Our Feathered Friends


WHEN all the trees and bushes and grass are green in the spring, we see the little birds and hear their sweet songs.

How happy they seem as they fly about from tree to tree, and scratch in the ground to find little seeds and insects to eat!

Sometimes we find a bird’s nest in the bushes or on the ground. God teaches the little birds how to build their nests with small sticks, leaves, and feathers.

This is the bird’s house. We sometimes see tiny eggs in the nest. The little eggs hatch, and then there are little birdies in the nest in place of the eggs. The mother bird hunts worms and bugs to feed the little ones.

A bird perches on a twig.

Did you ever see a nest of young birds? How they open their little mouths when you come near! They think you have something for them to eat.

A bird perching in a tree.

Once a little boy found a meadow-lark’s nest with young birds in it. As they opened their little mouths, he thought he could feed them better than the mother bird. He decided to raise them for pets, and so carried them home. He fed them bread; but as the little birds were not used to that kind of food, they did not thrive on it; and when one day the boy forgot to feed them, they died. How sad he felt! And how sad the mother bird must have felt when she could not find her babies!

God made the birds to enjoy the woods and fields. We must not destroy their nests, for that would be wrong.

The Bible says, “Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.”

Several birds flying in a decorative design.



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