A little boy stands beside a garden gate. ONE time a little boy was sent by his papa to plant some beans. He worked a while, then he sat down to play. While he was playing, he spilled part of his beans. At once he began to pick them up. There were so many beans that he became tired. Then he thought he could cover them He often thought of the beans he had spilled. But he did not tell his papa. Some time after this his papa went to the patch. He wanted to see how the beans were growing. He found that all of them had come up—even those that the boy had spilled and had not picked up. The boy did not need to tell his papa then what he had done. For his papa knew it all. So it is with some bad things you may have done. You may think that no one will ever know of them. But the secret will come out some time. Even if no person should ever find it out, God sees all you do. You can not hide anything from him. |