Our Best Friend | 11 | The Good Book | 16 | What God Made | 18 | In the Garden of Eden | 20 | Our Heavenly Home | 22 | The Day and Night | 23 | The Rain and the Snow | 25 | Winter’s Blessings (poem) | 29 | Planting Seeds | 34 | Flowers of Springtime | 36 | A Walk in the Woods | 38 | Our Feathered Friends | 41 | A Bird of the Night | 44 | Our Tame Birds | 47 | Wee Pretty Kitty (poem) | 50 | Creatures of the Water | 51 | Our Tame Animals | 52 | Little Foxes | 56 | The Squirrels | 58 | The Shepherds | 60 | Jesus as a Child | 62 | The Good Shepherd | 64 | Parable of the Sower | 70 | Parable of the Leaven | 71 | Laborers in the Vineyard | 72 | The Wicked Husbandmen | 74 | The Wheat and Tares | 76 | The King’s Marriage-Feast | 78 | A Lesson on Forgiveness | 80 | Jesus Loves the Children | 82 | Jesus Heals the Sick | 84 | Jesus Nearing Jerusalem | 86 | Jesus Changed | 88 | Feeding the Multitude | 90 | The Death of Jesus | 93 | Jesus Our Savior | 94 | Moments of Prayer | 96 | Morning Praise (poem) | 98 | Evening Prayer (poem) | 99 | Asking Blessing (poem) | 101 | Visit the Sick | 102 | Do a Kindness (poem) | 104 | The Blind Girl | 106 | The Little Cripple (poem) | 108 | Country Children | 110 | The Country Boy (poem) | 113 | God Sees All Things | 114 | Be Kind to th
A boy lies in bed, looking out of an open window at the moon and stars. COUNTING THE STARS
A child sits up in bed. A bird is singing in the tree outside the window. MORNING CHEER
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