Laborers in the Vineyard


JESUS told another parable, a story of the laborers in the vineyard. You can turn in your Testament to Matthew 20:1-16, and read about the man who hired laborers to work in his vineyard.

A number of men outside a building wait while two other men talk together.

He had agreed to pay the laborers a penny a day. The men who worked all day thought they should receive more than those hired later in the day, but the master paid them all alike. Just so those of us who have been Christians only a short time will receive the same heavenly reward as those who have lived a Christian life for years. Salvation is just the same to all—it takes sin out of our hearts and fills them with the love of God.

We must not put off getting saved; for Jesus said, “Watch, for ye know not the hour when your Lord doth come.” This means that we are liable to die without a warning, and we should always be ready.


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