Our Best Friend 11
The Good Book 16
What God Made 18
In the Garden of Eden 20
Our Heavenly Home 22
The Day and Night 23
The Rain and the Snow 25
Winter’s Blessings (poem) 29
Planting Seeds 34
Flowers of Springtime 36
A Walk in the Woods 38
Our Feathered Friends 41
A Bird of the Night 44
Our Tame Birds 47
Wee Pretty Kitty (poem) 50
Creatures of the Water 51
Our Tame Animals 52
Little Foxes 56
The Squirrels 58
The Shepherds 60
Jesus as a Child 62
The Good Shepherd 64
Parable of the Sower 70
Parable of the Leaven 71
Laborers in the Vineyard 72
The Wicked Husbandmen 74
The Wheat and Tares 76
The King’s Marriage-Feast 78
A Lesson on Forgiveness 80
Jesus Loves the Children 82
Jesus Heals the Sick 84
Jesus Nearing Jerusalem 86
Jesus Changed 88
Feeding the Multitude 90
The Death of Jesus 93
Jesus Our Savior 94
Moments of Prayer 96
Morning Praise (poem) 98
Evening Prayer (poem) 99
Asking Blessing (poem) 101
Visit the Sick 102
Do a Kindness (poem) 104
The Blind Girl 106
The Little Cripple (poem) 108
Country Children 110
The Country Boy (poem) 113
God Sees All Things 114
Be Kind to th

A boy lies in bed, looking out of an open window at the moon and stars.


A child sits up in bed. A bird is singing in the tree outside the window.



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