[A] Origin of Cultivated Plants, 1890.
[B] Webber, H. J., Yearbook, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1899.
[C] U. S. Dept. Agr., Exper. Sta. Record, 1899-1900, 11: 250.
[D] Brannt, W. L., A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Vinegar, 1900, p. 455.
[E] Principles and Practice of Brewing, 1907, p. 284.
[F] Ibid., p. 281.
Transcriber's notes:
In the text version, italics are represented by _underscores_.
Missing or incorrect punctuation has been repaired.
The following corrections have been made to the text:--
p.8. A majority of the manufacturers employ word, has been changed to A majority of the manufacturers employ the word.p.28. one has has, the duplicate has been removed.
p.8. A majority of the manufacturers employ word, has been changed to A majority of the manufacturers employ the word.
p.28. one has has, the duplicate has been removed.