A chick. CHICKENS and ducks and geese are birds, too. But they are tame and stay where people do. They do not fly like the little birds, but they stay around the barnyard and lay eggs for us to eat. A chick. Ducks and geese love to swim in the water. Both the big and the little ones can swim, but chickens can not. The old mother hen sometimes has many little chicks running around her. They stay pretty close, because they are afraid that something might harm them. Chicks are sometimes caught by hawks, which fly around watching for them. In the picture we see a dog driving a hawk away from the old hen and chickens. Don’t you think he is a good dog? A basket of chicks. A farmer had a dog whose name was Ring. Even though he was asleep, if a chicken gave the note of alarm, he would jump up and bark at once. Then he would run after the hawk and drive it away. A dog chasing a hawk. When lying quiet it was amusing to see how quickly he would jump up and bark when any one would say, “Hawk!” |