CHILDREN love to play on the bridge over the creek, or sit down in the tall grass on the banks and pick wild flowers. Sometimes the dog swims in the water after a stick and brings it ashore. Dogs can swim in the water; but if the children should get into deep water, they could not get out, and would drown if some one did not come to help them out. There are many, many children living in the cities who do not have the chance to play in the green grass or pick wild flowers like Children lean over a bridge watching a dog swimming with a stick in his mouth. IN THE COUNTRY God made the water and land, the grass and flowers, and intended that the children and all people should enjoy them. Jesus once said, “Consider the lilies, how they grow; they toil not, they spin not; ... if then God so clothe the grass which is today in the field, ... how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?” God takes care of the flowers, the grass, and the trees, and he can care for us. Two boys, a girl and a dog run and play together. FUN ON THE FARM |