THERE are some kinds of animals that are tame, as the sheep, hog, cow, horse, dog, and cat. A cat sits looking up at a little girl, who is holding a bowl. The cow gives us milk for our food, and from the milk we get cream, butter, and cheese. The flesh of the hog is valuable for food. The dogs are useful to guard our homes, and cats catch mice and rats. Both dogs and cats make good pets. Sheep have long wool all over their bodies, and men cut it off and use it to make clothes to keep us warm. Young sheep are called lambs. They like to run and play very much. In the picture we see a lamb that has fallen into the water. The mother sheep stands close by and watches the man trying to pull the lamb out. I suppose the man had missed these two from the flock. He was in search of the lost Lambs are innocent-looking animals, and |