to stay.
How we welcome lovely May!
Lovely May,
O lovely May!
Oh, how glad we are to say,
Lovely May!
Winter days were cold and long,
But we waited for thy song—
Songs of birds and humming bees,
And the fresh and lovely breeze.
Lovely May,
O lovely May!
Oh, how glad we are today,
Lovely May!

You may have helped your papa or mama plant seeds in the garden or in the flowerbed. The warm sun and the rain make them grow rapidly.

We do not plant weed-seeds, but in some way they get into the ground, and come up along with the garden-plants. If the weeds are not cut out, they will crowd out the good plants.

A little girl gives some flowers to her mother.


When we do little acts of kindness, it is like planting good seed. When we are not kind, and say bad words, it is like letting the weeds crowd out the good plants.

If you are good and kind to papa and mama, brother or sister, today, you will find it easy to be kind to them tomorrow. It makes you happy to be good to those around you.

If you are cross and say bad words, you may want to say them again. You can not feel happy when you have said and done bad things.

God can help you sow good seed. He will help you to be good. He will help you to love all around you.


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