WHEN the Garden of Eden was planted with all the beautiful flowers and trees, God gave it to Adam for a home. He told him to take good care of it. Adam was glad to work in the garden and use it as he chose; but he had no one to enjoy the things that he enjoyed, no one to help him to be just what God wished him to be, no one to love. A field containing some sheep, with trees here and there. Eve was very much like Adam in some ways, yet unlike him in other ways. Man has some gifts that woman does not have; one is helpful to the other. Adam’s heart must have been glad to see the woman whom God had made for him. He now had some one to enjoy the home with him. Adam and Eve were happy in Eden as long as they loved God more than they loved to have their own way. He knew better than they did what was good for them and what would make them happy, and they were glad to obey him. But by and by their own way seemed better than God’s way, and they did things that God had said they should not do. When we do things that God says we should not do, we sin. So Adam and Eve sinned, and were ashamed to see God, and when he came A farmhouse and fields, with the quotation, 'The Lord hath done great things for use whereof we are glad.'