Moments of Prayer


HOW good it is that all can pray! The Lord is always waiting to hear and answer our prayers. When we pray, we talk with God; we must listen closely when he talks to us and do whatever he says.

A little girl and a little boy kneel in prayer beside a bed.

When we get ready for bed in the evening, we should not forget to pray. We should remember that the Lord has been good to us all the day long. He has kept us from all harm, and given us food and clothes. We should also thank him for a home and parents and friends. Even the air we breathe comes from him.

Then in the morning we should again kneel down, and thank God for his care through the night. The Lord loves to hear children pray.

After we pray, we should try hard to be good. The Lord will surely help us if we ask him. Then, do not forget to pray.

'We reap what we sow'. Evil has twisted thorns, good has wheat.


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