L'Enfant Terrible 1
An Optimistic Cynic 7
A Poet Sheep-rancher 10
An Eaten Cake 13
Concerning Elbows on the Table 16
An Autumn Impulse 17
John-a'-Dreams 19
The Fountain of Salmacis 41
Two Siegfrieds 44
A Door Ajar 47
At Time of Death 49
The Curse of Babel 49
The Fourth Dimension 52
The Ant and the Lark 58
The DÖppelganger 63
"A Young Man's Fancy" 73
An Arabian Looking-glass 78
The Cry of the Women 80
The Beauty of Cruelty 95
The Duke of Wellington's Trees 101
The Boy with the Goose 103
A God Indeed 104
A Question of Skulls 110
The Modern Woman and Marriage 112
The Ideal Husband 120
A New Law of Health 126
"Dead, Dead, Dead" 139
Verbal Magic 140
Hamlet 143
Ghosts 149
Amateur Saints 153
The Zeitgeist 159
The Abdication of Man 187
Life 205
Portable Property 206
Are American Parents Selfish? 208
A Question of Heredity 219
The Little Dumb Brother 220
Fever Dreams 248
A Misunderstood Moralist 250
The Pleasures of Pessimism 255
Moral Pauperism 257
On a Certain Lack of Humour in Frenchmen 258
The Value of a Soul 267
A Grateful Spaniard 271


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