Andran, H. M. | Les conserves des petits menages. | Armstrong, E. F. | The simple carbohydrates and the glucosides, 1912. | D’Aygalliers, P. D. | L’olivier et l’huile d’olive, 1900. | Bourquelot, Em. and Vintilesco, J. | Compt. Rend. 147, 533, 535, 1908. | Buckland, A. W. | Our viands, 1893. | Chalmers, T. W. | The reduction and treatment of vegetable oils, 1918. | Coupin, Henri | La conservation des fruits, des lugumes, des graines. | Cruess, Wm. V. | Home and farm food preservation, 1918. | Gracey, Wilbur T. | Olive growing in Spain. Special consular report, No. 79, Dept. of Com., 1918. | Green, Mary E. | Food products of the world, 1895. | Haas, Paul and Hill, T. G. | Chemistry of plant products, 1913. | Hilts, R. W. | Chemical study of the ripening and pickling of California olives. Bul. 803, Bu. of Chem., Dept. of Agr., 1920. | Lemery, L., Translation by Hay, D. | Treatise of all sorts of food, 1745. | Loudon, J. C. | Loudon’s encyclopedia of plants, 1866. | Martyn, Charles | Foods and culinary utensils of the ancients. | Mason, Charlotte | The lady’s assistant, 1778. | Pellerin, G. | Guide pratique de l’expert chimiste, 1910. | de Savigny, G. B. | Conserves, salaisons, et confitures de menage, 1909. | Thudichum, J. L. W. | Cookery, its art and practice, 1895. | Wickson, E. J. | California fruits, 1910. | Willis, Oliver R. | Practical flora, 1894. | | Fig and Olive Journal, vo. 4, No. 11, Apr. 1920. | | Seal of safety, 1915. | [Image of the back cover unavailable] |