Shepherds sit on the ground; some lambs are nearby. GOD, who is in heaven, was full of pity for the unhappy people of earth. He loved them so much that he sent his Son to the earth in the form of a child, a baby in his mother’s arms. He came to earth to show us how to obey God—how to live so as to do good in this life and be happy He came as a child, so as to show children how to live. He came like other children, and grew up as other children do, only better and wiser. When God sent his Son to the earth, he gave him into the care of two good people who lived in a small town called Nazareth. THE BOY CHRIST WITH THE WISE MEN When Jesus came to them, they were in Bethlehem. They had gone there on a journey. There was no room for them in the inn; so they had to stay in a place made for A bright star appeared over the place where the young child lay, and by this sign the wise men that came from the east seeking him were enabled to find him. |